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2013-03-20 15:22 | Report Abuse

some view 'promote' as sharing... it's really individual's choice. guess u have taken his word too seriously, forgot that this is securities market?

take it easy bro, think about it, kdeb is political linked. as discussed b4, v don't know what other hidden agenda may assoc with this deal. but v can have trade plan for it, rather than words.

looks like selangor state gov reputation can b affected by this one :D


2013-03-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

good point there :D


2013-03-20 15:05 | Report Abuse

yr 633k gone in minute :D


2013-03-20 11:51 | Report Abuse

bro, psychological warfare is a common tools in shares market

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 11:37 | Report Abuse

also the more foreign projects involved, the exchange rate can be a killer, or angel :D

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 11:20 | Report Abuse

pity petty boy don't post, simple as that. it's World Wide Web, u expect everyone to like yr post, think as u?! there will be no share market, no need election if everyone think one way. especially in a public forum, cannot take criticism? u think it is negative criticism but first of all who r u to judge? someone else may like it.

best is, pity petty taufu character don't post. cold-eye swim in the sea of shares market that long, he says what's best in his knowledge, u shoot as u like, but there is great number of ppl like him very much. I thank him for Tambun recommendation :D :D :D


2013-03-20 10:54 | Report Abuse

hahahahaaaa... relax bro, let's juz say since day one v all knew share market a place full of speculation

there is always a better opportunity ahead, no worry, juz be prepared :D


2013-03-20 10:32 | Report Abuse

right issues come with dilution side effect, don't think 10c new share will worth the same in the market. unless there is new catalyst, this counter likely to stagnant for some time, worse, can go further down

good luck!


2013-03-20 09:29 | Report Abuse

redtone keep buying back shares


2013-03-20 09:25 | Report Abuse

be prepared to hold thru ge13, expect rough ride...


2013-03-19 19:13 | Report Abuse

yet another million question :D


2013-03-19 19:11 | Report Abuse

yup... silently :)


2013-03-19 15:16 | Report Abuse

non-sense! cigarette a controlled product in m'sia, bat roe is juz paper value, does not reflect the actual OPERATING CONTEXT of such industry in msia. do u know where does bat source tobacco in msia, for instance, how much sin tax given to gov.


2013-03-19 14:59 | Report Abuse

how about pas state?

no q about Penang, good job done. Selangor... ok, good job, too.

when pkr takeover, what is pas role in the gov? hopefully not finance minister :D


2013-03-19 14:53 | Report Abuse

DL, that's one hell of a comment!! thumbs up for u...

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:59 | Report Abuse

unfortunately, it seems like to many today, it is either absolute black if not white... sigh


2013-03-19 12:56 | Report Abuse

ubah starts with kdeb -> kps -> khsb deal, soon to punch thru right away! yeehaaa! XD :D :D


2013-03-19 12:50 | Report Abuse

yeah... lots of $, who doesn't like it. but, $festo is not promise, maybe only political statement. would be great if ubah too come with some sort of warranty, so v would not wasted our vote where ubah become ular... :D


2013-03-19 12:39 | Report Abuse

no need thank here thank there... v merely scratch some basic only. about fear, technically this is why multi-stage is needed, with this method u know u will never loose all, as long as u survived, there is always a better chance waiting for u - u juz need to be there alive. psychologically, don't be greedy, believe it or not, less greed less fear, no greed no fear in trading

good luck man, pergi makan liao... :D

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:33 | Report Abuse

must come with enough bandwidth & don't hike tax to pay tm bill yea :D


2013-03-19 12:28 | Report Abuse

hold on here, the view is not about how long u should hold, no one knows what gonna happen next minute, in yr case juz that the counter went up, but what if it actually went down? then u will be happy that u exit earlier. so, r u going to exit "late" since after? No, yeah, this is not how u define an exit plan. generally, an exit plan should be multi-stage, this is where TA come into picture to find out the best price line, or u can define a schema better suit yr portfolio (e.g. cash flow)

suggest u can try trade only by 1 lot (100 unit), exercise yr skill first - no rush anyway, isn't it? however, u think 1 lot is too small, right? this is how u train yr patient :D :D


2013-03-19 12:08 | Report Abuse

desmond, beware of every transaction come with cost, real earning needs to cover this cost as well. say bought 1.21 sold 1.25, minus yr tx cost, u may be earning 0.01c only... worth yr time & all the worries?

yr tebrau example shows that u r "chasing up", it come with fear of sudden dive, especially when u see larger sell q, yr mind start to tickle already. u know well for few times of mini cent earned, it only takes 1 mistake to loose it all and sometime yr capital goes with it, this experience further accelerate yr will to fast buy/sell - which in turn expose u to greater risk... say, u tend to buy when u see larger buy q and everyone seems to talk about it? haaha, becareful.

to trade fast; always remember there is a next time - no need to rush at all, survival come first under all circumstances, no all-in trade (u r not making movie), never bet all eggs in 1 basket, u select yr counter properly (beware of greater context, e.g. ge13, Europe pigs etc), define a multi-stage buy & exit plan. the rest is timing and luck

u may consider putting aside some $ for long term (3yrs above), this is where FA come into picture, plenty of books out there now talking about this, no need to dig from forum/www (bias most of the time)

desmond not desperate, good luck!


2013-03-19 11:33 | Report Abuse

being a fast food trader; apart from ge13, u need to be aware of international event like recent Cyprus issue also. frankly, fast does not mean u must trade everyday... patient

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 11:29 | Report Abuse

but ah wah & ah teck agreed that should lynas pass their hearing, lynas can continue to operate... yet another roti-canai flipped :D


2013-03-19 10:55 | Report Abuse

listing of right issued shares should rebound? becareful.


2013-03-19 10:48 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-03-18 21:59 | Report Abuse

y bn risk loosing the election for such a person: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2013/3/18/nation/20130318181347&sec=nation

what's she talking about??! sigh

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 21:04 | Report Abuse

no need 6 months, foreign fund has being buying all this while


2013-03-18 19:50 | Report Abuse

ladies & gentlemen, see the true faces of kcchongnz above, very constructive, very gentleman, undisputable of cos :D cold eye didn't take into account of growth aspect?? omg!

never buy on tips, these con men wrote long story to cover their trace, use wonderful technical word copied fr books/www, so they can sell high to u!

pls don't change acct to attack me, am not a pity petty boy like u ;D


2013-03-18 17:18 | Report Abuse

this is simple npv & irr u r talking about, no need to be so "mystery". there is a common flaw in yr statement, which can b solved by mirr (on paper)


2013-03-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

u r assuming same group of ppl using same method to select & trade a stock in the entire market - then maybe u r right. but in reality, (esp as cross border trading emerge) the scenario: "business is making 10 cent/share now and in 10 years time will also make 10 cents/share. Do you think, although at PE 5," will means different things according to the trader's portfolio (e.g. Aberdeen won't bother but low risk unit trust probably like it). For instance, there r ppl who see no liquidity counter in msia as "safe" & "potential", but the same perception will fall wrong in fast moving market

any view drawn fr papers r juz assumption, that's for sure :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 11:48 | Report Abuse

when msians kuku out, busy fighting each other, foreign investors bought net RM710m equities in week ended March 15, after ge13 they gonna sell back to us? :D :D

go: http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2013/3/18/business/20130318113238&sec=business

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 09:42 | Report Abuse

if not between 20 ~ 25/3, automatic dissolve (or very close to) will be quite likely :D

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 23:23 | Report Abuse

si lembu truly a case that virtually all msians r angry about, even ppl in bn too x about it. now they will pay a price no lembu in this world can effort :D. however, the timber gate is too a mystery, it juz too easy to laugh at other sometime ;)

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 23:08 | Report Abuse

rupert, by the time it happened, it's too late already. this is exactly what happen to bn now, isn't it? it will b ridiculous if pkr has learnt this way- re-play of bn. there is a said out there now; bn didn't lost to pkr, they dig their own grave. if bn could have decisively charged the si-lembu for instance, don't think pkr stand a chance like today

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 22:45 | Report Abuse

alenac, no q about bn's issues, the feelings r strong, yes. but hey, there have been issues in selangor & pas states also, although seems no "big" deal, how sure r v once pkr in power, pkr will not get worse? judging fr pkr campaigns so far, beside kicking butts, spread hatred... where is the plan? esp how to lead 1.4m gov servants, how to re-structure anti-corruption etc

msians r to vote for the country, not cheer leader!

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 22:24 | Report Abuse

rupert, ppl vote pkr for better leadership, but if pkr keep doing things that remind us they can be more dirty play, there is no point giving the vote. pkr better still stay opposition, doing what they do best

am not saying bn is good yea, make no mistake! but if v r to change, v have better think carefully if the alternative a good fit, or v may juz get us in deeper mud

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 21:57 | Report Abuse

alenac, pkr suppose to be better, not repeating bn's mistake!

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

alenac, great that u brought up hitam's view, if u agreed to his comment, u also agreed pkr moneyfesto r juz POLITICAL STATEMENT. what diff does this made between them vs bn? same bunch of lies.


2013-03-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

arr? where is otb being "attack"? anyone who is so petty pls don't post. otb himself didn't say anything but plenty of 38 start carry balls around :D

jadi tak jadi, it's up to kdeb/kps/khsb, as ge13 juz around the corner, timing of this deal is not in favor of strong hike

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 15:34 | Report Abuse

alenac, nothing is free, think how can that be donr? $ from anti-corruption? how long does this gonna take? in between how & who pay all these sweets? yet another moneyfesto is NOT promises, right?

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 14:02 | Report Abuse

and with pkr's sweet-sweet free this free that, deficit goes higher! pkr boleh!


2013-03-17 13:01 | Report Abuse

yup, break thru otb's re-entrance price! hahaha...


2013-03-17 11:23 | Report Abuse

whichever party win all eyes on the "precious", that's very true indeed ;)


2013-03-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

sold yr osk & support rhb already? :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 18:08 | Report Abuse

mind check your english first, cannot differentiate merry to m?rry !?

hmm... hope that am not posting with a standard 1 adik... sigh

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 18:03 | Report Abuse

if sulus (& many other groups) wants to screw u, all they need is juz one cheap image

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 17:42 | Report Abuse

sulus will be dam happy reading yr post, congratulation!

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 15:00 | Report Abuse

ya, sulus didn't kill anyone, they here for peace, sigh

man... u r going nuts already!

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

eh? pkr also give election sweet? tot only bn does that, sigh