
ruslimz | Joined since 2012-05-11

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2012-11-26 17:10 | Report Abuse

If there will be chinese new year rally in jan....clear all your positions and coming back after election. Historically market dont like


2012-11-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

Price will be adjusted downward 20 sen after if you dont sell on exdate to take dividen and sell after exdate...the net gain is 000000.
Unless its coming back around 1.50 after adjustment. If you take dividen and play short term...may be you gain nothings


2012-11-26 16:16 | Report Abuse

diablo...I am sound so confidence about faber...I looked at today trade it is like dying..


2012-11-26 11:39 | Report Abuse

good dividen...exdate near...why ppl still throwing, not chasing...strange...


2012-11-26 11:14 | Report Abuse

20 sen before tax..after tax 15 sen


2012-11-26 11:08 | Report Abuse

diablo...suspension before exdate ka?


2012-11-23 11:44 | Report Abuse

matsaham..your smile contains big secret..please cerita sikitlah..


2012-11-23 11:28 | Report Abuse

pantai is owned by IHH????


2012-11-23 11:23 | Report Abuse

before any big announcements sometimes big volume and sometimes no volume at all.Its depends on how tight they keep the proposal secret


2012-11-23 11:13 | Report Abuse

why take long time to announce HSS? May be take longer time because as somebody suggested they are making proposal involving faber and IHH as both are under khazanah. Any body could confirm this..????


2012-11-22 12:32 | Report Abuse

break that lol!!!!1.60 is coming...1.60 is coming..


2012-11-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

scott's eggs are his to give to already have your own eggs what!!!!!


2012-11-22 11:56 | Report Abuse

few more units?...why so little ..few more lots lah..


2012-11-22 11:47 | Report Abuse

if it break 1.60 with big volume....god willing 1.70 is reachable. good luck faber investors...


2012-11-22 11:45 | Report Abuse

i just bought 20 lots 1.53...just cannot resist to buy...exdate another 6 days..counting days


2012-11-22 11:17 | Report Abuse

exdate is 4th december. 1.60 is easy before that date. I plan to buy after exdate and ride for HSS new contract.


2012-11-21 23:16 | Report Abuse

for those who are intrested with upcoming IPOs

Hiap huat PE 12
Elka desa PE 9


2012-11-21 22:32 | Report Abuse

I just realized to day is wednesday.....anybody sold astro at 3.00


2012-11-21 22:22 | Report Abuse

Facebook and AStro is the same . Overpriced IPOs. We cannot say it was happened in USA so it should happened also here. As I wrote previously the price of IPO should be regulated by SC. Ten years ago it was regulated but why now it is not. Somebody suggested the company's business must be studied first before applying IPO. If you read IPO's prospectus at least you can get some idea 3.00 is overprice. But how many of those 57,000 plus applicants read the prospectus. So the sc as the regulator should play a role to protect those small investors from excessive IPO price. I dare to say that astro IPO is tipu....tipu those small investors who know nothing about profit and loss and also PE. They apply because they thought they can reach for the star...but at the murdered.


2012-11-20 08:08 | Report Abuse

please open the bursamalaysia website. Yesterday announcement by bursa stated that on 19th november ceo received new 1000 lots of astro shares
at price rm 0.00. The shares is in her cds..not waiting to be is under management share scheme (different with esos)....I am not sure the color of the form. You can read about this in IPO prospectus page 499.


2012-11-20 00:46 | Report Abuse

latest she owned 3600 lots. Some she bought open market and some from the scheme


2012-11-20 00:42 | Report Abuse

on 19th november dato' rohana the ceo received 1000 lots of new astro shares under the management share scheme. part of explanation for the scheme as follows :
Remuneration committee during the duration of management share scheme make offers to grant the shares to our eligible executives. eligible executives who accepts the offer shall pay sum o RM 1.00 as consideration for acceptance of the offer. the grantees shall be entitled to receive new shares to be issued on the vesting date without further payment upon meeting the vesting condition as set out in the offer.

from the above explanation may be she got the shares for free. further more in the bursa announcement to day it was written price transacted for this 1000 lots share is RM 0.00.


2012-11-16 19:29 | Report Abuse stock market anything can body expect astro could go down to 2.60 from 3.00 that killed many of us.


2012-11-16 17:48 | Report Abuse

3.00 ?????? dream...dream....dream


2012-11-16 17:35 | Report Abuse

air asia x...second IPO scam in the making...its fair value is only half of one ringgit.


2012-11-16 17:31 | Report Abuse

I agree....if they hike the fees....we should be united in boycotting
astro....but how...we have no options..this is the problem when monopoly
is allowed in this bolehland.


2012-11-16 17:26 | Report Abuse

malaysia bolehland.Semua boleh...tipu rakyat pun boleh


2012-11-16 17:24 | Report Abuse

Astro is going to increase subscription fees. The reason is the hike in content costs. After an embarrassed IPO, hike in fees is the only way to boost the revenue hence its stock price......where is the regulators? you must not allowed astro to increase its fees to support its stock price after an overpriced IPO.


2012-11-08 18:45 | Report Abuse

if astro win EPL, sure they will increase subscription fee again. Their latest catch is kevin keegen. This is not cheap. There is only one way to push astro,,,,,,,increase the the astro have to play the role as savior..


2012-11-05 11:06 | Report Abuse

may be skpetro will be awarded another marginal field by petronas

News & Blogs

2012-11-05 11:03 | Report Abuse

have you read prospectus of the sc website...then you would know datail about the IPO


2012-11-05 09:48 | Report Abuse

second slaughter coming soon...beware!!!!!


2012-11-05 09:45 | Report Abuse

Sell astro and keep the money to pay for AirasiaX IPO in january next year..may be can recover astro losss....keh..keh...keh....

News & Blogs

2012-11-03 09:35 | Report Abuse

AirasiaX is making loss . So they cannot use PE ratio to determine IPO price. Then what indicator to be used to determine this ? PRICE PER BOOKVALUE. Considering aviation industry....MAS currently trading at price per book value of 2.25 times. Airasia no X trading at price per book value of 1.6 times. The higher the value meaning the stock is more expensive. Ok now lets try working out fair value for Airasia with X using price per book value of mas and airsia as reference. Currently book value per share for airasiaX is 22 sen. Considering price per book value for its IPO of 3 times which is a premium to mas and aasia..then fair value for aasiaX is 66 sen. If considering price per book value of 5 times.....which is very very high...then the fair value is RM1.10.....Now lets wait and see how much our institution investors are willing to pay for this IPO......this price will determine the final IPO price. I hope this time they are not so blind....I heard the price is between rm 1.00 to rm 2.00....which I think another IPO scam in the making driven by unregulated greed.

News & Blogs

2012-11-03 00:03 | Report Abuse

sorry for very poor long as lu semua faham ..oklah

News & Blogs

2012-11-02 23:54 | Report Abuse

investors can have a look at the prospectus of airasiax at sc website.
my advice for you is to read this before make decision to apply or not.I have read the prospectus. In theory , a good investor will invest into a company by looking at the profit and loss and balance sheet of the company. A good company which has a good profit and balance sheet will attract investors. For IPO , profit made and the offered price will will determine at what PE the shares is offered. For AStro according to report by osk , at offer of 3.00 ...PE for 2013 profit is 39.....which is very high. Thats why astro is over priced...and listing has killed we all. OK..goes back to Airasiax according to prospectus for 2011 , loss of 131m. For 6 months ended june 2012 loss 36m. Looking at their is difficult to make profit for 2013 and 2014 as current fuel price is high. Malindo air is coming soon and it will compete directly with asiaX for long haul low cost. We grumbled we high PE and high Price for ASTRO IPO. For AasiaX,because of the loss...There is no PE at all and how they want to fix the IPO price. Ok now its depends on the Intitution investors. Astro is 3.00 because institution
were willing to pay at that price. We retailers actually follow the price fixed for institution. For astro, they lost tons of money. For airasiaX I dont think they will make another stupid decision by paying an IPO for a loss making company with no PE. In my opinion Airasiax IPO
is worst than astro.....but different ppl has different opinions...but please do think before making decision.....orang melayu cakap...jangan pisang berbuah dua kali....


2012-10-31 21:26 | Report Abuse

soljadu..hang masih belum jawab soalan gua....tolong ajar macam mana mahu dapat 700 lots dari miti untuk AIRASIAX.


2012-10-31 17:03 | Report Abuse

rumours ...hostile take over for Tiger..if this true...ready for a fly to the sky....up ...up... and away


2012-10-31 16:05 | Report Abuse

rumours....hostile take over for TIGER ..can go up some more ..cut loss astro buy HARIMAU


2012-10-31 16:02 | Report Abuse

soljadu....orang lain dapat max 72 lots...macam mana you dapat 700 lots....saya mahu banyak macam lu jagalah next time


2012-10-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

more margin call coming


2012-10-29 14:40 | Report Abuse

after the first contract expired, MOH gave 6 months extension until 28 april 2012. After this extension expired I expect MOH will give another 6 months extension until 28 oct 2012. But what happened is MOH never put any dead line for second extension. Faber will continue to do the job using old contract until new contract signed......problem is when new contract will be signed. May be after election....mach 2013


2012-10-24 07:15 | Report Abuse

for guys who still believe and madly in love with astro this are some figures for you (report by osk)

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015

revenue 4177m 4368m 4906m

profit 399m 407m 446m

dividend (%) 1.9 2 2.1

PE 39 38 34


2012-10-23 23:54 | Report Abuse

CEO of astro Dato' Rohana was alloted 2500 lot that cost her RM 7.5 million. For sure she financed this purchase. At current price her paper loss is rm 700k without intrest. I wonder whether she is still in the office or searching for AK. Shareholders of astro (AK and his gang) sold 1044 million shares netted RM 3.132 billion for this IPO. Rohana should claim from him for the paper loss.


2012-10-22 16:19 | Report Abuse

I think the culprit here is CIMB. As the advisor for IPO they who decide things...AK just follow.....The higher they fixed the price the more the advisor got fees.
Pity of those stonefaced investors. Loss a lot from this IPO. Sure dividend for this year suffer bcause of this.


2012-10-22 15:55 | Report Abuse

dont ever try to catch falling knife. It hurtssssssssss.


2012-10-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

I dont understand why some of you still fall in love with this prostitute ...there are still many girls out there prettier and never been broken into......


2012-10-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

I heard some banks has proceed with margin call for those made loans to pay for IPO especially those who get the MITI allocations...most of them hutang lor....


2012-10-22 11:25 | Report Abuse

Just to recap...On january last year UOA developement went IPO. THe adviser for this IPO is CIMB. Tender pirice fixed at 2.70. Those clever
cornerstone and institutional investors paid at this price. Bro and sis..I dont want to tell you the current UOA price...look yourself...
During UOA IPO everybody said those big guns are not stupid paid UOA at 2.70. Nearly 2 years later..they loss tons of monney. Goes back to you think those big guns are stupid paid Astro at 3.00......