
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-06-21 09:59 | Report Abuse

ghghgh.........xxx the way off.............i have enough of you guys keep posting stupid assumption that i'm ktsk88=myview=michellepang=justinvestor.

If you so clever go check with i3 Admin and see our login IP.

I didn't comments because i told you guy that i am not commenting when all these new ID comes here bashing.


2016-06-20 16:13 | Report Abuse

VIVO company lose all the HOA/Contracts/etc?...................where did the announcement?................if no means the on going projects/tied-up/bidding/etc is still intact.............am i right?..................so any change to fundamental then?.


2016-06-20 16:12 | Report Abuse

stutu.................i don't hv to apologise if any members losing monies by playing contra...............since this stocks need to keep not contra.

get your facts right.......


2016-06-20 16:10 | Report Abuse

korekbutut................when did i banned you..................i think you better go check with i3 Admin for using vulgarity and spamming.


2016-06-20 15:55 | Report Abuse

the stocks same like mexter from 0.07 to 0.23s then retreat to 0.15s...........to scare the hell out of the holders and now rebounded strongly.


2016-06-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

stutu................i didn't ask people buy at high price or along the uptrend on contra.............don't contradict my statement...................read all my comments and see if i did ask them contra.

i only saying my style of plays is 0.005 to 1 sen for day trading............not asking them to play contra.

Dont' simply shoot.


2016-06-20 14:41 | Report Abuse

oopsy is talking to himself...................when did i put any buy or sell order when i am still holding my 0.365s.

crazy people with mental illness run free from Hospital Bahagia, Tg Rambutan.


2016-06-20 14:12 | Report Abuse

so don't come and ask me when i wanna sell or bashed me....................i don't care what is your outlook on the stock or chart................i will hold it........sorry for disappointed you.


2016-06-20 13:50 | Report Abuse

Don't know why there guys keep coming asking us to sell...............we have told you even we bought high we have confidence in the company and don't mind keep it for longer period since it is down....................what the heck keep coming asking us to sell sell sell.

For the last time................i am telling you i keep it until end of Dec'2016 or early 2017 before i decide to sell or keep holding.....................please come back end Dec'2016 and we will see then.


2016-06-20 12:59 | Report Abuse

is good they break the support so that wake up the Management and do something to the stocks price.


2016-06-20 12:39 | Report Abuse

22s-20s-18s and back to 0.08s


2016-06-20 12:36 | Report Abuse

it show you one of the moron too.....................simply accusing kenz88, keng88 as me..............anyone with 88 at the back is me..................what a moron.

keep going every blogs commenting on those that don't follow your advices to sell?.


2016-06-20 12:32 | Report Abuse

oopsy.................i am still here and still holding................so what you wanna see me doing?.................sell?....................nope i won't.


2016-06-20 09:34 | Report Abuse

Oopsy...............don't talks to stupid ppl like us................we know what we doing my genius..................aren't you feel and looks dumb talking to us when no ones listens or bother..........we bought the shares on our own will................you can stops commenting whether we loose or berak or dropping our pants or pee................is not your concern.

Why so concern about us?.........


2016-06-20 09:21 | Report Abuse

Oopsy................yes all the people listed is stupid/bodoh ppl................then why you coming here daily using difference nickname to scold/comment/bashed them since they're bodoh/stupid.....................lagi making you looks stupid lah.

Better save your breath talking to stupid people....................else you following the footsteps too.


2016-06-18 11:37 | Report Abuse

cknyam79, i think is unnecessary at current moment..............maybe when everyone making profit when the stocks reach the TP0.40 or TP0.59 (MIDF), TP 0.76 (CIMB)..............then we call for gathering......))


2016-06-18 11:10 | Report Abuse

cwingz. ......you have a points there.............those bought like myself at 0.36s will keep it for another 6 months to 1 year................although i did made monies along the way from 0.26s to 0.36 for mother and also the warrants.

As for those not yet in, time your purchase in stages.


2016-06-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

hahaha....................i don't care whether 500k for condo and 500k for landed properties......................if the properties is way far from my usual daily activities..........i don't bother it is landed or not.............i won't buy.

2nd arguments.........although landed properties is bigger in space................i might not buying if my preference is smaller space for easier maintenance (eg. cleaning,mopping,etc).

3rd arguments..........if i do not need so many rooms since i am not thinking of having kids forever............why i want a big house for?.

4th arguments..............even the different is 100k for landed compare condo.................how many can afford the extra 100k financing.

Hence, everyones have their own preference and taste when come to properties of their choice..............so you can see why condo or apartment usually fully taken up everywhere.............the same for landed properties.


2016-06-18 08:50 | Report Abuse

these sell callers are the one collecting all the way down from 0.36s to 0.25s...........so now they're trapped too that's why no more sell calls.......if not they're the one on the losing end when the stocks really take a bad turn to Day 1.............with no more interests from retailers and big tickets holder.


2016-06-17 16:49 | Report Abuse

go home lo.......happy weekend guys/gals.


2016-06-17 16:25 | Report Abuse

do not surprise all of the sudden surge in volume n price up...........catching you all off guard.


2016-06-17 16:23 | Report Abuse

michelle...........myview is talking sarcastic comments...)


2016-06-17 15:24 | Report Abuse

hahaha...............................sell sell sell now we sell let the syndicate hold n push back up.


2016-06-17 15:02 | Report Abuse

how long the ticket holders can stand with their holdings?..............they won't hold for long period............so push up la.............you push we sell later........or best still we buy and sell along the way.....keeping our old ones for more gain toward end of 2016.


2016-06-17 14:52 | Report Abuse

big tickets holders will be frustrated soon after they can't made the shareholders sell their holdings lower...........so what will they do with their stocks then?..............of course they won't sell for a loss..................only option is push the price up with whatever tickets they're holding.................")


2016-06-17 12:31 | Report Abuse

Hence, VIVO CEO already inform the timely execution risks in it reports.


2016-06-17 12:29 | Report Abuse

VIVO lucky to hv own building material supplies which can save cost for the company...........and with timely payment from CRCC backed bankers, they can do wonders with the funds further.............2 plus points is crucial becos any delays in funding will stagnant the projects expenditure hence delay in delivery causing penalty............many constructions companies have this issued especially they're directly dealing with govt initiatives company and source their own financial backing.

In VIVO case, they deal direct with CRCC and payments is guaranteed forthcoming from CRCC irrespective CRCC gets the projects payment from the GOVT..............becos ultimately CRCC will pays for the penalty and ruins it owns reputation and losing future tender projects.


2016-06-17 12:23 | Report Abuse

tintan, u be the judge.................idiot more hurting?.............or being labelled with lan, gugu, curse your family, stupid, go and rot in hell........etc.


2016-06-17 12:10 | Report Abuse

Hunter 2016, you need to look at the cost saving by vivo using own manufactured material from neata and also financial backing from crcc.

Payment on time will determine the cost saving of the project since money can move thing up.

I don't know bintai case.


2016-06-17 12:06 | Report Abuse

Tintan, me and Michelle being accused adultery.

What have we both done to be labeled that just because she sharing same thought on vivo.


2016-06-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

tintan..................idiot is already courteous.....since i can loose my temper too after being bashed for almost daily...................the words they use on me is more worst............pls read their comments before directing to me.

If that person is you, i think you will do the same.


2016-06-17 11:59 | Report Abuse

missEliza...............after your analysis please let us know is what the IB mentioned is right or wrong.....................because i am also investing based on their research and the company result so far.


2016-06-17 11:53 | Report Abuse

MissEliza...............these ppl on the pretext of coming here to save the members from being conned by buying along the uptrends based on announcement and good result..............when they're the one conning the ppl to sell down and cut losses.

Then accuse ppl with name calling and involving family members in the bashing........an unethical conduct.

I am here merely given my opinion of the stocks based on concrete news by those IB.........not simply based on my sky plucking figure.......the EPS/PE calculations are all based on standard accounting ratios method.

What is wrong with that?. What conning they're talking about?.


2016-06-17 11:48 | Report Abuse

Most retailers that scare already exits the stocks when it on downtrend...........only syndicate are collecting along the way..............so when this syndicate can't push it down further to collect, the only ways is for them to starts push up again to exits.


2016-06-17 11:43 | Report Abuse

If company is good it wont drop 30%.............hahahaha.................Globetronics drops more than 50%...................Maybank/CIMB/Public Bank too.

Only stock goes up is Nestle/Panamy/hapseng/HaiO.....etc


2016-06-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

Some idiots..............dont wanna admits the company is getting projects, tied-up, good results.............even so many IB/Research House/TheEdge/Bloomberg are telling the same thing i am saying..........with TP 0.59/0.78 etc.............but i am forecasting only 0.40s before the year end.

If i am conning or pluck from sky................mean you idiots should go sued n bash those firms.

If i am big tickets holders i already push up the stocks............i m nobody here to determine the stock price.............why these idiots keep harping the same issues.

Go find those CIMB/MIDF/Mercury and bash their analyst.

MissEliza............my reasons to invest is the stock is having plenty of projects, cheap for construction/telco standard because still listed in ACE, good result so far, tied up with so many big giants in their own specialize fields and good reputation and potential of capital gain before end of this year.

If you think all this is bluff or fake...................then don't invest and if those holding not comfortable...........follow those idiots call and sell off.

They are more happy to see you guys sell down the stock to proof their calls.

If they're genuine is coming here to advice the truth..........they don't have to come and call sell since day 1, no need to accuse ppl using same ID to self praising , no need to do all stupid acts and name calling....................these ppl are not coming to invest...............more a troublemakers.


2016-06-17 10:29 | Report Abuse

Michelle morning..........sorry i won't bother this ppl once they come out...........take note.


2016-06-17 10:26 | Report Abuse

when go up in a row, you scare and ask to sell, when sell n down..........you said why no up...........crazy idiot running here daily with new comments


2016-06-17 10:24 | Report Abuse

tomwah..............what i wanna said is for a company to be fundamental sound, it need to proof it have the ability to secure more projects but the most important part is it can deliver the results................i think in this concepts..........VIVO have done so.

So what is the issued with the company then?........i don't get it when ppl keep bashing it...............no projects, news, results..........you guys made noise............got plenty news/projects and good results.................you guys doubt it and paint a negative image of the company..

I am wondering how Warren Buffet pick it portfolio of company to invest in?..............and double or triple his fortune?.


2016-06-17 10:14 | Report Abuse

okay what i wanna said is done........relax myself until July/Aug period.


2016-06-17 10:13 | Report Abuse

agreed with that.........myview.


2016-06-17 10:10 | Report Abuse

the trend of this stock from 0.22 to 0.285, then 0.285 to 0.32, then 0.32 to 0.365 is similar..............take long period stagnation before the upthrust.


2016-06-17 10:06 | Report Abuse

tomwah.............no more trade...........just passing time here......until July/Aug...))


2016-06-17 10:03 | Report Abuse

1 thing i don't understand people here.............you wanna invest in VIVO and yet you so sceptical on the company stock price and their fundamental.............if the company is not so good or bad........don't come nears the stocks............as simple as that.

If you think the company does turnaround and have good fundamental...........why scare to invest and keep it for some period of time?.

If you want something fast and easy money.............looks for those in the top volume and buy and sell on the same day............or those speculative one without fundamental but gives u immediate profits.

If you can goes for those speculative ones..............why the heck you need to see the company fundamental then?.

Even Globetronics/Inari can have the stock price run down almost 50%..........Genting from 10.60 to 8.20 now........Maybank/CIMB/PBB...........aren't this is bluechips?..............why foreign investor dump this so called good fundamental companies?................be wise up and think back.


2016-06-17 09:50 | Report Abuse

juiceboost.............those PP takers that participate in the company not only looking at returns from the shareholdings in term of dividend (not in near future) but capital appreciation..................but one thing unusual in the PP this rounds is that the same companies are also VIVO projects principal....................which they will awarded the projects to VIVO..........means their are some sort of profits guarantors.


2016-06-17 09:44 | Report Abuse

tintan..............you means successfully distributed to syndicate and waiting to unleash the stock to high level?


2016-06-17 09:42 | Report Abuse

if you can't take the risks in any investment don't invest...............keep in FD.

every investment have risks.........................even i bought Gold at multiple price during the last boom and my average is 170.87, i am holding to losses of over 20%..........but with gold at USD1300.00 now............my investment now in neutral/positive territory.

Sooner it give me good return in the longer term.


2016-06-17 09:35 | Report Abuse

JUICEBOOST.....thanks for enlightens...............dilution is expected as long the earnings increase incremental then it should be fine....................this stocks is not for contra unless you want to take the risks...............the higher the risk the big rewards.

The next PP taker could be Beijing Constrcution Group whom already expressed interest in participate in the company equity capital and at the same time appoint VIVO as their delivery partner.


2016-06-17 09:16 | Report Abuse

myview............PP to a single investors mean the funds will hold for longer term hence no selling of the holdings.............if RI is it across the board to all shareholders............and this people will start selling in the market when the same stocks floating changing hand from one to another.


2016-06-17 09:00 | Report Abuse

Myview, yes RI is also good if the pricing is right................but PP is better if the right PP holders is selected and stays with the company for long term not like Brahmal Funds.

I prefer PP so that the floats is lesser and they can push the price easily based on news announcement and good QR.

My opinion.