
ktsk88 | Joined since 2012-10-18

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2016-06-24 09:31 | Report Abuse

did i said i am famous here?......................don't mentioned my name to flame the buying issues..............i buy is my risks............anyone here can judge or made wise decision on their own...............no need to flame the issues that has passed.


2016-06-24 09:26 | Report Abuse

stutu...............i buy is my issue...........i don't mind holding so what is the issue?.............don't keep attacking me.


2016-06-24 09:20 | Report Abuse

iloveshare128............i do agreed with you but the investing public doesn't use that as yardsticks here.


2016-06-24 09:12 | Report Abuse

the company is making profit albeit slower and softened market condition ............but overall with rolling 4 QR the EPS is 6.6sen and a PE of 8.8 times..............not very bad figure.

Applying PE of 10 times, the stocks still valued at 0.66sen...........how many stocks trading at single PE?.


2016-06-24 08:56 | Report Abuse

As long as they got projects that will contribute to their bottomline............. be it small or big..................don't have to argue.


2016-06-23 17:09 | Report Abuse

Anyway, let us forgive each other. Everyone have shortcoming. Just gets together n made on vivo.


2016-06-23 17:07 | Report Abuse

He is rich n famous n smart.


2016-06-23 17:00 | Report Abuse

duitkwspkita..................since you're his good buddy i guess you too can give us a good lesson and tips here..............let's be friends to made from the stock markets..cheers.


2016-06-23 16:59 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree...................zbaikitree is more hot headed and arrogant than me or myview..................you miss the drama previously...............you should meet him ...))

okay gotta go home now. bye............have a nice day.


2016-06-23 16:57 | Report Abuse

duitkwspkita................his ID already banned and now he is using optimusprime if not mistaken.

We have a long fights during Day 1 and later mended up.......his prediction is good and accurate...............miss him to be honest.


2016-06-23 16:51 | Report Abuse

there is one person i get inspired is zbaikitree that mentioned that VIVO is future stocks to watch...........plus all the news flowing out made me more confident in the company......that is why i invest heavily inside.


2016-06-23 16:49 | Report Abuse

People please don't follow my investment objective because i am buying along the ride n made my profits..........and the last i bought is 0.3625s and decided to keep for 6-12 months.

I just parked my monies there based on coming QR and bonus and also the company future.

You can call me stupid...............but i am willing to take the risks unless the company starts have negative news then i will decide later.

Hope don't boomerang me for my objectives.


2016-06-23 16:47 | Report Abuse

i am sincerely coming here to share not to conned people and i do have high hopes on VIVO............that's why i keep buying along the uptrend and the last buy is 0.3625s.....at that time all good news is there and spurs my buying interests for the medium to long terms............6-12 months ahead.

So i do not care it drops back to the current level....................i just parked my money there as long the company no negative news.

So people can follow me or they've others objective opposed to my thinking about VIVO..............it up to them to buy or not.

Better get my stands clear to you guys.


2016-06-23 16:41 | Report Abuse

i am here to discuss and sharing to made profits only from investing be it small or big sum..................not to fights.


2016-06-23 16:40 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree...........sorry i am not myview.................for the last time i need to made a stand here................since Day 1 this is only my ID in i3.

sorry if harsh.


2016-06-23 16:37 | Report Abuse

michelle Pang, no need to follow all the comments....................i am better concentrate that internet biz......now going to be big dealing.........streams of steady income and become bigger each month...))


2016-06-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

yesterday whole day accompany him to discuss biz dealing. so today i am back office............that is my brother in law biz..........helping him developing internet side.


2016-06-23 16:31 | Report Abuse

cknyam79, just send you my email.................i didn't have time to read the blogs since yesterday because need to take care my clients from australia on my personal capacity.


2016-06-21 16:47 | Report Abuse




2016-06-21 16:31 | Report Abuse

No Brexit lah................will be Bremain.


2016-06-21 15:07 | Report Abuse

buying momentum now at 79% (mom)


2016-06-21 15:07 | Report Abuse

don't be surprise it rebound in vengeance with strong upside later.


2016-06-21 15:04 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita..................the reason for the flares up here sometime ago due to some members keep coming in telling a "sell" calls each time....................without given the valid concerns or explanations what's when wrong or some part of concerns..............now that Disagreedtoagree come out with the phrases...................then we know that.......and the consequences of the huge goodwill of 185mil in the book from Neata purchased..........................but it can be written off later over a numbers of years or from the reserves at one shot.

I know this Goodwill will dilute the NTA but if the results continue to be good, it can taken care of the dilutions apart from PP/Warrants/Bonus issued.

I prefer the company from sourcing the funding internally rather than from banks.......in turn they need to paid huge interest on the loans.

But i still have confident on the stock turnaround story and not everyday you can find one at the magnitude with some risks of course.


2016-06-21 14:48 | Report Abuse

everyone have different appetite in investing and hence we cannot applied the same concepts on them................so everyone need to tailored accordingly to their objectives.

we're here to share and learns...............not quarrel or bashing with vulgarity........whether we agreed or disagreed................just keep our level head clear and calm....))

if i did offended anyone...............sincere apology from me.................but please keep family out of this arguments.


2016-06-21 14:44 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita................that is why in investment you need critical thinking apart from TA/FA.................and also monitoring the stocks closely.


2016-06-21 14:33 | Report Abuse

CKNYAM79................yes Vivo is more better than LKL/AEMULUS/BIOHLDG/KTC but these stocks all run up too and holding there........but VIVO because of some funds pressing down to manipulate it as what disagreetoagree said.


2016-06-21 14:28 | Report Abuse

thanks for the info that spelled out the disadvantage of PP and the stock price............everyone here know the risks involved when entry into the company since 10s.......................i know the risks so i would like to thanks you sincerely for the advice.

Will time my entry again in the stocks when i have the surplus funds.


2016-06-21 14:12 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita.........................so in other words, this company have the credential to be in the construction league and only time will proof it?.


2016-06-21 14:00 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree...................that part is also a concern.............but could it be that they're just new into constructions that is why nothing yet to show........or a little proof to show in their website.

Further all this deficits and risks is mentioned in many analysts or IB reports.......we know the risks..............but apart from the risks can we also look at the bottomline or their QR as a proof they're on tracks?.

Should we give them the company a turnaround story?.


2016-06-21 13:10 | Report Abuse

whether is you or not............not my concerns.....................i believe in retribution.

as duitkwspkita said................ppl can judge our intelligence.


2016-06-21 13:01 | Report Abuse

apologize to you for calling my mother, wife into fresh trade and being fuck by stutu/etc?..................


2016-06-21 12:56 | Report Abuse

okay gotta relax after my chicken chop lunch................that is Ipoh life......don't jealous...............slow paces environment here.


2016-06-21 12:51 | Report Abuse

keng88...............why you come out now.........later i will be accuse again as ktsk88=keng88=kenz888


2016-06-21 12:46 | Report Abuse

when ppl using the same tactics creating new ID.................he is accusing ppl.

all this talking within one self is coming from 1 person here.......but we don't know his identity cos keep changing every second...... hahahaha

Of course i stay and died in Ipoh.............my hoemtown.............now full to the brim with visitors from Pg, KL, Johor, SG on weekend........jammed everywhere...............courtesy of you.


2016-06-21 12:41 | Report Abuse

duitkwspkita.....................many crazy ppl lately in here...............everyday Hospital Bahagia releasing a batch each day to come out for taking some fresh air.

You're not 1st being accuse talking to your own................i am ktsk88 being accuse as MichellePang=justivestor=myview talking back to myself.


2016-06-21 12:18 | Report Abuse

I done my job on time and get my MD approval before I play the markets.

Don't worry. Approval is given so no issues of trust or no trust. Irrelevant since I told my boss my intention.


2016-06-21 12:16 | Report Abuse

Easy to spotted trouble maker here since all regulars will use the same ID. From if not up, then down. Most important is the company fundamental have changed or not. If no, then it's okay to keep.

Why come question the members here that are willing to keep the stocks for long term or short term?

Are they mad because we don't listen to them? That's why keep pestering us daily.


2016-06-21 11:55 | Report Abuse

announcement of result anytime soon this month........so if you see movement n swings up you know the results is good.................else need to keep n hold until the gold mining is on full swing to deliver the good results since gold price is calling USD1300 and higher plus ringgit factors.


2016-06-21 11:50 | Report Abuse

i am trying to give info and my insight on some stocks i following since i need to relied on investment to make extra monies for my enjoyment and spending...............buying gadgets like phones, car accessories, gadgets etc...))................apart from doing my full time employment.

hope every members can earns something here.


2016-06-21 11:41 | Report Abuse

crazyremisier...................Mexter rebound strongly yesterday..........hope it can reach your TP 0.25s and still intact.


2016-06-21 11:40 | Report Abuse

duitKWSPkita...............we all here to learns cos learning is never ending........a part from that i always believe one thing....

buy when everyone is fearful and scare if the company is good..................use your critical thinking and analyse the company and situation and acts accordingly.

That is all i wanna say.


2016-06-21 11:38 | Report Abuse

we have been exposing our sentiments, fears, worries and hence making us an easy preys for them to take advantage........


2016-06-21 11:37 | Report Abuse

beware those new ID with 1st comment......................they seems to test the retailers sentiments and acts accordingly..................the better and safe ways is to remain muted on our actions................just talks about the company if we have info to share.........else just quiet.


2016-06-21 11:33 | Report Abuse

from now we don't have to mentioned what price we bought, or bought or going to buy.......................let it quiet from now on. Seems someone is monitoring our comments to acts accordingly to VIVO stocks.

Just lay low until the company announcements.


2016-06-21 10:20 | Report Abuse

to banned or not to banned not my doings...............go check with i3 Admin..............so far in i3 for many years i have reported you 1 time just now.

so please go check with i3.......................i won't reply you anymore since you been cursing my family..............let it befalls back to you later.


2016-06-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

ahpiukoh...............i don't need loans since i don;t have liabilities.........and have my own fundings and properties.

so stop worrying me................and stop cursing other people families when we didn't even involved your family members in the arguments.

it show your character upbringing........sigh.""((

News & Blogs

2016-06-21 10:11 | Report Abuse

Even MEMC is closing down it Ipoh solar panel plants this year end.............and their parent company A.Sunedison in US is filing for Chapter 36.


2016-06-21 10:06 | Report Abuse

go create new ones lah more faster...........Admin lagi fast deleting your comments............better use more PC to login and comments...............fast lo.......yout timed comments will show you're same person talking to yourself.


2016-06-21 10:04 | Report Abuse

why suddenly all the ID comments disappear?.....................kena banned by Admin?.................hahaha serves you right.


2016-06-21 10:03 | Report Abuse

why you need to change your ID daily and comments..............use back tokkk888 lah.......or whatever ID you have used before...................not guts or you are banned each time for bashing and using vulgarity?.

Vivo go up or not, time will tell...............no need you guys coming here to comments daily....................if you're tokkok8888............better look after your Gtronic.