
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

Investing Experience Beginner
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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2021-11-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

Alot given EPF likes to trade, and doesn't quietly sit and collect dividends


2021-11-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

If foreign funds decided to take their money and leave due to the 25% special income tax, BURSA will deflate as the air leaves.


2021-11-01 11:08 | Report Abuse

Last Friday, Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz said in his Budget 2022 speech that under the special one-off tax, the government will impose a 24% income tax on the first RM100 million portion of companies’ annual taxable income, while the remaining taxable income will be subjected to a 33% income tax.

No sure if this is over and above what companies pay in regular taxes.

So don't expect much in growth, profit or dividend in 2022.


2021-11-01 10:23 | Report Abuse

Eventually people calling that Top glove would be hit by wind fall tax were right... only thing windfall tax hit every company making RM100 million in taxable income. So wind fall tax for everyone.


2021-09-16 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hopefully. It is free shares in 2 years.

Posted by gemfinder > Sep 16, 2021 9:34 AM | Report Abuse
Rm1.50 soon


2021-09-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

That is not investing. That is day trading, or at most swing trading.


Posted by fortheemprah > Sep 10, 2021 4:01 PM | Report Abuse

Brothers, it's Friday la, big investors won't enter market on Friday for fear of developments over the weekend where they can't cut their risk.

Say you want to invest MYR500million, will you:
1) Do it on Friday and risk shet happening over the weekend where you can't cut losses?
2) Do it on Monday where you can cut risk immediately on the next 4 trading days if there are big change, i.e. news not correct?


2021-09-10 10:47 | Report Abuse

Yup. But next quarter confirmed good.

1. Covid cases rising like a rocket. And so will the demand for PPE

2. US custom ban ended.

3. Nations who can afford it, are now starting 3rd booster shots. Demand for gloves will continue.

4. Mu variant is successfully competing against Delta variant, and in 3-4 months maybe be the cause of a new vaccine resistant covid wave.

5. US-China trade war. US and its allies will try to target chinese goods

Posted by Asia88 > Sep 10, 2021 10:18 AM | Report Abuse
This quarter result confirm bad as compared with previous quarter because of few reason:
1. ASP drop
2. Selangor factory not allowed to operate. More than 50% sales come from Selangor.
3. China glove maker take over.


2021-09-10 10:18 | Report Abuse

And the state of Idaho has given permission to hospitals to triage their patients due to shortage of staff and equipment.


2021-09-10 10:16 | Report Abuse

US customs ban on TG has been lifted.
So to avoid wild gyration of TG share price, opening trade on TG stock was delayed by 1 hour to allow the ,market to digest the news.

Posted by addyloh > Sep 10, 2021 10:03 AM | Report Abuse
im newbie, anyone to explain why it started at 10 today ?


2021-09-01 20:22 | Report Abuse

Cases always drop after weekend and public holidays... cause fewer people are working.

You need to see 7 day average to be certain. It is more accurate to say that official malaysian cases have plateaued.

however with a case positive rate of 13.9% and rising. 81% delta variant, with deaths continue to rise.... well things aren't so good.

The 20K cases a day may well be because we are not test more people.

Posted by Mak_kiah > Sep 1, 2021 3:05 PM | Report Abuse
Malaysia case dropped. Good News.


2021-08-15 21:11 | Report Abuse

This is why gloves are disposable. Each time you leave a ward, you change gloves.

If you try washing hands every time you leave a ward, you skin will be gone after a few weeks.

There is a reason why disposable gloves are a thing. Simply not viable to wash hands in a hospital setting. If it were,the bean counters in supply management would have taken gloves off the shelf and made nurses and doctors wash their hands.

Posted by williamh > Aug 15, 2021 1:03 PM | Report Abuse

Glove may become spreading agent if touching everything,can be transmitted equally from one person to other,common sense telling you hand washing is the solution


2021-08-12 15:33 | Report Abuse

That is good. I look forward to RM2.5
TG will continue to pay dividends every quarter for the next few quarters.

What is the point of a vaccine if half the US population won't take it. Keep doing that and all you end up is a variant that can beat the vaccine.

Posted by DickyU > Aug 12, 2021 3:27 PM | Report Abuse
Rm2.5 coming soon


2021-08-11 08:50 | Report Abuse

Well the price keeps falling, but the dividends keeps rolling in. Even if you don't think TG is worth RM9, do you think it worth RM3.60?

The fundamentals of the company is strong. The demands of gloves remains high. The share price keeps falling because enough people think the pandemic will end any month now... have been saying that since October 2020.

Any month now is 11 months ago, and we are in another covid wave and malaysia has 17K new cases a day.

Well from the looks of things, 2021 is a bust for beating SARS-Cov2. The covid pandemic will last at least till March 2022.

Posted by AlexT12 > Aug 11, 2021 7:38 AM | Report Abuse
its very funny when people feels this is a good company, as matter of facts it just getting lower. the more the good news, the more it drop. it was rm4, now cant hover even above 3.8. its like the smart money is leaving slowly n kept the retailer buying. lower high.


2021-08-10 11:18 | Report Abuse

So be it.

Can't ignore the virus when you cannot breathe.
In the end it isn't the patients who are wearing the gloves, it is the doctors, nurses and people who handle the dead

And if more people ignore covid, more people will flood the hospitals and more people will die.

In the end our opinion matters little. Reality beats opinion.

Lambda is here and Winter is Coming.

Posted by investmalaysia77 > Aug 10, 2021 10:35 AM | Report Abuse
Only people living in the past will use daily cases as an indicator. Many people already ignoring daily cases. Malaysians are one of them


2021-08-04 17:25 | Report Abuse

What is there to worry about TG?
American supports covid.
Covid supports gloves
TG make gloves
TG makes money
TG pays dividends
Share holders collect dividends.

Covid is 100% certain to be around till march 2022. Winter is coming.


2021-07-26 16:28 | Report Abuse

Again about the windfall tax.

Been hearing all of 2020 and first half of 2021 about windfall tax. Needs an act of parliament to implement a windfall tax.

The pandemic is ending, right? Market says so. ASP falling falling through the floor. Market says so. So with no money, no profits, why implement a windfall tax.


2021-07-26 08:48 | Report Abuse

Nobody wants that. But people don't act like they do.
Massive protects against shutdowns in Australia and France.

So despite what people want, how they act will mean the pandemic will be prolonged. Now it is guarantee that the covid pandemic will last till March 2022. Winter is coming.

Of course... gloves are dead (because the forward looking market says so) but covid is not.

The question is can we beat the covid pandemic in 2022? I hope that there will be global initiative to do so.

Posted by Fong Kh > Jul 25, 2021 10:32 PM | Report Abuse
No one wants COVID 19 to prolong. The whole world will be ruined.


2021-07-18 10:02 | Report Abuse

What cheap? Mr DIY
MrDIY paid 1.43 sen in 2020 with a share price of RM3.40
That is a dividend yield of 0.42%

Might as well go buy Maybank.

Posted by zanbini > Jul 18, 2021 9:24 AM | Report Abuse

Opened up.
Everyone, hurry up and buy MrDIY, it's very cheap.


2021-07-17 12:26 | Report Abuse

When EMCO started we have 5K covid cases a day. 39 dead a day
When EMOC lifted we have 13K covid cases a day. 120 dead a day

Posted by Mikecyc > Jul 16, 2021 10:30 PM | Report Abuse
haha Today is the last day of EMCO ...


2021-07-16 14:18 | Report Abuse

Glove maniac don't need to defend. All those people who don't take covid seriously are feeding the pandemic.

Even UK is opening up on the 19 July, right into the middle of UK 4th covid wave. Why do glove maniac need to defend when so many people, even whole nations are willing to prolong the pandemic?

All glove maniacs can do is buy shares... which does nothing for TG profits and dividends. Glove maniacs don't buy gloves. We buy company shares

UK on the other hand will insure that TG will have great sales in Europe from August till the end of 2021. US also not wearing mask. Has seen covid cases rise from 12K a day to 32K a day.

Posted by xiaomixiaohai > Jul 16, 2021 2:01 PM | Report Abuse
Haha look at TG share price kaputting... there are lots of glove maniac defending without underwear lol quite a scenery


2021-07-16 08:34 | Report Abuse

Probably all bought shares already and changing alts. to drive up TG share prices. You don't waste time, day in and day out, on stocks you aren't interested in.

Posted by Asin Inochi > Jul 15, 2021 4:12 PM | Report Abuse
Suddenly all positive. Those negative fella, where are you?


2021-07-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Problem is also newer variants are alot more infectious than original variant. Original variant took 15-30min of exposure to get infected. Delta variant takes under 1 min. Some estimates put it as low as 15sec of exposure.

The difference between sitting in a room without a mask with an infected person to talking without a mask with an infected person.

Also since beta and gamma variant, virus has become more heat resistant the variant emerged in the equator.

So old SOP is no longer as protective as before.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jul 15, 2021 11:32 AM | Report Abuse
Rakyat cannot follow SOP kah. Always blame gorment tapi rakyat juga yang spreading the covid. Bukan Gorment spreading it. Blame gorment also not fair lah. Correct


2021-07-15 11:21 | Report Abuse

They are reopening into a covid wave.

They have gone from 2K a day (weekly average) to 36K a day (yesterday). Death rose from a 3 deaths a day (weekly average) to 50 deaths yesterday. And deaths is a 2-3 week lagging indicator. 3 weeks ago UK had 12K of cases a day.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jul 15, 2021 9:35 AM | Report Abuse

England will move to the final stage of easing Covid restrictions on 19 July, ministers have confirmed.

It means almost all legal restrictions on social contact will be removed.

But the prime minister said it was vital to proceed with "caution", warning "this pandemic is not over" .


2021-07-15 09:21 | Report Abuse

U want reason?

US-China trade war... and Malaysia is pro-China. China is our largest trade partner. You can see it in our numbers and on Shopee and Lazada.

US is a distant 3rd.

Malaysia has a CBP band on FGV and Sime. Major palm oil producer and FGV also represent a major rural voting block. And not so long ago US was threatening CBP ban on Harta, Supermax and IOI for force labor.

Problem will go away once Malaysia alienates China and trades only with USA. Attacking china would be extra bonus in American eyes.

EU is very concern about force labor when it suits it. If you want to work illegally in the EU for little pay, very easy to get a job. Try it during the summer.

In any case, Covid is doubling in size in US every 2 weeks. Covid is up in 49 states yesterday. They have gone from an average low of 12K cases a day to 30K cases a day yesterday. By late august they will be in the middle of another large wave.

Posted by xiaomixiaohai > Jul 15, 2021 8:29 AM | Report Abuse
Btw why TG cannot resolve USA CBP ban? Does this mean the USA market is forever gone for TG? Will EU follow to ban it? EU also very concern with human forced labour issues

News & Blogs

2021-07-08 01:19 | Report Abuse

This is incorrect. Global covid cases has stopped falling and has started an upswing. You can see the data on WHO website and other covid tracker website. Daily covid deaths has also stopped dropping and has stabilized at around 7.5K deaths a day. In a week we should see an upswing in covid death globally.

Gloves stocks maybe dead but Covid is not. Delta variant is starting to make its rounds in Europe and the US.

Lambda variant has left South American where it successfully beat the P1 variant for human host. Lambda has made land fall in ~30 nations.


Glove supply exceeds demand is due to over production and massive vaccination. The number of new Covid 19 cases is gradually being reduced. As a result, the demand for medical gloves is also being reduced gradually. As a result, glove prices will continue to drop.


2021-07-07 11:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah but only half of TG factories are affected.. And EMCO in selangor affect more than just TG.


2021-07-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

Good morning all.
Collected dividend.

Also camped out at RM3.70 and RM3.50. But got nothing.... very disappointing.


2021-07-07 09:57 | Report Abuse

TS LWC is the ultimate long term investor. Selling shares just means he loses control of his company. He collects dividends.... which is about 18% of the companies net profit, Which is several hundred million Ringgit every quarter... and that is ontop of his salary as company CEO.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jul 7, 2021 9:25 AM | Report Abuse
Tan Sri oh Tan Sri. Everyday you see you net asset dropping by millions. a few days you paper value drop by billion. your no of billion is getting lower and lower. You still dont take action to prevent it from dropping further ke. Correct?


2021-07-07 01:13 | Report Abuse

That is delta. And there is already talk of a 3rd booster.
Wonder how delta plus and lambda would do against the vaccine.

Anyway the market says the gloves are dead. So it is.
But the pandemic goes on. Globally Covid cases is on the upswing again.

UK is going to reopen in the middle of a covid wave. Adding petrol to the fire. UK is now 27K cases a day. Covid cases has increased by 10x and deaths has increased by 3 fold.

Posted by limlaopeh > Jul 6, 2021 11:26 PM | Report Abuse
Israel Says Pfizer Vaccine Less Effective in Preventing Delta Variant Infection


2021-07-02 11:36 | Report Abuse

US is at war with China. Only new customer for China will be pro-China nations.

Looks like malaysia is falling into the US camp. Our 5G will now be done by Ericsson, not Huawei. If this keeps up, the US will soon be dictating our trade policies.

So buying gloves? Not unless you are communist. We have already been relabeled cat 3 in human traffic


2021-07-02 10:13 | Report Abuse


It is share holders/market that determine the price of the share. TS has done his part and made a lot of profit which he has passed to the share holders as dividends. Whether we pay RM9 or RM1 for one TG share is up to us, whether we are paid 1% of TG profit or 58% of profit in dividends is upto TS.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jul 2, 2021 9:35 AM | Report Abuse
Today confirmed Tan Sri rating drop to 3 out of 10 the lowest level so far. Is this the time for him to relinguish his King of Gloves post and let other more capable to takeover the helm. Correct?


2021-07-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

Not really.. when you are that rich, a few billion here or there does not matter much anymore. What he want is retaining control of his company. Somebody else could be buying all the cheap shares and thus have a voice in his company.

Posted by UlarSawa > Jul 1, 2021 4:29 PM | Report Abuse

Then why tan sri buy 1 or 2 milion per day. Not defending the price then buy for what. His holding is enuf lah. Buy 8 mil for what if he is holding 2.8bil shares. Just place 8mil Queue to block the selling at one shot is better option right. He no common sense one lah. Correct?


2021-07-01 15:06 | Report Abuse

Deaths in UK has double from single digit ~9 deaths a day to double digit ~17 death a day.

In any case, UK is dealing with the delta variant, the B1617.2 indian variant. There is a better variant now the delta plus variant.


2021-07-01 14:52 | Report Abuse

Sounds terrible. Look like the end for glove. Market is dumping gloves.

Meanwhile in UK covid cases per day has has tripled from to nearly 27K cases a day in just 9 days... which number 9K a day

Covid cases in Spain while has doubled in the past 2 days to 9K a day. And in Portugal also experiencing another wave but it is growing slower, doubling in 30 days to 1.9K cases a day

Just remember guys, while the market thinks gloves are dead, Covid is still very much alive and kicking. Global tally of new cases per day has stopped falling and stabilizing at 372K a day. Deaths will stabilize at around 7.0-7.5 K deaths a day.

We have 2 more months of summer to beat the virus, else we will have another winter wave.

Posted by xiaomixiaohai > Jul 1, 2021 1:09 PM | Report Abuse
Once vaccination around the world hitting major milestone glove demand will hit rock bottom following collapsing of glove ASP...if u don't believe u just see. This is very basic business sense


2021-06-28 09:18 | Report Abuse

Well whole stock market is now red.

News & Blogs

2021-06-25 13:57 | Report Abuse

Well Xinjiang has been part of China since 60BC. And have been part of chinese history since then. And not always as a people being invaded... sometimes they wee doing the invading...they were also part of Mongol horde that invaded China and eventually became china.

So really... are they a nation of their own or just another province? China does go into cycles of collapse and reunification.


2021-06-25 12:22 | Report Abuse

Thank niotsz but you don't need worry about me. TG needs to drop a lot more to touch my bottom line. I live in TG's subbasement car park so to speak. My intention now is to collect TG dividend forever.

And while market sentiment is done with TG, the covid virus is not done with humanity. We should pay attention to key nations to see how the vaccine is holding up and what the virus is doing.

Anyway what I do or say will not affect glove sales and thus TG dividends. But I hope everyone keeps wearing their mask. Indonesia is seeing record high number of covid, and it is only 2-3 weeks form now before we start to see an uptick in fatalities.

Posted by niotsz > Jun 25, 2021 10:29 AM | Report Abuse
pBlue , well blue, the only thing im worried is looking at you stuck in your gloves and die die trying hard to promote it... IB all exited but you couldn't and stucked in gloves la la land.


2021-06-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

Oh well... on Covid news... covid making inroads again into Israel. Number of cases there has started to climb sharply from 10 cases a day (jun 8), to +200 cases yesterday (jun25).

The worrying thing is that Israel has a vaccination rate of 80%. And that should have stopped the virus from spreading if their vaccine was working... indicating that the variant of the virus must has mutated sufficiently to avoid some of the immune system And as usual, the case we see today were people that got infected 2 weeks ago.

Whatever variant that arrive in Israel recently, it is cutting through the population like a hot knife through butter.


2021-06-24 16:16 | Report Abuse

If TG stops declaring dividends I won't hold the share. Without regular dividends payments I won't be able to value a share in manner than I am comfortable with.


2021-06-24 15:24 | Report Abuse

UK covid cases has risen to 11K per day.
Indonesia covid cases is rising too highest on record.

Same as brazil, south africa, portugal, Bangladesh, etc...

World wide covid cases has stopped falling... hovering around 350K a day.

So... while TG share prices tank.... covid holds steady with a new improved variant delta plus in India now....

I am not saying I support covid... but reality is not good. If we cannot end covid by summer... welll by winter we will have another wave and this wave will be even more antibody resistant,.


2021-06-23 20:45 | Report Abuse

If you are part of the 80% who are asymptomatic... well no problem. It is as you say like a flu.

If you are part of the 20% you will need hospital care... and with the hospitals full with covid patients, you may not get it.

If you are part of the 2-5% you enter ICU (depending on how much care you can get).

If you enter ICU, you have 60% changce that you will died there.

Of the 20%, 18% will heal... but 2/3 will be back in hospital within 140 days due to complication from heart and lung damage. Of that number 10% will died. (UK numbers).

Overall, chance are good you will make it... but if you are the 20%...
well interesting times.

Posted by limlaopeh > Jun 23, 2021 8:30 PM | Report Abuse
Covid is just a flu, i dont wear mask when go out pun, why so scare, even kena, will heal back ma


2021-06-18 01:55 | Report Abuse

It is more than that... it is the places where covid is rising.
Right now covid is rising in UK, brazil and South africa... again.

Those three nations were home to the first generation of antibody resistant covid strains... UK variant, P1 variant and SA variant. By all rights, the people there have been hit hardest by covid and should have developed the most immunity. But they are getting sick again.

This means whatever variant that is in those nations can restart another wave of covid.

Posted by Investoz88 > Jun 17, 2021 6:47 PM | Report Abuse
Covid is still rising in some places..


2021-06-16 23:41 | Report Abuse

Are you an investor or are you a trader?

7-10 years is just one economic cycles. You buy stock of a good company at the bottom of the cycle and sell it just before it hit the peak.

And yes, if you can hold long enough anybody can pick a winner. The longer you can hold, the easier it is to pick a good company and make a profit.

I plan to hold 20-30 years.. so I am not going to pay anyone money for stock picks. The only person I trust to pick a good company is myself.

Anyway... viral outbreak cycles is about 4-5 years.... faster tempo.

If you think TG is rubbish. Sell all now. If you think TG is good, buy when the price makes sense to you.

Me... i am just monitoring the upward trend of covid cases in several nations around the world. UK, Russia, Bangladesh, South Africa, Brazil,

Posted by bsstradeer > Jun 16, 2021 10:28 PM | Report Abuse
like this i also can become guru.buy stock and ask hold for 10 years. guarantee will be up...stockpig really not proffesional and dont know how to invest


2021-06-16 21:14 | Report Abuse

Eventually. But most people can not hold as long as IB.

siaokar bullrun, 247m shares not yet return means there will be another rebound coming soon right?
16/06/2021 9:11 PM


2021-06-14 18:37 | Report Abuse

Depends on which country you are looking at.
Covid is up in UK, South Africa, Indonesia, bangladesh, Brazil, Russia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq

If you think about it. It isn't good. UK should be immune... they have a lots of vaccine and got a lot of people infected with UK variant... but their cases is still climbing and fast... 49% rise in just one week.

In brazil.. home to the P1 variant? Cases numbers has not dropped since February. Holding at 60K a day.

Indonesia from an average of 5K cases a day at the start of Jun it is now 8K cases a day just 2 weeks later.

global Covid cases are falling because the cases in India and are falling. But even then it looks to be slowing...

Also we are now at 375K cases a day... the valley between covid waves was 360K. And the summer of 2020.. covid cases plateaued at 267K cases a day. We are so used to super high numbers we don't even realized we are worse off today than we were 1 year ago.

Yes, we have a vaccine but it isn't getting out fast enough. yes we have a vaccine, but we don't know how long the immunity will last and if it will continue to work on newer covid variants.

Use your brain and keep safe.

Posted by Luckyhunter > Jun 14, 2021 12:20 PM | Report Abuse
And Covid cases dropping everyday , you still think Glove got hope ?? Think and think , use brain please


2021-06-12 15:50 | Report Abuse

@ Luckyhunter

With such a price difference between the demand for TG shares in the US and Malaysia... it is an arbitrage opportunity for bankers.

Buy shares in Malaysia and sell ADR over in the US. Easy money for institutions who can do such things.


2021-06-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Covid cases is rising again in UK.
Covid cases is holding steady in Brazil... ie it has not dropped since February.
Covid cases in Indonesia is rising.
Covid cases in South Africa is rising again

Remember... UK, SA and Brazil were the original homes of the first generation of improved covid variants. Their populations should be the most resistant to covid in the world... yet they are falling sick again.

We might be seeing the third generation of improved covid.

So 6 months from now... we could be in another wave of covid... 6 months from now is winter... flu season.

The covid pandemic must end by the end of August 2021... else we will have covid till march 2023.

Posted by GloveBurnHand > Jun 12, 2021 9:58 AM | Report Abuse

World covid cases is dropping.
6month Later will Going End Soon

Supply more than demand.


2021-06-11 17:38 | Report Abuse

UK needs gloves. Covid cases has been rising all month from 2K a day at the start of May to 7.5K a day, in early June. They are experiencing the start of another wave.

Brazil cases of covid has not fallen... it has remained high...~60K moving average since February.... we just don't care anymore because it is old news.

US covid cases has stopped falling and for nearly a week has remained at 14k a day.

In the US... the percentage of people being infected by the indian vairant has increased from 1.5% 4 week ago to 18% yesterday. Give it another month... yet see if cases don't pick up.

As for Africa nations... they are at the start of another wave. Just look at the case numbers in South Africa. and remember they had the S.A variant.. .so they should be immune but they are not... so there is another variant there now.

Posted by GloveBurnHand > Jun 11, 2021 3:05 PM | Report Abuse

Ask your self
Which countries Still need so much glove now ?
is Hospitals Store full of glove ?
Production too much ?
Not much Order Asp Drop ?

future 1 years Glove price Drop 70-80%?
because no one buying?

Next QR i think drop to 1.5b??
2022/Q1 = 1b
Q2 = 400m
Q3 =150m
Q4 = -100m Negative??? because Supply more
than demand????


2021-06-11 11:23 | Report Abuse

I suggest people read up the history of influenza outbreaks post 1945 ...fter the influenza vaccine was developed. We continued to have global outbreaks of influenza from 1940s all the way to the 1970s.. with major outbreaks killing millions of people.

Covid will follow the same trajectory... because ultimately 20% of the population are vulnerable to the virus... and every new variant of covid will hit this 20% hard.

Only in our grandchildren or great grand children generation will the danger of covid fade to the level of influenza.

Talking about grand future... lets be serious... a large volume low value item are what gloves are... there is no grand future here. What is present is a stable future. Grand futures are for disruptive technologies.

As for TG?

In another 5 years we will have another outbreak... not as big as this pandemic.. but probably enough to cause the share price to double as revenue doubles... then it will go back down again.... then another outbreak 4-5 years after that, another rise in share price.... and so on.