
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2014-02-27 19:29 | Report Abuse

i noticed the strange price movents in this stock last year. very strange. take today, for example. gap up from 6.05 - 6.65 in last 10 minutes, on volume of 24400 (1.5% of todays total trade) ... really????


2014-02-27 19:04 | Report Abuse

result is fantastic, but where is the dividend?


2014-02-27 18:44 | Report Abuse

ah great stuff.


2014-02-26 20:12 | Report Abuse

ouch!!! oooooo... that is quite bad set of results ... careful ppl & happy investing :)


2014-02-26 16:57 | Report Abuse

sexc ... why don't u go do some sexing instead of all this txting????


2014-02-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

oldtown is not just a pure play beverage, but also a retail player. more like an malaysian starbucks, with laksa, minus frapps.


2014-02-26 16:28 | Report Abuse

dead cat bounce?


2014-02-26 16:12 | Report Abuse

(this is purely a comment on the commodity) - as i mentioned earlier. keep a close eye on coffee futures. the rally in stock price began around the time price of coffee fell below USD280/contract. Right now, we're approaching USD180 region. If prices spike further, then most probably could see a bit more downside. i could be wrong, so please feel free to counter...


2014-02-26 15:52 | Report Abuse

didn't realise about the put warrant. interesting...


2014-02-26 15:33 | Report Abuse

Even though they deleted the orginal article, Google Cache saved it!

Hot Stock Integrated Logistics rises as much as 32% on high dividend and strong profits
Business & Markets 2014
Written by Jonathan Gan of
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 12:48

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KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 26): Integrated Logistics Bhd rose in active trades this morning after declaring a high dividend issue on the back of a strong turnaround in financial results.

The company announced a dividend of RM1.18 per share yesterday.

At noon, the stock was up 12 sen or 17.26% at 81.5 sen, after trading at a high of 92 sen earlier for a gain of 32%.

In its fourth quarter to December 2013, the company reported a net profit of RM136.78 million versus a loss of RM4.39 million in similar quarter a year ago.

The profit achievement was mainly due to its gains from the disposal of its subsidiaries, ISH Logistics Ltd and Integrated Logistics Henan Ltd.

But revenue was lower at RM19.59 million from RM33.53 million from a similar quarter a year ago. Net profit for the full year rose to RM129.71 million from a loss of RM102,000 a year ago

Cumulative revenue for the full year was lower at RM121.74 million from RM137.92 million a year ago

A dealer from RHB Investment Bank told that there was a “feel good factor” on the stock because of its strong dividend.

-"feel good factor" Hahahahaha - that will be Mr Jonathan Gan cashing in!!!!


2014-02-26 15:23 | Report Abuse

full of shyte this EDGE paper. what kind of financial journalist/monkeys do they hire???


2014-02-26 15:22 | Report Abuse

Correction Integrated Logistics declared special dividend of 118.93 sen in early November 2013, not yesterday
Business & Markets 2014
Written by
Wednesday, 26 February 2014 15:17

A + A - Reset
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 26): Integrated Logistics Bhd said it had declared special dividend of 118.93 sen in early November 2013, not yesterday.

The company said the 118.93 sen special dividend has been paid to shareholders.


2014-02-26 15:15 | Report Abuse

that 1.18 divvy already paid in DEC 2013 (last year)..... the edge article is BS


2014-02-25 02:53 | Report Abuse

boleh tengok astro - Oh My English! kalau takfaham...


2014-02-25 01:01 | Report Abuse

any stock with this kind of dividend yield has to eventually reach "fair value" (i reckon over RM1.1 - 1.2 minimum).

With FY revenue of RM500m+, this stock mcap is only RM225.1m. lets say mcap is RM300m+ stock will be worth RM1.21. RM400m+ stock will be worth RM1.61....

am i wrong?


2014-02-25 00:50 | Report Abuse

actually not too bothered about Wistron. who's buying Acer PC's? it seems as if every man and their dog is using a Samsung or Apple product these days.

as long as earnings around 9-12 sen a share, no debt, and divvy 6 sen a year, i'm happy. i'm a but concerned about a/c receivable & a/c payable level tho. 100+ million seems a bit on the high side ... any comment?


2014-02-24 17:31 | Report Abuse

what wave? the one swishing about the bottom of the toilet, is it?


2014-02-24 16:58 | Report Abuse

oh, hang on a minute, could that explain the recent rally from 2.75???


2014-02-24 16:56 | Report Abuse

whoa, well i never! a new call warrant!

mat c. this could be your wish come true. a 1 year RM3.00 strike could be the ticket, IF price drops further making this warrant cheaper.... interesting ....


2014-02-24 15:27 | Report Abuse

i will highlight

"Green Packet Bhd is expected to announce the successful buyer of its stake in WiMax operator Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd (P1) within this month, ACCORDING TO SOURCES."

-ummmmm, WHAT sources mate?

Are you getting confused with AYAM BRAND "SAUCE"?


2014-02-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

of course. how many more times will the cry wolf? only time will tell....


2014-02-24 15:15 | Report Abuse

conservatively, this stock could head to 1.1 - 1.2-ish

1) Gap to fill from June 2010 @ 1.04
2) DY 5% would mean a price @ 1.20
3) PE 13.5 with earnings/s of 8.5 sen @ 1.15

pls correct me, i could be wrong here.


2014-02-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

I could be wrong, but the price might be under some pressure due to the sharp rise in US Coffee Futures. Please see for yourselves...

Price has risen from a low of USD107/contract (OCT) to USD169/contract (FEB)

Please correct me, but a rise in coffee futures of 58% from OCT low is probably not a good thing, for PWROOT that is...


2014-02-21 19:49 | Report Abuse

who in their right minds will be buying after those abysmal numbers. MAS procurement corruption is king. lets show the world how its done. how to manage like corrupt fools. the world financial media is pissing their pants. MAS boleh!


2014-02-21 19:46 | Report Abuse

fantastic. good news.


2014-02-21 19:45 | Report Abuse

not sure of what relevance that is really to a comment on the most recent FPI financial report, more specifically the DRASTIC decline in FY top line revenue.

of course the stock price is so depressed already, i doubt it will correct very much, if at all.

but the 6 sen divvy sure is great!


2014-02-21 19:38 | Report Abuse

i sold all my fathers stock @ 1.53. i am a bit surprised people didn't take advantage of last years rally to sell. unfortunately for this counter, its financial performance has been abysmal....much like kimlun. from my experience, construction is not the hottest area to be buying in. all the best to those still clinging on. i wonder what fresh ideas mr nathan will bring to the table in 2014 ...


2014-02-21 19:18 | Report Abuse

1.6 sen EPS. bugger! not a great set of results. i was hoping they would do better in Q4

-6 sen divvy tho...


2014-02-21 17:05 | Report Abuse

cbc is a legend ... "CBC last serious" is the best!


2014-02-20 12:53 | Report Abuse

The cheapest airline stock in the world

@deadwood - no, will still have mcap of RM2.34B - still WAY TOO much for MAS


2014-02-19 23:21 | Report Abuse

i just checked with my banker friends ... guess what? they are optimistic dominos pizza still have 2 large for RM50. awesum deal bro!


2014-02-19 21:38 | Report Abuse

i'm waiting for Moody's or S&P ratings to threaten to downgrade Malaysia's credit rating due to throwing/wasting billions of taxpayers $$$$$

thats the only way these federal idiots will stop the foolishness.


2014-02-19 17:46 | Report Abuse

their generic actifed is quite good. helps me sleep with the flu.

is this company making generic statins or not?


2014-02-19 17:26 | Report Abuse

indeed a sad day. but this is the way to delist, by offering a decent premium to all shareholders. that way they recognise the potential of this company. why is it that it seems only aussies etc can do the right thing? Why can't ioi prop delisting, al-bukhary (tradewinds, padiberas) NM Lourdenadin (mbf) & co. learn from this huh? do minorities always have to go crying to the MSWG for a better offer?


2014-02-19 16:56 | Report Abuse

whether i owns shares is immaterial, i'm not the one making up financial reports as i go along. it is zhulian themselves that put out those shocking numbers without even bothering to explain the situation, leaving investors vulnerable to the inevitable selldown. we can speculate as to how much money was made on regulated short selling of this counter and what-not, but the question remains - how is the company planning to recover earnings in the future, and why such catastrophic results in the first place?

the closest result was 25 quarters ago EPS of 3.66 sen for 31-08-2007 Q. And this Q was 2.99 sen. whats going on. can anyone help me out?


2014-02-19 16:02 | Report Abuse

well .... use TA all you want, the financial report from last quarter was abysmal. projecting that result, as i did earlier means that support will be around 1.80-2.00 region, unless the thai situation improves, unfortunately. Alex Lu projects RM 1.40 ish (even worse).


2014-02-19 15:18 | Report Abuse

aiyah you dumb dumbs. last year div yield was almost 10%. no debt some more. stable business. what is all this rubbish about syndicates and anak orang besar???? talking cock really ... if you want to discuss sumatec, tiger luster, then do someplace else


2014-02-19 15:15 | Report Abuse

mcap is almost at the offer price already. game over guys. time to move onto to something else...


2014-02-19 14:27 | Report Abuse

listen, if thai situ improves over the next 6 months, then obviously Q reports will improve eventually, and by extension price. i guess if you're a long term investor, couldn't be a better time to pick up a few more shares.

@ matc seeing such a huge gap in the price chart also makes me wonder if this stock can claw back some this year. but it really all boils down to earnings and to some degree mgmt ability/desire to communicate better...


2014-02-19 12:41 | Report Abuse

and don't do anything dumb like buying those structured call warrants. they are well out of the money!


2014-02-19 12:40 | Report Abuse

its all about earnings. right now, as it stands, if you project EPS based on last Q report of 3 Sen/Share -> 12 S/S for whole year, @ PE of 15 (optimistic), then share price should be RM1.80 (whoa!). That means more downside pressure, as price is currently RM2.85 - sorry to be the bearer of bad news


2014-02-19 12:06 | Report Abuse

do you think those that bought at RM3.00 are feeling this counter can make it there?


2014-02-19 11:51 | Report Abuse

so sweet. i feel vindicated buying 250 lot @ .155


2014-02-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

down so much??? what u taking about? from IPO price RM2 -> almost RM17.50 (taking into account 1:5 stock split)

don't worry. punters will be back no doubt.


2014-02-18 16:12 | Report Abuse

i feel vindicated.


2014-02-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

2.86 ... i knew to follow my gut and avoid this kind of bs.


2014-02-13 22:15 | Report Abuse

wonders never cease. lose money hand over fist - stock price goes up 28%


2014-02-13 19:12 | Report Abuse

todays volume accounts for 13% of total shares issued. must be some news in 3-6 weeks, of course no one the wiser until the insiders trade.


2014-02-13 19:00 | Report Abuse

okay. but no lodgment of change in shareholding or substantial new shareholder @ Bursa.

also that Star article is wrong. Lebaga Tabung Haji ceased being shareholder couple of years ago if i'm not mistaken