
coolinvestor | Joined since 2014-03-03

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small timer only hehe





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2017-02-14 15:54 | Report Abuse

c28 is still very safe. no need to worry n just ride with the profits

this is also becoz u are insulated from the drop as well. with x of 1.05...haiyo


2017-02-14 15:41 | Report Abuse

should stop looking for so called gurus....will end up in tears yourself

good luck


2017-02-11 18:04 | Report Abuse

c26 exercise value is very high at 1.55

with drb reaching no more than 1,4 last time. its very risky to buy unless u dun mind waiting(it does have a long expiry 30/8/17)

the better one would be c28 with a X of 1.05 n expiry until 30jun17

lowest X price with low premium with a safety long expiry period

trade at ur own risk


2017-02-03 13:06 | Report Abuse

speakup has a lot of warrants? why so excited?

collect moderately n see. dun rush in to simply buy.

that being said, i am collecting warrants for the long term 2-3years. my average is at 14.4c

all the best ppl


2017-02-03 13:02 | Report Abuse

enjoying the show while holding the shares n warrants


2017-01-27 17:55 | Report Abuse

well, as in all things...

no balls dun invest lo...simple ma

got balls buy us ma

hehe n gong xi to all!!!


2017-01-26 18:02 | Report Abuse

sigh at 37c dun 40c all excited lol

i sapu a lot of cw n c3 then. now just goyang kaki only

all the best all


2017-01-20 16:17 | Report Abuse

calvintan = traderman???

News & Blogs

2017-01-20 15:51 | Report Abuse

its ok to feel u need the attention la calvin. i worked as a psychiatrist before. its ok to admit your own faults n need the constant endless attention la. hehe


2017-01-20 15:49 | Report Abuse

public enemy no.1 trying to console n con back himself....sigh

we all see him as the devil...he sees himself as a saint...aiyooo

i pray for your soul la calvin

News & Blogs

2017-01-20 15:48 | Report Abuse

aiyo calvin the lying car saleman...u are one of the conmen lo...

just admit it la....

amen to you


2017-01-20 15:45 | Report Abuse

speakup why so angry? u buy at high price at contra?


2017-01-20 15:44 | Report Abuse

looks like calvin tan is i3's public enemy no.1 !!! lol


2017-01-19 17:16 | Report Abuse

hmm big funds buying means good ma.

collect at low prices hehe


2017-01-19 17:15 | Report Abuse

looking at the big picture, even bwc n same ID investo will eventually disappear from this forum...good riddance hehe


2017-01-19 17:14 | Report Abuse

flying worst case cut loss lo. i cut loss on my c23 last time

just buy more than 3 mths expiry...if u buy any warrants la.

looking at the cw, c28 looks good. long expiry. and X = 1.05

as in all things monitor first. cheers


2017-01-19 16:54 | Report Abuse

if u guys cannot take even a simple 1.9% drop today...and heart n emotions fly between happy n sad so fast...aiyo

then u really cannot invest in the stock markets la.

u think everyday is a sunday n go up up up meh...adui

somedays sure go down mah....

cannot tahan the yo-yo ing up n down...then go save ur hard earn cash la n buy property la or FD la. safer la.

sikit down already panic, thats why so many kena slaughtered lo....aiyoooo

see ppl like icon and others so cool aje....thats why they make so much money lo

AA can still got potential la. just needs time. nothing goes up like a steep hill la...

enuf said n happy investing


2017-01-19 14:57 | Report Abuse

flying but now price is ok to collect sikit sikit la.

cw i think only look for those with expiry longer than 3 months. shorter time frame too risky liao

i sold all my c23 n made some profit. bot 3x c23 these few months.
2x got profit 1x

now just nibble on drb mothershares sikit sikit hehe

all the best


2017-01-19 14:40 | Report Abuse

holding c38 n c47....hehe


2017-01-19 14:38 | Report Abuse

well investing is not perfect. sometimes anyone can make a mistake ma.

i myself am holding lots of we avg around 21c...but expire in 2020 so i am not worried. keep lo

but then again, now maybe a good opportunity to collect again becoz all wct shares n warrants price dropped a lot hehe


2017-01-19 12:38 | Report Abuse

not very smart to cover his tracks


2017-01-19 12:38 | Report Abuse

aiyo calvin lie lie n lie again. 1.17 1.13 dun wanna buy , now 1.2 1.18 wanna buy?

sigh...this conman knows no bounds.

plus he is now public no.1 enemy in this forum...hehe

everyone just do no like him...amen...


2017-01-19 12:27 | Report Abuse

only those who hold grudges and refuse to see the truth says ppl are getting personal with them..especially when everyone says

good investing all...except bwc n calvin



2017-01-19 12:25 | Report Abuse

icon BWC maybe spamming non stop, but i think public enemy NO.1 in this forum is calvin.

he just lies non stop.

plus i honestly think he even didnt buy any stocks at all. he is just a story his weird twisted way.



2017-01-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

perhaps all the attention is focused on AA at the moment thats why other stocks are left out lo...


2017-01-18 17:49 | Report Abuse

without the proton selling catalyst drb may languish for a while. but this may be a good time to nibble n collect some.

happy investing all.

News & Blogs

2017-01-18 17:45 | Report Abuse

betcha all the naysayers are regretting until lowsai now....muahahahaha


2017-01-17 15:47 | Report Abuse

well, i am up for a logical discussion. good investing all...except bwc hehe


2017-01-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

rojak must have a hit a very very RAW nerve with BWC eh? hehe


2017-01-17 15:39 | Report Abuse

after years of languishing at this price....dun expect shoot up la.

face the reality la. trop is stuck at just rm1 la....aiyo


2017-01-17 15:35 | Report Abuse

bwc is biting himself really hard in his own ass.

yesterday investo copy my comments, today bwc copies meathere

stupid fella...dunno how to cover his tracks at all.

goes to show its all just one person talking to himself over n over again.

really pitiful la...poor guy

must have lost SO MUCH in airasia or supermax stocks.

poor guy. best to just work harder n not play with stocks anymore la...

save urself la...aiyo


2017-01-16 13:39 | Report Abuse

flyingkite, i totally agree with you on calvin's articles...

i dun even look at them lol

yes ecommerce may have issues now in msia but perhaps in time things will even out. this may take years. thats why i think drb sold klsasn a large piece of land to pos for its logistics expansion. for the future

however that being said, i think any price around rm1 is best to collect for drb. i collected around 1.17, 1.13, 1.15 weeks ago.

if it really drops i will collect more. but i am going for 1.4 to sell.

just wait lo. even our cash might run out unlike calvin's endless supply of averaging down lol

all the best mans

i am trying to follow the motto of buy low n sell high...not buy so much


2017-01-16 12:23 | Report Abuse

dun wanna copy me dy ar....hehe

okla happy investing all! AA huat!!


2017-01-16 12:20 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo!! mrRojakInvestor is so good in correctly deducing investo's sore loser character...hehe


2017-01-16 12:16 | Report Abuse

lol always want to get the upper hand ar....looks like a sore loser hehe


2017-01-16 12:14 | Report Abuse

looking at the big picture, even bwc and his spamming gang will eventually disappear from this forum...

god bless us all for a peace of mind and happy investing to all

News & Blogs

2017-01-13 20:06 | Report Abuse

well at least in the future...this calvin the car saleman clown will also disappear too. no need to worry whether he means well or not.

liars does not meant well. it is just a coverup to hide their problems. and this fella is a great liar. most of all ppl in here know that already. its very obvious

plus how many times can u average down? keep for 10 years? 10years many ppl die dy la....what utter nonsense.

if u can say its for the risk adverse...then its true la...instead his investing advice are formed from lego blocks sini ambik there campur...aiyo until like mixed crap...

enuf said. god bless all


2017-01-13 16:34 | Report Abuse

c34 has less than 2 months. really bet big lo


2017-01-13 16:23 | Report Abuse

those with long term view dun really care la. sure make money wan...but in 1 2 years time la.

i am in that category i just buy n accumulate on dips


2017-01-13 16:21 | Report Abuse

bot some sumatec wb to leverage on rebound


2017-01-13 16:13 | Report Abuse

with AAC sale on the way ...why worry so much?

am positioning myself on cw to make some profits

unless u trade on contra....then its really gonna be hard to predict the market direction.

good luck


2017-01-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

bot some airasia38

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 21:29 | Report Abuse

u also one of the conman mah...dun act so high n mighty lo..

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 13:44 | Report Abuse

hmm perhaps we should forward the 2% comment to AAX management n see if calvin's accusations are true or not...hehe

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 13:38 | Report Abuse

btw where did u get the 2% commission news from?

kindly put the link in here to see.

otherwise u are LYING

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 13:37 | Report Abuse

how in the world they make profit?

that is why TF is a billionaire n not u calvin...hahah

he sees opportunities n is really smart ...guess what? u are not tho u pretend to be...

we see thru u hehe


2017-01-12 13:35 | Report Abuse

well good luck folks. your fortune are in your own hands.

good luck

john lu at least we good hearted n try to warn ppl haha


2017-01-12 12:41 | Report Abuse

no need to listen to hollang king aka calivn la.

u think VT so nice give u rm1 bjcorp? in all ur dreams la.

bjcorp has been downtreding from rm1 to 30+cent for how long? u guys can guess dy...years

keep dreaming going up to rm1 or 2....


2017-01-12 12:37 | Report Abuse

aiyo he has been buying down from 1.4 to

if not holland king then wat le?

at least i bought drb at 1.17 n now got at least 3% profit...does this means i smarter than the holland king? hehe

god bless us all