
jolie2 | Joined since 2014-03-15

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2014-06-09 20:21 | Report Abuse

water stock going to fly soon as weather very hot.
El nino + puasa month + hot weather = kps flying.

Fed govt + selangor govt will complete the takeover soon before all the above issue come.


2014-06-09 20:06 | Report Abuse

i think this friday will have some special announcement. Many of the exciting news of kps always announce on friday. Therefore, keep the finger cross on those holding this shares.


2014-06-09 18:26 | Report Abuse

Pls sell to me at 3.78 . I will collect it. I'm waiting for it to hit this price.


2014-06-09 18:22 | Report Abuse

they also produce vinegar or bio-acetic and also kaoliang wine but the sales is very small compared with ethanol. Very small contribution from this 2 product.
The share price moves only if there is growth . i notice in their annual report that they fired the manager of resin plant and hired a new one. This also dare to report in the annual report. So unprofessional.


2014-06-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2014-06-09 12:41 | Report Abuse

this william cheng already 70 years old. Why he still want to sit at the top and still drive parkson? He should pass the baton to young people as young people have more idea . If not, parkson will turn into a very "old" depatrment store similar to those in 1970s "emporium supermarket".

When you are in retail business, you need to be creative ,innovative and also competent in computer knowledge. Old people tend to be very stubborn and only believe his on way of doing work.
No offense to all those elderly people, but it is a fact.


2014-06-09 12:29 | Report Abuse

the momentum is building up. Vroom power has started. You won't able to chase if you don't ride it now.


2014-06-07 17:32 | Report Abuse

HEXZA product mainly is ethanol refinery. Their raw material is molasses from sugar cane which have to be imported but sell their product locally. The risk is currency exchange. Also. the govt tax on ethanol s high if they sell to those beverage industry. Very low margin business.

How to growth ????? The CEO also near to 70 years old. No succession planning.


2014-06-07 11:44 | Report Abuse

parkson is a cina-apek brand.
you can still build more malls but the brand name is still not strong as it become more saturated.
You need some ceo with international exposure especially some gwei-lo to build the brand.


2014-06-07 11:33 | Report Abuse

Sometimes people are too excited when the price go up and up . They will always say the good things to motivate them self and believe them self. You need some people like me to talk some negative things to wake them up and remind them to be more careful. Im not asking you all to sell ... i;m only asking you all not to be too excited.


2014-06-06 22:54 | Report Abuse

don;t too over-confident on MPI. The US dollar is weak for the last 2 months. Next quarter result won't be so encouraging. The bull need to take a rest. Smart-phone and ipad is saturated in the market and the product price will go down.

I will consider RM 5 is the maximum. The cycle will reach the peak soon. After world cup, it will down-turn for electronic industry.


2014-06-06 13:43 | Report Abuse

i also-also heard that this company have a big eagle logo drawn on the building at factory . Looks like a "Nazi" factory.
No wonder, all the cina-apek director looks like a communist director....squeeze the worker and shareholder until no juice left.


2014-06-06 13:06 | Report Abuse

kps already hit the bottom ground. How to go down anymore ? Unless it is buried inside the ground.
Now it is the time to go up. Therefore, faster buy as this month of june market will down bcos of world cup but kps will always up when market down.


2014-06-05 22:29 | Report Abuse

I also heard this cina-apeh director drive forklift and act as a general worker in the factory . So stingy that he do not want to hire a worker. Every penny , he also put inside his own pocket. Really pure 100% cina-apek company.


2014-06-05 19:00 | Report Abuse

this company is very kedekut company. I heard the employee work inside there received groundnuts + small angpow during bonus time. Therefore , don't hope that it will pay good dividend to shareholder.
Really pure cina-man company and kedekut.


2014-06-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

Good chearleader from wiwangwang. Positive atitude. Market crash also he chear. We need this kind of person in the stockmarket. Always happy.


2014-06-03 18:21 | Report Abuse

the chart also tells me its going to reach 4.50 soon


2014-06-01 13:39 | Report Abuse

there is no accountability and no transparency in this type of company. The 3 billion will just lost and disappear like that if given to proton. This country just tax highly on their citizen but use the money just like belong to their father one.
Why don't they just learn from perodua on proper management.
So egoistic this company. Just pump money in to avoid losing face.
Also proton want to copy honda , mitsubishi car also copy wrongly one. What a shame company.


2014-05-31 22:15 | Report Abuse

the edge weekly today reported the the proton profit and loss account is lump into the defense division and proton's loss is masked by the profit made by the defense division. This shows that lack of transparency from drb to report out the actual loss in proton.
Think twice before invest in this risky counter.


2014-05-31 15:22 | Report Abuse

kossan is shariah compliant. Certain fund managers is start buying kossan. So , buy before it shoot up. Look at Harta, it go-up 20 cents yesterday.


2014-05-31 15:19 | Report Abuse

wah....16 million shares trading yesterday. Down 17 cents. Run faster and take cover. Cut-loss and don't average down as we don't know where is the bottom. Don't hope for "cat-bounce back " . Do not trade against the trend. The trend is always win.


2014-05-31 12:13 | Report Abuse

b'cos that is the worst scenario a shareholder will lost all his money in the public listed company.


2014-05-31 12:11 | Report Abuse

i think people go to 7.11 is mostly to buy condoms . That is the only place secretly can buy condoms as not many customer around.


2014-05-31 11:45 | Report Abuse

7.11 is in the very competitive market. I observed in every 24 hours shop they open, there will another different retailer open next to their shop (also 24 hours).
It just like last time starbucks and old-town compete each other.
Some more they are dealing in m'sia market only (small market) and the goods they sold is quite expensive.
Small mini shop but want to act like tesco , aeon, giant. mydin
I don't think this business model is sustainably.


2014-05-31 10:44 | Report Abuse

if you are a gambler, then kps is a good bet.
The only loss is the divestment loss from splash but it would not go into pn17 as this is a government stock. Anyhow it can be brilliant disguise as selangor govt will privatise it hopefully.
If you win, then it is rewarding as it may hit above 2.00 if there is win-win between selangor govt, gamuda and fed.

no risk no gain.
high risk, high gain.

Fundamentally, kps is still a good counter.


2014-05-28 18:14 | Report Abuse

today this stock try to do "cat bounce back " style again but end up "pig bounce back". Too heavy cannot bounce. End-up the cat tail become shorter pig tail.
Not a good sign. Heavy selling .


2014-05-28 18:11 | Report Abuse

this panda is tired after arrived from China. Have to eat kangkung belacan only can be strong as popeye.


2014-05-28 13:14 | Report Abuse

the panda coming slowly to transform into tiger and roar "kuat-kuat". After that the tiger turn into a bull and start a SUPER BULL RUN.
So, everybody, pls hold on tight to your seat and see this transformaton.


2014-05-28 12:38 | Report Abuse

i also know something but i don't want to tell you all.


2014-05-27 22:57 | Report Abuse

this PARKSON stock can PARK for your SON generation if you bought it.


2014-05-27 22:49 | Report Abuse

he delete the post b'cos it is top secret. Do not want to let everyone know . Only let u all syok a bit only. After that pull back.


2014-05-27 22:42 | Report Abuse

disposal goes to drb hicom and indirectly go to Tun M's salary.


2014-05-27 21:12 | Report Abuse

now stable at 4.68. The next quarter result won;t be good. Expect more bad news than good news. It will do a pandelela's dive to 4.50 soon once the next quarter announce.

News & Blogs

2014-05-27 20:12 | Report Abuse

old man try to act young. Pls admit you are already senior citizen and you should show good example to your grand children (if you have any).


2014-05-27 18:50 | Report Abuse

this is a dead cat bounce back situation, It won;t be sustained, Today trend chart is similar to top glove during the 1st day plunge on 21/3/14 and having the same "dead cat bounce" situation.
Those who made today ,tomorrow will cabut and drop again.
Good luck to those still holding.


2014-05-26 22:11 | Report Abuse

too many shares issue. oil and gas counter is at the peak now. That's why ananda want to take money from all of you. Give some sweetener (bonus issue) to mask the historical price later and confused all of you. Announce all this corporate exercise and poor quarterly result at the same time just want to confused everyone. Dirty tactic. This is a perfect storm for this counter.
Stay out until the storm calm down.


2014-05-26 20:44 | Report Abuse

all the analyst put 5 and above target price for kossan
normally, analyst target price need about 6 months or more to reach unless the market sentiment is very good.


2014-05-26 18:49 | Report Abuse

The tiger roar at the end of the session today. Hopefully the tiger won't turn into panda tomorrow sleeping and lazying.

News & Blogs

2014-05-26 18:46 | Report Abuse

senior citizen shall not play joke with MH370. Be more mature in writing.


2014-05-26 18:42 | Report Abuse

dispose here, dispose there, dispose anywhere.
All the dispose income go to support proton. Risky counter.


2014-05-26 18:37 | Report Abuse


short term- 4.30 (1- 4 months)
mid term -4.50 (4- 8 months)
long term -5.00 (next year)

News & Blogs

2014-05-25 10:00 | Report Abuse

I hope i did not spoiled all your "SATU MALAYSIA" mood and promotion.

Satu Singh, Satu Malaysia


2014-05-25 09:22 | Report Abuse

utilities company such as ytl power, kps, splash, plus will have a huge loan and borrowing to build their plant or road but it will be paid back by the concessionaire period and still provide with a high margin profit. This is a cash cow business.
You can see kps with loan of 666 mil and financial cost of 23 mil per quarter and thus provide gross margin of 32%. Where to find such business ?

News & Blogs

2014-05-24 23:09 | Report Abuse

But ramkarpal have to fast fast get married first. If not cannot become PM b;cos people thought he is "BELAKANG MARI PUNYA GANG" member.

News & Blogs

2014-05-24 22:52 | Report Abuse

aiyah.... don;t so rude to use "lousy" wrd . We are all SATU MALAYSIA.
LOUSY words is ban in i3 bcos it it a political word.


News & Blogs

2014-05-24 22:41 | Report Abuse

ok. i change my name to jolie chong son of muthu binti abdullah.
Satu malaysia punya name.

News & Blogs

2014-05-24 22:30 | Report Abuse

if msia win the thomas cup, then everyone say SATU MALAYSIA.
After that, back to normal.................."APA CINA MAHU", "U BALIK CHINA"," U BALIK INDIA" , " PENDATANG ASING" ,

News & Blogs

2014-05-24 22:05 | Report Abuse

During the 80's , i feel proud of being malaysian. All my friends in malay and india really help each other. After that this spirit slowly die-off as there is too many discrimination at the university entrance. Those non-bumi scored good result not able to enter u. Therefore, during the thomas cup , i cheer the player to win b;cos there are chinese.


2014-05-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

it's good to close operation since it is bleeding already quarter. Shall cut-loss and start new operation. Understand they plan to renovate the building and rent it out . Will get fixed income from this later on.