Blog Posts
2024-09-24 09:44 | Report Abuse
AB back in the play. Anybody has some news on the latest developments.
2024-08-02 10:11 | Report Abuse
wat happen today? The sea has turned red!
2024-06-12 10:35 | Report Abuse
Yeah, lets go. Long over due
2024-04-26 10:31 | Report Abuse
Anybody knows if there was a door gift announced for people who registered or voted?
2023-11-28 11:05 | Report Abuse
anyone can translate into english
2023-10-25 09:54 | Report Abuse
Are these guys in operation? Looks like they have taken long leave....very long
2023-05-26 11:18 | Report Abuse
Good show today after a week of see-saw movements. Hope it stays for the next big move upwards
2023-01-11 12:48 | Report Abuse
with new govt, any news on this company? Still to be kept in ICU or moved to normal ward?
2021-10-25 10:21 | Report Abuse
kyosan, just wtf is happening here? no news is bad news, right?
2021-10-25 10:04 | Report Abuse
bet alam and sapura, which is a better bet to survive. any advice, pls
2021-09-15 09:53 | Report Abuse
Yeah, if gorman can do for Felda, why not for others too. In Felda taxpayers give ang pow, here s/holders give. Thats all.
2021-08-30 09:48 | Report Abuse
new ceo bring prosperity? today down by 30sen. something wrong with your crystal ball, bro.
2021-08-16 10:16 | Report Abuse
if cabinet resign today, there will be alot of applications. Just observe.
2021-08-12 10:34 | Report Abuse
The mgt and board - another set of wasted lifes, earning big bucks and doing nothing!
2021-08-12 10:26 | Report Abuse
Loy LC, u r right, what a waste of time and money on these jokers. If cannot or dont know, pls resign dummies.
2021-06-04 09:35 | Report Abuse
up two cents today. must celebrate, finally it seems to be alive. Anybody know why?????????
2021-04-27 10:16 | Report Abuse
what happened market just dropped by 15 pts in 15 minutes?
2021-04-08 09:47 | Report Abuse
it is now or never. those who were holding since the last wave, your patience maybe rewarded in this wave. go go go
2020-12-17 09:35 | Report Abuse
anybody have any info on this counter. Suddenly woke up
2020-11-19 10:06 | Report Abuse
Letsfly : calvin and mike seem like the good brothers who quarrels but love each other very much hahaha
Now that the HK lovers quarrel is over, any serious good or bad news on FGV? Anybody?
2020-10-16 10:44 | Report Abuse
i am new player...wat you sifus think is goo price to sell?
2020-10-14 10:34 | Report Abuse
just bought and hope to see RM9 soon.
2020-09-15 10:09 | Report Abuse
And also an over bloated incompetent senior management team that needs to be fired!!
2020-09-07 09:22 | Report Abuse
hopefully has made the turn for good.
2020-07-23 09:50 | Report Abuse
fl888, good question. I have been waiting years for this. All you get is 'next month, next few months' etc. Happy holding till doomsday!!
2020-06-17 17:59 | Report Abuse
MaYun, one my Chinese bro asks "how come this wonderful Chinese MaYun did not looked into the mirror" and did not object or say anything about his two chinese bro in the first place. Maybe you belong to the same stable.
2020-06-17 09:56 | Report Abuse
"Fellowship_ _ &123eztrade" both you assholes musts be some Jinjang type Chinese racist pigs. Whilst the world is trying to get rid of racists, we have here the same racists monkeys. U better stick to Chinese stocks and get conned daily, that should be more acceptable to you yellow bat eating monkeys. nobody con the people like the Chinese and nobody force you to buy any Indian stocks or any other stocks lah, you stupid fcukerss.
2020-06-09 10:30 | Report Abuse
Chew is a conman. Have attended 3 agms and not once explained the financial numbers and the state of company's finance. Each agm he gives a product technical presentation for 30 mins and agm is over. When people ask for a explanation of the p&l, chairman says all the info is in the annual report. Wat a bloody con show.
2020-02-26 09:51 | Report Abuse
now PH going to be kicked out, maybe somebody with some financial and business sense can finally take over. Or is this hoping for too much???
2019-11-04 10:04 | Report Abuse
Management and BOD shd resign enbloc. Get mgt from HLB or PBB to run this place. These people got no shame, always keep collecting money but are working veery hard doing nothing.
2019-11-01 10:06 | Report Abuse
does not matter wat govt do.....this set of b/shitters wont know wat to do. Should sack the whole lot of dummies and save some money
2019-10-22 09:53 | Report Abuse
Chew and his mgt team of relatives are doing their best, chairman say......bad results must be due to US-china war. Only stupid mgt call for agm and not explain finance figures but give technical presentation. Full of blooddy bullshit!! No hope counter
2019-06-17 18:42 | Report Abuse
Question: is it time to buy?
2019-06-04 10:03 | Report Abuse
how come Azmin ex MB cannot do anything? All these people are the same....Perak Corp was rm3+ now become 40cts. PKR sleeping on the job just like DUMNO!!
2019-06-03 09:46 | Report Abuse
recent AGM another session in wasting time. 3rd AGM with "how great is the technology" and nothing else. Many proposals with possible clients but no deals yet and still bleeding. But not to worry - we all working very hard doing nothing. Great company with a great mgt team.
2019-05-02 09:38 | Report Abuse
sight upturn today...maybe posititve sign of things to come.
2019-03-27 09:51 | Report Abuse
Anybody - any idea or forecast TP in the short term and long term?
2019-03-13 11:18 | Report Abuse
so what is Nga and PH going to do now with PRKCorp? The bad guys are gone and so now.....sell chee cheong fan and char keuh teow???
2019-02-18 11:55 | Report Abuse
Press reported there will be another dividend at end of Feb. Anybody with news on this? Comments?
2019-01-22 10:49 | Report Abuse
this AGM pls come in big number and screw these guys. Chew must present a proper finanicial analsyis of situation instead of his regular technology garbage.
2019-01-18 09:43 | Report Abuse
have held these shares for years...every AGM this Chew guy and chairman talk cock. Only talk technnology and not the finances..full of bullshit. They are one big happy family ripping out shareholders. They should be fired!!!
2018-10-19 12:27 | Report Abuse
lucky sold think this is connected to AZ? Maybe back to .60cts
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Exercise of Warrants - 1,785,300 shares. - wat does this mean and how/when does this become effective. Any advise, pls.