
Warn3r | Joined since 2016-07-22

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2018-07-03 09:09 | Report Abuse

Lanjiaolang, I don’t judge. But it should be clear that nobody agrees with you... Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it more valid. Will you please just stop the hate posting?


2018-07-03 07:15 | Report Abuse

I second RJ87 and Halite. Many have lost money, but those who accuse ppl and take no responsibility in their own decisions, lost their dignity and respect from others too.

Life is a bitch. Most successes come after failures, and one success will not guarantee no more future failures. The only way is to have the right attitude and mindset. And be better each time and not make the same mistakes.

You will gain nothing from winning a fight by arguing non-sensically based on accusations. In fact, you will still gain nothing from winning 1000 such fights. And you will not gain anything even if you win every single arguments with everyone single person you meet in your life. You are not defending the truth, because you started with a lie. All you will get, is perhaps a ticket to live a sad life and then die alone.


2018-07-02 09:15 | Report Abuse

Hi Ooi Teik Bee

Thank you for your generosity and your thoughtfulness in asking me to delete my email address.
Let’s all hope for a strong second half 2018.



2018-06-27 12:39 | Report Abuse

I’ve been growing weary with stupid Trump constantly stirring things up. Do you guys worry about the possibility of a market meltdown?


2018-06-22 07:19 | Report Abuse

Maybe I shouldn’t be mean seeing that you didn’t do trash talk this time. I apologise.

Someone who practise one form / method seriously and thoroughly (with exposure to the real world) would overtime accumulate enough experience to see the strengths and weaknesses of his form / method.

As such he would naturally pick up another tool that helps him to overcome the weaknesses of his first and only tool and improve his form / method.

This is when you see seasoned investors will mostly be oriented with FA and then complemented by TA, big environment (what some called business sense) and vice versa - seasoned traders would pick up patterns but also check for fundamentals to see if there’s a story that sells.

Anyway, the point is that these are tools and not any one tool is more superior than the other but it depends on the person who uses it. And since they are just tools, they are complementary of one another and are not mutually exclusive. Hence the debate about which is better is silly.


2018-06-21 23:53 | Report Abuse

You seem to be the only person who couldn’t understand. And somehow, I’m not surprised at all....


2018-06-21 17:32 | Report Abuse

Saw ppl sharing this news at Masteel. Weird that I can’t find this in English news portal.



2018-06-21 11:57 | Report Abuse

Guys. Keep an eye on the main index too. KLCI just hit 1690....


2018-06-20 14:01 | Report Abuse

Hi Grace. So you're holding long term? Or you’re not holding any but just someone who is very free to drop by every now and then? Just curious.


2018-06-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your advice. Personally I think the business is very diverse, I just prefer lines of business separated clearly so less floating variables. Cheers.


2018-06-20 09:28 | Report Abuse

Hmm. Lionind up by 2 cents. Others not really moving especially Annjoo and Ssteel. Someone has started sapu-ing Lionind. So sad I don’t hold any of this. Please have some spill over effect to the other steel counters, haha.


2018-06-19 19:21 | Report Abuse


Post 里根本没有说起那是定义(definition), instead it mentioned ‘君子风范‘和’小人特征‘。

Constructive debate is healthy, but please make sure your understanding and argument hold. 阅读和理解能力有待加强。基本的逻辑也无迹可寻。让我平民化给你好了……



lanjiolang otb, where you find your definition of 君子/小人? you kaki kong kaki song ah? any person who attack you will group as 小人 ah? then any person who attack najib, also is 小人 loh.

your definition of 君子 = 只埋頭做事和解決問題,不妄談是非和做人。對事不對人,就事論事. Then, liar, robber, killer, person who corrupt like najib also can group as 君子 loh.

Let me tell you the true definition of 君子:-


I repeat: 君子爱财,取之有道!!!!!

Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%9B%E5%AD%90


2018-06-19 09:36 | Report Abuse

咏春厉害还是洪拳厉害? The answer is 阅历 (exposure and experience) 厉害.

Honestly, if one is very good at either of TA, FA or business sense (in your words), that person should already be doing very well. These are just tools to help you make decisions. Over time, you learn more about your character (risk appetite, patience, requirement on risk/return, preference to trade/invest,etc) and also the strengths and weaknesses for applying each of TA, FA and business sense individually.

So the inevitable happens. You may be so good at one area that you stick to it time after time, until you challenge yourself to become even better, then you will look beyond the usual comfort zone. You pick up the other tools that make your decisions even better.

So to fix a car, is a spanner, a screw driver or a hammer more important? It’s the technician and his experience that matter.

qqq, it’s perfectly okay to have different views. We’re all here to learn and listen to different perspectives. But please know that there is no need for personal attack or trash talking. Accusing ppl for buying at certain price until proven wrong is unacceptable, you don’t just strike one name off the list, you throw away the whole list and apologize.

Ppl who are in this are applying their educated judgements and investing with their own money. Ppl who follow are all grown-ups who should be well aware of their responsibilities, they too have the same resources as you and I, a brain, a pair of hands and the same 24 hours a day to do their homework.

You on the other hand, is forcing your personal view and opinion on others. Much like how a rapist would push his thing in even when the other person expressed disapproval.

I believe most ppl here are humble enough to admit that they do not know what the future holds. So if you’re ever right, please remember that it doesn’t automatically mean that others are wrong.


2018-06-18 08:53 | Report Abuse

Yeah dividend was already in last week. This is the quietest counter amongst the 4.


2018-06-18 08:47 | Report Abuse

Many veterans here now...

Thank you OTB for answering my question earlier.

News & Blogs

2018-06-17 08:38 | Report Abuse



















2018-06-17 02:55 | Report Abuse

Erm... so you do not have an answer to my question which was never directed to you in the first place anyway and now you’re asking me irrelevant questions that lead us nowhere. Can you please just leave me alone? I am really not interested in wasting my time.

Thank you.


2018-06-17 01:46 | Report Abuse

Hi Chanteckfai, He has no obligation to answer me but the question was not directed to you...


2018-06-17 01:09 | Report Abuse


Do you mind sharing why you chose only masteel, lionind and ssteel but not annjoo?
Annjoo’s PER not low enough?

Thank you.

News & Blogs

2018-06-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

FutureEyes, it’s sad to see that after you doing some maths, it didn’t occur to some people that they need to re-think the real impact, in the context of macro and local environment.

Admittedly, cancellation of mega projects has its secondary effect on other private developments. But trying to conclude the current / future market of long steel based on a personal one-off experience in buying one bag of cement... is just pure stupidity.

News & Blogs

2018-06-01 22:10 | Report Abuse

Thanks for doing the maths. You did miss out the stations, but I’d bet that the buffer you built into your calculation for the tracks more than covered for the steel usage in building the stations.

The sad fact is that, the vast majority doesn’t know how to quantify. Ppl who don’t understand things get panic easily.


2018-05-30 07:39 | Report Abuse

Probability, what’s the good news if I may ask?

probability Another extremely powerful good news i just got to know.....will be shared soon in a day or,
max 2 days time.

Need to whack Annjoo cukup cukup tomorrow...
27/05/2018 20:12

News & Blogs

2018-05-27 22:54 | Report Abuse

Think of your future generations, just stop smoking.
Every year many non-smokers die of cancers because of you smokers, some of them are children.


2018-05-16 08:30 | Report Abuse

kwai, you would have submitted information of a banking account for companies to pay you dividends.

Check with your broker - the person whom opened your account for you if you can’t remember which account.


2018-05-15 10:38 | Report Abuse

Q3 EPS was 12 cents, Q4 EPS was 16 cents. And Q1 rebar price was even higher than Q4 price level... Forward looking, April / May price softened a little bit still higher than Q4 2017.

China side, rebar price has now stabilized at 4000 yuan / RM 2500 per MT.

Anything extra is bonus. But if no extra mage projects, should still have 50-60 cents EPS over 4Q.


2018-05-11 22:09 | Report Abuse


Sounds like good news to me.


2018-04-27 16:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like the QR will be coming out tonight.


2018-04-17 09:33 | Report Abuse

Yes Edward bro. I just couldn’t bear him bad-mouthing others. I really need to learn your 心胸. Hope you’re doing well.


2018-04-12 07:28 | Report Abuse

Do and say as you like. I really tried to reason with you. I will stop here because I really cannot go down to your level to argue like kids with no flow of logic whatsoever.


2018-04-12 07:26 | Report Abuse

hentara, they didn’t call themselves guru, you did, and I can also call them guru if I like. Where’s the contradiction?

You don’t only have a sick mind, but also a very low IQ. That’s still okay but your character unabled you from debating as an adult.


2018-04-11 09:21 | Report Abuse

hentara, you are correct that your character and personality are none of my business. But what you write and do, which are more often than not, products of your values, beliefs and character, can be my business, depending on their nature.

There are some very wrong values in you that have deep roots in you. You may be fed these one-liner immoral non-logic growing up, but now as an adult, what is your excuse for not being able to think for yourself what is right.

When I provided you the proof you asked for. There was a long trail of posts from you, mostly demeaning guru’s and their followers. Is it your business what these steel guru’s do or say and is it your business whether others are making huge profit or loss? So why are you telling me to stop commenting on your character or personality? Aren’t you contradicting yourself?

Back to your questions again. Let me throw in a couple more questions to make it easier for you. When someone grop a minor in a bus, it it none of our business? When someone is robbed, is it none of our business?

It has always been our social responsibilities. Those who walk away are immoral and selfish. Criminals like to create a safe space for themselves by dividing the people up so their target becomes helpless, one of the most common but effective way is to convince others that it’s none of their business. It works most of the time because this argument sits well for simple-minded and selfish ppl.

There really is no excuse for you to behave like a juvenile.


2018-04-10 21:08 | Report Abuse

How do you decide whether it’s my business? And after that, answer me, who are you to decide whether it’s my business?

I have a lot of respect for those people who share their research, thoughts and experience in the steel sector, or any sector for that matter. It’s not because it provides a chance to make money. But rather, in doing so, they’re cultivating a culture that brings us closer together as a community that is constructive, selfless and resourceful. This forms the very foundation on which we can debate and challenge each other healthily, and learn to think, assess scenarios / situations, qualitatively and quantitatively.

Personally, they helped me a lot. Even during bad times such as this, they help me to build a stronger character and make my purpose in investment clearer. They planted a positive seed in me, without either of us knowing the other personally.

None of them proclaimed themselves as guru. The respect was earned. They shared their views and research, not tips. We have our own responsibilities to filter, understand, digest and decide if we agree with their views. We are fully responsible for our own actions.

In your posts, you portrayed them as victimizer. And people who bought in are forced in, and that they are incapable and more importantly, holds no responsibility in their own decisions. The subliminal message is wrong at so many levels.

Every word and action you take causes a ripple effect, matters not whether it took place behind a keyboard. You have the power to shape yourself to be an inspiring person who lift people up during tough times, or you can choose to be a dickhead that you are now.

It affects yourself the most, each time you say or do something, you re-enforce it to become a larger part of you. In the end, you sow what you reap and you become what you practice.

A famous quote for you. It’s a tough path but it’s worth it.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
The time is always right to do what is right.


2018-04-10 18:21 | Report Abuse

hentara, my mind and conscience are clear. Don’t think you can say the same.

What you wrote reflects your personality. Sick.


2018-04-10 15:17 | Report Abuse

hentara Steel guru followers must be sitting deep loss now. You guys balls are squeezed hard by him. Don't give up, guys. Your capital still have chance to recover in next 10 years.
26/03/2018 12:14

hentara Guys, don't give up and end your life. Good life is still ahead of you even-though your balls are squeezed hard by steel guru.
26/03/2018 12:23

hentara Gentlemen, one your ball had been squeezed hard by steel guru. Don't let the other ball fall into steel guru's hand.
02/04/2018 21:50

hentara You have been given the second chance now. Remember to cherish and cut loss to protect your hard-earned capital.
02/04/2018 21:50

hentara Congratulation to those who cut lose this morning. You guys are really awesome. You have protected your other ball from falling into steel guru's hand. Well done, guys!
03/04/2018 19:12

Aren’t you in the same boat as him? Why are you bugging him?


2018-04-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Hentara, you seem confused. Have you forgotten that you were at the same side as STC?


2018-04-09 09:22 | Report Abuse

STC, you are upsetting many ppl because your arguments have been baseless. You still have not explained how broader tariff on other items could make steel cheaper. If you’re coming from macroeconomics focusing on the general damage it’d bring to general business environment then why are you targeting just steel?

We have 2 more years of safeguard duty on imported rebar, 12+% until 13 April 2019 followed by 11+% until 13 April 2020. What are you talking about when you said local steel price need to follow international price?

US tariff on steel was implemented since 23 or 24 March, China steel spot and futures prices have dropped but has since stabilized. And latest Miti report and ppl who dealt with steel mills directly also said the demand and prices are still going strong.

The sentiment is clearly bad, I will give you that. But starting stories about how further tariff will definitely cause steel price to crash is a bit too much. Especially when you can’t explain any mechanism or thoughts behind that statement. Worse still, making predictions about how price will go, again based on nothing.

Objectively speaking, when the tariff is determined but the local price is still intact, with China steel price stabilizing and making a turn upwards as spring comes, the opportunity actually outweighs the risk, especially at this price point. But I won’t go promote or ask ppl to jump in without understanding the underlying risk.

I think you really should post responsibly, or just stop entirely.


2018-04-06 14:29 | Report Abuse


1. Trump did not U-turn. He’s been very consistent in this trade war.

2. So far the bouts of tariff has been: US -> China -> US (TBC). What did you mean by 3rd wave from China? There hasn’t even been 2nd wave from China right?

3. Why would tariff on other items make steel even cheaper? How does the logic go? So if you tax soy bean steel will go 10% lower, if introduce tax on Tech items steel gets 10% cheaper, next tax on machinery then steel again become 10% cheaper? How does it work?


2018-04-03 19:17 | Report Abuse

So just sit back and wait.


2018-04-03 19:16 | Report Abuse

He said steel stocks on Bursa have in fact been underperforming since US President Donald Trump’s landmark decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports a month ago.

He also said it is quite rare to find steel stocks trading at current depressed levels, making them “value buys” now.

“Steel stocks usually are depressed if local steel prices crash, but the Malaysian steel bar price is still standing very strong at RM2,600 to RM2,700 per tonne despite all the headwinds, suggesting steel companies’ earnings are still well supported by local steel prices.”


2018-04-03 18:16 | Report Abuse


This article confirms the same. No impact to local steel price and an additional information that steel imported from China is still much more expensive than local steel price.

“There is a price difference of 26% between local steel bars and China-imported steel, based on the latest steel bar prices quoted in the China market on (last) Friday,” said Goh.


2018-04-02 10:57 | Report Abuse

The power of money flowing in.


2018-03-30 15:45 | Report Abuse

Futures price has risen sharply from RMB 3200 to RMB 3400 over these 2 days... It’s awakening.


2018-03-30 10:08 | Report Abuse

Come April, China will be active again and the steel price will recover. Then lastest by end of May, it should be clear that there wasn’t much impact on the local steel industry.

I hope we can have someone in the industry here to update the steel price every once a while. Nothing beats that.


2018-03-29 09:26 | Report Abuse

After several articles, I found this most informative. It explains the drop in spot and future steel prices. What it did not explain, was exactly why the inventory built up higher than usual. Which I think might be linked to the tariff (China is effectively a larger steel exporter to US than on what paper shows because some countries, for instance Taiwan, import steel from China, process a little further and then sell to US. And Taiwan is not getting US steel tariff exemption due to this.)

The key message in this article was that, although we’re at a high level in terms of inventory, the cycle has been established for years. Short term price may go south but soon it will stabilize and pick up again comes spring.


This is what is happening in China and not Malaysia though. Given a tariff of 13%, and further shipping, storage, handling fees if anyone’s decided to export their steel to Malaysia. That should be roughly 20% loading or could be higher (educated guess). So as long as China spot price of RMB 35xx would translate into RM 2200 (FX is 1 MYR: 1.6 RMB), with the 20% loading it’d be RM 2600+.

Macro risk, Trump is hard to predict. Most experts say a trade war is unlikely and mostly just a scare tactic to get a more ideal trade arrangement. Well, he did put in place the steel tariff but most allies countries are exempted. Looking at his track record, he always start something big and loud and then it usually ends underwhelmingly. So I hope the threat of trade war will just dwindle down gradually.


2018-03-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

Hi Sigmund. Do you have access to the full article?


2018-03-28 09:04 | Report Abuse

Don’t see what you’re trying to say here. I was merely pointing out that you wouldn’t know whether they’re still holding the shares here by observing whether they post on this forum.

How has that changed?


2018-03-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

Bull333, I like your positivity.


2018-03-15 15:00 | Report Abuse

Ssteel is picking up, driven by low volume.


2018-03-15 09:20 | Report Abuse

This is one hell of a ride.


2018-03-15 09:15 | Report Abuse

Kimao, why do we need to load extra profit? Do they sell at cost price in China? Why would the shipping fee a percentage of the steel price? They’re not related.