
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2015-04-13 21:05 | Report Abuse

AWC hidden value is now being discovered...hahahaha!!!


2015-04-13 21:03 | Report Abuse

This UNDERVALUED GEM is now in process of being discovered!!! hahahaha


2015-04-13 20:58 | Report Abuse

Based on the GAP UP ENERGY today, it looks like the immediate Resistance @0.39-0.395 may not hold for long. Beyond 0.395 there is no resistance.


2015-04-13 20:50 | Report Abuse

R@2.33 to 2.38 will be overcome easily. Next major resistance @ 2.60-2.65 is weaker than R@2.33-2.38.


2015-03-25 01:32 | Report Abuse

Just long this stock..its previous high was on 31/5/2007...almost 7 years ago...EVERGRN will breakout of RM 1.86 in future and go to achieve an all time high.


2015-03-17 01:02 | Report Abuse

Its relatively low demand season for crude oil now. Most refineries in USA are just about coming off planned maintenance during this period. Most shale oil producers in USA had already hedged up to till end 1H 2015 but not much beyond 1H 2015. It will be interesting to watch crude oil price movement in the next few weeks.

So will crude oil price hit new low and remain at new low price for extended period or remain for a while at current price level or slowly meander upward in the next few weeks?

Oil hit a new low but will it hit newer low in near future or could the new low be a double bottom that will eventually lead to a rebound or trend reversal?


2015-03-14 00:47 | Report Abuse

Now more and more have noticed the TURNAROUND STOCK POWER of EVERGREEN....quite a big change in sentiments now compared to Q3 and Q4 2014. Not to worry... EVERGREEN will hit past its all time high...just ride the EVERGREEN wave UP!!!!

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 12:39 | Report Abuse

Newbies are Looking to exchange news and views on equities and equity markets. You had stated that you are Looking to exchange news and views on equities and equity markets.

So do you have any investment ideas of your own to exchange now??

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 01:06 | Report Abuse

Are you relinquishing your position as the leader of newbies now since none of the newbies halve appointed you as their leader??

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 01:03 | Report Abuse

Have you forgotten what you had just said ....
quote: "We are here to warn newbies. Is that wrong?" unquote.

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 01:00 | Report Abuse

No one has any right over anyone here in i3 forum to the extent of telling or suggesting what he/she should do. Do you want any other person to usurp your personal right to decide on how you shall live your personal life??

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 00:53 | Report Abuse

As the "LEADER OF NEWBIES".... Where are the NEWBIES, Who are the NEWBIES that you are leading???

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 00:51 | Report Abuse

You have just stated that "We are here to warn newbies. Is that wrong?"

Have all the newbies appointed you as their leader or you just merely self appoint yourself as the "LEADER OF NEWBIES?"

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 00:46 | Report Abuse

Are you the self appointed leader for the "NEWBIES"?? Who are the newbies ??? Could you name all these newbies?? Have you approached all these newbies personally that you want to be their leader and have all these newbies consented to you that you are their leader? or you just merely appoint yourself as "the leader of newbies"??

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 00:34 | Report Abuse

Are you a permanent prisoner of your own subjective prejudices against Mr KYY?

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 00:08 | Report Abuse

Mr KYY gave a valuable recommendation on VS recently.
How many investors here do the homework(despite Mr KYY recommendation) by asking the following questions
- Does VS has the right business model
- Does VS has the management that delivers increasing profits
- What is the right entry price for VS at that material time??

News & Blogs

2015-03-04 23:53 | Report Abuse

My criteria of investment in stocks is very simple as follows
- Right Business Model
- Right Management that focus on enhancing the biz model to turnaround the biz, deliver Profits, deliver Increasing Profits , deliver increasing free cash flows
- Right entry price

In any market meltdown, one can be greedy when everyone is fearful as one has plenty of opportunities to buy low and wait out to sell high.

As the market rebounded and does a trend reversal, one should buy at relative higher low and sell when the price is near/at/exceed its intrinsic worth

Please do not forget the primary objective of everyone here is to make money. If things do not work accordingly then one must limit one's investment loss immediately to preserve capital. If you do not preserve your capital, you will reduce your capacity for future profitable investment.

I treat stock investment as a business...the stock must make money for me and I do not have any emotional attachment to any stock invested neither do I fall in love with the invested stock.

News & Blogs

2015-03-04 12:53 | Report Abuse

A stock investor unduly influenced n dictated by emotions in making decisions in stock investment will surely in due time part with their hard earned capital.

News & Blogs

2015-03-04 09:23 | Report Abuse

Lim Kian Leong, u have just shown to yourself in I3 forum here your true self . I sincerely wish u well

News & Blogs

2015-03-04 09:05 | Report Abuse

Price is price. The price is right forever. Don't sit tight but do work in analysing n filtering before investing in any stock. Don't be swollen headed with your own analysis n don't trust too much your analysis. Observe the market carefully n be decisive when the opportunity arises. Otherwise you have little chance to survive in the stock market.

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 23:35 | Report Abuse

ok bro ayamtua...just a slight digression away from this rather heavy subject matter on emotions ala stock investment...

hmmm...just like to seek brotherly experienced advise on what do yo think will evoke tremendous display of emotions from a woman during love making..Is it spontaneous display of emotions by both parties or cool methodical technical love play by both parties that unlock and unleashes the hidden reserves of emotional energy???


News & Blogs

2015-03-03 23:20 | Report Abuse

ayamtua, one got to move beyond emotions in stock investment...emotions will get one no where in stock investment despite the reality that we are all human beings with emotions..of course we need to express emotions in other areas but not in stock investment.

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 22:50 | Report Abuse

What one says or says on insult is a reflection on got to move beyond emotions...emotions will get one no where....

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 22:48 | Report Abuse

Commodity prices are low at the moment...Just like the low n high tide...given time low tide will make way for the high tide....when??'s a good question that only time will give the answer... So one maybe right now n may choose to exercise ones option to insult but it is merely a relative right at this point in time...

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 22:09 | Report Abuse

Very few can see the big picture that The world economy is indeed heading toward better oil, cheap gas, cheap commodities, benign low interest rates will be the catalyst. Stay invested in equities. Which equity to invest? It depends on your risk can be an aggressive competent trader or be a competent value investor. Whatever the decision that you take, take full responsibility n be wholly accountable for your decision.

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 18:23 | Report Abuse

I know that every investor in this forum has their own criteria for investment and their own basis to buy/sell shares. Some subjective investors resorted to believing in hope when the price of the invested stocks went awry. Either they are objective driven or subjective driven or combo mix of subjective cum objective or wont cut loss but believe in hope instead.

The objective driven investors will come out OK but not the subjective driven investors who unfortunately fall in love with their stocks even though the it is glaringly obvious that it will lead to capital loss.

Capital preservation and capital growth is the No 1 rule one must always remember and practice...So what does that mean???

It is very simple...

Cut loss fast to limit loss
Ride your profit stocks but don't forget to realize profits

As long as your total profits exceed your limited total loss at any one time, you will do just fine.

Otherwise, it is very easy to bitch, moan, groan and blame some one conveniently such as 82 years old KYY for your own shortcomings and the whole cycle gets repeated meaning that particular investor had already decided that he/she will never learn and don't want to learn.

News & Blogs

2015-03-03 12:25 | Report Abuse

We as investors should not blame others including KYY for investment decisions which we made on our own. If we keep on blaming others and not blaming ourselves, how are we going to learn, improve and become more successful investors in the future. In life, one has to take the pain in order that one gains in the future. So to all those investors who get burnt, please look at yourself, start blaming your own self and find out root causal factor why you got burnt. You will graduate to become a more successful investor in the future but you will not achieve 100% hit rate

Let us get back to basics of investment be it FA , TA or FATA Combo. A basic FA investor would look into the right biz model, the right biz management and the right entry price viz a viz the intrinsic value. If a FA investor buys above the intrinsic worth then he/she will lose money for sure. A FA or Value investor will invest and hold the chosen stocks for a long time for dividends and capital appreciation over time as Fundamentals keeps improving.

A competent TA investor or Competent Trader will trade based on TA buy/sell signals on any stocks and possess the steely mindset to make quick decisions based on new TA buy/sell info. A competent Trader has no emotional attachment to any stocks.

A FATA combo investor will invest based on TA buy/sell signals on good FA stocks.

So stop blaming KYY or others and ask yourself on which category of investor that you want to become. Once you have decided, then ask yourself what skillsets must YOU acquire to be a reasonably competent investor.

If you still want to blame others for decisions made by yourself, you just showed to fellow i3 forumers here that you still possess an infantile mindset although you maybe quite senior in age. It is still not too late, to learn, be more self perceptive on one's weaknesses and to improve thyself.

News & Blogs

2015-02-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

People who willingly cloud their minds with fuzzy emotions and inability to weigh risks versus reward, make an objective evaluation of key FA & TA info and thereafter take decision based on own risk profile will forever remain in the shifting clouds and will not be on firm grounds....

News & Blogs

2015-02-25 07:31 | Report Abuse

It is true that price does not necessarily equate to value of any stock at any point in time. Quite often there is a mismatch between price versus its value or its intrinsic worth and therein lies the opportunity for the value investor or the opportunistic investor. However the determination of intrinsic value of a stock is based on artful assumptions (honed by experience but may not be absolutely true at all times) and therein lies the question on what is the degree of confidence of a particular intrinsic value that has been derived. Different assumptions of the same formula will give different intrinsic value output. So the intrinsic value of the same stock will vary based on the varying assumptions.

So , Imenwe, how does one see value for VS based on your intrinsic valuation methodology? What are the critical assumptions that are extremely relevant and important in your determination of the intrinsic worth of VS or any other stock of interest? Since the subject matter is on VS lets focus on VS.

News & Blogs

2015-02-24 12:25 | Report Abuse

Taking panadol and drinking filtered water will clear big headache ..erm... unfortunately it will not cure those with brain damage already in ICU or going into ICU....hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2015-02-24 12:16 | Report Abuse

Spinners will forever end up with big headache. Drink filtered water and take panadol..hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2015-02-24 12:06 | Report Abuse

People who likes to spin for days on ends will end up with big headache
Drink filtered water and Take panadol..hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2015-02-24 12:02 | Report Abuse

People who do not work, lepak or do not like to work... earn no money but depend on hand outs
People who daily work hard with their hands in this world earn small money
People who daily work with brain power earn good money
People with capital who analyses, filter and invest wisely will earn big money

News & Blogs

2015-02-24 11:47 | Report Abuse

Focus on the company's biz model lah..if its biz model can continue to empower the company to generate good and increasing future free cashflows, increasing positive EPS,increasing EPS growth, PE < 10 then invest lah.

News & Blogs

2015-02-05 00:22 | Report Abuse

What one perceives as being relevant may not necessarily be so in the eyes of others...


2015-01-27 11:56 | Report Abuse

hahahaha...Did'nt I tell you guys and gals..dont fall in love with your datasonc....Did any one of you buy EVERGREEN when it was around 53-55 cents...erm...sometime ago...???


2015-01-15 01:15 | Report Abuse

MBSB price was hovering around RM 2.20 before the merger...It is now back to status quo price before the proposed merger...


2015-01-15 01:06 | Report Abuse

If MBSB can deliver much better EPS and Dividend payout in future years and if similar merger proposition crops up again in future, there is a strong possibility that the cash offer will be much higher than RM 2.82!!!


2015-01-15 00:56 | Report Abuse

It is very clear that this merger is a NO GO NOW. WHY?
CIMB latest EPS is down
RHB latest EPS is UP
Merger will be ON again when CIMB EPS is UP and much better than RHB EPS....hmmm..just wondering...what will be RHB EPS in 2015 or 2016?? Any big provisions for RHB???? What will be CIMB EPS in 2015 or 2016???
Between MBB, CIMB and RHB, who will make the biggest provisions that will depress the EPS in 2015 and 2016????

Meanwhile MBSB will continue to deliver consistent EPS of 28 to 30 (possibly higher) cents per share and provide a dividend of 13 cents to 15 cents per share for a good no of years. At current price of 2.16 the future DY will range from 6% to 7%...much better than FD rate!!! So do you want to place money in FD or buy MBSB?????

News & Blogs

2015-01-14 13:17 | Report Abuse

Demand had decreased but supply has be realistic..expect low oil prices for sometime longer....cheer up.....cheaper petrol price means your cash outlay for petrol is lower...


2015-01-14 13:07 | Report Abuse

MBSB had shown it had paid dividends of 16% to 32% gross in the past. If merger is off, MBSB shareholders can look forward to better dividend payout in future. With merger, MBSB PE will be re-rated upward.


2015-01-14 12:59 | Report Abuse

Whether merger or no merger, MBSB EPS is strong around 28 to 30 cents per share. At current price of 2.15, the PE multiple is only 7.2. Even if there is no merger, MBSB PE multiple will be re-rated upward as the management has taken proactive steps on improving its banking standards. Its strong earnings can support good dividends payout in future. I have bought into MBSB yesterday evening when there was panic selling!!!


2015-01-14 12:03 | Report Abuse

41 cents lah...hahahahaha


2015-01-06 23:25 | Report Abuse

Que sera sera...if you want to sell....please sell...if you want to buy...please buy.....whatever the situation is I am long EVERGREEN as its empowered biz model will sustain its competitive edge in the industry it competes in...the controlling shareholder who manages the company had done very strategic work by investing in empowering its biz model to be a quality, reliable yet very cost competitive player in the industry it competes in...current market price does not reflect its value.....Price is what you pay; Value is what you get.

EVERGREEN ..the Fallen....shall be Restored in 2015.....2015 will be the start of the upswing in EVERGREEN share price...

News & Blogs

2015-01-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

Hi guys,
Just passing though...I am very light on stocks at the moment...good FA stocks in bad times also depreciates albeit at slower rate than the the non FA types...perhaps the good FA stocks with biz minded shareholders, good management, good biz model, decent DY and with good cash flow management are worth holding onto... I will not be too gung ho about stocks now no matter how good it looks as KLSE is already in downtrend and will downtrend for a while had been on uptrend for the past 6 years and this downtrend will last for a chill out , relax and do a bit of homework...make yourself fitter for the next turnaround...there's still a lot of time though...


2015-01-02 22:58 | Report Abuse

Many shall be Restored that are now fallen; many shall soon fall(if not already in the process of falling)that are now in Honor.

Will EVERGREEN, the fallen, be restored in 2015 ? It looks like 2015 will be the start of the upswing in EVERGREEN share price

Price is what you pay; Value is what you get.
Is EVERGREEN'S VALUE higher than current price you pay for?

I am convinced that EVERGREEN's VALUE is much higher than the current price one pays for!!!!

News & Blogs

2014-12-31 17:16 | Report Abuse

The new capacity expansion already implemented will bear further fruits in the medium to long term. I expect Tongher earnings , EPS and Dividend payout to improve steadily with time. Good opportunity to collect on any further price weakness.


2014-12-27 23:04 | Report Abuse

Get ready for crude oil below USD 50/bbl come 2015 and going down to USD 40/bbl by 1H 2015....


2014-12-27 23:03 | Report Abuse

Get ready for crude oil below USD 50/bbl come 2015 and going down to USD 40/bbl by 1H 2015


2014-12-27 23:01 | Report Abuse

Get ready for crude oil below USD 50/bbl come 2015 and going down to USD 40/bbl by 1H 2015