
ilsbilsb | Joined since 2022-03-11

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ilas bila sbut (Indonesian name Short form = ils bil sb) Disclaimers:- All my comments & view with reference to my limited experience in i3 forum are ONLY for sharing leisure and joke. Do not buy or sell any stock based on my comments. You are advised to consult license remiser for your investment.





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2023-06-22 14:15 | Report Abuse

So now, I am waiting for the Fat lady to sing 🎤


2023-06-22 14:14 | Report Abuse

Last month the Fat lady just noticed this juicy fruit.


2023-06-22 14:13 | Report Abuse

Last week the Fat lady searched for a karaoke set.


2023-06-22 14:12 | Report Abuse

Now the Fat lady baru practicing Karaoke.


2023-06-22 14:11 | Report Abuse

Has the Fat lady sings?


2023-06-22 08:18 | Report Abuse

Ya, Ular you memang panlai. Bravo.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jun 22, 2023 8:08 AM | Report Abuse

Tukar jantina also cannot add ovari in the hospital leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


2023-06-22 08:02 | Report Abuse

Bingowoman, ini baru pompuan la.
Bingoman = man la??? Tapi tukar jantuna di hospital???

Posted by bingoman > Jun 21, 2023 11:24 PM | Report Abuse
Haiyoh, wait till window pecah, my ovari also pecah already.


2023-06-22 07:59 | Report Abuse

Bojed also run road ker?


2023-06-22 07:58 | Report Abuse

Hari ni, Menu Rahmah again. Sedappp.


2023-06-21 21:18 | Report Abuse

Ular, I want to challenge Fox in Sslee competition. I have picked my Tomei on 16Jun2023. Fox can pick any stock on that date to challenge my Tomei. Boleh???

Posted by UlarSawa > Jun 21, 2023 5:54 PM | Report Abuse

Nothing referee can do also leh. Referee asked you before you want to accept Mr🦊 challenge. You rejected one leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


Ular, you see that troll following me… must be Bto gang members lah… because my older Pang also followed by Bto gang members. Pest control for Trolls 🧌


2023-06-21 19:52 | Report Abuse

Tobby, your suggestions are the best but will any party willing to ask the biggest race and all Msia to bite the bullet??? Surely any party doing what you are suggesting… will be booted out in the next GE. No doubt about that.


2023-06-21 18:09 | Report Abuse

Ular, I want to challenge Fox in Sslee competition. I have picked my Tomei on 16Jun2023. Fox can pick any stock on that date to challenge my Tomei. Boleh???

Posted by UlarSawa > Jun 21, 2023 5:54 PM | Report Abuse

Nothing referee can do also leh. Referee asked you before you want to accept Mr🦊 challenge. You rejected one leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


Ular, you see that troll following me… must be Bto gang members lah… because my older Pang also followed by Bto gang members. Pest control for Trolls 🧌


2023-06-21 18:06 | Report Abuse

*** hydro electricity dam power…
Auto correct by computer. Susah


2023-06-21 18:00 | Report Abuse

i3 lurker, even your poops and farts have hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is taken from hydrolysis of sea water using solar energy or wind energy or hydro electricity damn power … very clean energy la


2023-06-21 17:56 | Report Abuse

Who are… some of them had Run Road la???


2023-06-21 17:49 | Report Abuse

Best for me not to fight Karma gang. Or else I’ll get Karma like karma gang. Karma will stick to the ones who are Liars in i3. Scroll all Karma records, you shall see the Karma for the Karma gang. This is the truth. If not the truth, you can call me a Shameless Liar.


2023-06-21 17:45 | Report Abuse

Bojed also run road ker? Laughing all the way to the bank???


2023-06-21 17:42 | Report Abuse

Tobby, I see you blame Pmx. But you also no suggestion how Pmx can help Msia. You and Pmx also no true achievements. Pot calling the Kettle Black. Haha 😂


2023-06-21 16:32 | Report Abuse

Ular, you see that troll following me… must be Bto gang members lah… because my older Pang also followed by Bto gang members. Pest control for Trolls 🧌


2023-06-21 16:26 | Report Abuse

Toyota must follow Tesla to build hydrogen fuel stations in California lah. Toyota no courage like Tesla to build charging stations.

Posted by qqq47660 > Jun 21, 2023 4:21 PM | Report Abuse

California got buyers buy toyota hydrogen cars 10 years, still find difficulty in getting hydrogen..............susah la......... this toyota cheated their customers and early adopters.


2023-06-21 16:24 | Report Abuse

Hydrogen technology and battery technology both can contribute to our electricity consumption in future. Elon Musk is also wrong to dismiss hydrogen technology.


2023-06-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

Why BTO doesn’t pick Hrc, Armada, Coastal or Hiaptek or his old stocks but picked new stock like my Ytlpower. BTO keeps on changing his stocks after his old stocks all went down the drain. That’s why I don’t respect or believe in BTO as a stock sifut. At least Prof. 3iii (who I respect more than I respect BTO) still sticks to his old stocks like PBB, Nestle and Dutchlady.
BTO keeps on telling my older Pang = Shameless liar. I think BTO = Shameless liar because keep changing to his NEW stocks after his old stocks failed.


2023-06-21 16:14 | Report Abuse

See, BTO Sifutt very boastful also pick YtlPower the same as I earlier picked Ytlpwr. But now I don’t want to promote Ytlpower anymore because of OTB is inside Ytlpower.
Now I concentrate on Tomei.


2023-06-21 16:12 | Report Abuse

See, BTO Sifutt very boastful also pick YtlPower the same as I earlier picked Ytlpwr.
Why BTO doesn’t pick Hrc, Armada, or Hiaptek or his old stocks but picked new stock like my Ytlpower. BTO keeps on changing his stocks after his old stocks all went down the drain. That’s why I don’t respect or believe in BTO as a stock sifut. At least Prof. 3iii (who I respect more than I respect BTO) still sticks to his old stocks like PBB, Nestle and Dutchlady.
BTO keeps on telling my older Pang = Shameless liar. I think BTO = Shameless liar because keep changing to his NEW stocks after his old stocks failed.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jun 21, 2023 1:57 PM | Report Abuse

Haiyoh Sifu OTB also join the SSLee competition with your YTL Power leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


Qqq, you look successful. I can feel your success. Good job.
Only thing I hate = BTO= Sifut yang boastful.

News & Blogs

2023-06-21 13:49 | Report Abuse

T20 will move/ migrate to other countries. This is for sure. Jobs also move to other countries together with T20s who have companies here. You can’t kill T20 goose which lay golden eggs again and again to fish for B40 votes forever…
Gov must treat T20 fairly and teach B40 to earn more money themselves…

News & Blogs

2023-06-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

You feel Spore gov makes companies easy to make money? No lah.


2023-06-21 13:41 | Report Abuse

The heaven is here. Every day can get menu Rahmah, Ikut cadangan PH gov. Good job. Love 💕


2023-06-21 13:38 | Report Abuse

Qqq, you look successful. I can feel your success. Good job.
Only thing I hate = BTO= Sifut yang boastful.


2023-06-21 09:28 | Report Abuse

Menu Rahmah Bv today. Sedappp


2023-06-21 09:25 | Report Abuse

Moving to southern Thailand even cheaper.
No ending to cutting costs.
Must be reasonable in cutting costs.

Posted by qqq47660 > Jun 21, 2023 9:22 AM | Report Abuse

Grab fixed costs, staff and office space can be reduced by 80% if they move to KL.


2023-06-20 17:27 | Report Abuse

Pang72, we wait at the bottom again, okkkk???


2023-06-20 17:26 | Report Abuse

Not easy big profits from Spore lah. Spore gov will change rules anytime also possible. Don’t believe. Nahhhh


2023-06-20 17:25 | Report Abuse

That monkey long ago run from Ytl already. Sure monkey laughs to the bank???


2023-06-20 17:20 | Report Abuse

Mati kokok???


2023-06-20 17:20 | Report Abuse

Singapore to end 3,000% power price spikes that sank companies
Author: Tan KW Publish date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023, 6:13 PM

Singapore plans to more aggressively regulate electricity markets as price jumps intensify, again threatening to hurt the retailers that sell it to businesses and households.

The Energy Market Authority will cap wholesale power prices from July 1 using a formula tied to natural gas and generation costs, it said in a document on its website. That comes after they jumped as much as 3,000% this year despite sharp drops in the cost of liquefied natural gas (LNG), the nation’s main fuel.

The regulator has been consulting with industry players and utilities on the best way to mitigate the jumps, which two years ago led to the bankruptcy of a slew of independent retailers. The volatility has also made utilities reluctant to invest in more generation capacity that would alleviate shortages, according to the EMA.

Last month, prices reached as high as S$3,594 a megawatt-hour in daily trading after a power plant at Jurong Island shut for a turbine upgrade amid unusually hot weather. Meanwhile, the cost of LNG has fallen 86% since March 2022.

Singapore intends to launch a request for project proposals in the second half of this year, and has said it may step in to build the capacity itself.
- Bloomberg

News & Blogs

2023-06-20 17:14 | Report Abuse

I drink Eno everyday bah. Haha 😂


2023-06-20 15:42 | Report Abuse

Fighting again. Not going to be good. 👶


2023-06-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

"It was to be paid in two tranches in consideration of an extension of time of 90 days granted to Bahvest. RM6 million was paid to Southsea on May 10, 2023 and payment for RM7 million was to be made by May 29, 2023," said Southsea.

In the statement, Southsea said Bahvest’s crusher plant, processing factory, workers accommodation and other structures had been occupying Southsea’s leased land since 2018.

"No compensation was enforced by Southsea on Bahvest due to the goodwill between the companies and in consideration that Bahvest's operations were just starting then.

The demand for compensation was precipitated by the hostile takeover initiated by the current management, which diminished all form of goodwill between Southsea and Bahvest," said Southsea.

“A temporary settlement had been worked out following good faith negotiations between Southsea and Bahvest with full authority from Bahvest’s board of directors at an emergency board meeting held on May 3,” the firm said, adding that the temporary settlement was ratified by the board on May 15.

“Neither Datuk Loh Fui Ming nor Loh Teck Yong participated in any board of directors’ meeting relating to the temporary settlement. The terms of the temporary settlement had been announced to shareholders on Bursa Malaysia,” it added.

Southsea also said Bahvest’s position to not pay the remaining RM7 million to Southsea as per the agreed compensation, would be an act of bad faith and misleading to shareholders.

The firm also denied claims that there is an ongoing court case or material litigation between Southsea and Bahvest.

“Thus, there is nothing to run afoul of the sub-judice rule at the moment. This would seem as an excuse not to answer queries from the media and the shareholders,” it added, referring to Bahvest's new management's statement on the matter during and after the EGM.

Southsea in its statement also claimed that Bahvest had demanded via a draft agreement that Southsea refund Bahvest the RM6 million compensation paid on May 10 as part of the negotiated non-refundable deposit for the wrongful occupation.

Bahvest's shares gained 2.5 sen or 10.42% to 26.5 sen on Wednesday, giving the group a market capitalisation of RM321.70 million.


2023-06-20 15:39 | Report Abuse

Bahvest's New Management Provided Misleading Information at EGM, Says Southsea
Author: edgeinvest Publish date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023, 8:41 AM

KUALA LUMPUR (June 14): Southsea Gold Sdn Bhd has accused Bahvest Resources Bhd’s new management of providing misleading information about the firm at its extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Tuesday (June 13).

Sabah-based Southsea is 75%-owned by Datuk Lo Fui Ming, who is Bahvest's founder and its former chief executive officer.

The EGM had been called for by a group of Bahvest shareholders to remove Lo, along with his son and former executive director Lo Tek Yong as well as former non-executive chairman Datuk Seri Dr Md Kamal Bilal, after the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) raided Bahvest’s operation centre in Tawau.

However, the trio resigned their posts in Bahvest before the EGM was held.

At the meeting, Bahvest's new management claimed that just before Fui Ming exited the group, the Bahvest founder transferred RM13 million to Southsea as a non-refundable deposit to commence negotiations about compensation for alleged wrongful occupation and trespass on a plot of leased land.

In a statement on Wednesday, Southsea rejected the claim, saying the RM13 million was actually a negotiated compensation, reduced from the RM20.4 million sought in the original letter of demand.

“This RM13 million is termed as a non-refundable deposit for the purpose of continuing negotiations towards reaching a final compensation sum to be paid to Southsea as part of a temporary settlement arrived between Southsea and Bahvest in relation to the wrongful occupation (of the leased land).

"It was to be paid in two tranches in consideration of an extension of time of 90 days granted to Bahvest. RM6 million was paid to Southsea on May 10, 2023 and payment for RM7 million was to be made by May 29, 2023," said Southsea.


2023-06-20 08:16 | Report Abuse

Welder, see's a wanted ad in the paper, welder needed, 25$-55$ an hour.
Welder comes in for the interview, same scenario as the video.
The welder is left to perform his welds, supervisor returns to inspect them.
The welder has completed two welds side by side.
One weld looks like it was done by a high school kid who just smoked a joint, the other was the finest weld he had ever seen.
The supervisor asks him, what's going on and why the quality of the welds are so drastically different.
Welder: The ad stated that the position paid
25$-55$ an hour
Supervisor: Yeah..
Welder: Well, that there weld on the left is a 25$ an hour weld, an the one on the right is a 55$ an hour weld, which one would you like sir?


2023-06-20 07:29 | Report Abuse

Menu Rahmah Bv hari ini. Yahoo


2023-06-19 15:14 | Report Abuse

Wow PMX makes Bv back to profitability…


2023-06-19 14:22 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, OCBC Bank forex strategist Christopher Wong said the ringgit’s near-term outlook may be slightly lacklustre largely due to external drivers including the yuan depreciation, resurgence in dollar strength, much higher US Treasury (UST) yields and broad softness in oil prices.

However, he said domestic fundamentals remain largely sound apart from the modest shrinking of current account surplus and lesser impetus for Bank Negara to tighten monetary policy after headline consumer price index eased.

“But beyond the near term, we still look for the ringgit to recover some lost grounds on the back of expectations of softer dollar and UST yields as the Federal Reserve nears the end of its tightening cycle.”

Additionally, Wong said China’s rebound should return in the second half and will likely benefit the ringgit’s inbound tourism and trade.

“Besides that, the central bank is still in a policy normalisation cycle and could possibly tighten at a later time if inflationary pressures prove sustained.

“In consideration of the above factors, we continue to maintain a constructive outlook on the local currency,” he said.

The bank would also be looking out for the Prime Minister’s Madani economic narrative in August to see if there is any specific mention on rationalising subsidies and plans aimed at improving budget balances, Wong noted.

He said some of these may help to shore up foreign investor confidence and eventually increase demand for the ringgit in the medium term.

Wong forecasts the ringgit to hover at 4.50 to the dollar in the fourth quarter of the year.


2023-06-19 14:22 | Report Abuse

Economist Lee Heng Guie, who is the Socio-Economic Research Centre’s executive director, said Malaysia must continue to enhance economic and financial resilience through sound macroeconomic policies.

These include having a sustainable economic growth, price stability, healthy balance of payment, sustainable fiscal and debt management.

Besides that, a strong and well capitalised banking system as well as maintaining a deep and liquid capital market and the accumulation of strong foreign reserve war chest against the external shocks are needed.

Malaysia had experienced various episodes of sizeable capital reversals, which impacted foreign reserves and the ringgit, he noted.

Lee said the government had incurred the 26th consecutive year of budget deficit since 1998 on a narrow revenue base relative to high commitment of operating expenditure (largely unsustainable subsidies).

On the outlook of the ringgit, Saktiandi said he continues to hold a positive view of the local currency in the medium term.

He said the ringgit has recently been facing a period of weakness as short-term sentiment had been affected by less favourable external developments that include broad greenback’s strength, disappointment in China’s recovery and a decline in crude oil prices.

However, he believes this weakness is likely to be temporary as China could potentially do more in terms of stimulus to support its economy and strengthen the recovery.

A more discernible China recovery could more likely come towards the end of this year, he said.

That should also give a boost to crude oil prices, which have recently been weighed down by China demand concerns, he added.

“The dollar, meanwhile, while expected to stay supported, is likely to end the year lower and should provide a relief for the ringgit.

“We therefore continue to hold a positive view of the ringgit in the medium term.

“As a note, the BIS real effective exchange rates (REER) shows the local currency as among the most undervalued currencies regionally, which could imply substantial appreciation for the currency once sentiments take a turn,” Saktiandi added.

BIS-calculated REERs are adjusted by relative consumer prices. An increase in the index indicates an appreciation of the currency.


2023-06-19 14:19 | Report Abuse

Reforms to minimise ringgit weakness

By DALJIT DHESI, Monday, 19 Jun 2023

PETALING JAYA: Malayan Banking Bhd head of forex research Saktiandi Supaat told StarBiz structural reforms could be focused on improving economic growth, which in turn would be supportive of the ringgit in the long run.

What is key is to ensure fiscal sustainability and reforms should be focused on improving the fiscal position in the medium term and enhance economic fundamentals.

A good macro policy mix would ensure the resilience of the economy during business cycles, he added.

The government is trying to pursue a number of initiatives that are aimed at enhancing digitalisation, growth potential, fiscal resilience and creating a future-ready workforce.

“Some of these initiatives look promising such as the Industry4WRD programme to drive digital transformation of manufacturing and the related services sectors.

“If such initiatives are successful, it can bode well for both the country’s economy and the ringgit’s position.”

In response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0 was launched on Oct 31, 2018 to drive digital transformation of the manufacturing and related services sectors in the country.

Saktiandi expects the ringgit to trade between 4.25 and 4.40 to the dollar by year-end.

Bank Muamalat (M) Bhd chief economist and social finance head Mohd Afzanizam Abdul Rashid agreed that economic reforms are needed to spur the ringgit’s strength.

While Bank Negara would intermittently intervene in the forex market to stabilise foreign currencies and not to dictate any specific level, he said to expect the central bank to do the “heavy lifting” for the ringgit to appreciate is far-fetched.

“The best way to address the ringgit weakness is to ensure economic reforms will proceed as planned. When the market starts to see the traction of the economic reforms, I think foreigners would change their call on the ringgit.

“The enactment of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) would be the immediate priority.

“I suppose the FRA will set the tone on how the government would be able to reduce its fiscal gap and debt burden, as well as improving the transparency and governance of fiscal policy.”

He said fiscal consolidation via tax policy and streamlining the subsidies programme will help improve the credibility of the government’s commitment to keep the budget deficits lowered.

“At the end of the day, it’s about how the government would implement the reform idea and how it can benefit the rakyat.

“So it’s about the communication strategy and credibility of the reform plan,” Afzanizam, who is projecting the ringgit to hover at RM4.30 against the greenback by year-end, said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, when tabling the revised Budget 2023, reaffirmed that the government would be presenting the FRA this year to ensure greater transparency and accountable management of the economy.


2023-06-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

Ular, why you don’t play Forex?
Very easy get Kfc from forex


2023-06-19 09:27 | Report Abuse

Just buy.
Get menu Rahmah Bv. Sedappp


2023-06-19 08:04 | Report Abuse

Today and everyday up up up. Just buy.
Get menu Rahmah Bv. Sedappp