
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2021-11-24 19:27 | Report Abuse

Buy car insurance by installment? If you cannot afford to pay for car insurance, how can you afford your monthly car installment? Malaysian Minister really has brain.

News & Blogs

2021-10-31 16:55 | Report Abuse

Will India buy more palm oil from Malaysia? Yes.
Will China buy more palm oil from Malaysia? Yes.
Will biodiesel gain more ground? Yes.
Will corn oil, peanut oil, soy oil price sustainable? Yes.
Will Ringgit depreciate further against RMB and USD? Yes.
Will inflation round the globe manageable around 5% in 2021? No. Very unlikely. Inflation surely will exceed 5% in Malaysia in 2022.
Will salary of estate workers, lorry drivers, oil mill workers increase by 5% in 2022? Very definite.
Will estate land appreciate in price near term, medium term, and long term? Yes.

So what is your take on plantation stock now?

News & Blogs

2021-10-06 13:27 | Report Abuse

Very soon we will see millions of Afghans refugees landed in Malaysia.
US and the invaders of Afghanistan have washed their bloody hand and the shits now with those not so smart countries to lend out their hands.
Remember the Bangladeshi? The one who bites the hands of Top Glove that feeds those? I am not sure if you feed the stray dogs, and these dogs in return will bite you.

News & Blogs

2021-10-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

Welfare starts from home.
Why Singapore shies away to help the Rohingya even it is the richest country in SEA? Because Singapore PM is smart not to bring problem to his own country.


2021-10-04 13:40 | Report Abuse

Forget about DCF or FDC. If Director only go for self-enrichment program with free shares issued to himself, you should just walk away.
Very greedy when he already given himself big fat director's fee and salary, yet still demand for free shares regardless company is making any profit or otherwise.

News & Blogs

2021-09-29 09:13 | Report Abuse

Australia with nuclear submarine has made itself exposed to be a potential target for nuclear attack

News & Blogs

2021-09-29 08:43 | Report Abuse

Sslee. You are not wrong. China has a history of organised society for 5 thousand years starting with 三皇五帝。

News & Blogs

2021-09-21 09:00 | Report Abuse

What a joke!
All previous POTUS should be charged for violating human rights against citizens of other country outside America. How many wars were started by the previous POTUS?

News & Blogs

2021-09-19 09:52 | Report Abuse

British govt is an opportunist govt, strongest worded message from French Foreign Minister Le Drian.

"We have recalled our ambassadors to (Canberra and Washington) to re-evaluate the situation. With Britain there is no need. We know their constant opportunism. So there is no need to bring our ambassador back to explain," he said.


2021-09-08 11:56 | Report Abuse

If Tan Sri Glove can institute share buy back at rm 8, surely he must have seen value for Top Glove now. Why he dare not buy back his own share even at rm 3.60 right now?


2021-09-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

When is Tan Sri Glove going to sell treasury shares?


2021-09-08 11:53 | Report Abuse


Dec 2, 2020 7:57 PM | Report Abuse

What is the difference when come to SBB Parkson vs Top Glove?
Parkson started SBB from 6.70 (01.04.2008) all the way to 0.615 (31.01.2017) for whopping rm 2.1 billion.
Top Glove started SBB from 8.00 (04.09.2020) to 6.70 (02.12.2020) with lowest price paid 6.12 (10.09.2020).
Both companies were buying back everyday non-stop, and prices still drifting downwards non-stop.
Why SBB?
Why even with non-stop SBB (created artificial demand) but sellers keep coming?
Who are the sellers?
Why supplies exceed demands?
Simple logic of supply/demand equilibrium and you need not be an economist to understand that!

Note: Parkson has since sold all treasury shares at huge loses even at low of 19 sen. https://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/stk/annshrtxn/5657.jsp


2021-09-08 11:49 | Report Abuse


Nov 25, 2020 4:36 PM | Report Abuse

Top Glove is falling into the same trap as Parkson few years back.
Who benefited from the share buyback?
Why share buyback right now?
The volume buyback and the amount pay could be better used to acquire more industrial land to expand its operation, more beneficial in long run.
EPF selling, why selling? When will EPF stop selling?


2021-09-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

Nov 25, 2020 10:27 AM | Report Abuse

12. Share Buy-backs are weakening the balance-sheets even of the most cash-rich firms.
Is Parkson really cash rich? How about 89.39m interest paid for 9 months on 2.49 billion borrowings? Since 2008, WC already used up 2.1 billion to buy back Parkson shares, otherwise he could have saved 75m on interest payment for 9 months.

13. Parkson share buy-back has become a kind of corporate cocaine that induces a temporary feeling of invincibility but masks weakness and vacuity. It has become a norm for any punter to buy by 4.30pm, then park to sell at 4.49pm. WC is going to pay these punters 'toll' to push up closing price everyday. He cannot stabilize Parkson share price with such tactic, but just draining the valuable cash.
Worst still it become clear for WC to commit suicide by drinking sea water in the ocean to quench thirst (飲鳩止渴).
Sooner or later Parkson is going to bleed to death.

14. Please don't tell me WC cannot understand the logical reasoning above. To me, he is paying peanuts to get monkeys to run his business empire -- from the very top to the sales personnel.
Don't believe, just go to any Parkson outlet to see what are the sales girls doing......

WC SBB amounts to about rm 2.1 billion, starting from around rm 6.70 to about rm 1.60. Now all the cash gone.

Top Glove start buy back its own share at around rm 8.00
Will the company spend spend rm 2 billion to prop up its share price?
Paid up capital in terms of number of shares outstanding is much bigger than Parkson. Can amount (say rm 2 billion) enough to stop its price to drift lower and lower each day?

How much Tan Sri Glove has bought back with SBB?
And the share price still falling?


2021-09-07 12:24 | Report Abuse

Parkson is a MNC according to your definition, OK?


2021-08-30 16:15 | Report Abuse

Prices for iron ore cargoes with a 63.5% iron content for delivery into Tianjin traded at $150 a tonne, slightly above a 9-month low of $139.5 as sentiment over demand was lifted by news that the latest Covid-19 outbreak in China was under control. Yet, iron ore prices remain more than 30% below a record high of $230 hit in May amid curbs on steel production in China and improved supply outlook. Steel producers in Anhui, Gansu, Fujian, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, and Yunnan provinces were told to limit their production to 2020 volumes amid China’s efforts to curb carbon emissions. Meantime, shipment volumes from Australia, the biggest supplier to top steel producer China usually improve in the last quarter.


News & Blogs

2021-08-29 17:04 | Report Abuse

UK must prove the terrorists are Malaysian. Mere allegation need not respond as some quarters like to make wild allegation, unless UK says it is going to bomb Malaysia, or already closing down its embassy and sending UK citizen back home.


2021-08-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

Just fyi, Parkson private placement at 18 sen no taker.
WC is selling treasury shares as low as 19 sen, that is still higher than private placement price. I believe WC will again sell treasury share today, probably all the remaining by today to get cash.https://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/stk/annshrtxn/5657.jsp Profit for latest quarter is gain arises from deconsolidation of Indonesian operation, nothing to do with business model. Indonesian subsidiary is left to rot/ bankrupt by action of its creditor. Without one off gain from deconsolidation, you should work out how much is the net loss.
All Parkson in KL and Selangor still close for business until 20 August. I am not sure if these stalls already opened for business or not. Too scare to die for no reason. Believe this is the same reason for people treasure their lives and potential problem/risk inflicted to their love ones. Stay safe, stay away from the malls. Whether Parkson stalls outside Klang valley open or not is too insignificant.

News & Blogs

2021-08-25 19:58 | Report Abuse

Inflation in US is going to remain high due to flooding dollar in world market, and appreciation of RMB against dollar. FED is going to hike interest rate, that is inevitable. Only with high interest to make US T-bill marketable, but US govt need to pay a few hundred billion extra for the interest. Either way US economy is going sick as long as there is no alternative not to import Made in China goods.

News & Blogs

2021-08-18 09:41 | Report Abuse

Right now excessive US dollar flooding every corner of this globe, couple with historic low interest regime by FED. Worse still is Malaysian ringgit is heading south non-stop.
US dollar now at 4.235 ringgit and RMB is at 0.662 sen.
All commodity prices set to go higher due to weakening US dollar, including palm oil.

News & Blogs

2021-08-17 10:12 | Report Abuse

This is how they plant cotton in Xinjiang. You can earn RMB 200 per day even without experience.

News & Blogs

2021-08-12 17:32 | Report Abuse

AFP report is good next to nothing.
China should limit only one bank from each foreign country to operate in China.
Perhaps Citi can represent US interest. HSBC to represent UK interest. Canada and Australia not permitted to open any branch in Hongkong for anti-China. India is too insignificant, so it can use HSBC for banking need.

News & Blogs

2021-08-04 16:35 | Report Abuse

This fella is a political katak. As long as he is given a sweet, he can switch camp any time.

News & Blogs

2021-07-11 09:28 | Report Abuse

After perusal Q&A above, I am of the opinion minority shareholders should sell their shares to Andy Ang.
Wait a minute, I don't think Andy would like to buy from you. He can get free shares under LTIP which he thinks he is rightfully earned.

What is LTIP? Really he can keep the shares without guilty consciousness?
A long-term incentive plan (LTIP) is a company policy that rewards employees for reaching specific goals that lead to increased shareholder value. In a typical LTIP, the employee, usually an executive, must fulfill various conditions or requirements.
Does he qualify?

News & Blogs

2021-07-09 09:19 | Report Abuse

Who is that 'somebody'? Let WHO comes out with a statement.
Not the 'somebody' in an unknown 'researcher'. Name the source, they may be the interested party on smear campaign against China. If the so-called research done by Indian, then forget about it.

News & Blogs

2021-07-08 12:35 | Report Abuse

Back door govt is going to collapse without UMNO.
UMNO is not really indispensable, but happen to be a king maker.


2021-07-07 21:17 | Report Abuse

Dec 14, 2020 5:52 PM | Report Abuse

JPM silence on new market players enticed into this new found land.
Check which are the companies in China ventured big in glove industries.
Look at the new entrance from Thailand.
Don't forget about the fly-by-nite players in Malaysia.
Also check out existing glove manufacturers expansion spree. KLK has been in rubber glove industry decade ago.
Hurdle to set up new glove manufacturing plant is damn low. A very low tech content where every Tom, Dick and Harry can join the party while the music still on. By the time music ends, all fly-by-nite go to holland.
07/07/2021 5:23 PM

Too many fly-by-nite. Already cautioned you on 14 Dec 2020, and yet want to distort no SBB now not an issue,
TanSri Glove already lost his credibility when SBB can't arrest the fall. He wasted company's money too much with no result. More SBB will drain Top Glove more, may just like Parkson Stall bleeding to its death.

News & Blogs

2021-07-07 18:42 | Report Abuse

If there is already a Deputy Prime Minister, why should there be Senior Ministers? Untuk gaji lebih kah?


2021-07-07 18:30 | Report Abuse

Gloves over supply already, just like surgical mask.
Don't tell me you all don't know that?

#One year ago, mayors and governors across the U.S. pleaded with entrepreneurs to set up factories in order to make medical gloves, gowns, and N-95 masks. But now that the U.S. facilities are at full strength, the letter warns China is "effectively dumping masks on the U.S. market at well below actual cost."#

When US produce sufficient masks, gloves and PPE, US Custom will start to find fault using Dumping, Force Labour to justify barring all the imports. Top Glove came under investigation for allegation against 'forced labor'. Till now, issue not solved.



2021-07-07 17:44 | Report Abuse

Motives for Top Glove SBB is very questionable.
Remember Tropicana bought some Top Glove shares at high price and need to cut loss?
Why Tropicana bought into Top Glove?
Read the justifications issued subsequent to the share purchase?
Do you think that was a reasonable explanation?


2021-07-07 17:33 | Report Abuse

Why no more SBB?
TanSri Glove behaves exactly like TanSri Parkson Stall.
Why started SBB when share price was at rm 8 (rm 6.7 for Parkson stall) and when it is now less rm 4 no more SBB? Parkson stall even worse, selling treasury share at 22 sen.

SBB by right is a way to reward shareholders for their loyalty, not an avenue for self enrichment or for the benefits of interested party.


2021-07-07 17:23 | Report Abuse

Blog: Why JP Morgan downgrades Top Glove? Koon Yew Yin

Dec 14, 2020 5:52 PM | Report Abuse

JPM silence on new market players enticed into this new found land.
Check which are the companies in China ventured big in glove industries.
Look at the new entrance from Thailand.
Don't forget about the fly-by-nite players in Malaysia.
Also check out existing glove manufacturers expansion spree. KLK has been in rubber glove industry decade ago.
Hurdle to set up new glove manufacturing plant is damn low. A very low tech content where every Tom, Dick and Harry can join the party while the music still on. By the time music ends, all fly-by-nite go to holland.


2021-07-07 17:20 | Report Abuse


Dec 2, 2020 7:57 PM | Report Abuse

What is the difference when come to SBB Parkson vs Top Glove?
Parkson started SBB from 6.70 (01.04.2008) all the way to 0.615 (31.01.2017) for whopping rm 2.1 billion.
Top Glove started SBB from 8.00 (04.09.2020) to 6.70 (02.12.2020) with lowest price paid 6.12 (10.09.2020).
Both companies were buying back everyday non-stop, and prices still drifting downwards non-stop.
Why SBB?
Why even with non-stop SBB (created artificial demand) but sellers keep coming?
Who are the sellers?
Why supplies exceed demands?
Simple logic of supply/demand equilibrium and you need not be an economist to understand that!


2021-07-07 17:19 | Report Abuse


Nov 25, 2020 4:36 PM | Report Abuse

Top Glove is falling into the same trap as Parkson few years back.
Who benefited from the share buyback?
Why share buyback right now?
The volume buyback and the amount pay could be better used to acquire more industrial land to expand its operation, more beneficial in long run.
EPF selling, why selling? When will EPF stop selling?


2021-07-07 17:18 | Report Abuse


Nov 25, 2020 4:35 PM | Report Abuse


Nov 25, 2020 10:27 AM | Report Abuse

12. Share Buy-backs are weakening the balance-sheets even of the most cash-rich firms.
Is Parkson really cash rich? How about 89.39m interest paid for 9 months on 2.49 billion borrowings? Since 2008, WC already used up 2.1 billion to buy back Parkson shares, otherwise he could have saved 75m on interest payment for 9 months.

13. Parkson share buy-back has become a kind of corporate cocaine that induces a temporary feeling of invincibility but masks weakness and vacuity. It has become a norm for any punter to buy by 4.30pm, then park to sell at 4.49pm. WC is going to pay these punters 'toll' to push up closing price everyday. He cannot stabilize Parkson share price with such tactic, but just draining the valuable cash.
Worst still it become clear for WC to commit suicide by drinking sea water in the ocean to quench thirst (飲鳩止渴).
Sooner or later Parkson is going to bleed to death.

14. Please don't tell me WC cannot understand the logical reasoning above. To me, he is paying peanuts to get monkeys to run his business empire -- from the very top to the sales personnel.
Don't believe, just go to any Parkson outlet to see what are the sales girls doing......

WC SBB amounts to about rm 2.1 billion, starting from around rm 6.70 to about rm 1.60. Now all the cash gone.

Top Glove start buy back its own share at around rm 8.00
Will the company spend spend rm 2 billion to prop up its share price?
Paid up capital in terms of number of shares outstanding is much bigger than Parkson. Can amount (say rm 2 billion) enough to stop its price to drift lower and lower each day?

How much Tan Sri Glove has bought back with SBB?
And the share price still falling?

Will govt ban its glove from exporting?
Will Donald Duck institute penalty on Top Glove for exporting contaminated glove supposed to be used by medical staff as PPE?

News & Blogs

2021-07-03 10:42 | Report Abuse

Singapore Chinese has Singapore's Dream.
Thai Chinese has Thai's Dream.
Do Malaysian Chinese' have a Dream?

News & Blogs

2021-07-03 10:34 | Report Abuse

Mainland Chinese has China's Dream.
We, Malaysian can't have a Malaysia's Dream.
Vision 2020 no more. Vision 2050 not here. Vision 3000 we are all in heaven.

News & Blogs

2021-07-02 10:24 | Report Abuse

Even though US dollar is expected to decline against major currencies, RM may slide even faster to 4.50 per dollar.
Can RMB hit 80 sen by 2022? RM is strengthening but RMB is weakening!
RM is dead against RMB. Won't be surprised if 1 RMB equals 1 RM by 2030.


2021-06-28 19:37 | Report Abuse

All Tomei outlets already closed for 1 month, and continue to close indefinitely. Do you still think company can make money if nobody come to buy? Salary of workers and Directors still have to pay in full. Rental on shopping malls still have to pay. Only hope is gold price shoot past USD 2000..........

News & Blogs

2021-06-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

Not much different from Xingquan.

News & Blogs

2021-06-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

SD at this price surely not making any sense!
Should at best be 20 sen right now.
When not able to submit 6th QR by Sept, will be at 2 sen then.


2021-06-25 16:12 | Report Abuse

Or must they be removed forthwith?


2021-06-25 16:11 | Report Abuse

Are the Directors responsible for losses under property development project with Star land? Why still think LTIP is a good way to 'retain' useless Directors?


2021-06-25 16:07 | Report Abuse

If Directors can bring in millions after millions, free shares under LTIP is ok if company performed as good as PBB or PPB.
Not to forget they are already receiving fat salaries for their input.


2021-06-25 16:02 | Report Abuse

RI after RI.
PP after PP.
Free share (LTIP) after Free share.
Fake after fake.
Semua tak betul.
Abuse judiciary nombor satu.
Apa lu mahu cakap lagi?
Sifu semua sudah lari.
Tinggal monyet seekor dua........


2021-06-24 09:31 | Report Abuse

Follow 90% rule, price at best at 20 sen.
If 95% rule, price at 10 sen.
If 99% rule, price at 2 sen.
Then delisted like XingQuan.


2021-06-24 09:27 | Report Abuse

2nd XingQuan in Bursa?


2021-06-11 20:49 | Report Abuse

Compare Jaks and London Biscuits. Rights issues after rights issues. Private placement after private placement. Profit? Doubtful!
What is best conclusion? Vote with your hands or with your feet? Your call..........

News & Blogs

2021-06-03 22:34 | Report Abuse

Old woman meeting old man. What do you expect? Chit chat over afternoon tea?