
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-07-01 16:50 | Report Abuse

Oh please! Don't drag our police! They are doing fine! Maybe few corrupt ones but that's it!

News & Blogs

2020-07-01 09:28 | Report Abuse

Consensus means PKR must accept Dap Amanah decision! Or else Anwar can take his PKR out just like how Dap kick out Pas from Pakatan Rakyat!

News & Blogs

2020-06-30 19:10 | Report Abuse

WHO is a total joke! Told us that Covid19 was not contagious! Even reprimand countries that ban China tourists! Only after Covid19 already spread all over the world, only then issue statement confirming how contigous Covid19 is!
Even make fun of face mask! And only recently again, confirm that wearing face mask indeed effective reduce up to 50% chance of contraction! If everybody wear face mask like what malaysians are doing, it would be like 100% effective in curbing Covid19!
So yeah, very glad that malaysians didn't listen to WHO! We took matter in our own hands and decide wearing face mask was a must! And we did it without WHO advise!
As for 2nd wave! Look, vaccine will be ready soon! This month 30k americans will get their vaccine! By August or September, depends on Donald Trump instruction, US will see hundred of millions getting their vaccine! And after that Moderna should be distributing all over the world! The end of Covid19! No thanks to WHO!

News & Blogs

2020-06-30 13:20 | Report Abuse

Hundreds of years ago, malays were hindus! Then few opportunists saw a chance to be kings of one eye in kongdom of blindds! Hence we saw dozen or so became sultans! To oontrol the malays, religion was the best tool! Hence today, you can't find malays who are hindus, or christians or buddhists for that matter!
In malay society, it's extremely taboo not to be identify as muslims! It's hammered in the constitution!
But to make matter worst, the need to control over malays remains! Hence why we see malay politicians playing that role! Pas with their fake holymen! Umno with the fake malay supremacists! Bersatu with their ever fake dignity! Then again, Bersatu is the the fakest of them all! Or actually Pas holymen are the worst culprits!
In local chinese society, it's totally different ball game altogether! Education is upmost importance! And 2nd, money! Those who are highly educated and wealthy are look upon which those have nots are sweep under the carpet! Hence that's why the poor 40% local chinese are treated as non existent! Sad but truth! Local chinese has zero loyalty to any party! But the herd mentality decide which party should represent them! It's like 100% Mca of the past but 100% Dap now! But then again, at this point, with the Lims so addicted to corridor of power and their association with Mahathir, i really don't know! Maybe already split, maybe not! I am not sure!
I am not sure what point i am trying to make here! But it's obvious, local chinese are very adaptive to acquiring knowledge! Chinese understood that acquiring knowledge can be done via many language! And to tell you the truth, it's very difficult for chinese to learn English compare to malays! Why, because chinese learn mandarin first! And to learn English, you have to relearn new alphabet altogether! That's why you see chinese until their adult life still depend on Mandarin English dictionary!
What i am trying to say it, learning English for malays are much easily compare to chinese!
There's no reason why learning science and maths should be abolished in national schools! But i guess malay politicians simply refuse to let malays become smarter!


2020-06-29 12:05 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! You mean giving all those super high pay jobs to selected proxies! Oh, and jobs of this GLCs only for 'malays only'! So after years of inbreeding and imcompetency, they eventually will ask government to bail them out! Better still close shop!


2020-06-29 12:02 | Report Abuse

Just look at TM! After donkey years monopolizing fix broadband, how many are their customers! What! Can't even manage 2 million! And mind you one million still one stone age stremayx! Malu! So is this what Umno has done for malays after 60 years!


2020-06-29 12:00 | Report Abuse

With GLCs run by Zahid cartel, it won't be long before GLCs will close shop unless government bail them out! But with no oil wealth to support this privilege like they used to, the days of entitlement is almost over!


2020-06-29 11:57 | Report Abuse

Trust me, Pos will ask for bailout from government soon! Can't even air freight parcels to Sabah Sarawak now!


2020-06-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the infamous 'I am malaysian' talk from LGE! It hit sweet notes among minorities back then! But after 2 years, LGE was anything but malaysians especially after his bullying tactic towards UNITAR and sarawakians! How can we forget how LGE demand Sarawak to pay 2 billion debt or else he won't build Sarawak deteriorating schools, and Sarawak paid in full yet he simply ignore his promise! Or how he vowed to help poor chinese students if Dap capture Putrajaya, yet he played political vendetta towards Mca by using UNITAR as his tool!
Haix! because of that, my heart turn cold! Only then i realise how scummy LGE can be! And today you can see LGE on hands and feet begging Mahathir to help him capture Putrajaya once again! Talk about an euuch with no balls turning into a full blown scum!
So yeah, which bring us 50 years into the future! Will we or rather the next generation continue to listen to our politicians talking about race and religion! For goodness sake, we had that for over 60 years and another 50 years remain the same!
50 years from now, non malays will only be like 10% of the population! But i am very sure 90% of the economy remain in hands of local chinese, or whatever left which i predict only like a million or so! As the rest already migrated or already 6 feet under! But don't worry, the malay politicians will continue to make non malays are their bogeyman!
Can you imagine Malaysia 50 years from now! Well, don't! Because you are talking about a backward nation! Gone are the GLCs! What remains, are the old buildings like Twin Towers which may already be converted into a huge mosque!


2020-06-29 10:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jokers2020 > Jun 29, 2020 10:17 AM | Report Abuse

it is TM strategy to destroy DAP n PKR like MCA n Gerakan

Answer : Yeah, Mahathir has this legacy of destroying parties! Mca, Gerakan, Umno, the list goes on!


2020-06-29 10:01 | Report Abuse

There's no doubt back in the days, in the 90s, Mahathir was king of politics!
Back then rakyat would listen to his long winding speeches as if they came out from the Bible! Yeah, Mahathir was god back then!
But so much have changed! I really don't know why Harapan leaders ignore the fact that it was PKR symbol that brought them to Putrajaya! Mahathir influence was actually quite tiny! Mahathir can't even get crowd to listen to his now nonsense speeches! Remember the last Bersih 5.0! When Mahathir turn up, the crowd suddenly disappeared! But you must credit Mahathir PR team for effectively paint beautiful image of already rotten Mahathir!
Today, Mahahtir wit and jokes fall flat! The usually foreign journalists who que in line to interview him have dried up! Nowadays, only local chinese mainstream media continue to support him! Mahathir no longer making headlines like he used to! He is now Justin Biber of politics! By the way, Justin Bieber can't sing! Can't create memorable songs, only cheeky 5 minute fame kinda tune that fade into the rubbish bin!
So yeah, everybody is wondering what the heck Dap Amanah are up to! Why they siding with Mahathir! Especially so now that for certain, Mahathir absoluately hate Anwar and there was and is intention to handover to Anwar! Today we know for sure Mahathir is preparing PM post for Mukriz! By the way, PM post is not Mahathir inheritance! Mahathir has over 200 billion wealth looted from our national resources, surely that would be more than enough for his families and cronies! But no, PM post remain his obsession!
At this point, even Umno Pas and Bersatu does not need his 'help' to win GE15! In fact Umno Pas and Bersatu will do fine, well, i don't know about Bersatu since 99% of it's warlords are just plain greedy and sick just like Mahathir! Then again, Umno and Pas are not different!
Anyway, GE15 will be voting for the less bad in barrel of scums! And the winner is obvious! And Dap Amanah Warisan and Mahathir fraction are not in that list!

News & Blogs

2020-06-28 18:29 | Report Abuse

Those who are going to vote for Dap this coming GE15 are worst than dogs! At least dogs serve a purpose, those voting for Dap serve no purpose, just like turds! Wait, turds are useful too! So probably those voting for Dap are like scums!

News & Blogs

2020-06-28 18:22 | Report Abuse

Dap is now worst than Mca! Zero principles! Only interested in self serving agenda like Mahathir! Obsess with corridor of power no interest for rakyat in general! Karma, for decades ridiculed Mca for been eunuch to Umno! Today Dap can't even say no to one old bugger! What an insult!


2020-06-28 00:26 | Report Abuse

Let's cut all the bs! The only reason Mahathir propose Shafie as Harapan Turd PM is because Shafie given his promise to handover to Mukriz after 6 months in office!
Of course promise is not a Bible says Mahathir! But then again Mahathir is desperate! And in desperation, Mahathir turn to Shafie to make his last wish come true!
Let's hope Dap Amanah will help Mahathir this round! Forget Anwar! I mean, Anwar is a losing horse!

News & Blogs

2020-06-27 23:37 | Report Abuse

Bung is totally out of synch! Shafie agree to be PM for a while before handing over to Mukriz! That's why Mahathir so happy to name Shafie as PM for Harapan Turd!


2020-06-27 09:40 | Report Abuse

Of course by then, glove stocks will be slaughtered! Like i have warned much earlier, you should sell glove stocks like weeks ago! It's totally gave over!


2020-06-27 09:39 | Report Abuse

While mainstream media keep blowing up panic all over, quietly Moderna already announce that they are go with 100 million vaccine for americans by August!
And bare in mind, by next month which is only few days from now, 30k americans will get vaccinated! Moderna should get the result within a month and get emergency approval if no side effect detected!
So meaning to say, millions of americans should get their vaccine as early as August if they get approval!

News & Blogs

2020-06-26 14:29 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is partyless with only 4 MPs with him! Yeah, better become Dap president! Proof to us that Dap is his new faith!


2020-06-26 14:22 | Report Abuse

Let's me tell you a joke! In GE13, Harapan could easily won GE15 if all Harapan leaders which include Pas holymen back then sit down and used common symbol which is PKR!
Yeah, back then Hadi was telling us that using 'Alllah' was okay for non muslims! And back then the Lims were telling us that Hodod was okay because only muslims going to get their hands and legs chop off!
Come on, did you all forgot that once upon a time, the Lims were ready tto use Pas symbol because Dap symbol was almost outlawed!
So yeah, GE14 was non won because of Mahathir influence at all! Even back in GE14, the sentiment was overwelmingly anti BN!
In fact i dare say the anti BN sentiment was far strongly in GE13 compare to GE14! In fact in GE14, most of us already given up hope that we can change the government! Yet, Umno was defeated! It was like, wow! Did we actually witness the impssible back in GE14!
Truth of the matter is, 10 years ago, rakyat already got enough of BN! The use of PKR symbol was the main reason for Harapan to achieve history victory 2 years back!
And to be honestt, PKR can go alone and be the alternative government without Dap Amanah! Like SsLee said, the younger local chinese are okay with multiracial party like PKR! And i believe so too! In fact it would be much better if 100% local chinese vote for PKR as this reflect beter image for local chinese as a whole!
So yeah, go ahead Dap Amanah! Go and support Mahathhir! Let Anwar PKR go alone this coming GE15! Because Malaysia can do with less racial centre party going forward!
Eventually, the all malay alliance will fail given how Umno corrupted politicians will run down all the GLCs! And once the economy completely destroyed, PKR would be ready to be the government!

News & Blogs

2020-06-24 15:14 | Report Abuse

I don't understand why i3 keep publishing news from Sabah! It's a fail and poorest state for goodness sake!


2020-06-23 18:14 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's very open secret about Mahathir Assmin Hisham pact plus Hadi maybe! So basically Pakatan Harapan is already dead!
Now we are going to see new Pakatan! Pakatan Power Crazy! Suits well for this power crazy politicians!

News & Blogs

2020-06-22 20:41 | Report Abuse

What! You want to reduce Malaysia to pieces! Even now royals are getting billions out of thin air!

News & Blogs

2020-06-22 17:41 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Elon should announce a game changer in battery technology! Reported to be a million mile capacility batteries that could last one generation of use! Which is mind boggling even to think about it! Which means, ICE is no longer be around for long if this technology as cheap as ICE!
Then we will see the shape of cars changing as well! No longer bound by standard shape that we see today! Heck, manufacturers can even make their cars look like spaceship! Oh, once this battery becomes affordable, most would opt to install it with solar panels and make their own energy! Eventually the world will do away with power plants as collectively home owners will have too much energy for their own used!


2020-06-21 18:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor88 > Jun 21, 2020 3:08 PM | Report Abuse

They have their own casino in Singapore and Seoul. plus our borders is closed. why would they come all the way here to gamble ?

Answer : Tell me, would you gamble in Singapore or Seoul when our currency is like junk! same reason why they love to come to Genting because their currency is like multiple times! As gambler, you want to play longer and more chips!


2020-06-21 14:34 | Report Abuse

Engineering! No worries! Mahathir will come back for his 3rd national flying car!


2020-06-21 14:18 | Report Abuse

Actually, there's tons of options for affordable EV coming out from China! You are talking about 40k with 200km capacity fully charged! Which is very reasonable!
But Malaysia is land of politics! The only reason why we don't see EV adoption is because, it's not profitable, for the politicians in corridor of power! Period!
Building EV charging stations is another! I mean, who would be the first dummies to build them! I's going to cost a bomb, and the return will be next to zero! Even in EU and US, such facility is not profit driven rather driven by those who want to liberate themselves from fossil fuel dominance!
But performance wise, EV wins hands down! I mean, no ICE can beat the super acceleration of EV! The noise level is also none existence! Maintenance super cheap!


2020-06-20 22:34 | Report Abuse

It's so silly how Dap Amanah didn't see it coming! That Mahathir is using them as bargaining chip!
You see, Mahathir will join Assmin new party as president and you guess it, Mahathir is now in Perikatan! And Mohiden suddenly face Mahathir in Perikatan!
So you see what is Mahathir had in mind at this point! You see how Dap Amanah is just a turd card!


2020-06-20 22:30 | Report Abuse

So let me share with you the many meetings between Anwar and Mohiden! Let's put it this way! Mohiden thinks this fellow 'Kitol' will betray him and told Anwar that he is willing to work together if Sheraton Move 2.0 do happen!
Yeah, Assmin came into Bersatu and though 'change in management' would be piece of cake! Apparently his cartel is outcast quickly!
So now, Assmin is going to form new party and he is playing free agent here because Mahathir may join up as president! Yeah, things are getting bizarro! Meaning, Assmin cartel will have a say in this illegitimate Perikatan!
And let's put it another way, Mohiden also got wind that that Bawang fellow who agree to form pact may also betray Perikatan as well!
So yeah, that's where Anwar PKR comes in!
As snap election nears, Anwar Pkr may play kingmaker role for new government! And that's why Anwar PKR may opt out from Harapan Plus!
Basically Mahathir is playing out Harapan Plus and Perikatan at this point!
So yeah, Dap Amanah are the idiots once more! They don't even realise Mahathir is playing them out through and through! And to know how Dap is so in love with Mahathir now!

News & Blogs

2020-06-20 16:56 | Report Abuse

Yeah, sure! Dap Amanah enjoying all the perks but PKR get nothing! Only promise of handover that will never materialized! Please don't take rakyat for fools!


2020-06-20 12:26 | Report Abuse

1. Border wall : Democrats made it impossible for Donald! But the Trump wall already completed half of US borders!
2. China US trade deal : Super tough negotiation but the result is there to see!
3. Employment : Donald manage to bring back tons of jobs back to US!
4. Infrastructure : Not there yet back after November election it's going to boom! Hey, you have to hold few cards you know!
5. Covid19 : Rather than going for pro long lockdown, Donald took the hardest route, he tropedo development of vaccine! Within a quarter, vaccine will be available by next month for first 30k americans!
6. Goerge Floyd : Yeah, Donald took care of that by passing a law to prevent police brutality!
No matter what Democrats or globalists try to do, Donald eventually proven them wrong!
Initially i also hate Donald Trump, but given so much results, it's no brainer who majority americans will vote for! You can tell the world Donald is mentally ill or something but would you rather see your country go down in the turd pit just to please idealistic minority!


2020-06-19 14:04 | Report Abuse

Of course you don't expect crowd to storm Genting! This is gradually opening for heaven sake!


2020-06-17 20:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Jun 17, 2020 8:30 PM | Report Abuse

Tebbyin, are you Bendia?

Answer : Yeah! I go by many names! Name simply just a tag for me nowadays! Kinda bored been attack by fans!


2020-06-17 20:28 | Report Abuse

Engineering! Yeah, that's why Indonesia taking that route! But problem is, Covid19 may mutate into much stronger straid! I don't know, i am not medical expert!


2020-06-17 20:07 | Report Abuse

It's annoying how Mahathir keep taking credit for Covid19 curb success! The truth is, Mohiden put full trust on DG Hisham!
And DG Hisham and his team have done us very proud! Because we are the only 5 countries that came out from Covid19 with huge sucess!
And of course, proven beyond doubt that malaysians are truly discipline lots! We can accomplish alot if we have the right leadership! No doubt! We are no difference from Norwegians who would follow leadership provided it bring us to certain level of success!
Unfortunately, our politicians are rotten lots! Over 60 years hammering race and religion cards with nothing to show!
If only politicians wake up to reality that we are sinking because of them!