
angelol | Joined since 2013-06-26

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2018-03-30 10:32 | Report Abuse

Many dont understand that the impairment is caused by the global sentiment as well as supply demand of O&G. Its never the company fault. As long as the company has competitive advantage and core competences, it will return when the global environment for the industry turns good. Whether SAP is a good buy is based on the environment, not impairment or not impairment. In fact the impairment is heavily affected by the environment as well.


2018-03-29 14:23 | Report Abuse

If i take loan 100m acquire a company which net asset only 60m and 40m become goodwill, afterthat you write off my goodwill, i now has 100m liability and 60m asset which make me has a negative 40m net liability, oh then you will say this company worth -XXX. Haha is it like that? So you think all company acquisition should buy at NBV la? Go tell Tony, AAC in Airasia should not sell so high. LOL

News & Blogs

2018-03-29 14:20 | Report Abuse

If i take loan 100m acquire a company which net asset only 60m and 40m become goodwill, afterthat you write off my goodwill, i now has 100m liability and 60m asset which make me has a negative 40m net liability, oh then you will say this company worth -XXX. Haha is it like that? So you think all company acquisition should buy at NBV la? Go tell Tony, AAC in Airasia should not sell so high. LOL


2018-03-29 14:15 | Report Abuse

When people do impairment testing, they are based on cash flow of certain period, normally is 5 years the discounted it using WACC. Further they will add in a "Terminal value" to represent the indefinite amount of cash flow. This kind of impairment calculation is very very conservative. It like telling people the business is going to be bad until the end of the world and its very objective. Impairment of goodwill only happened when the subsi that you acquired previously with premium price is not generating net cash inflow.

News & Blogs

2018-03-29 14:13 | Report Abuse

When people do impairment testing, they are based on cash flow of certain period, normally is 5 years the discounted it using WACC. Further they will add in a "Terminal value" to represent the indefinite amount of cash flow. This kind of impairment calculation is very very conservative. It like telling people the business is going to be bad until the end of the world and its very objective. Impairment of goodwill only happened when the subsi that you acquired previously with premium price is not generating net cash inflow.

News & Blogs

2018-03-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

If apply all goodwill fully impaired and loss making business asset worth no value, then alot of companies in KLSE worth nothing and maybe negative. You can pcik one by one and give them negative TP. Hahahaha. Then no body will take loan to acquire company, because once you add liability to acquire company, the company straight worth nothing base on your theory.


2018-03-28 18:11 | Report Abuse

Can we reverse impairment? Yes, according to IAS36 or MFRS136. When? when there is higher rig utilisation that generating positive cash flow.


2018-03-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

Please understand that the impairment is as at 31 Jan 2018, while the contract won is in feb-mar18. Also the impairment is on the drilling rig, due to low utilisation, but the contract won is in E&C, so the asset for rig impaired. The goodwill is on the subsidiary that bought over previously, as long as the subsi is making money, the goodwill is not impaired. In accounting it called the CGU, smallest cash generating unit.


2018-03-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

FED announce interest hike, money temporary flow back to US. Simple.

News & Blogs

2018-03-15 15:30 | Report Abuse

I'm an auditor but also a business graduate. What I can say is, if you only look at the account, go to impair everything together with the goodwill, basically the stock you can buy is dividend driven co which would probably give you stable dividend and some capital gain.

You must also understand that on accounting, goodwill should be reviewed on yearly basis? The management in Sapura, a lot of them, carrying ICAEW qualification and the account is audited by KPMG. Are you telling us they have a miss on this and you do it correctly by impair everything?

Most of the auditor, their first job is audit and never go in commercial and look at the business.

We talk about logic now, Petronas just award 5 contracts to Sapura, which you say has an adjusted gearing of 386%. Why Petronas dint consult you first before they award the contract? oh, Maybe Petronas dont have smart people like you.


2018-03-15 15:00 | Report Abuse

Maybe Affin Hwang buying after ask people to sell at 0.40. Lol


2018-03-02 17:06 | Report Abuse

Icon is really powerful, he only comment 1 post, BWC/Investo/richardlee work for one whole year!!! HaHaHa.


2018-03-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

i believe there is no minimum holding needed to receive the dividend, the dividend will be given on per share basis. However,you should already know that the minimum you need to trade is 100 unit.


2018-03-01 19:27 | Report Abuse

AA is RM0.90 three years ago, 2016 RM1.90, Now RM4.6, is it possible to hit more than RM5.40? Haha


2018-03-01 16:41 | Report Abuse

I believe, EPF dumb again.


2018-03-01 15:57 | Report Abuse

According to the announcement, the sales of AAC will be completed in Q3 2018, so .......earliest Sept 2018 you will get the dividend. Lol


2018-03-01 15:53 | Report Abuse

"AirAsia said the disposals could raise a gross proceeds of US$901.8 million (RM3.52 billion), of which RM788.1 million or 22.4% of total to be utilised for prepayment of bank borrowings; RM112 million or 3.2% for expenses on the proposed disposal; while the remaining RM2.62 billion or 74.4% to be determined later."

Tony need cash to pay for his private placement, therefore he cant give 20c dividend, since his private placement price is RM1.84. After private placement you think he will pay 20c for himself? So what would be the amount he is going to pay? I think, all of the RM2.62b will be paid out.


2018-03-01 14:40 | Report Abuse

JJ chan, since so low, you dont need to see this forum la....hahaha. you should focus more in UMWOG la. I have no time debate and teach you.


2018-03-01 14:34 | Report Abuse

AK168 take-off


2018-03-01 14:19 | Report Abuse

how you calculate RM967m? Did you confused between USD and RM?


2018-03-01 14:09 | Report Abuse

Final dividend - 20% x EPS 50c = RM0.10
Special Dividend - RM3b/3.4 shares =0.88
Total - 0.98c ?


2018-03-01 13:59 | Report Abuse

Special dividend + final dividend = RM1 ??


2018-02-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

superbull, there are many people say the same thing when i buy Airasia at 1.34, 0.89. I think Sapnrg also same, got people like you. lol.

News & Blogs

2018-02-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

What is "Ultimate"? Are you telling people that this is the final election in Malaysia and the government is then fixed forever? Revolution is a progressive movement that need time to change and we see people mindset is changing over the past 10 years when pakatan winning from less than 50 seats to current 88 seats. Yes Harapan has less chance to win the next GE, the chance only 50-50, but what if they able to capture 100 seats and progress a little bit squeezing BN with simple majority of 122 seats? I believe revolution is unstoppable even if Tun M going back UMNO, so what? Is this bunch of people going to vote BN in future if they could not even buy a house in the city, less job, low income.

News & Blogs

2018-02-13 10:10 | Report Abuse

There is one election in the past, DAP only won 1 seat in parliament. DAP will not be the ultimate loser but the rakyat will. The situation is very difference compare to the past when chinese still 40% population in the this country and most of them are richer than the Malays. Now the chinese population has gone down to 20% and no power to determine anything. There are rich and poor Malays family. Therefore now is the time the Malays, the majority, to decide the direction of the country. If they continued to believe 20% Chinese taken all their resources, then let it be, they vote for BN, we go on our life, we see who then suffer more.

News & Blogs

2018-01-30 10:18 | Report Abuse

Wait until the index crash, you will see no article. In chinese we always say "盖棺定论", you are just 27, long way to go.


2018-01-25 14:51 | Report Abuse

For 1 whole year, I never see a single reader agree with him. Very pity, so he created a clone to agree with him. Truly psychopath.


2018-01-25 12:41 | Report Abuse

Maybe because of his switching to FGV then only AA surge. Because the market also beh tahan him. So we should encourage him to switch more. Seems that Choi Shen dont want let him earn money. lol


2018-01-25 11:47 | Report Abuse

Aiya just let that loser keep copy and paste. Those earned money in this counter can start booking flight ticket and go vacation. He just jealous and trying to spoil our good mood. For those nvr been to Lijiang before i strongly recommend you to travel to that ancient city. Hangzhou also not bad.


2018-01-25 11:33 | Report Abuse

The funniest thing is someone give up AA and go buy FGV. This is the funniest decision I have ever seen.


2018-01-25 10:44 | Report Abuse

Someone sold AA buy FGV? lol Funny... I all in AA since 2013, keep on buying over the years, finally get rewarded. You can check my comment history.


2018-01-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Lol, why are you guys still here? Should go Sumatec monitor if sold, dont waste time here lo. Hahaha


2018-01-09 14:38 | Report Abuse

3.71 就是这股买劲!


2018-01-09 10:17 | Report Abuse



2018-01-02 10:42 | Report Abuse

No worry, it wont drop lower than 0.48.


2017-12-26 18:42 | Report Abuse

look carefully, EPF dispose 3m unit, acquire 6m unit, net buy oh


2017-12-26 11:31 | Report Abuse

Agree with hng33 on the impairment.


2017-12-26 11:14 | Report Abuse

Many talking about impairment, but doesnt even know how impairment works.


2017-12-26 11:09 | Report Abuse

Net Asset 2.06 selling at 0.71, 0.34x Net Asset ah? Now is below par somemore. Brent USD 65. a buy


2017-12-22 17:54 | Report Abuse

Check the volume, volume very high now, not the first but second


2017-12-22 17:22 | Report Abuse

shark waiting the volumn to lower so they can use less money to do the push,now just too many small fishy swimming around, no matter how you push people will run, like throwing money into the water.


2017-12-22 17:12 | Report Abuse

If really drop to 0.65 i think you not dare to buy again. So no point also. The shark is playing psychology with those people who has totally no idea of whats the value should be.


2017-12-22 17:05 | Report Abuse

Daily MACD lines just touched, going to cross next week.


2017-12-22 17:00 | Report Abuse

MACD lines already touched, havent cross, you still want to wait cross? when cross also slow jor lo.


2017-12-20 14:55 | Report Abuse

There are big shareholder diposing and buying and buying, but they are not substantial shareholder. As you can see, the buying selling is within 10mil per section. 10 mil is what ? sap sap sui for some uncle la. If EPF want to boost the price, 20mil can gao dim.


2017-12-20 09:50 | Report Abuse

AA falls below its NTA previously before rebound to current position. AA was at 0.87 lowest when its NTA at 2.5. If AAX is going to the same pattern, it will definitely goes below 0.24 and rebound. So, wait below 0.20 is wise. After AAC sold, I believe the management will refocus back to AAX.


2017-12-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

Very pity guy, i think he lose until dont see hope in life


2017-12-15 12:34 | Report Abuse

He knows Icon at supermax, but he never go supermax forum face to face with icon. Because he scare to challenge icon face to face. He only dare to stay some place icon cannot see him, and talk nonsense. Why are you complaining icon comment in supermax at airasia forum? you can just comment there what...


2017-11-30 17:27 | Report Abuse

Long holiday dump, very normal wor.


2017-11-29 15:30 | Report Abuse

As you can see, on 27th there is an announcement on establishing a few subsidiaries in the name of AAC Ireland, it must be something to do with the AAC sales. Ireland being the largest aviation financing and leasing hub for all the top airplane leasing company. They are going to charge those planes into these new subsidiaries and sell of the subsidiaries to the buyer. So I dont think there will be any announcement related to AAC today still need to wait them to complete the Asset moving and SSA.