
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2022-11-29 08:11 | Report Abuse

Chinese manufacturers consume most chips produced worldwide including China itself. By not exporting any chips to China, meaning that US and Chip 4 will have to leave China market to the Chinese players, whatever chips produced by Chip 4 is good for cold storage.

News & Blogs

2022-11-29 08:03 | Report Abuse

apprentice For the sake of the nation and PH, LGE should stay out of any post, forever.
He has made too many enemies during his tenure as the FM.
He removed all the subsidies from the farmers and the fishermen.
He stopped the grant to Utar,
He increased taxes.
He wants to reduce national debt all in one day.
He should have gone after those allerged to have stolen public money, not innocent rakyat who voted in PH.
29/11/2022 6:09 AM

You are absolutely right. LGE is not a fit and proper person to hold FM post. Moreover, he is still having criminal charges against him pending trial. In the trial, everything will be exposed. AG Chambers has an unwritten 90% rule that the evidence available must be good enough to have a 90% chance of conviction. What happen if he is appointed as a Minister and get convicted? News paper will report as Malaysian Minister convicted for XXX offences, otherwise will just be reported as Ex-Minister convicted for XXX offences.

News & Blogs

2022-11-28 15:05 | Report Abuse

Manage nuclear risk means you let go one nuclear bomb, I let go one. If you send two out, I will send two too. This is so called risk and damage control/management.

News & Blogs

2022-11-28 15:02 | Report Abuse

Don't worry. UK already scale down its NHS. Less doctors required as more hospitals are closing down.....

News & Blogs

2022-11-28 14:59 | Report Abuse

Don't worry. Ukraine will surrender very soon when winter set in.

News & Blogs

2022-11-28 14:57 | Report Abuse

AFP fake news manufacturer. Believe in AFP might as well you publish your own tik tok


2022-11-27 11:02 | Report Abuse

Best way to save The Star is to sack the rotten apple forthwith or The Star sure die in slow and painful dead.


2022-11-27 10:51 | Report Abuse

Must boycott Star. Why want to employ someone to create social instability and distort actual sentiment among the Malaysian society? This person really hate to see Malaysia emerge from unrest, so is his employer - The Star


Read the above article and you should agree with me The Star already gone with such News Editor.

News & Blogs

2022-11-24 16:14 | Report Abuse

Genting, Resort World, Magnum, Sport Toto, Beer and liquor stocks, Cigarette stocks all safe now.
More so are all the Malaysians where our economy will not deteriorate further, at least CEOs of GLCs will hopefully under able and competent hands.

News & Blogs

2022-11-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

Ismail Sabri is no more important. He has no role in forming new coalition govt, whether with PH or PN. End of Ismail Sabri political career.


2022-11-21 11:52 | Report Abuse

Ismail Sabri is no more important. He has no role in forming new coalition govt, whether with PH or PN. End of Ismail Sabri political career.

News & Blogs

2022-11-19 19:36 | Report Abuse

It will be interesting to find out whether voters will punish the traitor this time for betray the mandate of rakyat as per PRU 14. Will he is still voted in, meaning that Malaysian voters accept political frog crossing party for self interest.

News & Blogs

2022-11-14 21:26 | Report Abuse

So what should we do? Glove manufacturers for sure won't be making profit over next few years until fly-by-night all close shop, PLUS overhanging glove inventories (over stocked by hospital lah) has depleted. I am of the opinion best to leave glove stocks alone till they start to show profit again. Sell into strength and you won't regret.

News & Blogs

2022-11-14 21:17 | Report Abuse

Chinese businessmen like to join the crowd for quick buck. When property price shoot through the roof, every Dick, Tom and Harry jump into the band wagon, then all get killed. When Covid first emerged, many big timers converted plants into making face mask, now surgical mask is selling at RM 3 for 50's. Likewise the glove makers. Other than the Big 4 glove manufacturers in Malaysia, China is producing like nobody's business, Thailand new glove factories all over Southern Thailand, and in Malaysia, everyone of the big 4 ramp up production facilities plus companies like Mah Sing and George Kent also buta buta masuk jamban.

Business fail because selling price is lower than cost of production (including interest charged). Surely industries won't collapse overnight, but all over in less than 2 years after the pandemic. Rule of the Jungle applies, Survival of the Fittest. Many glove factories will close shop very soon. The survivors will also bleeding to three quarter dead.

News & Blogs

2022-11-10 11:54 | Report Abuse

After election, govt will announce Monday (21st) also a holiday. 4 days holiday at one go. This is to encourage people balik kampong to vote, and to get together to 'celebrate'.

News & Blogs

2022-11-05 16:38 | Report Abuse

Don't drag in any war for that will drain your blood dry. Good to be friend not foe. Doing business is the only way to bring your people out of poverty not war. Let the US fighting war to prove it is 'still invincible' at the expense of its people.

News & Blogs

2022-11-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

Ukraine War will end when Joe Biden is no more POTUS, and Blinken is no more Secretary of States. Bothe are the most severe threat to world peace.

News & Blogs

2022-11-02 09:27 | Report Abuse

Perikatan betrayed mandate from rakyat in PRU14. It will betray rakyat again if voted in this time. So better don't vote for Perikatan candidates especially those who crossed over from PKR for self interest.

News & Blogs

2022-10-30 15:21 | Report Abuse

Both are not credible candidate for GE 15 on PKR ticket. Personally I don't like Tien Chua for his fake cry tactic exhibited during previous demonstration. It amounts to nothing but acted like a naughty boy to seek cheap publicity.

News & Blogs

2022-10-30 15:12 | Report Abuse

President Xi will invite leaders of most country to visit China, excluding the US, UK, Canada, Australia, most Nato member countries but Germany, France, Serbia and Hungary. Why should he invite leaders from enemies?

News & Blogs

2022-10-29 15:41 | Report Abuse

10 Downing St belongs to Indian. If you are not an Indian, please don't come in during this festival season.

News & Blogs

2022-10-27 16:13 | Report Abuse

I don't deny UK university education is good,BUT thing starts to change now. With less funding, UK universities have to go commercial. They are now business oriented. Tuition fees for medical courses at least rm 1 million for a 5 year course, last time was only rm 300k in 2003 excluding lodging, living and travelling expenses (Don't ask me why I know, my daughter still with NHS).

News & Blogs

2022-10-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

You are absolutely right. There was no development in UK for decades. I have been to UK numerous times, latest being August 2019. UK cut budgets for most of the essential services including NHS (Hospital, doctors and nurses), Police Services, Education Services, Fire and Rescue Services, Postal Services, Rail Transport Services, Airport and Seaport Services and many more. With inflation at 10.1%, higher still in coming months, Brits can only choose to forego lunch, or heating. They can't have both........

News & Blogs

2022-10-27 15:17 | Report Abuse

Indian Prime Minister is no different from Liz Truss. All injuries to UK economy is self-inflicted. This Indian chooses to be a foe and going on confrontational course rather than to be impartial with China. Great Britain will be a Lesser Britain under 3 useless PM successively. God save the King (Charles).

News & Blogs

2022-10-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

It is now very clear President Xi is preparing a War Time Cabinet. Be ready to face US aggression at anytime. Need not give face to any US threat, whether economically or militarily. Readiness to engage US and its machai especially Japan, UK, Australia, Canada and India, at the same time keeping eyes on Germany and France. Better be prepared than caught unprepared for any form of confrontation. That is the top priority on President Xi's agenda.

News & Blogs

2022-10-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

China must spend more for the defense, perhaps up to the same level as US in term of % GDP. Need not have as much carriers as US Navy, 8 is sufficient. More destroyers and nuclear submarines, more DF series, more attack drones and stronger technical support teams.

News & Blogs

2022-10-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

China needs a strong leader like Xi to fight the American bully. Like it or not, next 5 years is the most crucial time to decide whether China will emerge as a victor or otherwise. Without strong leadership, China may surrender just like Japan and Germany.

News & Blogs

2022-10-10 20:15 | Report Abuse

Seems voters have no choice but to vote for PH candidates. To choose for a no-so-bad govt is better than very bad govt, or no govt (hanging govt).

News & Blogs

2022-09-30 21:37 | Report Abuse

Heading to become New Emerging Economies should now to read as New Declining Economies just like Argentina in the 80's.

News & Blogs

2022-09-30 21:34 | Report Abuse

What do you know about UK under fake Iron Lady?

1. Tax cut for the rich
2. No stamp duty
3. No hike in corporate tax
4. Increase UK govt borrowing
5. Unlimited QE (via purchase of govt bonds to effect the desired outcome on whatever scale necessary)
6. Easy money flooding UK financial system.
7. £ is heading south to be less valuable than US dollar.
8. Inflation is heading for 20% by Dec 2022.
9. UK is heading to New Emerging Economies instead of developed economies.
10. Life in UK getting harder and harder as every single day passes.
11. UK is doomed.


2022-09-23 16:32 | Report Abuse

Why need to challenge each other until someone is bankrupt?


2022-09-21 14:21 | Report Abuse

Under adversarial system, best evidence prevails and decides the outcome.
No need for name calling.


2022-09-21 14:18 | Report Abuse

There is no question of who badmouth who.


2022-09-21 14:17 | Report Abuse

Under adversarial system, prosecution construct his case with evidence adduced from witnesses and physical evidence. Defence by all means try to discredit witness testimony to create a 'reasonable' doubt. Presiding Judge makes his learned judgement to decide if accused person is guilty as per charge.

Now coming back to i3. Promoters must pull all resources to establish HYR in fact is a 'blue chip' worth investing with low risk. Other party just need to show HYR in fact is a 'Red Chip' with potential accounting issues, and stand high risk to lose money. Mr Market is the Judge to decide who win the case based on available evidence. Investors are the audience sitting in the courtroom to listen to the argument, and the verdict. Who win who lose will depend on the sound judgement coming along the way. Hopefully winner will make a fortune, and the loser won't lose his underpants.....

News & Blogs

2022-09-21 14:01 | Report Abuse

If Najib already declared a bankrupt, his Pekan seat is automatically vacant. What is there to wait for the outcome of Royal Pardon on conviction and sentencing under SRC case?


2022-09-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

Not one sided story to discuss about HYR, that happened in 2017/2018.
To have second opinion by third party is not to badmouth HYR, just a matter to provide fair and balance opinion for all in i3.

I love to come over to i3 to pass time. KYY is different. He has 'noble' intention to help others make money. I have simple intention, to caution people not to lose money.


2022-09-21 11:06 | Report Abuse

In China, you have to work for living. Have you visited any city in China? Every 100 ft or so you will see cleaner sweeping up any rubbish on the walkway. Yes! CCP govt help to feed the poor by providing something to work, whereas in Singapore is not. Poor po po has to fend for themselves. Malaysia is not much different, except most old po po still taken care by their children.


2022-09-21 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by BobAxelrod > Sep 21, 2022 10:39 AM | Report Abuse

LOL...these senior citizens are just filling up their hobbies and past time working in McD and fast food joints all across China, HK and Spore and you'd think they'll want to just sit in rockers and fall asleep??

Their children are not that filial piety at all. They themselves could be not prudent enough to plan for retirement. If these po po has enough money, do you think they still want to work? They may be on cruise every now and then. To retire like those poor po po is really pitiful, what more if all money lost because of Red Chips? Nine out of 10 Red Chips bankrupt within 3 years after listing in KLSE. You think HYR can be exceptional? Yes, may be, but that is after so much blood, sweat and tears from the sorrowful Malaysian punters wanting to many fast money.


2022-09-21 10:37 | Report Abuse

Just go and have a look at Singapore hawker centres, and you will see those poor Po Po working well past 80's.


2022-09-21 10:35 | Report Abuse

Somebody ready to work until 80?


2022-09-21 10:30 | Report Abuse


Avoid Red Chips at all cost, for they will delay your retirement by at least 20 years.


2022-09-21 10:28 | Report Abuse

Blog: Should We Retire Early?

Aug 7, 2022 6:20 PM | Report Abuse

Should you work until 70? 65? 60?
How many years you wish to enjoy before your body still good enough?
Not to forget many people retired at 55 15 years ago and enjoy life at 70 today.
If you retire at 60, the most you can have able body till 70.
If you work until 70, you will hardly have any chance to enjoy life.

If you trusted Red Chips so much, you will have to retire at 80, not 70 my friend.

I don't trust Red Chips. So I went for optional retirement 10 years ago. Now just need to shake legs to wait for money drop from the sky! How nice to do nothing but just wait for harvest time and money automatically goes into your account.


2022-09-20 22:12 | Report Abuse


Avoid Red Chips at all cost, for they will delay your retirement by at least 20 years.


2022-09-20 22:02 | Report Abuse

Blog: Should We Retire Early?

Aug 7, 2022 6:20 PM | Report Abuse

Should you work until 70? 65? 60?
How many years you wish to enjoy before your body still good enough?
Not to forget many people retired at 55 15 years ago and enjoy life at 70 today.
If you retire at 60, the most you can have able body till 70.
If you work until 70, you will hardly have any chance to enjoy life.

If you trusted Red Chips so much, you will have to retire at 80, not 70 my friend.

I don't trust Red Chips. So I went for optional retirement 10 years ago. Now just need to shake legs to wait for money drop from the sky! How nice to do nothing but just wait for harvest time and money automatically goes into your account.


2022-09-20 21:45 | Report Abuse

Tell me which Red Chip stocks in Malaysia can survive after 3 years?
Yes. HYR already survive for more than 3 years at the expense of blood, sweat and tears of Malaysian investors. Hope you are not one of the victim.


2022-09-20 20:39 | Report Abuse

Trust me. Red Chip counters are forever Red Chip. Cannot suddenly become blue chip.


2022-09-20 20:37 | Report Abuse

10 sen dividend is better than no dividend, or 2 sen dividend, or 4 sen dividend. This time around, HYR is considered super generous as Red Chip counters were known to be dubious in the account. Remember XingQuan? External auditors were KYY's relative and KYY went to visit factories in China and still got cheated.


2022-09-20 20:31 | Report Abuse

Huat ah! 10 sen dividend is on the way. HYR made 10 ringgit, gives you 10 sen. Why?