
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2016-10-08 12:04 | Report Abuse

@Benjamin_8888. No news yet. This is Malaysia and Koon is filthy rich. The objective fact is that he SECRETLY disposed of his shares which he touted to others directly or through his agents and did not inform KLSE despite being legally required to do so as a substantive shareholder of more than 5% of the company's shares. So I won't hold my breath.


2016-10-08 12:03 | Report Abuse

@king36. There have to be honest business. That's why there are legal rules. I am just quoting what the God of the Bible says because I am a Christian. Aside from this, Koon and everyone have freedom of speech. But this is not the issue. Koon was investigated for secretly disposing of his shares without informing the KLSE which he is legally required to do being a substantial shareholder. His methods are well worn and tried and used by many resident sifus who touted the shares they already bought at low prices. I have evidence that at least one remisier who also trade, is a front-runner.


2016-10-07 19:08 | Report Abuse

@pussycats. Under the rules of the KLSE, Koon being a substantial shareholder (>5% of counter's outstanding shares) of the companies he asked others to buy into, has a legal duty to inform the KLSE whenever he sells or buys i.e. whenever his shareholdings change in these companies. Prior to May 2016, he secretly disposed of his shares without informing the KLSE. The share prices of those companies dropped leaving him with massive profits and those persuaded by him to buy with massive losses. The Bursa investigation of Koon (no news yet) is an indication of how people use such tactics not only to get rich but to get filthy rich.


2016-10-07 18:01 | Report Abuse

Overall buy-rate is 57.2% with most trades settled at RM1.28 where the buy rate is 69.1%. Support for KPS is strong.


2016-10-07 17:36 | Report Abuse

Everyone now knows how Koon and his secret agents make their money. The Bursa's May 2016 investigation of Koon's secret disposal of his shares without informing Bursa despite being a substantive shareholder, says a lot as to how he and people like him got rich. But there is a warning in the Bible that those who indulges in dishonest trade 'desecrates their own sanctuary' i.e. their own houses (Ezekiel 28:18). Those who fear the God of the Bible do not want such ill-gotten 'wealth'!


2016-10-07 17:07 | Report Abuse

hng33, it is hard to hold civil discussion if you resort to name-calling. We all deserve some of those names like "loser" you use some time or another (including yourself) BUT not all the time, It is in discussing that one has more info. No one is perfect.


2016-10-07 16:47 | Report Abuse

hng33 is right about KPS.


2016-10-07 16:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks hng33. There was no intention to "fake". It was an innocent mistake. I was wrong-footed by the name 'KPS Consortium' instead of looking further down at Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor in the KLSE site. But thanks for the info. I deserve your 'Thumbs down' and probably more. Sorry Gamuda forummers for the mistake!


2016-10-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

hng33. I have rechecked. You are right! I was looking at the other KPS (9121). Thanks.


2016-10-06 23:36 | Report Abuse

EPF disposed 1,953,500 Gamuda shares on 30 Sep.


2016-10-05 21:21 | Report Abuse

Amanah Saham Bumiputra announced threw another 5 million shares. 19 million shares or 12.58% of its holdings in September. Likely our resident sifus also threw since they have bought at low cost and are adept at secret disposals.


2016-10-05 20:47 | Report Abuse

Amanah Saham Bumiputra throw another 5 million shares.


2016-10-05 16:59 | Report Abuse

Hold babies hold. KSL has likely bottomed. Only way is up north!


2016-09-30 22:23 | Report Abuse

hng33, don't have to spin so hard to to win. Just present the facts in balance. But make sure they are facts and not 'facts' that still need confirmation.


2016-09-30 21:49 | Report Abuse

hng33, so you heard the news? Ok lah for you winners: ASB sold another 3 million shares on 28 Sep - total disposals were 14 million shares or 9.27% in September. But good news is EPF bought 2 million shares on 27 Sep.


2016-09-29 22:52 | Report Abuse

When will ASB dispose 70% of their holdings? Answer: When Splash is sold for RM250 million. Hahaha!


2016-09-29 22:47 | Report Abuse

@princehero. Our resident sifu said you can profit eventually!


2016-09-29 22:45 | Report Abuse

What matters is not their acquisition in the past but their disposals as WASIA deadline nears. Just as Ms Universe may be very beautiful BUT in the past! hahaha!


2016-09-29 21:12 | Report Abuse

Amanah Saham Bumiputra just announced disposal of another 5 million Gamuda shares. EPF also announced net disposal of 885,400 Gamuda shares. So ASB disposed 11 million or 7.29% of its holdings of Gamuda shares so far in September. More tomorrow? Note that the disposals were just before the RM250 million 'agreement' or WASIA deadline of 7th October 2016. Anyone still want to spin that it is 'chicken feed' and 'nothing to worry abt'?


2016-09-29 21:07 | Report Abuse

Longer term I would still buy Gamuda, but let the Splash sale 'splash' away first!


2016-09-29 18:07 | Report Abuse

6 million shares of 151 million shares before disposal is about 4%. That's why I posted that ASB disposed 4% of its holdings of Gamuda shares. This is the meaning in the English grammar.


2016-09-29 17:45 | Report Abuse

ASB disposed over 4% of its holdings in one month in September. This chicken feed?


2016-09-29 17:45 | Report Abuse

70% to 80% of the RM250 million profit per year is due to inflated rates to feed dedak. Likely that's why Azmin and Khalid were not paying more than RM250 million.


2016-09-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

The link is a good report. Note the ambiguities under Concessions: 1) the second last line of first point - " reach a more FLEXIBLE valuation of...Splash; 2) the first and second line - if sale of Splash materialise, Gamuda's earnings will see a significant drop...RM100 million to RM150 million per year.


2016-09-29 16:41 | Report Abuse

Go by facts, not by spin. The spinners are spinning so much that they should be hooked to a generator to produce electricity. In fact one is spinning like a fortune teller in repeatedly using the word 'never' in regard to the future. Maybe 'never' for sale of Splash for RM250 million. But even at 'fair' price of RM1 billion, Gamuda may still have a divestment loss. Only at RM2.5 billion will Gamuda break even. But at RM2.5 billion, shareholders of KPS will laugh all the way to the bank! I would wait for concrete news on Splash sale.


2016-09-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

If I am in the shoes of the Fed govt, facing a cash squeeze due to low oil and gas prices and likely facing a possible snap general election, I would use WASIA and clear out Splash at RM250 million. Gamuda can take the fed govt to court but this would buy at least 2 to 3 years time if not longer. The Fed govt can then resolve the water problem in Selangor at the least cost and show the electorate the ruthless efficiency of the Fed govt in resolving problems.


2016-09-29 16:16 | Report Abuse

Fund - EPF - had been disposing and acquiring but in smaller volume. The big sellers are Amanah Saham Bumiputra and KWAP. E.g. ASB disposed more than 6 million shares during September 2016 to date.


2016-09-29 15:59 | Report Abuse

Key word is 'agreement'? But agreement at what price? The public knows that agreement deadline is 7th Oct 2016, or WASIA.


2016-09-28 23:30 | Report Abuse

Yeah likely good buy after uncertainty of Splash sale is gone.


2016-09-28 21:09 | Report Abuse

YTD profit down. Also sword of Damocles (Splash sale) hanging over it. Share buy-back authority is for share-price support in case price weakens too much. Draw your own conclusions ladies and gentlemen.


2016-09-28 15:33 | Report Abuse

hng33, please refer to my reply in the Gamuda thread.


2016-09-28 15:29 | Report Abuse

hng33, based on the info you provided, KPS acquired 30% of Splash for RM130 million. Sweet Water Alliance sold last year 10% for RM135 million or 3.1154 times more than KPS's acquisition costs. That's why KPS is a less risky bet than Gamuda if want to leverage on windfall from sale of Splash!


2016-09-28 15:16 | Report Abuse

And third party evaluation of Splash's value is not arbitration. Third party recommendations will still need to be accepted unlike arbitration which all parties must accept. The question remains: Will Selangor pay more than RM250 million, much less the RM2.5B demanded? If not, will the near-bankrupt fed govt pay? To me, for the fed govt or for any party to pay RM2.5B, is a long shot!


2016-09-28 15:08 | Report Abuse

And hng33, even if Gamuda reevaluated its investment in Splash for 'fair value', Gamuda will have booked the fair value adjustments as profits in the past. So now if Gamuda have to book a divestment loss, the loss will have to be written off in one lump sum in the financial year of sale of Splash. This will of course impact Gamuda's profits for the foreseeable future, depending on the size of the divestment loss.


2016-09-28 15:02 | Report Abuse

hng33, you don't understand accounting for fair value. It will be too much for me to explain to you accounting for fair value. Just a hint: Gamuda's equity in Splash is not about land. Gamuda will have to carry in it's books assets like equity in Splash at acquisition costs - a portion of which can be in the form of Goodwill on acquisition (also regarded as an asset to be amortised). As for KPS, whatever the reasons, KPS still acquired 30% of Splash at RM130 million which is a bargain as compared with Gamuda.

And NEVER say never as far as the future is concerned. If a 'fact' needs confirmation/verification, it is NOT yet a 'fact'. I would wait for the facts on the final news on the sale of Splash.

And if I want to bet at less risk, I would bet on KPS.

But hng33's known habit, being a front-running super 'one night stand' trader, is to will sell KPS at thin profit margins. I would say to follow his advice for some stocks, especially the much touted Miss Universe stocks, which can be secretly disposed of, and also have histories of secret disposals!


2016-09-28 10:49 | Report Abuse

Amanah Saham Bumiputra and KWAP have disposed a further 3,223,900 shares. Only Tabung Haji acquired 168,100 shares. All done between 14-23 Sep, but announced on 27 Sep i.e. yesterday. Amanah Saham Bumiputra, the main Bumiputra unit trust was the heaviest seller recently.


2016-09-28 10:02 | Report Abuse

hng33, I am just giving my studied comments. No wish to harm or ridicule anyone. No one wants to be loser-minded. My different treatment for Gamuda and KPS is due to lower acquisition cost for Splash by KPS - lower risk. Gamuda needs sale price of at least RM1B (some say RM1.5B) before profit from sale of Splash. At RM1 billion sale price, KPS will be laughing all the way to the bank whereas Gamuda will just break even. I have always consider you to be my sifu in trading. Me? I am just a loss-making (sometimes) learner! So I appreciate you continue to give your expert advice. I will give comment whenever I feel I have the facts.


2016-09-27 20:10 | Report Abuse

@ks5S. It's reservoir not a dam as in hydro-electric dam. Reservoir is much easier to build. A hydro-electric dam needs huge volume of water to produce electricity. A reservoir is just to store water.


2016-09-27 19:20 | Report Abuse

So if hng33 is expecting a windfall of RM1 billion for Splash, why not bet on KPS? At Rm 1B, KPS will get RM300 million which is 60 sens per share. Gamuda will only get 16.5 sens per share. Fully diluted will be 14.2 sens per share.


2016-09-27 19:06 | Report Abuse

Gamuda will get only 40% of the sale price for Splash. KPS will get 30%. KPS acquisition cost is much lower (don't have to pay for dedak) - only RM130 million. Any sale price more than RM434 million, KPS will gain. At sale price of RM434 million, Gamuda will still have divestment loss of RM900 million or thereabouts. Just my 2 sens worth.


2016-09-27 18:51 | Report Abuse

KPS acquisition of 30% of Splash was for RM130 million. So the possible divestment loss for KPS at forced sale of RM250 million for Splash is RM55 million.


2016-09-27 18:26 | Report Abuse

hng33, please don't tell me you are LGBT. No? Maybe that's why asking you to get a 'wife' is so offensive to you! Hahaha!


2016-09-27 18:15 | Report Abuse

hng33, please don't get angry lah. Just commenting. Life is more than winning an argument. You ask me to get a life, I was just asking you to get a wife if you havn't got one already. Haha! A wife should ensure you get your medication in time so that you won't get angry so easily.


2016-09-27 18:04 | Report Abuse

For the sake of everyone who have followed hng33, I hope I am wrong. Anyway I am here to inform as best as I can, not to 'fight' with anyone. Ok lah hng33, you are right I am wrong. You are the super profitable trader, I am just a sorry loss-making learner. But I am still learning lah.


2016-09-27 17:59 | Report Abuse

hng33. Ok lah, I am still learning. You are the sifu. Maybe I can recover my 'losses' with your advice?


2016-09-27 17:52 | Report Abuse

hng33, I always thought that KPS's acquisition cost for Splash was very much lower than for Gamuda. Correct me if I am wrong.


2016-09-27 17:27 | Report Abuse

And ladies and gentlemen, a reason why brokers are called brokers is that they will make you broke if you follow them blindly. They are trading and they all have vested interest that likely conflict with your own. I would say it is better to break our heads to master the charts and financial statements than let them break our bank by following them blindly.


2016-09-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

And hng33, the concession with Splash can continue after Wasia but with lower rates and water volume. Instead of 90%, profit margin it will likely be reduced to 15%. at 90% margin of profit, it is a political bomb. The party that agrees to continue the present rates will likely lose the next election which is near. But I don't see any payment for Splash more than RM250 million. Can compromise to RM500m, which still means a divestment loss of RM750 million for Gamuda! hng33, you should stick with KPS instead of selling at thin margins.