
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2015-05-12 12:23 | Report Abuse

The price of grain used to make feed are down since the beginning of the year. Corn prices for example are down 28.8% since the beginning of 2015. This will more than off set the depreciation of the ringgit against USD of 12.5%, from 3.2 to 3.6 to 1 USD.


2015-05-12 11:51 | Report Abuse

Bur remember, quarterly results are not audited so management can manipulate the profits u of down depending on their objectives. But I feel it is unlikely the management will manipulate the results down since the price had dropped so much.


2015-05-12 11:19 | Report Abuse

Next quarter should not be lower as it incorporates the CNY. It was higher last year. I expect next quarter i.e. Q1 to be higher than Q4 in net profit.


2015-05-12 10:52 | Report Abuse

But if you are caught as I am now, don't sell. It's a good fundamental stock. I sold in Dec 2014 to cut loss which I shouldn't because the price rebounded and I would have made a tidy profit. To hold is still better than FD for me.


2015-05-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Good on you stkoay. I wish I'd done that!


2015-05-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

Teoseng is a growth stock, so don't sell.


2015-05-11 11:57 | Report Abuse

The next support is at 1.8 if 1.89 is broken.


2015-05-05 16:48 | Report Abuse

Wait for the next sell-down before buying.


2015-05-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

Which means management can support the price against the wolves.


2015-04-28 16:48 | Report Abuse

Wait till Thursday - fantastic buy opps coming! As bro stkoay says: KSL's becoming more and more beautiful! But nothing beats spidee in her loubotins!


2015-04-28 16:28 | Report Abuse

Present sell-down is partly due to the strengthening of the RM, with funds flowing out back to USD.


2015-04-28 15:38 | Report Abuse

LonewolfX. Likely deliberate since the long delay is very unusual. Bro stkoay, yeah but hard to find the bottom. There may be a sudden sell-down at the end of current down-trend like in December 2014. This will really shake out the faint hearted. As long as the fundamentals did not change, I will say hold. But the the next results may be deliberately profit down so that the price will sink for them to collect. If this happen, then it will be almost proof that KSL's insiders are involved. With strong recurring income, KSL's profits cannot be down too much (like in February 2014).


2015-04-28 12:25 | Report Abuse

Don't fall into the jaws of the wolves! Patience will be rewarded. They are after the 5% dividend. Also look at the millions of warrants being converted into shares. I repeat: the wolves are after the dividend!


2015-04-28 11:56 | Report Abuse

kenneth89, I believe you are right. So hold. The price should recover.


2015-04-28 11:11 | Report Abuse

Bro stkoay, I have already bought my full complement of KSL's shares. If sink lower, may consider adding. But don't sell. That's my recommendation. Look at the past sell-downs. The price should recover. Asian bourses are booming at present.


2015-04-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

If there is a sell-down, don't sell. KSL is a good stock. It's not only a low-cost developer with good margins, it is also owns shopping malls and hotel with high recurring income. The price will recover.


2015-04-22 16:52 | Report Abuse

Only if there is a share buy-back policy. Then the upside of 30% is likely to be achievable.


2015-04-22 15:27 | Report Abuse

If KSL announce an adequate share buy-back policy, then the price will move towards its TP. The stock had been ravaged too long and too often with KSL's neglect and/or insiders' connivance. Without KSL's buy-back policy, the share will be hard put to move even half-way to its TP. The bought-back shares can then be re-distributed to shareholders through its shares-for- dividend policy. It doesn't take a lot to stem the tactics of the wolves if led by KSL's management. But if it's KSL's insiders involving its management, then all bets are off!


2015-04-22 14:47 | Report Abuse

It's the sell-downs: unjustified and unexpected 4 times 15% sell downs in the last 8 months as compared with justified 3 times expected sell-downs for loss-making MPCorp with land bank also Iskandar region, Johore. Investors are cautious. Suspects are KLSE wolves and/or KSL's insiders since the stock price was not well-defended!


2015-04-20 14:56 | Report Abuse

For down-trend look at the chart and not listen to opinions. Weekly trend is still up. Daily has been down-trending for 3 weeks now.


2015-04-20 12:29 | Report Abuse

The price is being pressed down at the moment for the sake of collecting the dividend. KSL's management is allowing its stock price to be trashed for some suspicious reasons. Use a different strategy to trade this stock.


2015-04-18 15:50 | Report Abuse

If it's the share-broker firms' in-house traders (call proprietary traders) the share-broker firms allow them to short the stock at least for the day. This way they do not even need to borrow shares.


2015-04-17 18:25 | Report Abuse

hng33, how can one prepare for the raid of the wolves? Only way is to cut loss by selling with them - which is exactly what they want. Another way is to sell earlier to avoid the wolves. But that means not meeting the target price and it defeats the whole purpose of value investing. BTW KSL's price has still not recovered its previous high of 2.48 reached on 23/9/2014 due to the unscrupulous sell-downs. As the stock price is a measure of investors' confidence in the stock, this means that investors' confidence in KSL have not yet fully recovered. The perception of weakness in the property sector has been around for nearly a year and cannot justify the sell-downs of a solid stock like KSL, unless there was manipulation. KSL's costs and margins are very competitive and after the hiccups of February 2014, profits were consistent and stable and a very good dividend policy put in place. There should be no drastic sell-downs of 15% or more and 4 times in 7 months. Even a loss making property stock like MPCorp had suffered only 3 EXPECTED sell-downs in 5 months. And KSL have 4 in seven months. And MPCorp is nowhere comparable with KSL. Anyway one looks at it, there is something ROTTEN in the house of KSL and KLSE's regulators!!


2015-04-17 18:06 | Report Abuse

hng33. Just check the graphs for KSL if you doubt my data - 4 sell-downs of 15% OR thereabouts (I have given the details in my earlier post today) in seven months ending 3/3/2015! Thanks but no thanks for the recommendation. I am already invested in KSL. It's just that time is wasted and the feeling of injustice every time I see my target price and investment objectives(based on my meticulous evaluation of KSL), thwarted unnecessarily by the wolves. KSL should have been a stable stock, especially after they came up with a sound dividend policy. But because of the wolves, the stock is not seen as stable. Crestbuilder should be even even more unstable in that it is owned and controlled by one man who can do a fast one like that old man in OSKProp!


2015-04-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

And judging by the track record, there will also be a 15% sell-down by the shorties and insiders just prior to the ex-date of the current dividend. That's why the investors are cautious. No point having 40% profit payout, blah blah blah..! All this will just be a lot of bull to investors if the wolves are allowed to raid with the help of insiders!


2015-04-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

In well regulated markets where the watch-dogs are not asleep (e.g. Singapore, Australia & NZ) these rascals will be investigated and jailed. In China, they will be shot. In Singapore, have you ever seen a stock that have been sold down 15%, 4 times in seven months for no reason despite good profits, dividends and very much undervalued NTA? Something is rotten in the house of KSL's management and KLSE's regulators!! Even the funds will avoid such a stock!


2015-04-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

And investors usually paid a higher price to get the dividends only to be deprived by an unscrupulous sell-down by wolves allowed to short the stock and likely with connivance of KSL's insiders?!


2015-04-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

hng33. Point taken. But not 15% sell-downs 4 times in 7 months. If this is not unusual activity, what is? Must investors factor in uncontrolled activity of wolves and KSL's insider? An KSL can defend the price as evidenced by share buy-back recently. But will KSL defend prior to ex-date of a fat dividend if their insiders are involved?!!


2015-04-17 15:14 | Report Abuse

Only the wolves (because they are allowed to short the stock, which is very, very unfair to others not allowed to do so) and KSL's insiders can afford an unexpected and unwarranted sell-down of more than 30 sens (-15%) each time. Those rascals should be investigated and jailed as a deterrent against such practices!


2015-04-17 15:09 | Report Abuse

hng33. Very good FA. But with the wolves and KSL's insiders allowed carte blanche to raid by selling down the price 4 times in 7 months, confidence in the stock is not good at the moment. Even now there is an attempt to depress the price. KSL should defend the price because it is under-value. But KSL has allowed the raids to reduce perception that it is a risky stock or something very wrong with its fundamentals that is not apparent from its accounts. KSL's inaction is being construed as evidence that the sell-downs were aided by insiders or worse!


2015-04-17 10:54 | Report Abuse

One would expect over-valued counters like IOIPG and/or ECOWORLD to be subjected to such sell-downs. But KSL is not an over-valued counter. KLSE should investigate.


2015-04-17 10:48 | Report Abuse

There have been 4 drastic sell-downs by the wolves in the last 4 months, none of which is justifiable in its extent: 25/9/14 - 16/10/14, 54 sens down; 12/12/14 - 16/12/14, 36 sens down; 22/12/14 - 6/1/15, 32 sens down; 26/2/15 - 2/3/15, 35 sens down. Given KSL fundamentals and good dividends payouts, none of the sell-downs are justifiable. Two of them occurred just before ex-date of bonus issue and announcement of quarterly results (the results were reasonable). These sell-downs points to the work of wolves and KSL's insiders. KLSE regulators should investigate this.


2015-04-16 17:00 | Report Abuse

To confirm uptrend, needs to break 2.1. But this is only relevant for the short-term traders. Longer term, the trend is up...barring any bird-flu like H5N1!


2015-04-15 22:57 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the advice kkbull.


2015-04-15 20:50 | Report Abuse

I have just cancelled my sell orders.


2015-04-15 20:38 | Report Abuse

Just found out - H1N1 Is swine flu, not a bird flu. So no danger to Teo Seng.


2015-04-15 20:29 | Report Abuse

kkbull, the MOH confirmed that the boy died of H1N1 - report by Malaysiakini today. Don't want to panic anyone; just to give correct info. But Teo Seng is also good for the longer term. The longer termers should know what to do.


2015-04-15 20:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah, philan, you are right. But H1N1 also in Malacca...near enough to Yong Peng. One fatality. Boy went to bank before taken ill and bank staff now to be quarantined. If even one chicken is found infected, the whole lot will be mercilessly culled. I still wait to hear all clear from MOH. But now uncertainty. Vaylens Chong, you seem to have got wind of the H1N1 earlier. You should wise us up on the 25th Mar. That's what this forum is for.


2015-04-15 20:15 | Report Abuse

Sorry, post to wrong forum.


2015-04-15 18:19 | Report Abuse

Uh-uh! Look at this Malaysiakini report this evening:
Make your own decision tomorrow. Those holding warrants should hold. It's maturity date is 2020 and its a long way to 2020.


2015-04-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

But if Ministry of Health declares out-break's over, price likely to recover!


2015-04-15 16:32 | Report Abuse

If the price don't recover, update may be negative for price.


2015-04-15 16:30 | Report Abuse The report was dated 25/3/2015. That's when the price started going down. So far no updates yet.


2015-04-15 16:10 | Report Abuse

There are cases of H1N1 bird flu in Kedah where Teo Seng operates. One or two cases in KL and 2 cases in Kedah - pilgrims returning from UMRAH. But Malay Mail reported that it is under control.


2015-04-15 12:33 | Report Abuse

And all at the expense of the real investors. KLSE should clamp down on these shorties/insiders!


2015-04-15 12:31 | Report Abuse

These rascals can make as much profit as KSL 6 months' profits!


2015-04-15 12:29 | Report Abuse

Whatever it is, the long wait for the ex-date is facilitating the wolves and KSL's insiders if any.


2015-04-15 10:56 | Report Abuse

It's criminal to allow the shorties to short the stock, even for a day! KLSE seems to be turning a blind eye to them.


2015-04-15 09:48 | Report Abuse

KSL's unusual delay in announcing the dividend ex-date is rare in KLSE, gives rise to suspicions and doubts, lower investors' interest in the stock and give opportunities by wolves to raid the price (since investors have willingly bought high to get the dividend and there is a long wait before ex-date). Wolves will gain double - by shorting the stock and getting the dividend on the cheap. So don't fall into the jaws of the wolves.


2015-04-15 01:33 | Report Abuse

Super bull-run in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Coming to KLSE soon? The factors are in alignment. So hold fast to KSL and do not fall into the jaws of the wolves, including KSL's insiders!