
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2018-10-02 09:54 | Report Abuse

jermyn, y don't u practice your hit & run ability on other more promising counters? U were lucky 3 times in Sapura.... u may not b lucky all the time, especially Sapura is full of sharks & buayas (very risky counter). If u r able to win 3 times in Sapura, I'm sure u will b able to win many times more in other easier counters. Give it some thoughts.


2018-10-01 22:08 | Report Abuse

@Vin Cullen: Support 1 at RM7.72; Support 2 at RM7.55. It may b possible to come close to Support 1 (RM7.72) but I doubt it will fall to Support 2 (RM7.55) because the RSI has moved up from the lowest point 15.2% to 26.8% (now). If the RSI break above 30% then that gives the signal for technical rebound.


2018-10-01 21:53 | Report Abuse

@Perfectly: If u want to cut-loss, u should have cut-loss long time ago when the price was much higher. If u cut-loss now at historically low price, u not only lose a lot... u will also miss the technical rebound that is coming very soon.


2018-10-01 21:48 | Report Abuse

@BetorInvest: Genting is still fundamentally good (strong); not sure about the outflow of FF; yes, it has been oversold since Sep 12 (when the price was RM7.97) till now (already 3 weeks oversold).... almost time for technical rebound.


2018-10-01 11:52 | Report Abuse

Don't panic & don't b too happy yet. So far this morning, the price is still within last Friday's 40 sen - 43 sen trading range; we can only tell which direction it will go when it either breaks 40 sen or 43 sen. Good luck to those holding Sapura's shares.


2018-10-01 09:30 | Report Abuse

Looks like there is going to b a pull back b4 any further up.


2018-09-29 22:32 | Report Abuse

My decision not to enter last week was not based on my ability to know the exact closing prices of Wednesday to Friday..... I was ahead of those closing prices; I already knew ahead of time (at least 3 days b4 the breakdown in support at 42 sen). And no, I did not depend on Chartnexus software alone... I use many other complex calculations to make my decisions.

spinninglotus, u go ahead & use your closing price predictions to trade (I am not stopping u from doing so) but no need to keep telling me about it. As I said, other traders have more advanced tools than your conventional TA. And I do not wish to continue this argument with u.... just do it your way & I'll do it my way.


2018-09-29 22:06 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: I did not say closing prices not important.... they r important in TA; but what I said was it is not important to b able to predict closing prices accurately to make profit in share trading. Even your TA given above u did not predict any exact future closing prices... u merely used past closing prices to predict future trend. If it was your intention to predict exact closing prices then can u guarantee that it would happen exactly as u predicted? U like to misquote my comments. Please read my comments carefully b4 giving me advise about TA.


2018-09-29 14:55 | Report Abuse

Aiya EngineeringProfit..... can't u see that Pmaster is disappointed with jermyn bcoz she did not follow his advice "not to buy" ?


2018-09-29 12:50 | Report Abuse

Female also very good at bargaining..... they don't simply throw away money like men. If u want to learn sixth sense, u must first learn to b a female first.


2018-09-29 12:27 | Report Abuse

Hehehe.... Pmaster, jermyn is an exceptional female lawyer (just admit that lah).


2018-09-29 11:29 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! That 50% buy rate on Friday was Uncle_Lim mopping up ikan bilis' selling..... but ikan bilis will continue selling on Monday & Tuesday..... but Uncle_Lim already said he has enough for his portfolio already. So, mayb SuperPanda will help buy up next week's ikan bilis selling shares.


2018-09-29 11:19 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: FYI, that one is "Classical Chart Analysis" (which may b used as a part of TA) and not really "Technical Analysis." Now a days, fewer people depend solely on drawing lines at closing prices..... they use more of other computerized technical indicators.

O.K. I think it is enough discussion for today.... have a nice weekend everyone!

spinninglotus: Risktransformer, the technical analysis draws lines based on closing price trend....got it? Haha
29/09/2018 11:04


2018-09-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

@riko: The only strong signal I am getting is this:

Sep 26 - Close at 0435; volume = 84,241,900

Sep 27 - Close at 0425 ( - 0.010); volume = 146,053,700

Sep 28 - Close at 0410 ( - 0.015); volume = 162,362,300

Lower & lower prices (losing more each time) with increasing volume (especially after QR). This give a strong signal that next week the price will fall further (possibly breaking 0.400).

This strong signal confirmed my analysis on Sep 25 night that the price will drop kau kau bcoz the RSI went above 70% (it was 72+% on Sep 25).... this is the 6th time it happened within one year.

Well, unless Uncle_Lim can use his RM500 million to push up the price with SuperPanda's help.... or mayb suddenly there is a very unexpected "good news." If all these "hopeful things" can happen then my analysis will b wrong this time & all of u will b happy (& I will b happy for u all too).

riko: Wait ... i am not expert, i simply based on the simple trade pattern. It has been in selling mode for couple days and before and after report Announce , only 0.05c dropped.

It give you a strong signal it is going to rebound for some cents plus with the yesterday oil spike.

Believe it or not, it is very hard to break 0.4 now.


2018-09-29 10:09 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: I have created an MS Excel based program for that purpose (which automatically predict daily closing prices).... it is correct or very close (to closing prices) most of the time; but I don't base my trading decisions on that (I use that once in a while for confirming my analysis only).

If u base your decision on daily prediction of closing prices, u r far behind other more advanced traders & u r too late to gain any benefit (unless u r an intra-day trader... always glue eyes on computer screen).


2018-09-29 09:55 | Report Abuse

Hehehehe.... yes, don't trust analyst, IB, survey or other people's comments (trust in yourself only).


2018-09-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

Yes, this ability to predict closing price is good to have but what I am saying is that in most cases it does not translate into profits in trading. U try it out yourself.... try to secretly predict closing prices everyday (u may probably b correct at least 3 or 4 times out of 10 predictions) & see if those 3 or 4 times when u r correct in your prediction whether u can make any money from share trading. Try it... test your theory first b4 taking it as a rule of success. Good luck trying!


2018-09-29 09:13 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: U overlooked one expert ikan bilis who predicted yesterday's closing price accurately. Congrats to riko!

However, I don't see how being able to predict this closing price has helped riko in making profit from investing in this counter..... mayb to cut further loss (then it is helpful in that sense).

riko: last year Q2 is profit , so compare to this year Q2 (lost) , all must run far far first , but i bet at 0.41.
28/09/2018 12:50

spinninglotus: Many experts here could not even predict the closing price today.....
28/09/2018 20:49


2018-09-28 17:33 | Report Abuse

Closed at RM1.25 (up 2 sen) with high volume.... very good show!

I topped up at RM1.24 & RM1.25 today (I woke up late today.... couldn't get any at RM1.23).
Sold some at RM1.26 ..... hehehe!!


2018-09-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

I think some people r taking profit (considering it is Friday).


2018-09-28 11:02 | Report Abuse

But your future may b a little distant away.... jermyn is trying to make fast money b4 your future materialize.


2018-09-28 10:57 | Report Abuse

Hehehe.... YTL very profitable; sorry, I haven't read the book "14 days to Die" (no idea what u mean).


2018-09-28 09:51 | Report Abuse

But sometimes u hit & cannot run in time (especially when "falling knive").... hehehe.

jermyn @Topaz : I'm going for hit and run.
28/09/2018 09:45


2018-09-27 18:32 | Report Abuse

@spinninglotus: Ikan bilis without insider info can still trade profitably if they learn to identify the trend (through TA). The recent technical rebound is over (the price has dropped from 49 sen to 42.5 sen, the RSI went above 70% & now down to 65.12% confirmed this) and yet today I see so many ikan bilis keep buying like the rebound is still on. Yes, there will b another technical rebound.... but not so soon; the price will drop further b4 another rebound.

BTW, ikan bilis no need to know the closing price still can trade profitably... just know the trend.

No hard feelings.... if anyone disagree, please ignore my comments.


2018-09-27 17:39 | Report Abuse

No QR today..... tomorrow price drop some more.


2018-09-27 17:02 | Report Abuse

Closed at RM1.23 (up 3 sen).... good show today! Please up another 2.5% tomorrow....TQ.


2018-09-27 15:49 | Report Abuse

If they delay giving out the QR then more likely the result not good..... so they give more time for sharks to trap more ikan bilis & dispose shares at higher prices b4 QR out.


2018-09-27 15:35 | Report Abuse

Technical rebound time-frame 1 or 2 weeks.


2018-09-27 11:11 | Report Abuse

jermyn, good tactic!


2018-09-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

Bought some more at RM1.21


2018-09-27 09:15 | Report Abuse

Not really game over yet.... there's going to b good opportunity for at least another technical rebound in this counter b4 the RI exercise.


2018-09-27 09:10 | Report Abuse

Like I said... if it didn't drop kau kau yesterday, it will in a matter of 1 or 2 days (no difference... it still drop kau kau).


2018-09-26 20:42 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker: Yes, I am always hunting for stocks that r ripe for technical rebound for temporary profits of 10% to 30%. I need to have big profit margins bcoz my trading capital is small & I need to spread out my risk in a few different counters.


2018-09-26 20:18 | Report Abuse

Aiya.... everyone is bound by earlier success & failures lah. I know about this bcoz I was an educator for 30 years by profession. I studied & practiced a lot of psychology for this profession.


2018-09-26 19:48 | Report Abuse

Uncle_Lim, yes good for technical rebound only (that's what I mean temporary only).... hehehe.


2018-09-26 19:43 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker: I am testing water in several counters (YTL is one of them since I successfully made some money earlier) while I'm still holding onto a lot of cash. I don't put too much money in each counter... so don't make much money too (& also won't lose much money).


2018-09-26 19:35 | Report Abuse

Yes, my plan is to make that 10% up temporary only. Now a days everything is also temporary only one.


2018-09-26 19:27 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker: No, not referring to ////// .... I'm just sharing with u what I think can make 10% profit bcoz u said u want to move to other counter.


2018-09-26 19:10 | Report Abuse

Don't give up on Sapura yet..... & don't drink too much Kingfisher beer.


2018-09-26 19:04 | Report Abuse

Yes, come join me at YTL..... going to move up 10% (already just started moving up today).


2018-09-26 18:58 | Report Abuse

Where is everybody who used to b here? ...... r u all still around? Anyone care to join me in this ride up to RM1.32?


2018-09-26 18:55 | Report Abuse

The RSI chart of YTL has formed the shape of a shallow bowl below the 30% line from the 2nd week of Sep 2018 till today (today's RSI = 29.63%, about to emerge above the 30% line... I think by tomorrow). This confirmed that RM1.18 was the bottom.... the price will bounce up from the bottom (RM1.18) hopefully up to RM1.32 (as I predicted on 6th Sep 2018). There is a 10% profit to b made here.


2018-09-26 17:27 | Report Abuse

Y Kaput_Lim say will buy a lot but the price still down?


2018-09-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

Who gave the wrong info that the QR will come out today? Last year QR came out on 27 Sep 2017. So, probably QR will come out tomorrow. Tomorrow price will drop some more.


2018-09-26 15:43 | Report Abuse

Y postpone? Mayb Shahril wants to publish another "good news"?


2018-09-26 15:18 | Report Abuse

At 4 p.m. ikan bilis kena goreng crispy.


2018-09-26 15:10 | Report Abuse

Yes, price seems to begin moving up slightly now..... good!


2018-09-26 09:36 | Report Abuse

Chairman only sit on the chair & talk only.


2018-09-26 08:02 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! Another hard day's work for bushtrump.

TA is quite accurate to predict huge price drop for money losing companies with huge debt.


2018-09-25 23:52 | Report Abuse

If tomorrow don't drop kau kau then its just a matter of 1 or 2 days later it will surely drop. Hope I am wrong (bcoz there will always b exception).