
menort | Joined since 2020-06-08

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"High percentage of retailer who think they can out-smart the stock market and enter lose making penny stock and dream to become a millionaire, majority will lose big amount of money compare to the retailer who put money on profit making Rm1 and above counter"- Menort





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2020-09-13 14:23 | Report Abuse

Pearl Glove acquisition SSA does not need approval of shareholder and egm.


The Proposed Acquisition is not subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company or
any other relevant authorities.
Save for the above, the Proposed Acquisition is not conditional upon any other corporate
exercise / scheme being or proposed to be undertaken by the Company."


2020-09-12 23:25 | Report Abuse

We could just assume that Pearl Glove will not be materialize.

This is because if they are serious and see the potential of glove they already bought Pearl Glove last 3 month but instead they keep dragging it and keep changing announcement.

Second because once AT got money they without waiting for shareholder approval and egm, straight just bought Aemhb. Why there is a bias. People put money to AT because they want AT to buy Pearl Glove not Aemhb.

Its the same every year penny stock fake business drama. When to much drama announcement they we can predict it will never happen.

It seems AT just want to continue its precision engineering business and dont want to venture into glove business when they prioritize Aemhb rather than Pearl Glove.

Rm15.65 million is a lot of money to put on Aemhb when AT is a loss making company. They dont take account that the majority of retailer money in it and this naive retailer trust them to buy Pearl Glove with it.


2020-09-12 21:02 | Report Abuse

Something wrong with AT management. Buy Aemhb at Rm15.65 million no need shareholder approval and EGM but Pearl Glove until now keep delay and need shareholder approval and EGM.

Very bad management.

AT got money straight bought Aemhb without thinking while on Pearl Glove they keep making delay and drama announcement. Why there is a bias toward Pearl Glove. Do they want to cancel Pearl Glove?

Rm15.65 million better AT keep first and wait until EGM before buy AEMHB. But they just straight spending the Rm15.65 million before EGM.


2020-09-12 19:19 | Report Abuse

If Pearl Glove acquisition SSA still not complete then whatever AT do is just fake drama.

Same like Nexgram in the past posting job in jobstreet, make company new subsidiary, they pay media to publish article but in the end project cancel and not materialize.

AT just need to announce to Bursa they complete the Pearl Glove acquisition SSA then they officially enter the glove market. If Pearl Glove acquisition SSA still delay then most are just rubbish talk.

But AT rather than complete the PG they want to
keep making so much drama and fake announcement.


2020-09-12 18:47 | Report Abuse

The rule of thumbs when company dont make announcement until it expiry date then it is a bad luck.

15 September is near and Mqtech still not venture into Glove business.


2020-09-12 18:42 | Report Abuse

People put large money on AT so that AT's director buy Pearl Glove but AT forget Pearl Glove and buy non glove company AEMHB instead for Rm15.65 million.

Every year penny stock loss making company will make fake announcement and every year newbies come and put all money into it in hope to get rich quick but instead got scam by the company director keep eating at 0.05 increase and wont let other make big money.

There must be a reason people address a nickname of Ular Mak.


2020-09-12 18:10 | Report Abuse

Dont fall into Notion money eating trap pump and dump.

Notion is a Loss making company with eating money syndicate.

Better put money on Topglove,Supermax,Kossan,Hartalega,Ruberex,Comfort,Careplus,Hlt and LKL.

Facemask oversupply in Malaysia. We import big volume from China.


2020-09-12 02:15 | Report Abuse

Eg is a loss making counter. They mostly will use pump and dump syndicate to eat money from the stock market.

Facemask already oversupply in Malaysia because we import big volume from China.


2020-09-12 02:11 | Report Abuse

Fintec and her subsidiaries same manipulation tactic. Annouce glove and never materialize.

Look at AT Systematization until today never materialize the Pearl Glove acquisition SSA and keep eating money from the stock market.

Fintec is a scam money eating counter. Dont fall into the trap.

Watch Wolf of Wall Street movie.


2020-09-12 02:01 | Report Abuse

Xox is a Scam MLM company disguise as a telco. They dont have any infrastructure only rent on Celcom line.

Mlm company love to sell fake hope and fake dream.


2020-09-12 01:59 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

Hope Comfort dont make mistake a do share split@ bonus issue in the future.


2020-09-12 01:58 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

Hope LKL dont make mistake a do share split@ bonus issue in the future.


2020-09-12 01:57 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

Hope Hartalega dont make mistake a do share split@ bonus issue in the future.


2020-09-12 01:56 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

Hope HLT dont make mistake a do share split@ bonus issue in the future.


2020-09-12 01:55 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

Hope Careplus dont make mistake a do share split@ bonus issue in the future.


2020-09-12 01:50 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

They should just buy back Supermax share before the share split and let IB buy back at higher price but the board and director of Supermax also stupid greedy want to buy at cheap and what happen now is the price they pay for their mistake.

I make a right decision sold all Supermax before the BI. Bought again yesterday.


2020-09-12 01:45 | Report Abuse

So a lesson for Topglove and Supermax greedy management to learn is that investor hate share split @ bonus issue.

Investor want less volatile stock for a long term. All this long term investor got million of money. Stock at high price is more stable and less prone to pump and dump syndicate.

They should just buy back topglove share before the share split and let IB buy back at higher price but the board and director of topglove also stupid greedy want to buy at cheap and what happen now is the price they pay for their mistake.

I make a right decision sold all topglove before the BI. Bought TG again yesterday.


2020-09-12 00:51 | Report Abuse

Dont fall into notion syndicate trap again.


2020-09-12 00:51 | Report Abuse

Got chance to sell better quickly sell. This is a scam pump and dump counter.

Loss making company. Facemask already oversupply in Malaysia because import all from China.

Better put money on genuine profit making glove or covid counter.


2020-09-12 00:44 | Report Abuse

Got chance to sell better sell quickly. Inix is a scam pump and dump counter.


2020-09-12 00:39 | Report Abuse

Once up better sell quickly. Dont wait. How many time keep fall into mqtech fake announcement trap.

Mqtech got no money every year same drama fake announcement and never materialize.


2020-09-12 00:29 | Report Abuse

Very bad decision for AT bought Aemhb rather than Pearl Glove.

Wise decision is to buy Pearl Glove first because that what they announce to everyone including the press media.

Now do they want to repeatedly again issue esos,sis,warrant so that got money to buy Pearl Glove. Loyal investor dont want AT become 2.6 billion share issue the same as Nexgram. If AT become 2.6 billion it will face same bad luck fate as Nexgram.


2020-09-11 07:25 | Report Abuse

Back again at the same price and will continue to drop.

Glove not materialize. Mqtech is Loss making and dont have money. Another same fake drama announcement but using vaccine story to con people.


2020-09-11 06:52 | Report Abuse

Macquarie have history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:51 | Report Abuse

Macquarie got history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:50 | Report Abuse

Macquarie got history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:49 | Report Abuse

Macquarie got history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:48 | Report Abuse

Macquarie have history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:47 | Report Abuse

Macquarie got history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:46 | Report Abuse

Macquarie got history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-11 06:45 | Report Abuse

Macquarie have history of Market Manipulation since 2011.


2020-09-10 14:39 | Report Abuse

AT have no money. They need money to buy Pearl Glove at Rm22 mil. AT keep issues esos,warrant,sis etc until became 2.2 bilion shared issues.
Once AT got money they buy Aemhb at Rm15.65 million and this is not even a glove company. With the money a wise decision is to buy Pearl Glove first because that the priority and investor trust.


2020-09-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

Semperit ? no materialize.

Kibaru another Semperit lol.


2020-09-10 00:20 | Report Abuse

Mqtech same story never change the manipulation.

Director make fake announcement and pump it high then dump all share. Resign. New director come also will pump it up and then dump all share after that resign. If the announcement is true they will not resign but they know everything is fake. Better run before many will find out.

Most of this unethical director just using Mqtech for their own benefit. They make money using pump and dump and got no motivation to run company properly.

Until today Semperit still not materialize.

Company is a loss making and no money suddenly want to do glove and vaccine. Scam to the max.


2020-09-09 23:57 | Report Abuse

Its already a red flag when a loss making company's director started go around and spending big money on multiple counter when the current company is in big debt, loss making and need money to purchase Pearl Glove.

If he truly believe AT have potential the director wont allowed AT to became 2.2 billion share issue in the quickest time which is less than a year. He could use his money and help AT complete the Pearl Glove acquisition SSA and setting up medical glove facility asap. He spending spree purchase Gocean,Saudee,Puc,Pasukhas etc while just let AT rot and become 2.2 billion share issued.

Think logically a loss making company with no money and bank also dont give a loan to them because bank have no confident on them. They make announcement want to turnaround their business and venture into a glove if purchase Pearl Glove but what AT did once they got money? they still want to continue doing loss making precision engineering job and delaying a glove business by purchase Aemhb.

2.2 billion share issued and yet Pearl Glove acquisition SSA not complete. Where did all the money gone. Something to think again.


2020-09-09 17:16 | Report Abuse

Inix is just a pump a dump syndicate from Gambler Macao.

Somemore a gangster triad another red flag. If we think they want to share wealth then we are so wrong because the syndicate they want all for themself only.


2020-09-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

Huiling: old book tactic of pump and dump syndicate promoting penny stock through social media.

Watch Wolf of Wall Street and can see pattern.


2020-09-09 17:00 | Report Abuse

AT soon will become like Nexgram. Nexgram in the past keep manipulared scam investor until no one care to bother to put money anymore.

Nexgram announce covid test kit and later announcement venture into glove until put in their website about selling glove but investor no longer care about Nexgram.

Nexgram keep esos,sis,pp,warrant until become 2.6 billion.

AT 2.2 billion once reach Nexgram 2.6 billion then bye bye AT.


2020-09-09 15:40 | Report Abuse

Dont get scam again with Nexgram.


2020-09-09 15:12 | Report Abuse

Gets Global want to venture to glove became 0.90 cent while AT struggling at 0.09.

The price AT board director pay for keep delaying the Pearl Glove acquisition SSA.