
sien | Joined since 2012-07-06 16:15:58

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2021-01-24 15:22 | Report Abuse

sometHing is brewing.. volume suddenly built up during last Friday afternoon section..


2021-01-14 21:06 | Report Abuse

after Mr Brahmal left, it has been sideway...


2021-01-14 18:40 | Report Abuse

really hidden gem.. price step by step going up with low volume..


2020-11-16 21:43 | Report Abuse

boss wants to help everyone be able to buy kanger shares and huat together...


2020-11-16 21:40 | Report Abuse

our cheapo government no money liao, only afford to buy Made in China vaccines :)


2020-09-03 15:16 | Report Abuse

next support around 0.18..


2020-05-08 21:41 | Report Abuse

can anyone share the GUANGZHOU KAISHENGDA INDUSTRIAL CO., LT website or any information about this company? couldn't find any information from Google


2020-04-30 15:57 | Report Abuse

finally there is some figure of monthly production of 2963m3.. it has been more than a year the production figure is nil.. new government new hope perhaps?


2018-12-27 10:48 | Report Abuse

daily decay 0.005.. issuer always the winner


2018-12-20 17:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-15 10:03 | Report Abuse

and now let's short it


2018-09-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

totally agreed with you, the crappy posts is flying all around here. shall we open an telegram group and move away from here?


2018-07-19 14:11 | Report Abuse

"down by -400 from NY hrs tonite"

Hanwen, did you mean down -400 from 28100 = 27700?


2018-07-11 08:35 | Report Abuse

Sent my email to you Vision..


2018-06-29 10:56 | Report Abuse

Han already highlighted shooting up beyond have to cover and close the position...

29/06/2018 05:11

4 28503 at 10.17 is AM bounce limit/target , symmetrical 28508 (created 22.35 0n 27-06-2018), SHOOTING UP BEYOND THIS POINT ,means we are wrong,,has to take cover, close our position,...


2018-06-12 15:47 | Report Abuse

how to make sure there wont be any spy in that group chat?


2018-06-12 10:43 | Report Abuse

This morning big swing up and down.. MM is having fun..hahaha


2018-06-12 10:24 | Report Abuse

Sold H with little gain..


2018-06-12 10:18 | Report Abuse

Wow..Thanks sifu Hanwen.. just in time to sell my C with some loss and bought the H..


2018-06-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

That will be Monday already.. hahaha..

Adhiatma Gunawan Hanwen,

So when the price is between 30565 - 30815, we can BUY CALL, right?
08/06/2018 16:17


2018-06-08 14:13 | Report Abuse

is the MM creating panic selling?


2018-06-08 10:11 | Report Abuse

time to change PUT?


2018-05-14 12:54 | Report Abuse

kub.. get your seat ready before the show starts..


2018-05-03 11:02 | Report Abuse

wah.. tomorrow change name to LAMBO... today straight away volume increase...


2018-04-19 16:47 | Report Abuse

low volume, price keep going down...not a good sign. cabut.


2018-04-19 16:39 | Report Abuse

Ride the PA boat if you missed other aluminium counters...


2018-04-16 09:44 | Report Abuse

soo quiet here..


2018-04-10 17:06 | Report Abuse

not much volume leh...


2018-04-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

DGB last minute sell 2 units... fake drop.. hahaha


2018-04-02 15:22 | Report Abuse

today HSI Hw and Cw no market maker price also can push up and down so much...


2018-03-06 10:12 | Report Abuse

C23, 24, 25 expiring March.. 19,20,21,22 expiring April.. can't just be pressing down for call warrants..


2018-03-02 18:20 | Report Abuse

result good counters, jerung will try to push down or let the share price sideway as long as possible to let retailers dispose and they they accumulat
e more.. so so result, jerung push up the price to distribute to retailers..


2018-02-14 17:38 | Report Abuse

ask why it dropped before asking why it up..


2018-01-10 17:11 | Report Abuse

Remarks 1: "Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd would like to clarify that on the basis of settlement taking place after 10 January 2018 with bonus issue of XDL shares, any shareholder who is entitled to receive XDL bonus issue shares, may sell any or all of his XDL shares arising from the bonus issue beginning the Ex-Date (8 January 2018).

For example, if Mr X purchases 100 XDL shares on cum basis on 5 January 2018, Mr X should receive 100 shares on 10 January 2018. As a result of the bonus issue, a total of 200 XDL shares will be credited into Mr X's CDS account on the night of 10 January 2018 being the Book Closing Date. Therefore, Mr X can sell the bonus issue shares of 200 on or after the Ex-Date ie from 8 January 2018 onwards."

Remarks 2:- The Bonus Issue will entail the issuance of up to 894,179,400 Bonus Shares on the basis of 1 Bonus Share for every 1 Share held by the entitled shareholders whose names appear in the Record of Depositors ("ROD") of XDL at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date ("Entitled Shareholders"). The actual number of Bonus Shares to be issued will depend on the issued and paid-up share capital of XDL on the Entitlement Date, taking into account any exercise of existing XDL warrants 2015/2018 ("Warrants C"). The Bonus Shares will be listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") on 11 January 2018, being 1 market day after the Entitlement Date. XDL's Share Registrar is expected to issue and despatch the notices of allotment for the Bonus Shares to the Entitled Shareholders not later than 4 market days after the date of listing and quotation for the Bonus Shares. Holders of Warrants C ("Warrant C Holders") who wish to be entitled to the Bonus Issue shall exercise their Warrants C to subscribe for new Shares by lodging their duly completed exercise forms together with the relevant subscription monies with XDL's Share Registrar (at the address stated above) on or before 5.00 p.m. on 28 December 2017. This is to enable the new XDL Shares arising from such exercise to be allotted to the respective Warrant C Holders such that their names will appear in the ROD for XDL Shares at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date.


2017-12-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

very obvious crocs are inside to press the price down..


2017-12-04 21:37 | Report Abuse

2.55mil all paid by retailers...pump and dump...the directors are not losing even 1 cent..


2017-11-14 21:27 | Report Abuse

pushed lower for share buy back...


2017-11-14 19:51 | Report Abuse

good quarter result..


2017-10-23 10:16 | Report Abuse

those who bought last Friday congrats make a huge profit.. now is time to follow the big sharks to throw away


2017-10-23 10:15 | Report Abuse

be careful.. now big sharks are throwing their holding...


2017-10-23 09:45 | Report Abuse

no COF the plant alao can run one la.. this is Malaysia, boleh land.


2017-10-23 09:12 | Report Abuse

wait for the announcement to resume trading


2017-10-23 08:55 | Report Abuse


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description Notion VTec Berhad ("NVB" or the "Company") - Fire Incident - Update
“Unless otherwise stated, the terms used in this announcement shall carry the same meaning as defined in the Company's announcement dated 20 October 2017.”

Reference is made to the Company’s announcement on 20 October 2017 pertaining to the fire incident occurred at its main manufacturing plant in Klang, Selangor.

The Board wishes to inform that the fire incident happened at 1.51p.m. on Friday, 20 October 2017. The fire source, apparently from a ventilation fan, spread to all the main plant roofing behind the main office in Notion Klang factory located at Lot 6123, Jalan Haji Salleh, Batu 5 ½, Jalan Meru, Klang, Selangor. It has affected more than 552 Computer Numeric Control (“CNC”) machines and Work-in-Progress (“WIP”) goods and the Quality Control “QC” building but not the rear building and the surface treatment plants are good and operational.

As the Fire Department forensic team is doing investigation and there are still concerns of smoldering remnant smoke and the possibility of injury to falling structure, no personnel is allowed in. By Tuesday, 24 October 2017, the Management should be able to gain access to salvage the tooling, jigs and fixtures and do recovery and commence some production using some spare CNCs in Factory 3 located 1 km away.

The building structure will need to be removed and rebuilt including the air supply and electrical wiring and ancillary equipment.

The insurer and adjuster team is on site to assist in helping Notion recover in the quickest possible time.

Notion has adequate insurance coverage - RM350 million for property damage, RM217 million for business interruption up to 18 months. Preliminary estimate of the loss is about RM150 to 200 million. Once we gain access to the site we shall be able to assess the extent of damage and provide a more accurate estimate of loss.

Meanwhile, Notion is ordering and sourcing for emergency replacement CNCs and quality control equipment. The Company will discuss with customers’ team, on Notion’s current stock of Finished Goods, availability of spare CNCs, spare factory space and possibility of either renting or buying any existing CNC s that can help Notion recover faster.

At this moment, the Company estimates the affected segments are the camera, Hard Disc Drive top clamps and automotive parts but the Company will recommence production in Factory 3 using any spare capacity that Notion has as well as sourcing and renting suitable CNCs and if needed, rent additional floor space to meet current and new customers’ requirements. It is not easy to out source to other machinist companies as it requires safety certification and approved vendor which will take time. Notion is committed to restore the orders requirement to the customers’ requirement.

Notion has adequate financial resources to quickly make even cash payments to secure any equipment or CNC or materials.

Meanwhile, Notion has laid out a fast recovery plan to execute in order that the customers’ orders are fulfilled and their concerns allayed. The Board hope that the shareholders will stand along with Notion as Notion will overcome and rebuild again for the better.

The immediate effects of this outage in this affected Plant is about 50 to 60% of the Company sales revenue but with the fast recovery plan, Notion will have restored 75% of the outage progressively within 5 months and the balance within another 3 months. But of course the full restoration of structure and Certificate of Fitness may take up to a year.

The Company will redesign the roofing of restored building to include an impervious ceiling layer over the production floor (to protect and minimize any other fire incidents) and implement better Safety and Occupational measures and enforcement.

The new high volume manufacture of a lifestyle consumer product and another tubing project, are not affected by this fire as the new production lines are planned for in the Southern region. There may be a slight delay in the planned production as manpower is focused on the Klang plant to recover quickly.

The Board will make further announcement whenever there is new development on the physical recovery as well as any significant financial impact on the insurance claim.

This announcement is dated 23 October 2017.


2017-10-22 12:16 | Report Abuse

informer, i thought you have collected a lot when it's at 0.60.. still collecting to lower down your average?


2017-10-21 17:07 | Report Abuse

DOSH will investigate but definitely will not hold the production, further more no deaths in this incident.
