
iafx | Joined since 2012-11-02

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2013-03-26 10:40 | Report Abuse

haha... very true, pity petty boy don't post, anyone who thinks he is 'undisputable' don't post, go & open yr own blog, don't come to forum where free mind flow

today blue chip shoot, very busy... yeeaahaaa!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-25 18:06 | Report Abuse

house, u can find the correct def & use of roe with the trading tools, e.g equities tracker etc.

believe it or not, the above is flaw. a hint already given: total shareholders funds, some study u will findout the truth. already, he is using yr words to cover his ass

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 16:29 | Report Abuse

really? think again. there's a section in bs about shareholders funds, learn fr there what common shares mean, what right u have vs the owner

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 15:10 | Report Abuse

understand first r u a common share holder, or owner of the company? should the answer is obvious, so is the inappropriate use of e=a-l above

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

sigh, don't mix up owner equity to shareholder equity, wrong roe calculation can lead to Holland... of cos, not for those with "agenda"



2013-03-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

246m... to calculate "net" cash, have u deducted the total debts

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 11:01 | Report Abuse

shareholder equity is not assets - liabilities, don't mix up ROE to ROTA


2013-03-25 09:29 | Report Abuse

how does xox get into this scam?


2013-03-24 13:37 | Report Abuse

mb mentioned "detail discussion is still going on", an update may b provided this week


2013-03-24 09:28 | Report Abuse

these ppl will not accept view like above, soon they would accuse u attacking them, sigh

wonder y? watchout for hard sell - ptaras, kfima, plenitude etc, there r "promoter" here writting to support price, becareful

stock price goes up if not down, when someone start writting hard with all sort of 'wonderful', 'prospective', best copied big name statement, u better watch out.


2013-03-24 09:17 | Report Abuse

what a naive piece of taufu, sigh, every post must b "attack" him!?

watchout for posts trying very hard to hard sell counter like pleni, kfima, ptaras. wrote in long story, in format "no one does it b4 me", omg... hahaaahaha

choice is yrs, becareful & good luck!

News & Blogs

2013-03-23 22:20 | Report Abuse

rupert, good job done!? omg


News & Blogs

2013-03-23 22:16 | Report Abuse

hahahaa... fell in love with u already, watchout!

News & Blogs

2013-03-23 21:57 | Report Abuse

bn too long in pwr, keep shooting it's own foot these days


2013-03-23 18:02 | Report Abuse

ya loh, only they start carry balls, suddenly they become professor. hahahaaaha...


2013-03-23 17:52 | Report Abuse

u r the one said no such thing b4 u, now want to pusing?! copied cat, suggest u fast open a roti canai shop!!

" Tell you also, I haven't seen anybody provide a table of long-term and short-term return like that before."


2013-03-23 17:28 | Report Abuse

go and ask cold eye, w.buffet, peter lah... hahahaa, y teach u? u already know EVERYTHING mah

"This is the biggest joke I have read in i3! iafx offers to teach me... "

tak malu lah...


2013-03-23 17:19 | Report Abuse

see, copied cat!

suggest u fast open a roti canai shop, u meet all the 12!!


2013-03-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

simple CARx search yield 10k results fr google alone, let the readers judge for themselves

report does not exist? yeah right, sigh


2013-03-23 16:52 | Report Abuse

how r these gurus doing during the last slump? they should win big time since they r master in the domain, did they won during the crisis? r they even alerted in the first place; not to mention without printing $ to amplify the liquidity. but how to calculate proper rate of liquidity in the first point? see, u cannot even understand the q

u don't know is yr prob, given yr attitude, no one would teach u the real thing. as said, x off, am not interested to share anything with u.


2013-03-23 16:24 | Report Abuse

"This is the biggest joke I have read in i3! iafx offers to teach me... "

y ask since u know EVERTHING, hahahaa... liquidity pun tak tau dare to keep attack other ppl. tak malu


2013-03-23 16:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by kcchongnz > Mar 22, 2013 04:44 PM | ReportAbuse

"Yeah I don't know. Show me the data you know. Proper rate of liquidity? What the hell is that? Yeah, I don't know how to "calculate" also. Please show me."

hahahahaaaaha..... angry bcos no one wanted to teach u? hahahaaaha... tau...fu...fa....


2013-03-23 16:06 | Report Abuse

it's like a pretty girl selecting boy friend - no rush, both candidates come with high TP

lot's of politic play here... ;D


2013-03-23 16:01 | Report Abuse

hahahaa... not sure can go that low, but short term looks like can break 1.8


2013-03-23 11:29 | Report Abuse

selangor gov can dissolve soon, what is the impact to this deal?

1. no impact, sign b4 ge13 is done
2. some impacts, conditional s&p
3. defer to post ge13, if pkr lost potential no deal?


2013-03-23 00:15 | Report Abuse

no such report exist??! oh... so u invent roe, u set financial guideline, only yr way is the only way to read fa statement. prove u wrong? no free lesson learnt for u, sorry lah

as u said, u don't like this u skip & move on, y busy body about it; later when ppl response back, u felt being "attack", so childish! yr comments r mostly ignored, but u think ppl run away... hahahaaa


2013-03-22 16:56 | Report Abuse

arr? what r u talking about? short circuit already? aisey... y so petty? relax lah... really don't know can teach u


2013-03-22 16:49 | Report Abuse

like what u did with those 'table'? that one can copy from internet, book, research reports tons & tons of such info out there

show u or teach u how to?


2013-03-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

unless u r reporting on a property company that recently (<36 months) started operate, there r DY history plus years of BS data for u to chew and chew

u don't know there are counters with appropriate liquidity with securities house support? aisey... btw, do u know how to calculate proper rate of liquidity in the first place? oopsss, sorry, of cos u knew, the 'undisputable' mah



2013-03-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

3c? wait for delist lor... kahwin some more?


2013-03-22 16:20 | Report Abuse

must have very high TP... especially for desmond


2013-03-22 16:19 | Report Abuse

what... others talk about buah-buahan saja ke?


2013-03-22 16:17 | Report Abuse

will end up with buy call, sell call... UMA?


2013-03-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

div is REAL HARD CASH, property counters that capable of giving good DY proved itself (in real world) is growing and SUPERCEDE the inflation rate. such property counters are far better than those sits on pile of $/lands (so call 'strong bs', 'undervalued'), best is certain 'famous' counter even called for right issues to gather $, despite their 'strong bs'

bcos property counters r selected for mid term holding at least, rely only on 'strong bs' in hope for capital gain, which in turn affect by greater economic, policy contexts will expose yr holding to overweight risk. with good DY, yr holding is strongly back by the earning capability of the counter, NOT VALUE ON PAPER

u also want to watch out low liquidity counter, which also depends on 'wish list', such counter without strong catalyst, will trade like dead water, and r no securities house covering them as well - which already tells u 1 way or another, the management is in question


2013-03-22 11:48 | Report Abuse

good DY is one of the must-have catalyst to grow property stock price, not only depends alone on how much cash in-hand, land asset. if the company is not able to unlock these value and translate that into real $ (e.g div) for u, u r holding a nice looking paper - subject to drop

there r several properties stock that have 7% yield and above, try these counters. btw, buy small, slow and hold steady, don't rush.


2013-03-22 10:18 | Report Abuse

hhahahaa... that's y analyst base on paper is nice to read, never believe it all


2013-03-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

this is not trade, this is gamble - bet on the few cents gap, minus contra fee, probably only 0.01c gain, NOT worth the risk, NOT worth the time. better think twice if buy shares with this pattern.

the 28/2/2013 lesson should not be forgotten, u can imagine whoever trade this pattern and falls on that day, one can lost 80% of his capital in one goal.


2013-03-22 09:47 | Report Abuse

kumpulan darul ehsan berhad (“kdeb”), a company wholly-owned by the SELANGOR STATE GOVERNMENT via MENTERI BESAR SELANGOR (incorporated) (“mbi”)

absolutely a PKR deal


2013-03-22 09:27 | Report Abuse

uma does not mean bad thing, just: "eh, apa sah?"


2013-03-21 19:25 | Report Abuse

if that many companies truly "undervalued" that much, would have delisted with "undervalued" price. u think only, it is undervalue. no fresh catalyst, can break 1.8


2013-03-21 18:55 | Report Abuse

the famous: "it sounds like, looks like, but not me?!" hahahaaaha...threathen small boy? sigh


2013-03-21 09:38 | Report Abuse

hoho... terjun terus


2013-03-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

fuyooo... garang ni


2013-03-21 08:39 | Report Abuse

redtone is one of the few that set clear div policy


2013-03-20 18:03 | Report Abuse

not wise, juz remind that share market is not a place for charity, u keep that in mind too :)


2013-03-20 17:59 | Report Abuse

melvin, in yr example, he is lying, as u said, no one can predict market, then y 'the one' predicted $5.4? let alone 5 yrs away?! hahahaa... put it this way, anyone can say anything, esp in a public forum


2013-03-20 15:50 | Report Abuse

bro, if the deal is finally signed off, it will be embarass. practically, if u r holding at high & feeling really uneasy now, u can consider reduce yr shares. great opportunities r around :)