
masterkevin212 | Joined since 2014-02-19

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2021-04-24 16:01 | Report Abuse

When microsoft come, software company must hold tight tight.


2021-04-23 09:54 | Report Abuse

As i said too much of conversion, TAWIN price shall reflect on 0.255 only


2021-04-21 19:32 | Report Abuse

No more hope to push 3.1 billion shares


2021-04-21 18:28 | Report Abuse

right issue with no free warrant...puihhhh

News & Blogs

2021-04-21 13:41 | Report Abuse

YA, Now everyone has become very smart, when uncle said you must run


2021-04-21 13:40 | Report Abuse

SARDIN81 come and go to SAPURA to promote. I am in SAPURA NOW


2021-04-20 13:29 | Report Abuse

Since i exited KNM and have been playing few rounds out there in other stocks.

Surprising SARDIN81 is still here to gosok knm kilat kilat. really a very good supporter to KNM. Keep it up.

KNM is no longer in my list.


2021-04-20 13:27 | Report Abuse

HI SARDIN81 long time no see.


2021-04-20 13:26 | Report Abuse

I think this is the best time to stay away first.


2021-04-20 13:24 | Report Abuse

Very disappointed that most of PA are already converted to an ordinary share. Before the went up of TAWIN the total shares stood at nearly 450 million and now increased to nearly 850 million. Which means 400 million shares with conversion of 0.075 + nominal 0.025 = 0.10 has been converted.

If we work out that way, the price shall reflect 0.259 only. Unless TAWIN can achieve profit in the coming quarter. This is my personal opinion only as everyone knows too much of ticket floating in the market is a bit hard to push up further.


2021-04-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

Lim Aik Gee also disposed his stake with exchange share at 0.10 and sold at 0.40 above i think. He is not confident or what or may be Tawin is not worth than the value he got. My personal opinion only.


2021-04-20 13:14 | Report Abuse

I am just wondering how cyrium wire technology SB is going to lead the entire TAWIN.
Base on my finding the financial end 30/6/2020 for Cyrium is only at revenue RM 1.5 million but with loss RM 2million


2021-04-20 13:11 | Report Abuse

Technically, TAWIN is going to be on downtrend. If below MACD line force pressure sell down will happen.


2021-04-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

i dont think tawin will go up further, short term may meet 0.30


2021-04-13 23:09 | Report Abuse

If tomorrow no up, meaning to say the downtrend is formed

News & Blogs

2021-04-12 21:40 | Report Abuse

maybe you forgot another material from TAWIN


2021-04-08 17:03 | Report Abuse

old news already...


2021-04-06 00:28 | Report Abuse

Holding TAWIN is a must


2021-03-26 06:58 | Report Abuse

Ta Win Holdings Bhd是一家投资控股公司,主要从事铜线和铜棒的制造和销售业务。 Ta Win是马来西亚领先的铜生产商,在大马交易所上市,年收入超过3.7亿林吉特。由于全球数字化,对其产品-铜线和电缆的需求正在上升,影响了包括基础设施,运输和能源在内的许多行业。 (铜有助于减少CO2排放并降低发电所需的能源量。铜是最好的可再生资源之一。它也是为数不多的可反复使用100%而又不会造成性能损失的材料之一)可再生能源(太阳能)所需的铜量是传统能源的5倍之多。电动汽车所需的铜比传统汽车多5倍. Ta Win通过本地合资企业向下游进入高利润电缆行业,其专利配方可提高利润率,因为下游通常会要求更高的利润率.Ta Win正在扩大产能(通过新的生产线),并且正在垂直发展通过国际合资企业,Ta Win已进入中国铜市场和马来西亚铜回收市场.Ta Win通过投资利润率更高的新业务,将自身定位为实现可持续的盈利增长(作为新生产线)已于2019年5月投产,并于2019年7月开始商业运行)。借助新的生产线,集团的总产能可能翻倍(从1000-1200吨增加到每月2000-2200吨-新生产的利润率更高简介)太阳能,风能和水能等可再生能源已成为能源市场的替代能源(包括马来西亚大力推动可再生能源)可再生能源)。在过去的5年中,可再生能源的快速增长是由化石燃料成本及其对环境的影响不断增加所推动的。铜在这些可再生能源系统中发挥着重要作用。实际上,可再生能源系统中铜的平均使用量是化石燃料和核能等传统发电量的五倍。由于铜是工程金属中极好的热和电导体,因此利用铜的电力系统可以高效且最小地对环境产生影响并传输能量。

-铜在风能技术中的主要用途是在发电机的定子和转子部分的线圈绕组,高压电力电缆导体,变压器线圈和接地中使用。 3)




2.2 Cyprium Wire Technology合资企业(第2名)
TaWin拥有新成立的Cyprium Wire Technology SB的80%所有权,是第一家也是唯一一家将该技术商业化的马来西亚公司。与国外竞争对手相比,具有竞争力的价格和交货时间是该下游产品的一些关键优势。



估值-通过更高效的新生产线,国际和本地合资企业,Ta Win已扩展到新市场并垂直整合到下游业务中,以专利技术获得更高的利润率。



1)2020年9月17日,Ta Win根据《 2016年公司法》在马来西亚成立了私人有限公司Ta Win Copper Biohealth Sdn Bhd(“ TWCBiohealth”),其主要业务为设计,研发,生产,营销,投资业务。医疗保健和医药产品,设备和服务的风险投资,包括抗菌铜的应用,铜添加剂,铜和铜蛋白的生物化学和化学;和
2)于2020年12月24日,以总值RM20,670,000.00的总价收购和认购Royce Pharma Manufacturing Sdn Bhd(“ Royce Pharma”)的3,897,197股普通股的售股协议和认购协议已经完成。依此,罗伊斯制药通过其全资子公司TWCBiohealth成为大运32.5%的联营公司
3)随后,本集团于2021年3月8日完成了对Sin Line Tek Electronic Co Sdn Bhd(“ Sin Line Tek”)的投资,这是本集团进行下游活动的一部分,以加强本集团的核心业务和财务业绩。在对Sin Line Tek的投资中,集团在2022年6月30日和2023年6月30日获得了260万令吉的利润保证和300万令吉的税后利润。

Sin Line Tek和Royce Pharma的业务前景和利润保证,以及Ta Win在制造电缆和电缆产品的下游铜业务垂直整合方面的努力,本集团将重点放在Cyprium Wire Technology Sdn Bhd(“ CWT”)。 2021年1月21日,Cyprium Wire Technology Sdn Bhd通过了IATF 16949:2016和ISO 9001:2015认证,用于在用于汽车生产的电线和电缆以及相关服务部件组织中实施质量管理体系。这样一来,CWT已准备好成为东南亚汽车供应链中的第一家也是唯一一家马来西亚公司,并具有将用于聚合物绝缘和护套电线,电缆,电气和电子产品的电子束辐照技术的专利交联处理商业化的能力。这些里程碑进一步增强了CWT在制造汽车供应链的电线/电缆和线束中的竞争优势。董事会认为,集团处于有利位置,可以抓住电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车对汽车解决方案的飞速增长的需求和兴趣。


铜线的用途尤其包括发电,输电和配电以及电信。一些需要铜线的主要E&E产品包括电动机,电缆,变压器,电感器,发电机,消费类电子产品,电磁体以及电梯和自动扶梯。在马来西亚,铜线市场的销售额从2013年的27亿林吉特增长至2017年的约33亿林吉特,复合年增长率(CAGR)为5.1%。同时,马来西亚的铜线消费量从2013年的117.7公吨增加到2017年的估计的143.5公吨,在此期间的复合年增长率为5.1%。 PROVIDENCE预测,以销售额计算,马来西亚的铜线市场规模将在2018年至2020年之间以5.6%的复合年增长率增长,到2020年将达到39亿令吉.PROVIDENCE还预测马来西亚的铜线消费量将增长。 2018年至2020年的复合年增长率为5.1%,到2020年将达到166.7公吨。

马来西亚的铜线出口从2013年的16亿令吉增加至2017年的27亿令吉,在此期间的复合年增长率为14.0%。中国是马来西亚,印度,澳大利亚和新加坡等五大铜线出口目的地之一。 2017年,马来西亚对印度,澳大利亚,新加坡和中国的铜线出口占马来西亚铜线总出口的52.1%,15.3%,8.9%和3.7%。马来西亚对东南亚国家(包括新加坡,文莱,泰国,菲律宾,柬埔寨和缅甸)的铜线出口占2017年马来西亚铜线出口总额的16.9%。


2021-03-25 12:52 | Report Abuse

The increase of the revenue yet to include the revenue generated from newly acquired subsidiaries. I believe the next quarter will show profit base on my anticipation the further increase to 160-180m revenue.

Based on the major segment production line cyrium wires with full capacity, i believe Tawin can be outperformed due to the huge demand gained from industrial product which relates to EV technology.


2021-03-25 12:47 | Report Abuse

The increase of the revenue 45% as compared to last quarter in which i think is in line with production line.


2021-03-24 23:20 | Report Abuse

We should look into the future of automobile products especially TAWIN is one of a few companiews dealing with EV copper harness cables.


2021-03-24 08:13 | Report Abuse

I never call buy, but I prefer to call hold to win big.


2021-03-24 08:11 | Report Abuse

Valursearcher as cyprium will lead the revenue with major contribution to tawin and I am counting on Cyprium as a whole to tawin


2021-03-23 22:23 | Report Abuse

For your Study only


2021-03-23 22:20 | Report Abuse

Base on RM 40m profit forecast. 25PE will be around RM 1 billion market cap. Base on current RM 271m market cap. To reflect on PE 25, the price of TAWIN can go RM 0.37 x 3.69times = RM 1.37.

This price is based on phase 1 and 30% of phase 2 production.

For your Saturday, never call buy


2021-03-23 22:19 | Report Abuse

1) TAWIN is on full capacity from the order it has as of today.

2) TAWIN current phase one production can cope with at least 50% of all cars in Malaysia if the order is obtained.

3) phase 2 production line is more than 3 times from current it has and it will commence its operation in June or July this years.

4) Global order is increasing from time to time.

5) Automobile will be the key prospect for group.

6) Tawin is looking at profit RM 40m in 2022 taking into consideration of current book order.

7) TAWIN is only one of a few companies in Malaysia obtaining full certification in the automobile industry for supplying hardness cabling especially EV automobile.

8) Transformation of TAWIN from upstream and now to downstream into industry products.

Lastly, boss said TAWIN is under value, but boss didn't say how soon TAWIN will limit up.


2021-03-14 22:53 | Report Abuse

The advantages the scrap copper process by tawin JV china company the cost is RM 23k per tonne, this is a very good advantages of having this process plant, so that tawin can produce copper at low cost and buy low for scrap copper and sell high for new copper.


2021-03-14 22:53 | Report Abuse

On top of this, TAWIN newly joint company with china will recycle 1000 tonne of copper per month. The price per tonne is RM 37k, which will generate RM 450m revenue.


2021-03-14 21:39 | Report Abuse



2021-03-14 18:45 | Report Abuse

recently the acquisition of SIN LINE TEK ELECTRONIC CO. SDN BHD, This company with yearly revenue of RM 50 over million. and i can see TAWIN is on the right track in line with business expansion.


2021-03-14 18:41 | Report Abuse

Try to image, 1 MW solar require 4-5 acres land to build the extruded solar panel. with overall 1000MW, how much the copper components are needed to built in the solar panel. TAWIN will grab this opportunity and i believe this is going to be another good profitable company in the future.


2021-03-14 18:38 | Report Abuse

Solar panel also require built in copper and TAWIN will benefit from the solar system as TAWIN is one of the market players in producing related copper product mainly to new era technology fields.


2021-03-14 18:35 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (March 12): The Energy Commission has announced the list of 30 shortlisted bidders of the Large Scale Solar @ MEnTARI (LSS4), totalling 823.06MW out of the offered 1,000MW.

This comprises 20 companies covering 323.06MW under Package P1 at between 10MW and below 30MW, as well as 10 companies across 500MW under Package P2 between 30MW and 50MW.

The shortlisted bids for Package 1 ranged between 18.5 sen/kWh and 24.81 sen/kWh. Meanwhile for Package 2, the bids ranged between 17.68 sen/kWh and 19.7 sen/kWh.


2021-03-14 18:33 | Report Abuse

WINDY 1974, You are right, but required copper built in solar panel in which TAWIN will benefit from being one of the market players


2021-03-07 14:12 | Report Abuse

please report abuse to SmartInvestor8877
he posted wrong info here


2021-03-07 14:11 | Report Abuse

Having transformation business model from TAWIN group, I can see TAWIN will be outperformed.


2021-01-27 01:26 | Report Abuse

please add me DK TQ


2021-01-26 08:36 | Report Abuse

I am sure kgroup is planning something and we are hoping some arrangement to up company up to another higher level


2021-01-26 08:35 | Report Abuse

Ong doesn't have so much influence in the company, disposing of his share will not have any significant impact.


2021-01-25 00:15 | Report Abuse

JAKS took 10 years to propose, plan, approve, design, build and operate and the power plant and the price is slowly moving up to north. But TOYOVEN took 1 day announcement to build power plant and the price limit up everyday. It is very ridiculous.


2021-01-25 00:11 | Report Abuse

No regret to enter before the issuance of RI at 0.91 and proceeded with further subscription + excess. Again, many thanks to OTB and DK for their best effort .


2021-01-25 00:09 | Report Abuse

Thank you everyone for sellecting JAKS as well as OTB he has been patiently waiting although Mr. Koon insulted during peak price in 2019. However, big money for us is around the corner. I estimate that the market cap of JAKS will go beyond RM 7B in the future.


2021-01-21 08:29 | Report Abuse

Kgroup has become a cash rich company via its right issue, Esos etc and the current financial position is very strong to me.

When time come, kgroup will be outperformed. Just patiently waiting.


2021-01-21 08:28 | Report Abuse

I believe Kgroup is preparing for acquisition to venture into more businesses which relates to market trend.


2021-01-21 08:26 | Report Abuse

Roy Ho has become major share holder in his stake increased to 9++% which is good.

This is same like when Kgroup increased XOX stake to 9%++


2021-01-21 08:24 | Report Abuse

If this counter has been continuing to drop and it is over sold. I think 0.32 - 0.325 is the time to buy back.


2020-11-30 13:22 | Report Abuse

From 2016 Oct their projected profit started building power plant coal price was at USD 102 per metric tonne and now usd 52 per metric tonnE