
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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2021-01-18 21:07 | Report Abuse

Turkey 91.25%,
Indonesia 65.3%.
Brazil 50.38%

I personally believe all these results are all true. What we are actually seeing is how well the sinovac vaccine protects against the local strain.

In Turkey where Covid19 cases has been relatively small, the virus has less opportunity to mutate.

In Indonesia where cases have been higher the virus has mutated even more and can better escape the vaccine.

While in Brazil, which for a long time was second only to America in Covid19 cases has mutated even more.

Both the Brazilian and S.African SARS-Cov2 variant have the E484 mutation which has been demonstrated to give the virus 10 fold more resistance to antibodies generated against the older variants of SARS-Cov2


I also believe that when people start testing the pfizer and moderna vaccine against the Brazilian and S.African strains they will find the vaccines less protective.

Posted by CoolBull > Jan 18, 2021 8:25 PM | Report Abuse
Confidence in Chinese vaccines has taken a big hit


2021-01-18 18:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah... but we are all waiting for the Short sellers to make a decision. Either they take the lost and start buying or make one last super short and push TG below RM 6.00 aiming to hit below RM5.67.

And we have the ability to wait.

Posted by RiverOfSilver > Jan 18, 2021 5:06 PM | Report Abuse
So, guys, you keep waiting for ridiculous low, you're gonna miss the cheap fare boat again


2021-01-18 14:11 | Report Abuse

That is very worrying. You should contact your brokerage and ask them what is happening.

Maybank Direct CDS accounts received their dividend payout on the morning of 1 January, right on time.

So the delay is not on TG side, it is on your broker side. I would consider moving brokerage if this problem continues.

Posted by Vincenteoh29 > Jan 18, 2021 12:57 PM | Report Abuse
Still haven’t receive the dividend payout


2021-01-18 11:07 | Report Abuse

Looks like everyone is waiting for shorties to make their move... one last big throw of 97 million shares to short TG as low as they can.

Right now... shorties are in red by at least RM164 million (@ TG RM6.39). Either they accept this lost and go home, or go big and short TG to the max so they can recover 229 million + 97 million TG shares at below RM 5.67.

The question is will we retailers give the shorties 300 million TG share cheap? Or will we buy cheap TG shares and compound the short seller loses!


2021-01-18 08:53 | Report Abuse

Here comes the shorties attack.

They have started with a smear campaign of old news and bad news. Old news TG has already improve worker living and working conditions. Bad news... well we are in pandemic after all with 4K cases a day in Malaysia. Our politicians are infected, so what is so surprising that the every level of Malaysian society is also infected.

Stay on Target and do not panic.

Shorties need to collect 229 million TG shares at below RM5.67 (average). Don't give it to them.

If they go all in with all their remaining shorting power, reserve some bullets to buy some cheap shares.


2021-01-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

FDA report of pfizer see page 42

“3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.”

What pfizer had was ~3600 cases of people with Covid19 like symptoms. Of that number they were able to do rt-PCR test on 170 people, leaving 3410 untested. Since they could not confirm that these people had been infected by the SARS-Cov2 virus, these 3410 were excluded from the data analysis when pfizer calculated the efficacy of the vaccine.

The 8 vaccinated vs 162 unvaccinated is were we get the 95% efficacy number from.

As people like Peter Doshi point out... wait a minute...that is a really big number pfizer just tossed out. And if you look at the break down of the 3410, 1594 was in vaccinated group and 1816 was in the placebo group.

This is then worrying as the number are nearly the same size. We cannot say that the vaccine does not work, because we don't have the nucleotid data. But it is concerning.. and more data should be collected... which pfizer has not released because the only data pfizer has released is from November.

Also noted is that the 3410 people with unconfirmed covid being excluded is not found in pfizer's own report. Pfizer did not mention this exclusion. Only in the FDA report on page 42 does this data come out.

Also of concern that after 2 doses of vaccine, pfizer excluded individuals from the study for unspecified reasons: 311 from the vaccine group vs 60 on placebo. THis is a massive imbalance because both groups have to be treated the same. What this unspecified reason is not said.


Posted by gemfinder > Jan 16, 2021 10:46 PM | Report Abuse
From where u got the news 29% efective? U beter watch out. Pfizer n who wil sue u gao gao


2021-01-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

One viral variant, first spotted in South Africa, has evolved two mutations that block the effectiveness of antibodies used to treat COVID-19, raising the specter that they could also block vaccine-induced antibodies.

One of those mutations reduced by 10-fold or more the ability of antibodies from some recovered COVID-19 patients to neutralize viruses expressing the coronavirus spike protein, according to a recent preprint by Jesse Bloom and Allison Greaney of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and their colleagues.



... we have a problem.....


2021-01-15 13:50 | Report Abuse


BURSA net short data is one day late.
So netshort on 14/1/2021 is the nett short position at 9am morning 14/1/2021 before any trading was done.

On 13/1/2021 only 32,300 shares were shorted during the trading day. So there was very little movement.

9am 13/1/2021 net short 222,976,300
-> 32,300 share shorted between 9am-5pm ->
9am 14/1/2021 net short 223,008,600

We will know if somebody cover or shorted on 14/1/2021, on Monday, the next trading day, by analyzing the net short and RSS volume (which is short + cover).

Yes.. we are at an information disadvantage. We will only know what has happened 1 day after it has happened.

Posted by SteadyT > Jan 15, 2021 1:38 PM | Report Abuse
Both day also 2.72%? Meaning someone covered their shorts yesterday?


2021-01-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

Net Short position for TG has increased to 223 million shares. With a cost average of RM5.67

Shorties have ~97 million more TG shares that they can short before hitting the 4% RSS limit. At that point they are out of bullets.

And shorties are paying 2% interest for SBL on the shares that they have borrowed to use in shorting.

Stay on target. Do not panic.

Shorties must on average push the TG share price below RM5.67 to be profitable. That is their target. Do sell cheap. The longer the shorties cannot buy back and cover their short positions, the more interest they will have to pay. This means they cannot hold their short position forever and must either panic the retailers to sell cheap or cover their position at a lost by buying high.

For those amount us who are a little vengeful, save some bullets in the event shorties successfully push TG share price below RM5.67. We will start buying at RM5.67 and below, soaking up all the shares at this price level. Not only is that a good price (given the 70% dividend), but it will prevent shorties from profiteering on us with their scare monger tactics.


2021-01-15 00:17 | Report Abuse

Then a dose of reality means, the Malaysian government has no secured enough vaccine to vaccinate the nation in 2021. There isn't enough vaccine in the world. We were too slow.

The only vaccine with a delivery schedule is 12.8 million doses with pfizer.
1 million doses Q1 (Start Feb)
1.7 million doses Q2
5.8 million doses Q3
4.1 million doses Q4

This is enough for 6.4 million Malaysians, 20% of the population. This will not stop the pandemic as the herd immunity threshold for SARS-Cov2 is 60-70% and above 80% for the B117 strain.

At best, we may be able to vaccine the entire population by early 2022. But it is more likely late 2022, due to limitations in vaccine supplies and production capacity.

Our medical system is at breaking point. We have stopped testing of people who have contact with Covid19 infected people. Instead all covid test will be reserved for the seriously ill to aid their diagnosis of covid19.

People with mild covid have also been told to stay home.Only the seriously ill are admitted to the hospital.

These are the signs of a healthcare system falling back on itself, trying to preserve resources to fight battles that matter. If you are healthy enough to walk, you are healthy enough to walk out the hospital doors.

Sentiment... wise... we are buoyant. We think the vaccine will put everything back together soon. WE are not paying attention to the science.

Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 14, 2021 11:50 PM | Report Abuse
You all don't simple refer to US news here. Completely unrelated at all here. Malaysia marke should follow malaysia news and sentiment


2021-01-14 23:41 | Report Abuse

Pfizer vaccine.... 1 million doses, enough for 500K Malaysians.

19% or 95%? US expert challenges Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy,

All attention has focused on the dramatic efficacy results: Pfizer reported 170 PCR confirmed covid-19 cases, split 8 to 162 between vaccine and placebo groups. But these numbers were dwarfed by a category of disease called “suspected covid-19”—those with symptomatic covid-19 that were not PCR confirmed. According to FDA’s report on Pfizer’s vaccine, there were “3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.”



Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 14, 2021 10:13 PM | Report Abuse
Woho tomorrow another short sell as vaccine will be arrived next month.


2021-01-14 14:41 | Report Abuse

It is a mix of buy and sell. You have to look at the nett short value before and after the days trading, and the RSS vol for that day to determine how much was buy (cover) and how much was sell (short)

Yes.. it means we don't have data in real time. Only what happened yesterday and we need data from the day before.

Posted by Winner88 > Jan 14, 2021 10:00 AM | Report Abuse
So RSS vol is buy done, not sell done?

RSS vol (in day) RSS value Nett position 1 day old (end of day) diff

31-Dec 17,992,700

4-Jan 106,111,600 573,223,825.00 124,076,300 106,083,600

5-Jan 18,431,000 104,232,941.00 142,495,300 18,419,000

6-Jan 13,410,100 76,988,384.00 155,905,400 13,410,100

7-Jan 35,228,300 205,252,696.00 191,122,800 35,217,400

8-Jan 23,013,500 137,624,617.00 214,107,200 22,984,400

11-Jan 9,050,000 58,356,845.00 219,476,300 5,369,100

12-Jan 3,500,000 22,968,017.00 222,976,300 3,500,000

13-Jan 32,300 212,628


2021-01-14 14:33 | Report Abuse

Stay on target. Don't panic.

Nett short position for TG is 222,968,017 shares as of 9am 14/1/2021. With an average price of RM5.65

They only have 117 million more shares that they can use to short before reaching the 4% cap.

Another poster estimated, shorties are paying 2% SBL interest rate and 0.04% outstanding loan fees..

If Shorties are unable to panic retailer to sell below RM5.65, they are going to make massive loses when they finally forced to buy 222 million shares at a higher price.


2021-01-13 00:05 | Report Abuse

Because rakutan accounts are nominee accounts. It takes longer because your TG shares are held in Rakutan's name. So TG pays Rakutan, then Rakutan pays you. Should see tomorrow.

Posted by nghsulin2278 > Jan 12, 2021 11:10 PM | Report Abuse
How come I haven’t receive my dividend? Bought from rakutan app


2021-01-12 13:53 | Report Abuse

Trump declares state of emergency in Washington DC.


Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 12, 2021 11:00 AM | Report Abuse
lol you don't know what's state of emergency haha? This affect the whole stock market. Not even gloves can escape. State of emergency will scare off the foreigner investment further


2021-01-11 21:12 | Report Abuse

People who have direct CDS account got their dividend this morning. People who have nominee CDS account will get their dividend later, probably tomorrow

Posted by bigby7 > Jan 11, 2021 8:58 PM | Report Abuse
Everyone got their dividend payout already?
Today right?


2021-01-11 16:10 | Report Abuse

WHo asked them to ban the imports of gloves from the largest glove producer in the world in the middle of a pandemic?

America is lucky that they can print US dollar... else they will be in trouble

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Jan 11, 2021 4:01 PM | Report Abuse

US announced measures to conserve on the usage of gloves. The 3 months supply in stock of glove maybe depleted much too fast as the pandemic rages on.


2021-01-11 14:44 | Report Abuse

6 months? Are you from the future?
The vaccine results that EUA is based on is mostly 6 weeks data, with some data from 8 weeks.

Pfizer phase III trial will be completed in September 2021 and Moderna in October 2022. The experiment will tell us the results.

Since the virus is new and the vaccine is new, all we have now is speculation based on our experience with traditional vaccines.

Will the mRNA vaccine be working in 6 months... We will know in April, 6 months after the phase III trial started... if Pfizer or Moderna decided to share the results with us. If they won't, we will know in June from what is happening in the US and UK.


Thank God vaccine is here!
This vaccine is based on < 6 months data. So effectively, the effectiveness will last <6months. So do we need to be re-inoculated after 6 months? Espy this is DNA base vaccine.

Can any real Dr. advice on this?


2021-01-11 13:50 | Report Abuse

No. No reinvestment program.
Posted by stevenckheng > Jan 11, 2021 11:48 AM | Report Abuse
topglove got reinvest program or not ?


2021-01-11 00:42 | Report Abuse

“Suspected covid-19”

All attention has focused on the dramatic efficacy results: Pfizer reported 170 PCR confirmed covid-19 cases, split 8 to 162 between vaccine and placebo groups. But these numbers were dwarfed by a category of disease called “suspected covid-19”—those with symptomatic covid-19 that were not PCR confirmed. According to FDA’s report on Pfizer’s vaccine, there were “3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.”




2021-01-10 22:43 | Report Abuse

Since this is RSS... the short sellers have no fixed end date. However the longer they hold their short position, the more interest they have to pay to the lender of shares. And if the share price drifts up from where they shorted, their loses will grow.

So it is waiting game and a game of confidence. If the shorties can't panic retailers to sell cheap... shorties will be forced to cover at an expensive price.

So far the nettshort position is 191 million shares.... shorties need to buy 191 million share cheap or get burned. And given that TG share price started climbing up once quickly once it hit RM6.10 ie the position many shorties started in Jan 4... some shorties are obviously being burned. (Although we need to see Jan 9 data to be sure)

Posted by chkhooju > Jan 10, 2021 9:22 PM | Report Abuse
May I know how many days short sellers need to cover their position. Kindly acknowledge.


2021-01-08 22:32 | Report Abuse


Learn some history of epidemiology. What the chinese did was nothing new. Even in Africa, quarantine and total lock downs were used to control Ebola since the 1970s.

Where do you think the word quarantine comes from? It is derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which means 40 days. That was how long sailors had to sit on their ships before they were allowed to land. This was on of the measures used to control the black plague in Europe of the 14 century.

Educate yourself. There are books on pubmed. There are free scientific journal that you can find there to read about Covid19.

There is no head scratching. Science knows what is causing the SARS-Cov2 pandemic. Scientist are even tracking the virus as is spreads and mutates around the world.


2021-01-08 22:11 | Report Abuse

@ DickyMe

I will tolerate you saying that Supermax is king and TG's days are numbered. I will even tolerate you shouting that Topglove is going to tank and drop to RM3.50. Shout 'Run' every day if you must.

BUT I will not tolerate you saying the deaths from Covid is inflated. I saw first hand that kind of thinking in the US in Feb 2020 and early March 2020. We all know where that lead the Americans. Officially, 1 in 1000 Americans died from Covid19 in 2020. The excess American deaths in 2020 was nearly half a million people, far higher than the official Covid19 deaths.

I have personally lost friends to Covid19, as they fought the virus in the hospitals of America. I saw refrigerated meat trucks parked in the carpark I used to have lunch at, used as temporary morgues because the hospital morgue was full.

YOU WILL NOT spread this kind of dangerous thinking in Malaysia. The SARS-Cov2 virus is dangerous. If we do not control the virus quickly, we will quickly see hundreds of deaths a day.

Convincing fellow Malaysians that the pandemic is over inflated, and they can lower their guard is equal to pushing them off a cliff into crocodile infested river.

Our hospitals are nowhere as equipped as the US. So turn around, attack Top Glove from some other direction. You can push your agenda using other arguments but not this way.

Posted by DickyMe > Jan 8, 2021 9:40 PM | Report Abuse
Nowadays, all deaths are piled under Covid-19 to make believe that the pandemic is main cause.


2021-01-08 12:22 | Report Abuse

Anyone who shorted on Jan4 and has not covered their position, is officially in the red.

Posted by RunFirst > Jan 7, 2021 11:47 PM | Report Abuse
RSS ib sure win !
all ikan bilis wait and get burn !!


2021-01-07 10:08 | Report Abuse

Run Run...

Wait... TG is green and entire stock market is red. Run Run to TG about the only thing certain to pay dividend and who sales are not dependent on Malaysia.


2021-01-07 00:00 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the tip. I will queue at RM5-RM4.80

At this prices... with a little trading, and super dividend, TG will pay for itself in the next 2 years... then dividend till retirement.

Posted by mrlimitdown > Jan 6, 2021 11:44 PM | Report Abuse
drop another 60 sen tomorrow


2021-01-06 19:11 | Report Abuse

If they wanted to sell they would have sold at RM9.0-RM9.7

You would not sell at RM5.xx

Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 6, 2021 6:34 PM | Report Abuse

Of course IB will short sell glove la. No brainer.

Current price rm 5 * 3 = RM 15. Those IB who entered at very low entry price still got much to sell.

A recovery stock with 20 percent increase vs glove 300 percent increase. You tell me which one more likelihood to short sell?


2021-01-06 15:44 | Report Abuse

You do realize after MACQ statement, TG did go to RM9.72 first before going down to RM5.23

So if you are like that I can say TG will go bankrupt in the future due to miss management. And I will not be wrong. That day maybe 30 years in the future or 100 years. But eventually TG will go bankrupt.

I can make the same prediction for any company, even microsoft and I will be right eventually.

Posted by Stockisnotfun > Jan 6, 2021 2:45 PM | Report Abuse

Why I don't believe B? Last time Macquarie is the d somemore. Looks what's happened? Drop until rm 5.2 then only rebound until now.

I rather prefer b, c, d than a. Because A which is IB are all liars.


2021-01-06 00:56 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 Coronavirus Leads To Double Lung Transplant For Woman In Her 20s


A bit old but what Covid19 can do to a young person.


2021-01-05 23:34 | Report Abuse

Your suggestion has merit.

However the problem is their computer are directly linked to BURSA.

How many times have our interfaces hanged due to heavy traffic?

The investment banks can sell first and buy first. While our computer system hang from heavy traffic.

I could only compensate for that lag by putting in order well in advance before prices are reached.

Not only is that hair raising experience. It is inefficient and we have to predict what the IB will do before they do it.

Posted by Morpheus61 > Jan 5, 2021 7:19 PM | Report Abuse
It's not wise unless the Investment Banks are doing it. If they can SHORT, We should also. That way both are on an even footing :)


2021-01-05 12:47 | Report Abuse

From institution like EPF. Notice sometimes EFP sell but is noted as SBL... that is EFP loaning out the shares. They aren't actually selling it, as it must be return with interest and EFP still gets the dividend.

Then there are brokerage like Affin which has a programs where it is willing to pay their customers interest 1-5% to borrow their shares for a fixed time period.

tldr... borrow from retailers and institution that hold their share for the long term. (pension funds mainly)

Posted by TRYLUCK88 > Jan 5, 2021 11:57 AM | Report Abuse
where do rss ib get their stocks ? u need back up stock to short sell?


2021-01-05 11:08 | Report Abuse


04-Jan-2021 Insider EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 784,900 shares on 29-Dec-2020.
04-Jan-2021 Insider EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 308,100 shares on 29-Dec-2020.

04-Jan-2021 Insider EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) acquired 6,000,000 shares on 29-Dec-2020.

You missed part of the report. EFP bought 6 mil, sold 1 mil. Net increase by 5 mil. EFP dumpster diving.


2021-01-05 11:00 | Report Abuse

It is 50%-50% Half of the trades to day are below 99 lots and half the trades are above 100 lots. The buy rate in 100-299 lot range is 63% and the buy rate in 300-999 lot range is 71%

The buy rate in the 1-99 lot range is 58%

So I would say more support from IB than ikan bilis today.

Posted by JBond007 > Jan 5, 2021 10:43 AM | Report Abuse
Ikan bilis are supporting today trading. Probably they will regret tomorrow.


2021-01-05 10:23 | Report Abuse

Nope. Barely any effect. 100,000 shares a day only. Pales into comparison to 7.2 million short from RSS and PSS today.

With such low stock prices... few warrants will expire in the money in January. And only one will expire in the money in Feb. The IB has won and tamed the glove sector.

Posted by staedy > Jan 5, 2021 10:06 AM | Report Abuse
next week SW expiring, down again?

News & Blogs

2021-01-04 22:31 | Report Abuse

The vaccines aren't immunity passports. The efficacy of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines have been rated by their ability to keep a person from developing symptomatic covi19. Not the prevention of infection.

Pfizer and Moderna did not check their volunteers for asymptomatic infection. The exception was AstzaZenneca, that did do a small trial, where they tested all the volunteer for Covid infection. They found 22 asymptomatic cases in the vaccinated group and 23 in the unvaccinated group.

So just because you are vaccinated for Covid19 using these new vaccines, you would still get infected, and pay still be able to spread the virus, even though you may not be sick yourself. Vaccinated people still need to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

They may still be able to spread the virus to people who have not been vaccinated yet.


2021-01-04 21:05 | Report Abuse

TG was planing to list in HK. Needs shares to sell.

Posted by Sneakpeek > Jan 4, 2021 8:28 PM | Report Abuse
Rather than spending more than RM 1.2b for SBB why not increase the dividend to shareholder..


2021-01-04 02:10 | Report Abuse

And how are those vaccines going to be administered? It is with a pair of gloved hands.

Posted by glovemask > Jan 4, 2021 12:22 AM | Report Abuse
Vaccine coming Glove close shop!


2021-01-03 21:07 | Report Abuse

Well realistically Covid will stay in Malaysia till 2022. THere isn't the vaccine product capacity to cover developing nations and nations who aren't making their own vaccine.

Even the 12.8 million doses of pfizer vaccine will arrive in Malaysia over the course of the year with most of the doses arrive in the second half of 2021. And mind you this is only enough for 20% of Malaysians.

It is estimated that the herd immunity threshold of the more infectious B117 strain is ~80%. Malaysia has signed deals to buy enough vaccine to cover 40% of the population... however 10% is from WHO Covax... which is likely to fail due to lack of funding and vaccine companies willing to participate in the program.

Posted by ming > Jan 3, 2021 8:16 PM | Report Abuse

Money flow from glove to other sector..

Glove drop 2%.. other sector up 10-20%

No good meh?


2021-01-03 19:09 | Report Abuse

That is really bad. We have lock downs everywhere, in Malaysia, in ASEAN, in Europe, in the US and in Australia. Recovery stocks sure to fly in this situation where everyone is forced to only stay home or go to work. No time to have fun wearing gloves.

Damn... this is bad.

PS: If you look at AstraZeneca data.. and just count all the people who are tested positive for Covid (symptomatic and nonsymptomatic) in the vaccination group vs nonvaccinated group... (NAAT-positive swab)... you get 55.6% protection

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32661-1/fulltext (see table 2)

You only get 90%, when you look at specific subset of data, which are all small sizes. And it is still odd that half dose is better than full dose.

Posted by Tyco > Jan 3, 2021 6:24 PM | Report Abuse
Full lock down is good for recovery stocks and bad for glove stocks


2021-01-03 18:15 | Report Abuse

If JP Morgan truly believed that TG was worth RM3.50, they would have sold first their holdings of TG share, then published the news.

You need to be smarter or first.

So is JP Morgan still holding TG shares?


Look at the filling date. As of 2020-12-23, JPMorgan Emerging Markets Research Enhanced Equity Fund Class R6 (EMRSX) has 1.3 million TG shares. While still holding shares of a company you predict still has another 50% to fall.

Yes this is small compared to Vanguard holdings of TG shares.

VGTSX - Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares
VEIEX - Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund Investor Shares

On the Filling date of 2020-12-29, VGTSX had 77,828,898 share increasing from a previous position of 28,724,266 shares. While VEIEX had 66,048,290 shares rising from 22,925,230 shares.


2021-01-02 21:24 | Report Abuse

RMCO throughout Malaysia extended until March 31, says Ismail Sabri


So what is that about recovery stock? None performing loans...

Nobody told covid that it had lost.


2021-01-02 13:22 | Report Abuse

@Jack Khan

Top glove is the largest glove manufacturer in the world. 1 in every 3 gloves used in the world is made by Top glove. However onnly 20% of its gloves are sold under its own brand name. The are made for other companies.

In a sense Topglove is like the younger, smaller version of YKK. You have used YKK products your entire life and have never had the option to pick otherwise.

Not familiar with YKK? YKK is the world largest zipper manufacturer and makes 90% of the zips used in the world.

Top Gloves aims to be that. Perhaps TG will be not as successful, yet even now, while many people may not know the name TG glove, 1/3 use its products.


2021-01-01 17:17 | Report Abuse

Somebody needs to reinitialized the dilithium matrix and perhaps flush the warp manifolds.


2021-01-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

Run back to FD and get slaughtered by inflation.