
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-07-24 23:27 | Report Abuse

I shake my head the day when WHO, Fauci and DG Hisham insist that wearing face mask is not necessary!
Today, however, been the most learn experts, they had to eat humble pie and admitted that face mask indeed effective in courbing the spread!
Fortunately, mlaysians took mater in our own hands and were very adamant wearing face mask!
I hope the current 2nd wave would not overwhelm us! After months of strict MCO, i doubt most of us would tolerate such move again!
And the best way to prevent reoccurance of Covid19 is of course each and everyone of us to wear face mask!
Face mask is the cheapest way to help curb the spread! Even using cotton face mask is good enough! Especially if you have to wear them all day, cotton face mask is much more comfortable! I suppose silk face mask would be very comfortable!
So starting 1 August, let's once against fight 2nd Covid19 wave!


2020-07-24 22:43 | Report Abuse

Bad news from Moderna! Hope to sell Duopharma monday! Look in profit first!


2020-07-24 20:24 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Tok Mat made public offer to Mohiden! Join Umno! Basically, Mohiden will be automatically lead Muafakat and remain PM after GE15!
This is not an offer! This is 'join us or against us' call! It's no brainer, Umno will not backdown after this!
Meaning there's no Perikatan! There's only Muafakat!


2020-07-24 20:16 | Report Abuse

We certainly do not want another MCO! The economy impact would kill Malaysia forever!
What we rakyat should do is to remind each other to wear face mask! There's no excuses! It's okay, you can make you own cotton face mask if you think it's too expensive to wear new N95 daily! The purpose of face mask is to avoid airborne Covid19 from entering your nose! The purpose of covering your mouth is to avoid spraying Covid19 if one is infected! So that's why we cover both our nose and mouth! And if everybody wear face mask, the chances of spreading will dwindle by huge margin!
And for goodness sake, can we please stop writing our name and number! After multiply use, the pen that we all use most probably carry Covid19!
So make it mandatory to use Sejahtera app! I find this app very user friendly!
We have not won the battle!


2020-07-24 16:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah, so Houstan kick out China! And China kick out US embassy in retaliation!
Come on! Where have you been! This decoupling already been in place since like 2 years ago!
By now, nothing will reverse this process! Most US companies already out from China! So there's no more shcok along the way!
Most US companies already relocated outside of China! What is left is just knee jerks which should no longer affect markets! Everything already priced in!

News & Blogs

2020-07-24 12:40 | Report Abuse

As the 222 members of parliment represent malaysians, this uncivilize language and behaviour should be punishable by law! Please, you are representing 30 millions malaysians!


2020-07-23 18:29 | Report Abuse

Haix! Too many contra players spoil the surge!


2020-07-21 23:13 | Report Abuse

So yeah, i went to JPJ this morning! And yeah, no Sejahtera app! Istead i have to write my name and number! How stupid is that! How come the government doesn't make Sejahtera part of it's tracing SOP!
And yeah, i saw everybody trying their best to follow SOP but why do this civil servant staff fail to help public to proper SOP! My goodness, you are model of the government! You are representation of the government of the day!
Anyway, i am a bit dissapointed that Sejahtera app is not implemented in government departments! And the face mask requirement not observe by civil servants at all time!
We are facing a prospect where Covid19 may spread again if the government fo the day fail to implement what they are telling us what to do!


2020-07-21 18:52 | Report Abuse

Completely losts interest! Sold all today at 1.71! Better go for Duopharma!


2020-07-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

I guess the glove bubble is very different! You can blow so much air into it! Can expand like 100x more! Not like soap bubble!

News & Blogs

2020-07-20 17:30 | Report Abuse

Make it mandatory today! There's a risk that 2nd wave may hit us given how severe Covid19 is in our neighboring countries! And for goodness sake, make Sejahtera app mandatory to all shops as well!


2020-07-20 17:26 | Report Abuse

I got fed up because after waiting for half an hour for my 4D fix today, i still have to write my name and number! Can't Toto or Magnum just put some Sejahtera for us to check in!


2020-07-20 17:25 | Report Abuse

I mean, check in to supermarkets where you deal with thousands a day! You really think it's convinient to write when you already have Sejahtera app! Imagine thousands can check in without the hassle of waiting in lines!


2020-07-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

Plantermen! Yeah, i get it! But if 90% already register with Sejahtera, won't it be efficient to check in! For those in old school era, they can write their name and number, no problem! This is about those 90%!
I mean, make it convenient for majority!


2020-07-20 16:55 | Report Abuse

Why have the government figure this our like months ago! I think most rakyat already register with Sejahtera right!
Check in is painless with this app! Problem is, i don't see it been adopted widely!


2020-07-20 16:53 | Report Abuse

I mean, are we still going to write our name and number until today! There's already app can Sejahtera! Just make it mandatory for everybody to check in using this app!
It will make tracing so much easier later on! Why still rely on stone age method of writing ur name and number!
Do it now!


2020-07-18 10:32 | Report Abuse

And yes, it's a bubble! We have yet seen a major correction! IT's just keep going up and up!


2020-07-18 10:31 | Report Abuse

Don't ask me! I got it wrong since it pass 4.00! I mean nobody predicted it will go much much higher!
But one thing for sure, it's going to burst! We just don't know when!
However, with vaccine only waiting for approval, it's a sure thing!
Perhaps when US finally gives green light to mass produce Covid vaccine, will be the day we see the big bubble burst!


2020-07-18 00:43 | Report Abuse

Yeah sure! Malaysia succeeded when others fail in curbing Covid19! But looking at others who also succeeded initially, it's not easy to maintain low infection rate!
And so Donald Trump is the only world leader who took different route altoghther! He put vaccine development on warp speed! Meaning, what should have taken years, shorten to months!
And judging from latest development, Donald Trump yet again, prove that he is king of results!
Mainstream media trying very hard to downplay his achievements! But once Covid19 goes online and perhaps distribute cheaply all over the world, tell me, who will be the hero of the day!


2020-07-15 10:57 | Report Abuse

With vaccine on the horizon, you better know what to do! Wise men said, only fools rush in! Except nobody told us who are the fools!

News & Blogs

2020-07-15 10:28 | Report Abuse

Another Bangsar emo card! Azeez is part of very corrupted Zahid cartel! Next time write about Zahid cartel then at least you escape from Bangsar bubble reality!

News & Blogs

2020-07-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

I mean, tell me, who was the first few who came out calling buy when Supermax was only 1.60! Now who are those calling to buy more when Supermax hit 11.00!


2020-07-12 13:56 | Report Abuse

So finally Harapan got their wish! Parliment will be full session this July!
Of course Mahathir wants this Vote of No Confidence to be tabled! Which most likely not going to get the votes! Harapan will not make enemy with Mohiden! They need Bersatu back into Harapan!
But we should see 115 MPs on the government side, too slim to be the government of the day!
On the other hand, Harapan has 92 MPs minus the 15MPs from Mahathir and Shafie side! Sadly, Mahathir has only 5MPs and Shafie has more than him! Which is to show, Mahahtir is running on empty on his partyless alliance!
It's going to be odd time for both sides, or rather threesome side! Thre's no clear winner or loser this round! In fact Harapan is almost as big as the government side! If Assmin cartel has not jump, Harapan could still be the government! Or perhaps we could have gone for GE15 which would spread Covid18 like wildfire!
So yeah, Agong saved the day for us so that a backdoor government can contain Covid19!
Mohiden is on hot now! Very popular with majority because of Covid19! However, such popularity is very fickle! Because he is not going to tackle our economic challenges competently! Mohiden just don't cut it! Assmin seems to talk left and right, flashing all sort of cards to show he is doing something but it appears Assmin is all talk with little to show!
In fact i dare say, all parties are having so much problem now that nobody is strong and united! Even Umno is in such a big mess especially Zahid cartel dominating all the decisions but making lousy deal for Umno as a whole!

News & Blogs

2020-07-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

I say this Tiktok can be very addiction! It's like a new form of entertainment on half minute basis and keep you hook for a long time!


2020-07-09 14:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by apolloang > Jul 9, 2020 12:13 PM | Report Abuse

now melayoo crooks in bursa on the rampant.pump and dump scheme.tun is right no catch the crooks,now the crooks come out to manipulate the market

Answer : Yeah, bloody heck! I would have support them if they fry my stocks!


2020-07-09 13:50 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, Bersatu came to Umno Pas to form backdoor government! Yeah, no matter how you try to justify Mohiden action, Perikatan is non existent! It's only based on Mohiden self claim alliance! Umno Pas never officially accept this!
So yeah, a week ago Mohiden Hadi Zahid formed a pact under Perikatan! Of course Hadi and Zahid are very happy since they are very cheap fake politicians! I mean, Hadi is more that happy to sell Islam for a dime! As for Zahid, he is willing to sell malay dignity for a penny! So both this fake race and religion paddlers are selling themselves to Mohiden!
But it looks like non Zahid cartel are now forming a strong resistance! And before long, i think all non Zahid cartel will purge Zahid and his gang out from Umno before GE15!
Few days ago, Umno warlords had a meeting to proposed Tok Mat as their PM candidate! Of course most if not all of them are under Najib team!
So far Khairy and Hisham are not on board! So do Ku Li! But soon, things will get them together! I mean, it's a matter of life and death for them politically!
However, Nazri came to Mohiden rescue! This dog, said that Mohiden better join Umno as president and lead GE15! Which is a good idea! However, i think majority of Umno leaders would not warm up to this proposal! You know, where do you put Assmin cartel! Bring them in Umno too!
Anyway, Bersatu has much to lose going forward! Mohiden is now in dilemma, the moment he announce snap election, majority Umno warlords will distant Umno from Bersatu! As for Pas, Hadi will sell Islam left and right as usually, given Hadi track record, he will go along with the majority! I mean, a fake holyman like him would rather get perks than sticking to milo can donations!


2020-07-09 12:12 | Report Abuse

As for Harapan, they have few years to mold new talents! PKR used to bave so much talents! Until Assmin cartel took advantage of this talents only to discard them our from PKR! Funny thing is, Assmin cartel is now partyless! Or pantless!


2020-07-09 12:10 | Report Abuse

I think it's safe to say that Anwar Ibrahim chances to be PM is zero! In fact he better forget about it completely! Instead he should focus on been MB of Selangor and finish his remaining political career molding new talents!
As long as Noh Omar remain in Selangor, Umno chances will be very slim and PKR remains state government! Selangorians hates political elites who thinks Selangor belongs to them!
And the same goes to PM post as well! Mahahir thought he was still very much relevant! And so we witness the most bizarro turd show from him! And as expected, Mahathir finally turded himself out of his own insane schemes and twisted plots! The final blow when Mahathir used racial card, the usually 'chinese fault for been filthy rich' which backfire badly on Harapan Plus! Instead of damaging Perikatan or Muafakat during Chini by elecction, Mahathir racial card only befallen on himself!
So yeah, we have too many politicians who inspire to be PM but do not put their effort in actually delivery their promises to rakyat!
Malaysians nowadays have changed from the yesteryears! Malaysians are not so dumb and naive anymore!
Rakyat demand accountability! Rakyat want to see development that really suits them! And about all, a PM that deliver results!
Such the case of Najib! Prior to GE14, majority rejected him because of his bad PR and 1MDB scandal! And also Najib inability to push aside many fake allegations against him!
Yet during 22 monhs of Harapan, Najib popularity actually rise to highest! In fact his popularity was much better compare to when he was PM! Why, because Najib rakyat centric and competent fiscal policies proven to be good for rakyat!
And we also saw Mohiden popularity risen despite Sheraton Move! Why, because he handled Covid19 successfully! And if Mohiden had call for snap election much earlier before Chini by election, he could have got away and remain PM for another 5 years!
As for Anwar Ibrahim, tell me, what has he done for rakyat for the past 20 years! Nothing! He was busy having fun with fun boys and got into jail twice! He thought PM post was his! He thought rakyat will lift him up to be PM because he is God gift to rakyat!
Those days are gone! Today, economic challenges are very hard! Anwar Ibrahim is not the leader to handle such extreme task! In fact from Anwar past experience as MOF, he did it badly! Anwar actually increase interest rate to double digit during acute recession! Talk about how stupid that was! But that's what Anwar did!
Anyway, i am sure Umno leaders especially non Zahid cartel are sharpening their swords! They know Bersatu has no place in Muafakat! Mohiden and Assmin betrayed Harapan! And what make you think they won't betray Muafakat!
Wiseman said, you should not let a small clan dominate the whole clans! Or else the strong clans shall crumble and the tiny leader from the smallestt clan will cross the river to the other side! Which means, you should not let Sheraton Move 2.0 ever happen!
Pas fake holymen are really idiots! In February they proposed Vote of Confidence for Mahathir! And now in July, the same village idiots propose Vote of Confidence for Mohiden! What makes you think Pas fake holymen got it right this round!

News & Blogs

2020-07-08 20:16 | Report Abuse

Yeah sure! Wait till Donald brag about the vaccine which will flood USA in months before November election!


2020-07-08 20:14 | Report Abuse

I didn't know about this yesterday! But it's so happen i bought Minetech and boy! Minetech simply blew the lid today!
Then i realise that the most active stocks today are the penny stocks which most are fundamentals grave yard!
And then it occurs to me that we hare having so much liquidity in bursa and where this cheap money comes from!
Let's just say interest rate will go lower and lower and lower! And borrowing money will get cheaper and cheaper and cheaper! And there's so much money been offered for dirt cheap!
And of course syndicates will use this extraordinary cheap money to make as big money as possible!
So there! We are seeing a superbull like it's not real! It's not possible! I mean, who cares! As long as bursa been fry, everybody is happy!


2020-07-08 18:03 | Report Abuse

Many of us love hainan chicken rice! But after eating so many both from malay and chinese kopitiam, i must say malay ones are much more better than the ones in chinese kopitiams!
Why! How come! Don't ask me! Yeah, i was dissapointed to know this! And this is from my personal experience! Malay hainan chicken rice are better than those in chinese!
So don't give me that Singapore hainan chicken rice are the best, it's just gimmick if you ask me!
Somehow the malays figure out this simple delightful meal and beat local chinese at it!
To me, i am both happy and sad! Happy because the malays copycat chinese recipe and actually better at it! And sad because local chinese are taking for granted this very malaysian singaporean dish!
So don't be surprise if local chinese no longer serve this dish because they simply cannot compete with malays! That's i think will happen!
If you don't believe me, go and try out hainan chicken rice serve by malays! I think you will feel the same like i do!

News & Blogs

2020-07-08 14:49 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days Tony Fernandes bragging about Airasia! Today, he is facing his worst nightmare! There's no telling what will happen or if he can bring Airasia out from this extremely challenging phase!


2020-07-04 23:19 | Report Abuse

No doubt Mohiden has been fluent and competent as PM! But that doesn't reflect Bersatu as a whole as most of Bersatu warlords as ministers are incompetent to say the least!
So why allow Bersatu to lord over Muafakat when clearly after GE15, Bersatu can buy over Umno MPs and eventually lead to Umno closing shop for good! Worst, if things go out of hand, Perikatan will collapse just like what happen to Harapan!
So it would be best for Muafakat to be only between Umno Pas! Bersatu has to go alone! There's no room for Bersatu! Even if Bersatu given tiny allocation of the seats, Mohiden as PM can easily buy over Umno MPs! There's no law to prevent this from happening!
And after Chini by election, it's very clear, Bersatu plays little part!
Guess Mohiden Hadi Zahid pact will not come to fruition! Wait and see! This may also affect Mohiden decision to call for snap election if suddenly Muafakat call off all cooperation!

News & Blogs

2020-07-04 20:36 | Report Abuse

See! Barely few months Pas fake holymen even determine who should be PM!