Blog Posts
1 month ago | Report Abuse
what do you think of the proposed regularization plan? Is it good for minority shareholders?
1 month ago | Report Abuse
WB is trading at negative premium… if you believe Frontkn is in the uptrend, WB would be a better bet…. It has to catch up eventually…
2024-08-17 15:46 | Report Abuse
Is there a way to find out if the shares held by major shareholders are pledged?
2024-05-24 10:47 | Report Abuse
I asked but did not get any answer. I don't consider "do our best", "strive to do better" as answers...
Someone asked for example of what product that is considered smart audio, and the answer given was "all audio product are considered smart audio, they have many features....":-(
2024-05-24 10:32 | Report Abuse
waste of time to attend the AGM when the management does not really answer questions.....
2024-04-19 17:06 | Report Abuse
If you call it an investment, 1.35% in 10 weeks is not bad at all😅
2023-05-30 10:09 | Report Abuse
Wouldnt it better if they did the SBB after releasing QR....
2023-05-30 09:38 | Report Abuse
I can't understand why would the company did a massive share buy back (almost 1/3 of that day volume) knowing that they were going to release a bad QR ......
2022-04-16 17:17 | Report Abuse
Haha… I thought he wanted to warn about the high receivable accumulated since last a year ago….
2021-11-12 15:04 | Report Abuse
facing issues like material shortage, may be??
2021-09-12 14:49 | Report Abuse
Why do you share an outdated article???
2021-05-21 13:02 | Report Abuse
Banking on inventory gain? Please watch this webminar
2021-05-21 12:51 | Report Abuse
Inventory loss?? My understanding is all steel companies are keeping minimum inventory at the moment. Don't think there is impact on inventory loss/gain.
2021-05-10 17:40 | Report Abuse
Really depends on your risk tolerance. With 11x gearing, I think it is a low cost entry to leverage on the growth of Frontkn. 45% premium is manageable since there is 5 years to maturity.
2021-05-10 12:18 | Report Abuse
it was just listed last Friday. Maturity date is May 3, 2026.
2021-02-04 22:45 | Report Abuse
haha.. if you have bought 50K@0.4 in 2015, after share consolidation in 2016, you should have 5k@3.73 now.
2020-10-14 17:10 | Report Abuse
Last QR was actually not bad. The loss was mainly due to one time impairment on IBS.
2020-06-25 09:32 | Report Abuse
Talking about history about this stock. It was once a darling stock back in 2015/2016. During the peak time, the top shareholder reduced his holding quite significantly before the price crash. After that, there was a reverse split (10:1).
Now, all the top 3 shareholders are increasing their shareholding again. However, the main reason I am in is because I think they are in the right business; not entirely due the insider activities. I see it as potential turn-around stock.
I have not looked at the QR in detailed, but the business was impacted due to COVID19, right? and also some impairment loss....
Anyway, there are still a lot uncertainties in the market. Consider selling or reducing position if you are worried.
2020-06-24 21:55 | Report Abuse
He is the biggest shareholder and a non executive director, not the key persons that run day to day operation.
All the top 3 shareholders (and they are in the BOD) are increasing their shareholding in the company in the last 6 months. They wont do that unless they have confidence in the business.
2020-06-24 10:48 | Report Abuse
Don't worry about CKV resignation. His shareholding has increased from 10.19% (June 2019) to 15.59% as of yesterday.
2020-05-23 12:38 | Report Abuse
I won't worry much about their unit trust investment, looking at the value change from Dec19 to Mar20, I believe they have invested in fixed income trusts, like bond or money market funds, which in my opinion are almost equivalent to cash. In fact, it is good that they still have so much cash&cash equv during touch time like this.
However, I think next quarter wont be good, as there is still travel restriction. They can't travel and setup, thus less revenue generation. Besides, there will be higher loss in their investment in "tourism", ie : Entopia..:-(
I have invested in Elsoft even before they moved to the main board. I am very confident that they will come back even stronger after the pandemic.
2020-05-21 18:00 | Report Abuse
"anticipates a low double digit revenue in USD decline for the current financial year..... " you dont think this is a profit warning?
2019-11-22 21:43 | Report Abuse
price rises like no tomorrow??? when?
Revenue drops but profit margin is still good. Going to add if stock on sale next week....
2019-05-27 15:44 | Report Abuse
price drops in the afternoon session... any news from the AGM??
2019-01-10 11:58 | Report Abuse
who is that ONE major customer?
2018-12-07 11:32 | Report Abuse
i went for the show last week. I counted there was less than 50 audiences in that show; 2 in the VIP seats.
2018-09-28 20:17 | Report Abuse
Result was actually not bad if you exclude the one off impairment loss on the sales of splash..
2018-09-04 12:29 | Report Abuse
who are the top 3 customers of MMSV?
2017-09-28 21:17 | Report Abuse
15000/28=535.7; you will get 535 shares
2017-09-28 18:02 | Report Abuse
28 get 1! creates many odd lots:-(
2017-08-04 09:24 | Report Abuse
Thanks David Lim for your hard work and sharing. Have learned so much about the refinery business from your recent articles on Petronm and HengYuan.
2017-07-08 00:08 | Report Abuse
Is the net income margin a bit low, just slightly above 1%? The bank borrowing has increased from 7Mil (since your first article) to 252Mil, should that be a concern?
2017-02-23 18:04 | Report Abuse
RGB? Different sector wor....
2017-02-23 18:02 | Report Abuse
Huh... what is the expectation?
2016-12-24 09:23 | Report Abuse
KYY is a poor man... All he has is money and his value are all about money:-)
2016-12-02 19:20 | Report Abuse
I don't expect you to reply. Anyway, good one.
By the way KC, I must tell you that the best investment I have done for myself in the last few years was to attend your online FA course. Thank you very much.
2016-05-17 14:50 | Report Abuse
must have a long term view on this stock.....looks like they have managed to expand their sales in China....67% of the current quarter revenue was generated from China
2016-05-16 18:13 | Report Abuse
At least, they are back to profitable....
2016-05-16 18:13 | Report Abuse
From 2015 annual report, there was 646K "Other Investment" that was invested into Unit Trust. I suspect that was the fund from IPO that they put into Unit Trust before spending it. Just a guess....
2016-05-01 16:57 | Report Abuse
anyone know who are the two major customers that contribute 84% group revenue? (pg 89 of the annual report)
2016-01-12 23:05 | Report Abuse
sad to read this from an elderly person like KYY.... Life is more than just $$$
2015-10-29 21:14 | Report Abuse
wow... 5.5c dividend.... Lim, did you just guess or you have insiders news:-)
2015-10-16 16:22 | Report Abuse
is it going to declare dividend this year?
2015-10-03 21:39 | Report Abuse
i believe elsolf has attracted some institutional investors after listing in the main board... I start seeing some fund houses in the top 30 shareholding list.....definitely a good sign...
2015-09-21 15:44 | Report Abuse
He is probably one of very few "value investors" that trying to time the market.........
1 month ago | Report Abuse
A bit disappointed after waiting for 2 years.... expect the new investors to pay more premium to gain control of the 117Mil cash........