
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2019-01-05 09:11 | Report Abuse

i3lurker, I'm in FGV for about 2 months. Technically, it is neutral (just a HOLD, not BUY & not SELL). Fundamentally, it is still weak but getting better (may need several months to more than a year to really improve financially). FGV's lowest bottom was 0.635 on 14 Dec 2018. Currently, its RSI is 57% & probably will be more than 70% by Monday (so it is bias toward overbought). It may probably move up a few cents (coming close to 80 sen) & then would most likely drop back 10 or 15 cents later. So, u decide yourself how u r going to gamble with this counter. Good luck!


2019-01-05 08:36 | Report Abuse

When the price go down people dare not buy..... they said it is going down to 50 sen. When the price go up, the same people say please go down again bcoz I need to buy more. But if the price really go down again then they will say this is only a dead cat rebound.... it will go down further, better wait first (or sell... cut loss).


2019-01-05 08:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo spinninglotus, just 1 or 2 days ago u said stock market going to crash & asked people to sell at 28 sen..... now u said world market is very bullish (everything seems good) & u r going to subscribe RI. If u r good in analysis, u should have known from the very beginning that everything will work out fine without having to keep changing your advice to ikan bilis.


2019-01-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

Baby mosquito IDSS now grow to 8.49 million shares sold already.


2019-01-04 13:07 | Report Abuse

Hard to make profit bcoz there r too many contra kakis, intra-day trader & IDSS..... u must first know what they r up to first, then use appropriate strategies.


2019-01-04 11:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dragon, I also like u mah..... want to trap baby mosquito lor.


2019-01-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dragon, IDSS don't have to sell at 28 sen lah..... they can also Q sell at 28.5 sen or 29 sen lah (just waiting to be sold) then can buy back later at 28 sen lor.


2019-01-04 11:34 | Report Abuse

My trading platform is showing 619k shares sold through IDSS.


2019-01-04 11:25 | Report Abuse

Wah! IDSS just started selling!


2019-01-04 11:05 | Report Abuse

Today's very low volume & zero (0) IDSS are signs that foreign funds/institutions have finished selling off all their SAPNRG's shares.


2019-01-03 14:51 | Report Abuse

Many people ask similar questions about this RI. Kilgninew already gave the answers as quoted below:

Kilgninew: Hi XXX, I'm XXX from XXX Investment, just want to inform you regarding your *SAPNRG-OR* and *SAPNRG-PR*.

Details of the rights issue:

Trading of rights: 2/1/2019 until 8/1/2019. *You can sell your rights, if you do not wish to subscribe.*


Exercise price: RM0.30 per unit

Your entitlement: XXX units
Free warrant: XXX units
Excess units application: Allowed

(Registrar fees + MN Fees: RM12.00)
Total Amount: RM XXX


Exercise price: RM0.410 per unit

Your entitlement: XXX units
Excess units application: Allowed

(Registrar fees + MN Fees: RM12.00)
Total Amount: RM XXX

Listing of new share: 29/1/2019

Kindly inform your acceptance regarding this rights issue before 5pm 8/1/2019 or it shall be treated as your rights will be lapsed. Please contact me if you need more clarification at 03-XXX.

Thank you.

01/01/2019 15:17


2019-01-01 18:20 | Report Abuse

Wah! What happened here? Y everyone cursing Wei Wong & Joshua?

Anyway, I'm waiting for AA's share price to come down more (no bad intention).... so I can re-enter. Hope everyone will do well in 2019!


2019-01-01 17:42 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone will do well in 2019!


2018-12-31 17:05 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year everyone!!


2018-12-31 15:57 | Report Abuse

Go up to 34 sen tak susah lah..... y aim so low? When the conditions r right, 40 sen also can lah.


2018-12-31 09:53 | Report Abuse

Hahaha!! I also waiting to buy at 28 sen since last week.....


2018-12-29 20:46 | Report Abuse

Cimbnet, I think the 0.590 NTA was obtained by dividing 31 Oct 2018 net asset of RM9.539 billion by the new total outstanding shares after RI of 15.934 billion (KL Screener forgot to add RM2.996 billion from RI to the previous net asset of RM9.539 billion).


2018-12-29 20:32 | Report Abuse

Cimbnet, based on Q3 statement as on 31 Oct 2018, SAPNRG's NTA was RM1.60 (per share).

My own calculation showed the new NTA after RI would be 0.790 (I couldn't get 0.590) by adding RM2.996 billion to its cash and 9.987 new shares to its 5.947 existing shares and then dividing its new net assets of RM12.535 billion by the new total outstanding shares of 15.934 billion.


Cimbnet: Hi, any idea why the NTA is now only 0.59?
28/12/2018 21:27


2018-12-29 17:29 | Report Abuse

Betkaukau, I thought u once said that SAPNRG could b like AIRASIA whose price rose from 40 sen to RM3 & that u would all in at 50 sen? The price now is 28.5 sen..... so when r u going to all in? (as your name suggest Bet Kau Kau).


2018-12-29 16:06 | Report Abuse

The only people with 100% gain & zero risk are brokers & fund managers dealing with several million RM of other people's money (not their own money..... so nothing to boast about).


2018-12-28 15:32 | Report Abuse

This high volume 1 sen trading range is to prevent intra-day trader & IDSS from making money.


2018-12-28 12:31 | Report Abuse

Agree with dragonslayer's big picture. All stakeholders r betting on future turnaround of company. With some luck, it may actually happen!


2018-12-28 12:15 | Report Abuse

O.K. I'll keep 20 sen in mind.... I'll space out my buying far apart till as low as 17 sen. Thanks i3lurker !


2018-12-28 12:03 | Report Abuse

Getting 28 sen looks almost certain but getting 20 sen is not sure yet. That's y.


2018-12-28 11:56 | Report Abuse

TA charting alone cannot make money one..... must combine TA with many other kinds of knowledge plus lots of experience then can make money.


2018-12-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

Plug, if I can get some at 28 sen today or on Monday, then I won't subscribe the RI lor.


2018-12-28 11:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha!! We have 1 diehard supporter of Pmaster here.... hope he will accept u as his student. ^^


2018-12-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

Not hisab fail lah.... I just didn't keep track of other people's comments lah; not like u lah.... so free spend whole day & everyday in this forum lah..... aiyoyo!!


2018-12-28 11:15 | Report Abuse

Dragon, I don't know lah bcoz I didn't keep track of Pmaster's comment..... I only read some of his recent comments saying that he bought on last Friday lah. But I know from his past trades, he won't buy at lowest price.... he will only buy when the price already moved up already (maybe u r correct about his entry at 29 sen).


2018-12-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha!! Pmaster kena trap at 30 sen.... I think he cannot cutwin today also, unless he decided to cut-loss but he will claim that he bought earlier at 28 sen (around there).


2018-12-28 10:59 | Report Abuse

Yes, I think PNB will just wait till the OR expires & then buy up whatever unsubscribed rights without OR. So, looks like the OR will b worthless!


2018-12-28 10:52 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! i3lurker, 0.005 also don't know people will buy or not (mayb PNB will buy from u).


2018-12-28 10:46 | Report Abuse

I sold off most of my SAPNRG's shares from 0.355 down to 0.335 but still keep some for the purpose of subscribing the RI. If 29 sen & above still can subscribe RI.


2018-12-28 10:36 | Report Abuse

Yes, it is not easy to profit from IDSS too.... that's y I refuse to do IDSS. The commission is higher than normal trading.


2018-12-28 10:21 | Report Abuse

Looks like the only way to make money in this counter is to do IDSS.


2018-12-28 09:55 | Report Abuse

i3lurker is king of IDSS.


2018-12-28 08:50 | Report Abuse

Hope what u heard is right, Alan Wong. Good luck everyone!


2018-12-27 17:55 | Report Abuse

But I think SAPNRG's 1 sen trading range (0.290 - 0.300) can cause many intra-day trader kena trap or have to cut-loss instead of cutwin. So, I'll just wait & see first.


2018-12-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

I will do buy & sell after subscribing the RI..... hope volatility will continue with the new 16 billion shares.


2018-12-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

Well.... at least it did not drop below RM6.00 as someone predicted. Can make a few cents paper profit O.K. lah. Hope tomorrow will up more!


2018-12-27 17:22 | Report Abuse

Aaiyo...... if like that spoil Pmaster's plan to cutwin today & tomorrow lor.


spinninglotus: Those sharks know Ikan bilis will sell today and tomorrow
So sharks will press down after it hits 30cents
30cents is resistance zone already
27/12/2018 13:12


2018-12-27 09:45 | Report Abuse

Where got down? Those of us who bought yesterday should b very happy today!! ^^


RainT: tomorrow down below RM6.00


well done GENTING , year 2018 full with bad surprises

all worst all in already I think, how can it be more worst ? GENTING hotel collapse ?

26/12/2018 23:25


2018-12-26 18:34 | Report Abuse

Have to see what happens tomorrow & Friday first.... then decide what to do (buy or sell).


2018-12-26 18:30 | Report Abuse

I see Pmaster also got stuck at 30 sen from last Friday.... hahaha!!


2018-12-26 18:26 | Report Abuse

Wah! If i3lurker start play play with this counter then I better subscribe the RI lor.


2018-12-22 19:28 | Report Abuse

Hehehe... sometimes, when the economy is bad people will gamble more (hoping for windfall).


2018-12-22 19:12 | Report Abuse

Wei Wong, it is not really the whole world. It has specific segments & u have to see the percentage of assets invested & revenue from the different countries. 57% of its assets in Malaysia & Singapore; 73% of revenue from Malaysia & Singapore; 83% of revenue from leisure & hospitality.


2018-12-22 10:24 | Report Abuse

BTW, Genting HK is only a brand affiliate of Genting Bhd. It is something like the KFC or McDonalds brands where the brand owner (KFC & McDonalds) receive annual royalty fee & share a small percentage of local businesses profits but they do not own those local businesses & all losses r born by local businesses (not the brand owner). So anything bad happening to Genting HK should not affect Genting Bhd at all.


2018-12-22 10:08 | Report Abuse

No, we r not in the wrong counter. Some of us may not want to b exposed to certain risks directly.... we prefer GENTING Bhd because it has sector & geographical diversification (less risky but shares the business profits of all its sectors in all the countries where it operates).


2018-12-22 09:59 | Report Abuse

Maybe 32 sen on 24 Dec & 34 sen on 26 Dec.... just my wild guess (may go opp0site direction instead.... hahaha!). Whether it goes up or down doesn't matter to me.