Blog Posts
2022-09-28 21:41 | Report Abuse
Missed the last time around when it was <RM 2.00, this round my funds are ready to add more position.
2022-09-23 08:24 | Report Abuse
Anyone here planning to attend their AGM next week?
2022-09-23 08:24 | Report Abuse
Excellent QR. FY23H1 already achieved 68% of FY22 earnings! Was hoping they declared dividend higher than 1c though.
2022-09-17 16:10 | Report Abuse
29/09 cannot come sooner.....Thinking to reinvest the dividend:
1. Buy more SCGM
2. Invest into similar sector (BPPLAS, SCIENTX, TGUAN)
3. Change sector eg Finance/Industrial Product/etc
2022-09-15 17:55 | Report Abuse
Wow! Surprised that the management had decided to declare dividends for Q3 as well. Thank you for the generous payout.
2022-09-04 06:36 | Report Abuse
End of September need to make an effort to attend its AGM physically to ask questions pertaining to the future direction of the company.
2022-09-03 10:25 | Report Abuse
All shareholders can cash out with the disposal of LSSPI. WIll just keep the existing shares and see what will happen as already zero cost. Expecting last round of dividends for FY23Q1 since disposal is dated 30/08.
2022-08-29 15:07 | Report Abuse
Good solid QR. Waiting patiently for the DRP details. Hopefully it will be priced below 5.30 for the DRP.
2022-08-29 15:05 | Report Abuse
Solid QR. If not of the cukai makmur DPS 8.0 sen can be higher.
2022-08-17 08:09 | Report Abuse
Solid QR. Waiting for dividend to come in then convert its warrant into mother share.
2022-08-16 21:22 | Report Abuse
Solid QR from BPPLAS! With record high revenue, the higher profit is expected in the coming quarters. Looking forward to a year ending special dividend.
2022-06-30 20:31 | Report Abuse
@samyipwl, no worries, though I do wished it was 0.02 every
2022-06-29 14:42 | Report Abuse
@kl_guy, same here. No excess rights share. No waiting for refund only.
2022-06-28 18:20 | Report Abuse
@samyipwl, ECOWLD dividend (if any) is half yearly, not quarterly payout.
2022-06-27 14:27 | Report Abuse
844,207,538 Rights Shares issued pursuant to the Rights Issue with Warrants will be granted listing and quotation with effect from 9.00 a.m., Tuesday, 28 June 2022.
Still not gotten any refund from my excess Rights Issue application. Tomorrow will be DDay to know whether can get or not.
2022-06-23 22:06 | Report Abuse
Excellent QR! Second highest PAT recorded, just shy of last years 126M. Looking forward to their next QR with dividends. If by tomorrow no refund from the excess rights issue, then good game!
2022-06-16 22:13 | Report Abuse
@Havefun, the Free Warrants are given to eligible shareholder the right but not the obligation to exercise the warrant into mothershare @ RM 1.16 per share within the 7 year's time frame.
2022-06-16 18:59 | Report Abuse
Solid QR! Thank you for the generous dividend!
2022-06-16 10:07 | Report Abuse
@HUNTER, those who bought on or before 5th May 2022 are entitled to use part of the income distribution to purchase new AXREIT shares @ RM 1.760.
2022-06-07 11:40 | Report Abuse
Today submitted my Rights Issue via Bursa Anywhere. Fast and convenient. See if they approve my excess subscription as well.
2022-05-31 17:21 | Report Abuse
What a day! Total RM 6.115B worth of transactions!
2022-05-30 15:01 | Report Abuse
@alex, is it? Good for you. My friend using MBB Nominee Account said he did not receive it last time. Now he open another MBB Direct CDS Account with MBB to save on the Dividend charges imposed by MBB as well as getting the discount code from KOSSAN.
2022-05-30 09:25 | Report Abuse
Today at PBeBanking can see the eRights for YINSON already. Tunggu gaji masuk then subscribe it!
2022-05-29 19:57 | Report Abuse
@8888_Nominee Account do not get it, only direct CDS Account.
2022-05-27 08:40 | Report Abuse
@rl68, wait for the actual listing of the shares. Then you can do a Shares In under transaction.
2022-05-26 08:08 | Report Abuse
Today TO Price 2.26 after Bonus Issue (Rights Share with detachable Free Warrants).
2022-05-24 19:37 | Report Abuse
Ex-Date for Rights Issue is 26th May. Tomorrow is 25th, last day to add position in order to entitle to the Rights Issue.
2022-05-24 10:22 | Report Abuse
Understandable weaker FY22Q1, good time for long term investors to buy more at low share price.
2022-05-23 21:13 | Report Abuse
Wonder what is the expiry date of the detachable free warrants, 3yrs, 5yrs, 7yrs?
2022-05-19 18:54 | Report Abuse
@Foker, they will email the discount code in a few days time.
2022-04-19 19:31 | Report Abuse
Tomorrow AXREIT announcing their FY22Q1 report. Hoping for some solid dividends.
2022-04-15 14:30 | Report Abuse
8206WB listing on 18/04, maturing 7 years with EP of 1.160. Surprised this WB is 7 years!
2022-04-11 20:27 | Report Abuse
Latest acquisition first 3 years rental yield is 6.67%! Good solid and sizeable acquisition!
2022-03-30 20:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you YINSON management for the BONUS ISSUE 1:1 before the Dividend Ex-Date!
2022-03-25 19:02 | Report Abuse
EP for the Warrant is RM 1.16 with Ex-Date on 8-Apr, maturity date not decided yet but I would guess at this price, it could be 3 years or maybe 2 years only.
2022-03-24 16:00 | Report Abuse
The Free Warrants 1-for-5 already approved at the AGM. Just wait for them to announce the exercise price and maturity date.
2022-03-17 13:56 | Report Abuse
Great start to FY22Q1 results! Just hoped that ECOWLD management is generous for FY22 dividends as what they did in FY21. On to FY22Q2 in 3 more months time. Mean while will patiently wait for their AGM and Free Warrants.
2022-03-17 11:08 | Report Abuse
Ex-Dividend still go up. Made a right decision to add more position at 2.xx.
2022-03-16 20:02 | Report Abuse
@Maridien2, thank you for keeping track of the SBB by SuperMax. Waiting for their yearly Share Dividend.
2022-03-15 17:15 | Report Abuse
@Choongling, RHB will announce in due course for the Dividend details along with the DRP details. Just need to know the DRP share price when they announce it as it will be based on discounted 5D-VWAP. This time around the price should be RM 5.xx as last I subscribed was only RM 4.69 and RM 4.61 respectively.
2022-02-28 13:31 | Report Abuse
Good solid QR. Thank you RHB for the generous dividend! Full year payout is close to 62% of their earnings. Looking forward to their upcoming DRP to add more position.
2022-02-23 15:15 | Report Abuse
Extracted from their latest AR "Future Revenue remains high at RM3.5 billion as at 31 October 2021 which continues to provide both
earnings visibility and cashflow certainty going forward".
Meaning to say FY22 the earnings visibility is there, barring any surprises in unexpected cost, their EPS is quite predictable.
2022-02-21 19:35 | Report Abuse
A solid Q4 results! Highest revenue! Thank you BPPLAS Management for the generous dividend! Looking forward to FY22.
2022-02-21 14:13 | Report Abuse
@derickuan, the announcement is nothing new. Prior to their AGM this mandate needed to be tabled out for shareholders to vote. Not necessary mean the management will do a share buyback.
2022-02-18 08:28 | Report Abuse
Was hoping for 2c dividend after they skipped last quarter with no dividend. But looking at long term, LUXCHEM is on the right track.
2022-02-18 08:26 | Report Abuse
Within same period Kossan mustered as EPS of 8.57 while Harta only EPS 7.58. TG only can generate 2.32 (7.59 previously). Would be interesting to see what can SuperMax achieve in the same period.
2022-02-16 16:51 | Report Abuse
DIALOG latest QR revealed that the effective tax rate is only 16%. The one off prosperity tax is not affecting DIALOG as the 33% is applicable on company level not group level.
2022-02-14 20:06 | Report Abuse
@pathfinder, saw in the report that the indicative price of WB will be 1.03.
2022-09-30 13:22 | Report Abuse
@Jacked123: Your trading account is nominee or direct CDS?