
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-06-17 13:44 | Report Abuse

Never underestimate rakyat! And never take local chinese for a ride! That's what happen to MCA leaders in the past! Instead on focusing on local chinese bread and butter concerns, they were busy fighting for positions and projects! At last, MCA crumbled!
Today, sadly, MCA can only win on majority malay areas! Both Wees won on malay votes!
But in case of Tanjung Piai, it was so epic, it's a stuff of legend! Because Wee won with the biggest majority Malaysia history ever recorded! Why, because rakyat hatred for Mahathir was overwelming!
The LIms should have seen he clear sign! But until today, the Lims still believe, Mahathir is their ticket to Putrajaya! After betting for 20 years with Anwar, they never go the taste of it! Even GE13 was so close but still far to take Harapan to Putrajaya! So the LIms after only like a year with Mahathir, had their chance elevated! It was victory that noboyd saw coming!
But today, things have changed! Najib no loger the favorite bogeyman! Worst, Najib is now icon among malays, reverted and admired!
And Mahahtir is malays biggest bogeyman! Mahathir is a sure symbol of pest for malays!
Come GE15, i think even local chinese will back off from voting Dap! I doubt after what Mahathir has done during 22 months especially introducing islamisation in chinese school will be forgiven!


2020-06-17 13:35 | Report Abuse

I manage to buy 60 cents during the 3 trading days push down by hedge funds! So if you see 60 cents again, better buy!


2020-06-17 13:13 | Report Abuse

This is what Mahathir what us to forget! It was not because we wnat Mahathir back as PM! That was narractive provided by the Lims after sudden victory of GE14!
No, in fact Harapan leaders promise were to make Anwar PM7! Have you forgotten that! You know, internet never forget! YOu can google and thousands of evidence easily available tot remaind us again!
During GE14, we didn't get to see Dap, Amanah, Bersatu symbol! Instead it was united PKR symbol!
And because of that unity to use only one symbol of PKR, rakyat voted for change of government!
And we all know that after 2 years, Mahathir would step down and handover to Anwar! That was the promise made to rakyat!
And now that Mahathir again back as PM material for Harapan, i really don't know what to say!
In fact yesterday, it was Anwar who agreed to let Mahathir back as PM for 6 months! Yes! Anwar verbally agree to that!
And after hammering from Anwar supporters, he again flip on his decision!
I mean, how can Anwar be a PM if he is so indecisive and very weak at the heed! Anwar can't even decide what to do! On monent he's against, the next moment, he is with and next moment he is with but against it!
I mean, if you ask Anwar if is a gay, you get a long winded statementt about how there's conspiracy against him! Yeah, and we all know that conspirator is Mahathir! And yeah, time and time again, Mahathir can twist and turn Anwar over and over again!
Haix! My head is spinning! I don't know what to say about Anwar or Harapan for that matter!

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2020-06-17 13:03 | Report Abuse

Useless! How to be alternative government when you can't firmly decide on your PM! What! Mahathir again! Is that the best Harapan can do!


2020-06-16 22:05 | Report Abuse

Yeah, told you guys! This '2nd wave' Covid19 is all baloney! Another round of shortings by hedge funds and of course helped by mainstream media!
That's why nowadays, it'e bettter to read between the lines! Don't simply believe everything mainstream media cook up! Always be cautious!
Anyway, it seems after 3 trading days, hedge funds have stopped and now completely forgot aboutt 2nd wave thingy!
And i bet, in days to come, we should hear alot about Covid19 vaccine, and perhaps ther shocking or rather not so shocking news that polio vaccine is just as effective to protect us from Covid19! Or perhaps we never will, as giant pharma would rather not have cheap alternative to be distributed!
The thing is, it seems Covid19 vaccine is not as hard as experts had predicted! So we should see many vaccines available soon!


2020-06-15 18:54 | Report Abuse

Of course if you tell the whole world that super cheap zero side effect polio vaccine can solve Covid19, you think the powerful 1% will be happy! Heck, you just kill their chance to dominate the world! Sad but true! Just like Malaysia, the same salted politicians over and over again conning us! Same players for decades, just change shirt with different brand!


2020-06-15 18:43 | Report Abuse

Cheap polio vaccine vs expensive Moderna vaccine! No brainer! Why make noise about much cheaper alternative when you can milk the world with fat margin one!


2020-06-15 18:40 | Report Abuse

Yeah, that's why glvoe stocks crashing like rain! This polio vaccine already proven after been used on small sample! Zero side effect and proven immunity from Covid19! Scare hedge funds! That's why mainstream media keep scaring the markets about 2nd wave balony!


2020-06-15 18:16 | Report Abuse

Of course mainstream media will make sure to push markets down by spreading '2nd wave' infections like what we see today!
The thing is by next month first batch of 30k americans will their vaccine, and a month later if there's no side effects, millions will get theirs!
As for polio vaccine, this news has been on underground and mainstream media trying hard to igonre it!


2020-06-15 12:35 | Report Abuse

Of course theh mainstream media will not play this latest development! They are busy selling of glove stocks!


2020-06-15 12:34 | Report Abuse

Turns out polio vaccine can provide immunity against Covid19! Who have ever thought it's possible!
And Covid19 vaccine should be available for the first 30k americans by next month! Aa early as September, US can provide immunization to millions of americans! Of course this looks very good for Donald Trump as he was the one that took the challenging route to overcome Covid19!
His gamble pays off!


2020-06-10 12:08 | Report Abuse

Mukriz said that he was oust from Kedah because of Najib! What a joke! Najib and Mohiden are in talking term! In fact both of them share the same hatred for each other!
It's was Mohiden who tried to bring down Najib due to 1MDB! And Najib in return purge Mohiden from Umno! So yeah, there's no love between them but hate!
The thing is Mohiden giving all those chairmanships in GLCs to Zahid cartel! The reason behind that is that, Zahid and his cartel will cross over to Bersatu!
Eventually, Umno will crumble and gone! That's what Mohiden had in mind!
However, due to sudden return of popularity of Najib, it's quite hard for Mohiden to counter! While Mohiden has seal approval of rakyat in handling Covid19, we really don't know his ability in managing the economy!
All those handouts come with heavy blowback if you don't have strong fiscal policies! And judging from his policies so far, Mohiden is spending way too much with no assurance that he has anything plan to recoup them via prudent fiscal policies!
So yeah, Najib warlords only among to around 15 MPs or so and the huge number of them are with Zahid! That's why people don't understand that Umno is dominated by Zahid cartel! They thought Umno is dominated by Najib!
Anyway, for Najib, he would rather wait until next year to purge Zahid from Umno during it's election! With Tok Mat in hand, i think both of them will be able to rejuvate Umno!
It would be best for Zahid to join Bersatu now rather that wait until Najib comes in!


2020-06-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's better to wait! Mahathir has nothing to offer! Anwar can become MB of Selangor for a while! Basically, Mahathir and Mukir have everything to lose at this point! They need Harapan but Harapan doesn't need them!


2020-06-09 19:13 | Report Abuse

Out of 7 cases today, there was no local infection! Meaning, today, we are totally clear from Covid19!
So expect big zero in coming days!


2020-06-09 19:01 | Report Abuse

So behind close doors, Anwar gave his proposal, he will be PM and Mukriz will be DPM!
And Mahathir must not say he is 'power crazy' or obssese beeen PM or all those insulting things!
Anwar told Mahathir, the moment Mahathir goes back to ridiculing him, the deal is off, forver!


2020-06-09 17:51 | Report Abuse

Will buy tomorrow! Didn't get the price i want today!


2020-06-08 19:55 | Report Abuse

Judging from single digit caes for almost 2 weeks now, it won't be a big surprise to see zero cases soon!
We are in very final stage of containment here! As long as we wear face mask and sanitize, it's going to be a breeze!
I am sure once we see zero infections, 100% opening up of all business will be on pipeline!
It's soft landing phase at the moment to see if any new breakout will occur! If no breakout, then we should join few nations that successfully curb Covid19 without vaccine!


2020-06-08 16:02 | Report Abuse

If Mahathir still in charge, i am very sure he will take credit for glove stocks rise! Do you hear Mohiden doing so!


2020-06-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

When Mahathir was in charge, Mr Koon lost like over 60 million in bursa! Barely 3 months and Mr Koon already recoup more than half of his loses under Mohiden! So yeah, cash is king!


2020-06-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

Mohiden is pampering Hadi and Zahid! I am very sure this 2 will bent to Mohiden agenda! Obviously Zahid and Hadi are the most corruptable! Hadi is very cheap, give him a ministerial post which carry zero responsiblity and all the perks of travel, he is sold! And of course, free use of government jets to London, where he love to spend his time with his no muslim wifey!


2020-06-08 14:51 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Local chinese will vote for Dap no matter what! Malay politicians say local chinese are naive and idealistic! Want fairy tales kind of government! Sure if you are the majority population! But how if we are nnly like 15% of the population!


2020-06-08 14:22 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Mohiden is no match for Mahathir! Mahathir may have TKO so many in the past but this round, he is fighting someone who has equally many TKO under the belt!

News & Blogs

2020-06-08 14:20 | Report Abuse

I keep looking for the author's name! Can't find CP Teh!


2020-06-08 14:19 | Report Abuse

Gps if team with Mahathir will backfire badly! They know sarawakians have a thingy with Najib! Najib is like god to ibans! They put Najib at same respect as Adenan Satem!
As for Mahathir, the ibans have a name for him! And it's not pleasant!


2020-06-08 14:16 | Report Abuse

Lizi! Yeah, Badawi was sleeping when Mahathir took him down! Najib another idiot who let Mahathir punched him all over till TKO!
Mohiden a bi differrent, he try to avoid Mahathir punches but at the same time give Mahathir few blow below the belt! This type of opponent better give way!
Or else Mahathir will be like Mike Tyson who resort to biting ears! I am doubtful of Mahathir! Mohiden has plenty of tricks for sure! He won't tell you his next moves!


2020-06-08 14:06 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Mahathir is like in quick sand, the more he struggle, the deeper he sinks! I can see Mohiden is using Syed Saddiq to drag Mahathir deeper! You see, Syed Saddiq case is now very serious! He could be jailed for abusing Bersatu funds! It's piece of cake really! Then again, this is politics! If Mahathir takes another step to fight Mohiden, i am pretty sure, Syed Saddiq will be the killjoy! It's no brainer! Mohiden is someone who would go extra miles to keep his position! Mohiden is not your weak Badawi or naive Najib! Mohiden is Mohiden! And that's why, to me, Mahahtir should drop whatever moves he has planned! Or else, Mahathir will be destroyed by Mohiden for good!


2020-06-08 13:54 | Report Abuse

To be very honest, Mahathir is the prey! Except that Dap and Amanah too stupid not to see! The Lims and Mat Sabu are too blind by power they have tasted! As for Anwar, we don't know if he again change his mind and partner with Mahathir again! Then again, Anwar the ever indecisve and mind changing blunder already sink him deep in turd hole!


2020-06-08 13:51 | Report Abuse

One thing i can see from Mohiden is that, he is a quiet counter striker! Mohiden is given us the impression that he is easily beaten!
But boy, from what we see, Mohiden is hitting Mahathir left and right! And most of the blows already affected Mahathir badly!
Take Sheraton Move! Mohiden already counter it very well! Now we all know it's Mahathir that betrayed it! Mohiden was just a victim of Mahathir betrayal of Harapan and Bersatu! Audio leaks confirm it! Photo leaks confirm it! What more do you want!
As for Mahathir intention to takeover Bersatu! It's total goner! Mohiden indeed use proper way to purge Mahathir from Bersatu! It's not that Mohiden sack Mahathir! He just used what's in Bersatu constitution to remove him!
We also see how Mohiden use MACC to nail Syed Saddiq for good! I am sure in coming days, Syed Saddiq will be charged for misusing Bersatu funds!
As for Bersatu MPs going to Mahathir, forget it! They know once they abandon Bersatu, their political career and prospect totally goner! In fact Mahathir and Mukriz can forget about corridor of power for good! They won't have a taste of it anymore!
To be frank, Mahathir is completely destroy himself! Mohiden is not one of his easy prey! Mahathir should be wary going forward! I say, Mohiden is the most dangerous opponent in Mahathir book! He better wise up!

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2020-06-08 13:30 | Report Abuse

Rich people problem! You want to travel or not, up to you! It's only domestic or internal travel! It's not like you going to Indonesia where infections is at all time high and possibility of your getting Covid19 is like 100% sure!

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2020-06-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

Doesn't matter! 5 years from now, China will lose it's superpower aura and too busy battling infighitngs in CCP!


2020-06-07 18:12 | Report Abuse

Anwar and Mahathir agree that Mohiden government is illegitimate! Agong was deceive by Mohiden! So Mohiden should be brought down! Rakyat must unite against Mohiden says Senior Lim!


2020-06-07 18:09 | Report Abuse

The Lims and Mat Sabu went to see Anwar! They said Mahathir has repented and he is a change me now!


2020-06-07 18:09 | Report Abuse

But worry not Apollo! Mahathir said if Harapan help him become PM again, he will promise to handover to Anwar! but Anwar has to prove that his has majority support!


2020-06-07 18:07 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Mahathir said Anwar is power crazy! Only Mahathir can be PM again! This time dump Anwar but wants Harapan to support him! But Mahathir can't understand why Anwar hate him! Mahathir said Anwar has problem but he has no problem with Anwar!


2020-06-07 18:00 | Report Abuse

Sad to say Genting just came out with official statement! Genting closed until further notice!


2020-06-07 17:58 | Report Abuse

From Merdeka survey! I don't know! Maybe because of current Anwar and Mahathir power struggle to recapture Putrajaya!


2020-06-07 17:56 | Report Abuse

Who says i hate Anwar! I hate that fake Pas holyman Hadi! Should be sent to Afghanistan as peace ambassador!


2020-06-07 17:51 | Report Abuse

Latest survey confirm what we already knew! Mahathir came high on top of the most unpopular politician in Malaysia! 2nd is Anwar!
Unfortunatley, Harapan need to replace all it's old guards given high negative ratings of late!

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2020-06-06 18:20 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, Malaysia need new and better leaders! Away from race and religion! But like you said, we can only hope!
Malaysia is overrun by fake ustaz and ulamas! They brainwash malays with fakeness!
A country overdose on religion and race will surely doom! That's for sure!