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2021-01-22 22:15 | Report Abuse
Ironic that SMX SBB hardly any negative comments and SMX have higher % of treasury shares than TG.
Guess all the IB employed cyber troopers not given instructions to comment there because not much RSS volume. TG....a very different story.
2021-01-22 21:05 | Report Abuse
MrGlover I doubt it. EPF has a lot anyway, don't need to rely on recently bought shares to loan. Furthermore, it's getting too close to Q announcement plus divvy. Not enough runway for shorties to close position later. See net short position later to see if it reduced. Yesterday and today 0 short on Kossan, we see if the short position volume change is big or not lo.
22/01/2021 8:59 PM
You got a point there. EPF possible expecting bumper dividend from Kossan (due to announce their QR by early Feb).
Anyway it is a no brainer to pick up more share at this price.
2021-01-22 20:37 | Report Abuse
Wished that TSL continued to SBB into treasury shares and next QR declare share dividends instead of cash dividends. This is the best method to hit those IB that short this counter!
2021-01-22 20:34 | Report Abuse
MrGlover EPF acquired 6.4m shares 18th and 19th Jan. :)
22/01/2021 6:06 PM
Could it be EPF buying more share and do SBL for those IB to short the counter again?
2021-01-22 20:30 | Report Abuse
Ben Tan SBB = dividend shares 1 treasury share for every 45 shares held, if we judge from the last 2 quarters.
22/01/2021 8:17 PM
Bro Ben, if they continue to declare share dividend 1:45 every quarter (hoping they are more generous like TG). it will represent 8.8% DY.
The SBB could also be getting ready for SGX listing. Hope they do not issue new shares but instead "take" 10% of its issued shares to be listed over there.
This will drive up the prices massively!
2021-01-22 20:23 | Report Abuse
Awesome move by ST! See anymore shorties dare to short SMX. Getting ready for oversea listing or another round of Share Dividend?
2021-01-22 18:46 | Report Abuse
Could be SuperMax going to declare another round of Share Dividend in the next QR?
2021-01-21 22:41 | Report Abuse
Posted by lly316 > Jan 21, 2021 10:15 PM | Report Abuse
No, I am not nominee account. Thanks for reply Brutus & pBlue, will check out with bank tomorrow
Make sure you have registered for e-dividend, otherwise you will receive it in cheque form.
2021-01-21 22:01 | Report Abuse
Posted by lly316 > Jan 21, 2021 9:44 PM | Report Abuse
is anyone received the dividend payout on 11th?
Received on 11th first thing in the morning.
Yours nominee account?
2021-01-19 20:43 | Report Abuse
No RSS on TG today, only SuperMax, Kossan and Hartalega. Funny that Comfort now also has RSS Vol done.
2021-01-18 20:28 | Report Abuse
Running out of stocks/shares to short!?
2021-01-18 20:23 | Report Abuse
Posted by TRYLUCK88 > Jan 18, 2021 8:18 PM | Report Abuse
it seems kentrade cannot key in order after 4.45pm. Betul ke?
Key for same day closing price can. Key for next day need to be after 5:00pm.
You using KenTrade?
2021-01-18 18:31 | Report Abuse
SteadyT Anyone knows when will the QR be released?
Last quarter they announced on 27th Oct, ETA 27th Jan?
2021-01-18 18:28 | Report Abuse
Saw someone commented only 3 platforms can see the daily RSS Vol: MBB, KenTrade and M+, not sure how true is that. MBB can see PSS+RSS while KenTrade and M+ can see only RSS.
2021-01-23 07:15 | Report Abuse
GoodBoy RSS traders bought back 1,062,480 TopGlov shares on 21/01/2021, RSS traders did not buy back any shares for Kossan, Supermax n Hartalega on 21/01/2021
23/01/2021 1:56 AM
Wondered how these RSS traders can buy in 1,062,480 shares. They went into the odd lots there to purchase? I thought all transactions supposed to be in multiple of 100 shares?