
masterkevin212 | Joined since 2014-02-19

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2022-05-24 07:44 | Report Abuse


​SAPURA OMV UPSTREAM sold to austrian OMV 50% stakes at RM 4 Billion in 2019 when LNG GAS Price at USD 2.30, now LNG GAS at USD 8.80 another portion SAPURA's holding worth at least USD 8.80 / USD 2.30 = 3.82 x RM 4 Billion = RM 15.82 Billion worth of asset owned by SAPURA in SAPURA OMV upstream SB.

​USD exhange in 2019 = 4.05, now 4.40​

​Not including writeback impairment asset RM 5 BILLION which will take into account soon.

​No reason why government to let go SAPURA, because SAPURA is not the TING KOSONG


2022-05-21 12:40 | Report Abuse

Monday limit up


2022-05-21 12:39 | Report Abuse


财经周刊《The Edge》引述消息人士透露,政府如今打算透过直接隶属于财政部的财政部机构(MoF Inc),援助这家深陷困境的油气服务供应商。






国家石油(Petronas)、国库控股(Khazanah),以及一马发展公司和负责拯救朝圣基金局的Urusharta Jamaah私人有限公司等,都隶属于财政部机构。




2022-05-18 00:48 | Report Abuse

Why do you think SAPURA is important and what can we believe for any good transformation which will be taken into consideration for SAPURA to survive.?

1) Sapura to produce O & G via SB331 - 70% SABAH, SB332 - 70% SABAH, SB412 - 40% SABAH, SK310 - 30% SARAWAK & SK408 - 40% SARAWAK which will generate a substantial income base on the current market price. Majority is NGV GAS and the price has hit 13 years high.

2) The current technology assets are not easy to assembly and it will take time to fabricate. These assets are more valuable than everything just like a money printing machine due to current demand for NGV GAS globally especially its current existing resources from A to Z.

3) Do you notice that, for the past few weeks, Petronas reported that NGV has a very high demand globally and it created a high traffic demand via Petronas complex in Bintulu. Apparently SAPURAOMV UPSTREAM SB could be the one involving in the show.


2022-05-18 00:23 | Report Abuse

[转贴] [Video:浅谈SAPURA ENERGY BERHAD, SAPNRG, 5218] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James is a kind of person who read news and translate in report. Please use your brain to generate some skill knowledge and think carefully in making a right decision for investment.


2022-05-17 19:13 | Report Abuse

No one will think about this, because news never mention. News only mention the debts.
That's why najib anticipated oil and gas reserve for sapura worth RM 110 BILLION


2022-05-17 19:12 | Report Abuse

No. 1, 2 & 3 yet to produce but under ongoing Geological Field work


2022-05-17 19:12 | Report Abuse

No. 3 is 4 times bigger than no. 5


2022-05-17 19:12 | Report Abuse

No. 1 and no. 2 is 5 times bigger than no. 5


2022-05-17 19:12 | Report Abuse

No. 4 & 5 already started to produce and sell as of today 30k T Perday, year end 50kT Next year 80-100k T, 30K T equal amount RM 13million perday.


2022-05-17 19:11 | Report Abuse

1) SB331 - 70% SABAH
2) SB332 - 70% SABAH
3) SB412 - 40% SABAH
4) SK310 - 30% SARAWAK
5) SK408 - 40% SARAWAK

Natural gas hit 13 years price highest


2022-05-17 19:11 | Report Abuse

Ketika PNB bawah Zeti bail-out Sapura dan menjadi pemegang terbesar Sapura serta menjadikan syarikat itu sebagai GLC pada tahun 2019 ketika dia PM, takde pun dia kata "kurangkan kerugian, bukan 'bailout'" atau kita tak patut selamatkan orang yang telah gagal.

Ketika Petronas melalui syarikat MISC bail-out syarikat perkapalan anak dia semasa dia PM4, takde pun dia kata "kurangkan kerugian, bukan 'bailout'" atau kita tak patut selamatkan orang yang telah gagal.

Tun, saya bukan kaki bail-out tak menjadi.

Bukan mudah bagi saya untuk saran kerajaan selamatkan mana-mana syarikat kecuali ianya mempunyai kepentingan amat strategik ataupun peluang menyelamatkannya adalah cerah.

Masa saya PM, saya cuma pernah buat bail-out 3 kali.

Silterra yang berjaya dipulihkan keuntungannya, Proton yang kamu membantah tetapi terbukti berkesan hari ini serta MAS sebab perlu menjaga industri perlancongan serta memastikan ada saingan bagi penerbangan tempatan.

Jangan macam anak kamu.

Sekadar nak bantah sahaja sebab yang cadangnya nama Najib.


2022-05-16 01:29 | Report Abuse

对于许多人来说,另一项针对 Sapura Energy Bhd (SEB) 的救援计划是令人发指的。它报告在截至 2022 年 1 月 31 日的财政年度亏损 89 亿令吉,这是马来西亚企业历史上最糟糕的一次。该公司现在负债累累。 对于 Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) 等利益相关者而言,救助只会意味着更深地陷入泥潭。根据记录,PNB 持有 SEB 近 40% 的股份,使其成为单一最大股东。


事实上,对于一些本身没有直接持有 SEB 股权以及公司命运的各方来说,有一个 B 计划——由私营部门主导的救助计划。但企业界从来不以其利他主义而闻名。像秃鹰一样,它们会啄食多肉的部分,最终留下一个空壳。对 SEB 感兴趣的机构和利益相关者几乎不会得到任何回报。贷方可能会大幅削减开支。 也许还有一个 C 计划,它有可能让 SEB 重新站起来,而无需移除和直接出售其任何资产。这是 SEB 已经使用过一次并取得了可喜成果的策略。 2019 年,SEB 以 8.9 亿美元的价格将其 50% 的 E&P(勘探和生产)业务出售给了奥地利石油、天然气和石化企业 OMV。这笔交易不仅确保了勘探与生产业务保持在 SEB 稳定,而且给公司带来了巨大的财务收益。 除此之外,OMV 带来了新的专业知识水平,事实证明这对合作伙伴关系有益。

到交易达成时,勘探与生产业务的价值已经达到 16 亿美元,比 SapuraKencana Petroleum(SEB 的前身)向 Newfield International Holdings Inc 支付其在马来西亚的所有权益的 8.955 亿美元高出 79%。

2019 年,可能和探明储量为 92 mmboe(百万桶石油当量),高于 2014 年 Newfield 交易达成时的 36。增长了 156%。然而,布伦特原油价格已从 2014 年 107 美元的高位跌至每桶 79 美元,跌幅达 26%,但这只是暂时的挫折。

这笔交易的好处现在有目共睹。除了直接的财务收益和从 2019 年交易中增加新的专业知识外,SEB 仍保留了一半的勘探与生产业务。 此后,随着新西兰的新发现和 Jerun 油田的开发,概算和探明储量应该会进一步上升。保守估计约为 150 mmboe。 布伦特原油价格再次突破每桶 100 美元大关,随着乌克兰危机的持续,预计将继续呈上升趋势。考虑到这一点,再加上预计将于 2024 年开始生产的 Jerun,预计勘探与生产业务的营业利润将在未来五年内达到接近 10 亿令吉。

SEB 稳定中其他业务的类似合作伙伴关系,例如钻井以及 E&C(工程和建筑)可能只是要走的路。 好处是显而易见的。它将整合 SEB 及其在 SEB 稳定中的各个合作伙伴之间的这些业务。它将防止资产剥离,否则只会造成更多竞争。 将部分整体出售给逢低买入者也不能确保 SEB 实现其全部价值。最后,这种合作的收益不仅可以用来减少债务,还可以用作营运资金。 SEB 传奇中没有赢家。每个利益相关者都失去了他们在公司投资的几乎所有东西,无论是贷方、PNB 还是 Sapura 集团。 看看这第三个选项才符合他们的利益。仅此一点,就值得考虑。


2022-05-16 01:29 | Report Abuse

1) SB331 - 70% SABAH
2) SB332 - 70% SABAH
3) SB412 - 40% SABAH
4) SK310 - 30% SARAWAK
5) SK408 - 40% SARAWAK

Natural gas hit 13 years price highest


2022-05-12 01:17 | Report Abuse

Where is the buy high sell low master OTB given high targeted price?


2022-05-12 01:13 | Report Abuse

Rystad Energy 的研究显示,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之后,欧洲国家正在酝酿应对能源不安全的液化天然气 (LNG) 危机,因为到今年年底需求将超过供应。尽管需求飙升刺激了十多年来全球新液化天然气项目的最大热潮,但建设时间表意味着仅在 2024 年之后才有可能出现实质性缓解。 全球液化天然气需求预计将在 2022 年达到 4.36 亿吨,超过仅 4.1 亿吨的可用供应量。随着欧洲大陆试图限制俄罗斯的天然气流量,一场完美的冬季风暴可能正在欧洲形成。供应不平衡和高价格将为 LNG 项目创造十多年来最乐观的环境,尽管这些项目的供应要到 2024 年之后才能到达并提供缓解


2022-05-12 01:13 | Report Abuse

A liquified natural gas (LNG) crisis is brewing for European countries dealing with energy insecurity in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as demand will outstrip supply by the end of this year, Rystad Energy research shows. Although soaring demand has spurred the greatest rush of new LNG projects worldwide in more than a decade, construction timelines mean material relief is unlikely only after 2024.
Global LNG demand is expected to hit 436 million tonnes in 2022, outpacing the available supply of just 410 million tonnes. A perfect winter storm may be forming for Europe as the continent seeks to limit Russian gas flows. The supply imbalance and high prices will set the scene for the most bullish environment for LNG projects in more than a decade, although supply from these projects will only arrive and provide relief from after 2024


2022-05-12 01:12 | Report Abuse

No. 1, 2 & 3 yet to produce but under ongoing Geological Field work


2022-05-12 01:12 | Report Abuse

No. 3 is 4 times bigger than no. 5


2022-05-12 01:12 | Report Abuse

No. 1 and no. 2 is 5 times bigger than no. 5


2022-05-12 01:12 | Report Abuse

No. 4 & 5 already started to produce and sell as of today 30k T Perday, year end 50kT Next year 80-100k T, 30K T equal amount RM 13million perday.


2022-05-12 01:11 | Report Abuse

1) SB331 - 70% SABAH
2) SB332 - 70% SABAH
3) SB412 - 40% SABAH
4) SK310 - 30% SARAWAK
5) SK408 - 40% SARAWAK

Natural gas hit 13 years price highest


2022-04-02 23:53 | Report Abuse

In fact Sapura is not the TIN KOSONG


2022-04-02 23:52 | Report Abuse

That's why najib insists this reserve not to fall under foreigner and wanted government to give loan warrantly.


2022-04-02 23:52 | Report Abuse

SapuraOMV owned oil and gas reserve RM 110.8 billion, Sapura owned 50% while Austria company owned 50% bought from sapura in 2019 for RM 3.8 billion when oil 70usd


2022-04-02 23:52 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak insists that the government offer a loan guarantee to Sapura Energy Bhd in order to save its oil reserves from falling into foreign hands before its full potential can be realised.
He said the company’s subsidiary, Sapura OMV, owned oil and gas reserves of 264 million barrels with a gross value of RM110.8 billion.

If the subsidiary is put up for sale, as is being speculated, Sapura’s joint venture partner OMV of Austria, would likely be the first choice buyer as it already holds a 50% stake in Sapura OMV with the remaining 50% held by Sapura Energy.

This is why I urge the government to offer a loan guarantee to Sapura so that the oil reserves remain in Malaysian hands,” he said, giving as an example a RM500 million guarantee granted to AirAsia last year.
Alternatively, the government could direct Petronas to take over ownership of Sapura Energy, he said.
Sapura OMV operates oil fields in shallow Malaysian waters.
Najib said the sale of highly valuable long-term assets to solve short-term cash flow problems was unreasonable and detrimental.

from Najib bossku


2022-04-02 23:50 | Report Abuse

Alternativelt to accept Najib's proposal


2022-04-02 23:50 | Report Abuse

This is how the stock magic world come about.


2022-04-02 23:49 | Report Abuse

I think the next 2 quarters sapura will writeback its impairment loss from big loss to big gain.


2022-04-02 23:49 | Report Abuse

Overall, sapura will be free of debts holding 1.6 billion working capital and i think petronas will inject more jobs to Sapura.


2022-04-02 23:49 | Report Abuse

Sapura's intention is to clear all debts and re-negotiate on going 6 projects + new projects to kick off soon.


2022-04-02 23:48 | Report Abuse

Disposal of sapuraOMV 50% worth ( 2019 sold at 3.8 billion when oil price 70usd) current 105usd can raise 5.7 billion and can settle bank loan 2.6 billion = surplus 3.1 billion and pay outstanding vendors = 1.5 billion
nett balance in cash = 1.6 billion use for working capital.


2022-04-02 23:48 | Report Abuse

Let's say 10.3 billion x 25% = 2.6 billion still the outstanding.


2022-03-14 22:02 | Report Abuse

I don't have to tell you my good results, people who know me they know. Just pity on my friends and my relatives making a huge losses under your subscription. I am not going to insult you after this.


2022-03-14 21:53 | Report Abuse

I never attack you, i am saying the fact, you also know the fast there are many people suffering from the stocks you recommended. Your subscribers treated you like a professional therefore more and more your subscribers are making losses.

You can buy any stocks ahead and drop the shit for subscribers, don't tell me you ask your subscribers to buy first only you buy later.


2022-03-14 21:45 | Report Abuse

How many people suffered from dayang
How many people suffered from Jaks
How many people suffered from glove counters
How many people suffered from steel counters
How many people suffered from many many more
Now...MSC again.....


2022-03-14 21:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by OTB > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

I still can afford to take this small loss.
No big deal to me.

You can take a small loss but cover with the fees people pay you. Don't you ever know that people treated you like a professional but ended up with long kang investment. How could you expect people to cut loss.....


2022-03-14 21:40 | Report Abuse

It seems like everyone here is big shameless useless investors, only you are right, right until buy high sell low


2022-03-13 23:00 | Report Abuse

OTB is a kind of sifu see shit eat shit, his posting mostly are from media sources whereby these sources we also know. so that he can cover himself in case the stock is not performing.


2022-03-13 22:57 | Report Abuse

I think we need to lodge a complaint to i3investor to avoid OTB taking advantages to grab water fish here.


2022-03-13 22:55 | Report Abuse

Ya, i agreed with gemfinder. Many people saying that OTB is a master of buy high sell low sifu. I have no say.


2022-03-02 01:09 | Report Abuse

It seems like everyone is having the same comment against OTB. I think what he earned is the fees in his portfolio.


2022-03-02 00:10 | Report Abuse

sad to say my friends who introduced by me and subscribed his research ended up losing a few million in Jaks and topglove


2022-03-02 00:08 | Report Abuse

i never see people making money who subscribed his research and analysis.


2022-03-02 00:02 | Report Abuse



2022-02-26 22:17 | Report Abuse

OTB is useless....who follow his AYS also go Holland already


2022-01-18 00:57 | Report Abuse

The share price of SCIB shall remain above 0.40


2022-01-18 00:56 | Report Abuse

SCIB will tender many SARAWAK Project especially in SARAWAK PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE.


2022-01-18 00:55 | Report Abuse

DS HUANG TIONG SII bought SCIB shares, same party with Abang Johari Tun Openg, Ketua Menteri Sarawak


2022-01-07 22:57 | Report Abuse

Cloud Storage Market Is Expected to Reach $97.4 Billion by 2022, Says AMR
Rise in demand for low cost data storage and faster data accessibility, increase in cloud adoption across several industry verticals, significant shift to hybrid cloud as primary deployment model, and mounting concerns for data recovery & protection drive the growth of the global cloud storage market. Furthermore, growing cloud adoption among SMEs and increasing awareness of cloud computing benefits are expected to create multiple opportunities in the market.