
jolie2 | Joined since 2014-03-15

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2014-08-01 06:45 | Report Abuse

down jones drop 300 points but kps always act opposite.
market bear, kps bull.

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2014-08-01 06:42 | Report Abuse

i have been holding 80% cash waiting for the mega cheap sales.


2014-07-31 21:35 | Report Abuse

the cycle from peak to peak is about 2 months.
kps already 1 month from the previous peak. Will expect to start engine again after merdeka (aug 31)

Then everyone will shout MERDEKA for kps and story finish. Splash sold for 1x book value. Everyone FATT.

Story END.


2014-07-31 19:01 | Report Abuse

down is an opportunity. If not , where got chance to buy low.
this is the time to start accumulating.


2014-07-30 21:42 | Report Abuse

wan azizah will still replace khalid anyway although pas just "lakon" a bit to show they are very "caring and understand party" .

Khalid time is over.He just want to save some face with the help of pas.

Both pkr and pas already pakat to show slight conflit in the new appointment.

That's politic. You really don;t know what is in their mind.
The current price is the right time to enter (slow-slow).


2014-07-23 22:22 | Report Abuse

i think the selling is due to more bad news coming.
a) after raya, will start water rationing due to hot weather. The dam water level drop . The mines will be no water also if continue pumping out
b) last quarter water rationing will expect next p&l result "big red angpow colour"


2014-07-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

my hormones no change after taken shower. Still want to talk about war.

Read this:
Will Malaysia Airlines MH17 Tragedy Provoke World War 3?


2014-07-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

dulu lain, sekalang lain

dulu punya mas --
mana ada system
mana ada standard

sikalang punya mas---


2014-07-20 11:31 | Report Abuse

look at the usa on the sept 11, How fast they take action.
no need to investigate. Just send armies to afganistan and attack.
No talk.

If you want to investigate, take years, By then , everyone would forget , just like the MH370.

Then the victim just die for nothing.


2014-07-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

aiyah... normally all this mat saleh want to give some motivation-lah.
They always like to talk "positive" but behind they will laugh and say useless bump. Close shop better.

Like that you all also don't know-meh. So naive.


2014-07-19 17:26 | Report Abuse

17th is the final destination for mas 17


2014-07-19 17:22 | Report Abuse

Mas 17 happened on 17th day of the month.

In Italy number 17 is considered a very unlucky number by many.

In Roman numerals number 17 is written XVII.

Making an anagram with this number it turns out as VIXI which in Latin means “I have lived”, the past tense implies that one is therefore dead.

“VIXI” has been found engraved on some tombstones dating back to Ancient Rome.

“Heptadecaphobia” means fear of number 17. Some use the word “heptakaidekaphobia”, it has the same meaning; someone who fears number 17.


2014-07-19 15:12 | Report Abuse

Month of July is a chinese ghost festival month. Not a good month. Even the stock market not good.

Al-hantu-ya said one.


2014-07-18 21:56 | Report Abuse

Read this.

mas flight will carry empty passenger in-future, Nobody dare to ride in-future even if free ticket given.


2014-07-14 04:06 | Report Abuse

anything can be possible to create value if both Quek (HL Msia) and Kwek (HL Spore) want to make more money from it.

Anyway, both Quek and Kwek become super rich is due to Tasek during 1980s . If not bcos of Tasek, they won;t have MPI, HL Bank, HL Industries.....

They make a lot of money from Tasek during the construction boom business as that time . From that money, they go into semiconductor business and financial service business.


2014-07-14 03:20 | Report Abuse

tasek cement is a dividend stock based on the following;
a) the machine (crusher, ball mill, vertical mill, kiln,,,,,) is very old. No depreciation cost.
b) they are not growing anymore. They have only 1 cement plant in ipoh perak.
Not like YTL cement where they need money to build new plant and expand regionally.
c) the raw material (limestone) is abundance in perak where there can extract at low cost.
d) they use coal to fire the kiln . The coal price is low.

The only challenge for tasek at this moment:
a) electricity cost
b) maintenance cost due to wear and tear of their old machine.


2014-07-13 21:15 | Report Abuse

the main shareholder which is hong leong asia spore need cash to support their other business which majority are consumer business in china which are not doing so good.
But so far, don;t have to worry b'cos their debt is near to zero. No point also they keep the cash in FD with limited interest rate. Better distribute.

Abeerden is buying back now slowly.


2014-07-13 20:24 | Report Abuse

summarize from the weekly edge on the share drop
a) right issue
b) change of different accounting treatment from operating lease to finance lease
c) osv market over-capacity cause market shrink
d) operating problem in africa

It seems like more bad news and nothing any good news.
Therefore, not a right time to enter.


2014-07-09 14:48 | Report Abuse

kossan will re-test on 4.10 level again.
Once break , it will ride to 4.20


2014-07-08 18:33 | Report Abuse

Absolutely agreed. Very risky counter.
DRB sell all the profitable division (insurance,....) just to let proton breathing. Anytime it will be like MAS and call for right issue.


2014-07-07 17:24 | Report Abuse

this stock trend is similar to parkson (everyday drop. at least parkson is still ok as the management buy-back)

you can catch the falling knife but not worth the risk. There are many other stock that worth to buy. why waste your money on this stock ?
The bull run has just started . Shift your money to other stock to recover back quickly. At least , those holding it won;t loss to much.

Cut loss quickly if your loss is more than 8% of your capital.


2014-07-07 17:05 | Report Abuse

the bull has come back after holiday at brazil for the world cup.
no more world cup match left except semifinals and final.
so the punters start coming back to bursa. Early birds will get the worms.
The real party has just started.


2014-07-07 11:00 | Report Abuse

kossan hit 4.50 on 7th march 14.
Therefore, it may hit this again in short-term.


2014-07-07 10:10 | Report Abuse

kossan break 4.00.
Will move into 4.10
Follow by 4.20 all the way.


2014-07-06 09:32 | Report Abuse

it may be a "pussycat" bounce back and not a "Garfield" bounce back next week.


2014-07-05 20:48 | Report Abuse

there are many festive season coming in 2nd half . The price war is also coming in with huge discount. Sales volume go up but margin depressed.

Car price will not go up but will continue go down bcos car price is relatively high compare with income.

Therefore, car industry is going downhill.

share price of majority of the auto sector is coming down---mbmr, drb, tan chong.

Beware on what you invest. Don;t listen to good things only.


2014-07-05 17:01 | Report Abuse

epf disposing share since may 14
22/5/2014 5:14PM EPF (158,000 units Disposed)
22/5/2014 12:48PM EPF (642,000 units Disposed)
29/5/2014 5:19PM EPF (500,000 units Disposed)
25/6/2014 6:07PM EPF (1,000,000 units Disposed)
30/6/2014 5:14PM EPF (700,000 units Disposed)
4/7/2014 5:57PM EPF (800,000 units Disposed)

The bottom is still far down.


2014-07-04 22:18 | Report Abuse

with so many accidents cases happening to mas, give people "free" ticket, people also have to give a second thought.
Afterword, one way ticket to heavan. No ticket to return back to earth.


2014-07-04 21:59 | Report Abuse

hidup semua ....nazir,najib, mahathir,....
Tapi mas tetap mati.


2014-07-04 21:30 | Report Abuse

history can be repeated. It can be penny stock.
Look at MAS as a example. Luckily i did not buy-in again although i make 1 trip profit in DRB.
Although the NTA is high, it does not mean anything if you does not strip if off. With revenue of billions, but profit only kacang putih number.


2014-07-04 13:46 | Report Abuse

Every cloud has a silver lining ----means you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun.

Similarity to it:---
It is always darkest before dawn. So, in a way, it is telling you "do not despair, for no matter how dark it might get, there will be light".



2014-07-02 15:43 | Report Abuse

big fund is buying into kossan.
Buy before too late..
Gloves sector is going to recover soon . After the storm, the sun shine back .
All the pistons are standby to fire before it vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom above 4.00.


2014-07-01 18:28 | Report Abuse

13-6-14 supermax 5:31PM epf (77,100 units Disposed)
16-6-14 supermax 5:31PM epf (1,600,000 units Disposed)
17-6-14 supermax 5:30PM epf (995,000 units Disposed)
18-6-14 supermax 5:37PM epf (500,000 units Disposed)
19-6-14 supermax 5:30PM epf (97,300 units Disposed)
23-6-14 supermax 5:38PM epf (6,500 units Disposed)


2014-07-01 15:16 | Report Abuse

strong company always shoot up after ex-dividend.
Stay invest in kossan.


2014-06-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

Good day everyone. This is Dr Jamal of Icon CEO speaking again.
Let me explain the benefit of dry docking. The benefits are
1) reduce time out of service
2) allow the shipyard to quote competitively
3) provide a clear cost exposure to the owner
4) maximize vessel availability
5) control cost.

Nowadays , based on advancement of technology and improvement program such as six sigma, dry-docking program is a reliable program.
Don't worry on the future. Our net profit margin has margin of 27% (for 2013 financial year) versus an average of 18% for msia OSV peers and 20% for Spore OSV players.
We are also the highest Ebitda margins at 57% for FY2013 compared with the industrial average of 41&.
We will continue to maintain this margin and satisfy our boyfriend (Abang Petronas).


2014-06-27 22:48 | Report Abuse

you all really a pure JOKER.
Icon is just started blooming into a pretty lady and you ask us to dump her.
Some more this pretty lady already courted by handsome man like petronas.

If courted by old and ugly man, then i will be the 1st one to dump her into the rubbish bin.


2014-06-27 22:42 | Report Abuse

i'm telling you all to "cabut" b'cos i experienced one time before that i cabut too late hoping everytime to rebound but end up close lower each day and stuck inside it. Lost all my profit that i make when reach sky high. The lesson i learn is not to be greedy. if make money, take profit.

This is not instigate. This is based on my real experience. You don;t want to cabut and still listening to fundamental story, it is up to you all.
It may rebound but that it just based on hope. The hope may turn against you.
Warren Buffet rule #1 : Don;t lose your money or capital


2014-06-27 15:38 | Report Abuse

orang sudah cabut, u olang lagi tunggu apa.

Cabutlah cepat-cepat. Tinggal selipar pun tarak apa.
Janji cabut saja,


2014-06-27 15:15 | Report Abuse

you olang mahu beli murah, pegi lorong chow kit roadlah.


2014-06-27 14:24 | Report Abuse

skyu ... are you the culprit who write in the Focus magazine ?
Don't play, play -ah and simply write ah.
You nothing to do , go and play yourself and fly kite.

Sign off
Dr Jamaica
Public relation officer of ICON.


2014-06-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

yes, that's it.
At least i hear something positive from the analyst
Not like this CELAKA FOCUS magazine and the gang, simply said bad about ICON

sign off
Dr Jamil
(Assistant CEO of ICON)


2014-06-27 12:26 | Report Abuse

hn33 signal very long one, Like writing an assay.
Punter like me don;t know how to read and also no patience to read.

You all should also wait the signal from my gang.
My gang signal is that when my super chear leader , wiwangwang quiet, means sell.

When he start shouting , then you all should buyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Must ask also the wiwangwang and the gang also.


2014-06-27 12:19 | Report Abuse

aiya,.. you all want to buy cheap, just said so-lah.
Don;t condemn here, condemn there.
Betul-betul celaka .

Sign off.
Dr Jamaliah
(Secretary of icon)


2014-06-27 09:25 | Report Abuse

good morning everyone.
This is Dr jamal of ICON CEO speaking here.
Don;t morning-morning , want me to tie..... w all of you who still mentioned about AAX.


2014-06-26 20:42 | Report Abuse

DRB is draining out cash every year unless they dispose proton or merge proton with others . But it take years to do this. Therefore, shall not buy drb based on luck even though if your surname is "ONG".
This counter sure NO ONG. Dispose your share as fast as possible. Don't even look back after you dispose.


2014-06-26 18:38 | Report Abuse

msia manufacturing industry already lose out to China (world manufacturing plant) . Now left oil (palm oil and crude oil).
So this oil industry will grow further. Icon is a newly birth name to the oil industry and will be popular in the market for a while. The analyst will continue revise the target price soon until they have make enough money. Therefore, join in the ride first. Don't leave the party. The party just started.


2014-06-26 18:31 | Report Abuse

kacang putih and rojak business. Just like open a sundry shop business.