
marcuschan0000 | Joined since 2020-09-16

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2021-04-26 19:59 | Report Abuse

FY21Q1 QR will be released on tomorrow, 27/04.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-04-25 10:50 | Report Abuse

@Ben Tan, another excellent and detailed write up! Awesome!


2021-04-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

At times, I always wonder why am I vested in this (many so called) "lousy useless counter"? Good that I always have faith in the management team.

News & Blogs

2021-04-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

Because KYY never invested in Kossan?


2021-04-21 06:01 | Report Abuse

The whole of 2020 Kossan delivered 14 sen dividend, in FY21Q1 already get 12 sen! Cannot wait for the rest of the quarters!


2021-04-20 19:23 | Report Abuse

Yummylicious dividend coming! Waiting for it to reinvest and buy more Kossan shares!


2021-04-20 16:36 | Report Abuse

Very strong and large supporters for PBB. I had been queuing to buy @ 4.18 since 1st April. Was disappointed that yesterday my queue was not matched although it hit 4.18. Was pleasantly surprised that my queue was finally matched this morning!


2021-04-19 20:19 | Report Abuse

What if this coming quarter, TG decided to has some corporate exercise, ie RIghts Issue where the lender will need to recall back the shares from the borrower? Will this be the best weapon to counter the shorties as they need to buy back to be returned back to the lender in a short time?


2021-04-17 14:15 | Report Abuse

@Start_0f_the_bull, if you can view the daily RSS volume, you will understand why Kossan is the laggard among the big 4.

News & Blogs

2021-04-16 19:17 | Report Abuse

@Ben Tan, excellent piece of article! Happy to see your work whenever you post it up here!

News & Blogs

2021-04-15 19:32 | Report Abuse

There are still people singing Sunset industry for Gloves!


2021-04-08 09:59 | Report Abuse

@tamp0i, similar to you, I always wondered why I am happily stuck in a sunset counter like Kossan!


2021-04-07 18:29 | Report Abuse

Kossan really being held down by RSS. Today the RSS volume is about 25% of the total volume!

News & Blogs

2021-03-30 21:21 | Report Abuse

Master Ben, excellent analysis!


2021-03-27 21:26 | Report Abuse

1M Share Buyback on 25/3!


2021-03-23 21:24 | Report Abuse

@moneymakerz, I always suspected The Edge is part of a larger syndicate to bring down TG. This article proves it all!


2021-03-22 18:45 | Report Abuse

@moneymakerx, TQVM for your detailed explanation! Understooded very well already!


2021-03-22 18:15 | Report Abuse

@moneymakerx, can to elaborate further? Newbie here.....


2021-03-22 18:05 | Report Abuse

TG today closed 5.40, tomorrow adjusted to 5.14. Why is everyone saying that Shorties need to pay the dividend?

News & Blogs

2021-03-11 21:57 | Report Abuse

@Ben Tan, all analyst if I am not mistaken did not report or take into consideration that one of the expansion for TG is to have their own Nitrile plant. They will be able to control their costs much better than other players.
Correct me if I am wrong.

News & Blogs

2021-03-10 13:15 | Report Abuse

AMInvest next 2Q added up dividends to be only 0.258?


2021-03-03 16:33 | Report Abuse

@casanwk, RSS at Kossan is among the highest of big 4. Already 1.82M shares.

News & Blogs

2021-02-28 12:01 | Report Abuse

Most companies just plan private placement to raise capital, in the process diluting existing shares.
Likewise here but with the successful DL in HKE, at least existing shareholder's shares NTA increase.


2021-02-17 21:06 | Report Abuse

@linheng- I bet not many know how to read all these numbers! How many companies in BURSA can muster an annual PAT >1.0B? I rest my case.

News & Blogs

2021-02-17 21:01 | Report Abuse

However these IB wants to cut the cake, nothing can change the fundamentals of a good company. How many companies in BURSA can muster PAT of >1.0B?


2021-02-16 20:17 | Report Abuse

Do note that back in Nov 2020, Kossan donated RM 50M for the COVID19 Tabung. Otherwise their PAT will be closer to RM 600M.


2021-02-16 18:54 | Report Abuse

See if FY21 onwards Kossan adopt quarterly dividend payout similar to TG. Currently is still half yearly payout.


2021-02-16 18:47 | Report Abuse

Dividend announce 0.03 (Interim Dividend) + 0.08 (Special Dividend)


2021-02-16 18:45 | Report Abuse

KOSSAN Financial year end net profit 1.903 billion (increased 734.99%)


2021-02-07 17:22 | Report Abuse

@ILoveGloves, in the platform one cannot queue higher than 30% of the LACP. System just does not allow that.
As for RSS, there is a proper procedure from the IB to borrow shares from anyone, with a proper SBL agreement. Without prior agreement, no one can touch your portfolio be it Direct CDS or Nominee account.


2021-02-07 11:57 | Report Abuse

@Bullrunrun, same here. I know an investor who vested in TG more than 10 years ago, having close to 2M shares. Last Oct bought cash BMW X3 for wife based on the dividend RM 0.085. Imagine his recent Jan dividend of RM 0.165!


2021-02-07 11:39 | Report Abuse

@BalancedPortfolio88, I share your same thoughts. With the entire economic situation, I find no other better companies to hold in my portfolio than gloves in the mid to longer term.
Many claims that BURSA is 6 months forward looking and with gloves companies, their earning in the next 18 months is highly visible yet many panic when price fluctuate a bit downwards.
I am just accumulating as many as my funds permits and sit back to enjoy the dividends.


2021-02-05 17:25 | Report Abuse

RSS Volume 4,394,300. Total Volume 1,800,200, that is 24.1% of today's total volume that consists of RSS!
So much effort so little movement in price today!


2021-02-01 09:34 | Report Abuse

@Water Fish Burger- Why not collect Supermax dividend first before switch to Top Glove? Since Top Glove will only announce their FY21Q2 report in early March.


2021-01-28 11:43 | Report Abuse


Look at Facebook Post :- Wong Patrick - Bursa Market Strategies (Open Group).
Stocks Wanted : TopGlove, Kossan and Supermax
Interest : 5% per annum on daily rest paid on 10th Business day of following month
Contact Patrick Wong Chin Liang. tel 012-9190285 (Kenanga)

Actually nothing new, this guy merely promoting the SBL in KIBB (obviously, he is from KIBB).
All the T+C is laid out openly in their website. There are a total about 200 counters that they want to do SBL, not just TG, SuperMax and Kossan.


2021-01-27 18:45 | Report Abuse

@MrGlover, not surprising. EPF within a day can siphon millions by selling first then buy back in the afternoon. You will notice most of the Bursa announcement is "Transacted" rather than straight forward "Disposed"


2021-01-27 11:10 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, my queue is ever ready for them to drop today! Good time to pick up!


2021-01-26 18:52 | Report Abuse

@MrGlover, they last announced it on 9th Nov, so if we just add 90 days, then we can expect it on 9th Feb 2021.


2021-01-26 10:51 | Report Abuse

10:50am RSS Vol

TG 2,005,200, SMx 27,300, Hartalega 126,900 & Kossan 0


2021-01-25 21:31 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, I also wish but cannot see it in this coming quarter. Next quarter, we will be surprised if Kossan do not hit the Billion Dollar (Profit) Club.


2021-01-25 20:56 | Report Abuse

@linheng, at least Kossan have a policy. The smaller liners do not even have it. Policy is one thing, they can always declare special dividend similar to TG, 50%+20% for their FY21.
Hoping the Lim family to be a bit more generous from now onwards, after all they are the biggest beneficiaries.


2021-01-25 18:48 | Report Abuse

Anyone estimate what is Kossan coming QR PAT? I am hoping they hit 0.8B, hence minimum dividend (based on the policy of 30%) based on EPS 31.27, Kossan shareholders can expect 9sen dividend? Based on today's closing price of RM 4.50, that is a 2% DY per quarter = 8% annually.


2021-01-25 17:25 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve, SMX is 559 Lots = 55,900 shares. Same got to TG.
Both M+ and KenTrade RSS Vol is Lots. Not shares.


2021-01-25 14:45 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, RSS trader gameplan very simple. As long as they can buy back at a lower price than they sold, they will continue to short. They do not care the price uptrend or downtrend (though uptrend, more difficult for them).


2021-01-25 11:54 | Report Abuse

@MrGlover, good for you!
I missed the RM 4.00 as extra cash cannot come in time yet.


2021-01-25 11:29 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, secret account....? IBs especially their Coverage Report....Kenanga still more "humane" unlike some other foreign IBs!


2021-01-25 10:57 | Report Abuse

GoodBoy Kenanga ...
25/01/2021 10:29 AM
One of the very few! I recently added M+ to my existing KenTrade to save on the brokerage charges. Cannot see daily news in M+.


2021-01-25 10:24 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, what platform you using?


2021-01-25 10:14 | Report Abuse

MrGlover Are the shorties at work today? Anyone has stats to share?
25/01/2021 9:56 AM
So far shorties only short TG and Hartalega, Kossan and SMX still 0.