
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2015-06-05 11:13 | Report Abuse

Good try stkoay. But I guess age-guessing is not as good as your stock price instincts! Ha Ha Ha! I wish I'd sold KSL at 4.40 last time. In fact I should not have sold KSL at all since it is an longer term investment stock!


2015-06-05 10:28 | Report Abuse

Grace Ly. That's likely because investors are waiting and seeing whither the next quarter results (out end June 2015). They expect a drop in NP as compared with the last quarter which covers CNY.


2015-06-05 10:25 | Report Abuse

stkoay. Another hint: i still have all 32 teeth and very good gums. Now please guess my age! Ha Ha Ha!


2015-06-04 22:47 | Report Abuse

Vaylens, so quiet?


2015-06-04 22:45 | Report Abuse

stkoay. Sure but full head of black hair, flat belly, muscular body and running up 3K feet mountain in 1 hour 15 minutes non-stop? A month ago, I single-handedly cleared 150 feet of a 4 feet deep monsoon drain in front of mine and my neighbours' houses of almost half a tonne of weeds. The local authority was sleeping on the job and I couldn't wait. Now venture a guess at my age. Hint: leng loois still look at me...longingly! Ha Ha Ha!


2015-06-04 17:03 | Report Abuse

And I am now off to do some gardening i.e. weeding!


2015-06-04 17:01 | Report Abuse

stkoay. Not too long ago. I have a full head of black hair (no thinning) and a flat tummy although not quite 12 abs! HaHaHa! So you can guess my age!


2015-06-04 16:09 | Report Abuse

CCH that's a very good one. Reminds me of my days playing beach volley ball with the blond hair blue eye girls in their bikinis! Sigh..those were the days!


2015-06-04 15:53 | Report Abuse

Investors already ran from KSL; share price not affected much by recent sell-down. KLSE sell-down very likely to have bottom out. Anyway KSL ahould not be a stock one runs from. It should be a stock one run to because of its great fundamentals i.e. if not for the wolves and KSL's tardiness in supporting its own share price!


2015-06-04 15:27 | Report Abuse

Don't forget newdesk and her lobotins! Ha Ha Ha! Also F22 Raptor!


2015-06-04 12:16 | Report Abuse

The wolves' illegal trading can be easily traced. Their trades are all in the KLSE system. There would be at best about 12 of them. They would be buying and selling to one another. They will accumulate the share when the share price moves up. Then at a prearranged price they would start selling and buying back from one another. To try to mask their plot, they would allow the share price to recover at least once or twice before selling down again to their prearranged level where they will collect. This is also to shake down the confidence of the stronger hold-outs. They did this in December 2014 (taking advantage of the weak market sentiments) and in February 2015. However their activities are all on record in the KLSE system. An investigation will show that the trading downwards on those dates will be mainly between them - marked by the frequency of and volume of their trades downwards. Some will probably be proxies. However if questioned under investigation they will likely divulge who their principals are. And if they are KSL's insiders.....! Anyway if it happens again I will likely lodge a complaint with KLSE and simultaneously with the Securities commission for illegal insider and syndicated trading which retard the free market and cause massive losses to genuine investors! In fact I am seriously considering lodging a complain for the Dec 14 and Feb 15 slaughter of the innocent investors!


2015-06-04 10:00 | Report Abuse

CCH. Good point. At least I can laugh at your jokes! Ha Ha Ha! But when I look at KSL's price, I shed tears!


2015-06-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

braven. Even with warrant dilution, the price should be 3.50. But you did not factor in the low PE. If PE is 'normal' at say 10X, then price should be RM7! But as CCH said, KSL do not have a champion jockey riding a champion horse.. or has the jockey been 'incentivised'?


2015-06-03 16:29 | Report Abuse

CCH. Exactly my feelings on KSL's management!


2015-06-03 15:47 | Report Abuse

The wolves and KSL's management's tardiness have made KSL shares a joke in KLSE. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry! PE at 5X - the best in property stock or thereabouts; latest quarter a blow-out 36% increase in NP profit from sales and rental; recurring income from rental and hotel etc almost RM50M/year; 40% of operating profits pledged as dividend payout; almost 8%/year dividend yield - better than the majority of REITs; very much undervalued land-bank; financial outlook positive; trading at a measly RM1.87/share; volume traded 87.3K so far today - less than some penny unprofitable stocks!! KSL must be the biggest joke in the KLSE!


2015-06-03 13:29 | Report Abuse

win2win. What's the good news on 19 June? Any idea?


2015-06-03 13:08 | Report Abuse

Based on the volume, interest in KSL is at an all time low! If KSL's management is not interested in its own stock, how would investors be interested?!


2015-06-03 02:23 | Report Abuse

stkoay. I am aware of the soft market sentiments, especially property. But as CCH pointed out, KSL's PE is so low (5x) compared with other less profitable property companies like Mahsing (10x) and SP Setia (20x). The reason as CCH concurred with me is due to the wolves'/KSL's insiders' raids which sapped investors' confidence. So if KSL's management buck up and aggressively support the price against the wolves, investors' confidence will rapidly return. If KSL's management remains passive, why have a share buy-back policy at all? Even if KSL want to hunt with the wolves with its share buy-back so as to acquire shares on the cheap for distribution in lieu of cash dividends, it will have to set the share price even lower otherwise more will opt for cash and increase its cash out-flow. If share price is set lower, more new shares will have to be issued leading to more dilution and lower share price. In the meantime, it will still have to divest 40% of its profit as dividends. So KSL's share price will be caught in a vicious downward cycle if it does not aggressively support its share price!


2015-06-02 17:02 | Report Abuse

But investors' confidence won't return if no robust back-up from KSL.


2015-06-02 17:00 | Report Abuse

stkoay. Hello. Yeah KSL should fly! Hope the whole gang comes back. I am sure it is the real CCH - the way of expression is similar.


2015-06-02 15:44 | Report Abuse

Dividend already declared long time ago; only ex-date to be announced. After announced, based on track record, likely a massive sell-down by the wolves. If so, conserve your bullets and hunt with them. Do NOT sell! BUY instead!


2015-06-02 11:58 | Report Abuse

cch. Thanks for the supporting comments. Hope KSL managment read these and take action! (No, I don't mean hiring me; just support the price more aggressively, Ha Ha).


2015-06-02 10:55 | Report Abuse

Just KSL's recurring income from rental, hotel and others of close to RM50M per year will be enough to justify a share price of 2.50. That the share price is now languishing is the result of the raids of the wolves and KSL's unskillful and ineffective share buy-back price support!


2015-06-02 10:34 | Report Abuse

If KSL's management have been actively countering the wolves, the price would have reached 2.50 by now if not 3. As it is, the analysts also have been lowering the TP. Almost all the shares for which their managements anticipated upgrades have share buy-back support policy at the ready e.g. Hapseng, Hevea etc! They will NOT allow their share price to be thrashed by the wolves because of the costs to the company itself. What I have written is free financial consultation to KSL's management. There is also the likelihood that the wolves are cooperating with KSL's insiders!


2015-06-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

Just look at the small volume despite a blow out quarter and very good outlook for the rest of the year! That's how much by which the raids of the wolves have reduced interest and confidence in the stock. So KSL's management - WAKE UP and start supporting your own stock which is so much under-valued!!


2015-06-01 16:53 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds are still pulling out to buy into China market due to China index going to be included in the World Index for emerging markets. Once the selling is over, KLSE will rebound and with it second liners like KSL.


2015-06-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

1stQ15 is a blow-out quarter - 36% increase in NP from 1stQ14. It's also 116% increase over 4thQ14 if the RM92M fair value gains are taken out. The out-look for the year according to the notes to the 1stQ15 accounts is also good. So whoever sells now will fall unnecessarily into the jaws of the wolves and possibly KSL's insiders!


2015-05-31 20:33 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Thanks bintang21.


2015-05-31 20:22 | Report Abuse

watchme. Don't sell. Keep. Your cost cannot be more than 2.35. The price will go beyond this eventually. It's still better than putting into FD!


2015-05-31 13:42 | Report Abuse

Vayens. I will sell to you my Teoseng warrants at RM1.50 each. But for a lang looi like you, I shall sell them to you at RM1.40. Sure you will make money before they expire in 5 years' time. Fat Cat. It's a deal at RM0.30 premium above closing price on 29/5/2015! Ha Ha Ha!


2015-05-31 13:21 | Report Abuse

For those who are not so proficient with figures, let me summarise: If KSL's management effectively support the price and neuter the wolves, then price will rise to fair value, less shares issue for dividend in lieu, less share dilution, DY/share will be less diluted, share price will rise consistently, no extra cash out-flow, long term investor confidence cultivated, share price will then command a premium as it moves towards blue-chip status. The exact opposite/reverse will be true if no effective/skillful share price support. Even cash out-flow for dividend cash payout will increase because more will opt for cash due to unstable share price and share dilution. Therefore the bottom-line: KSL's management must not allow its share price to be thrashed and counter the wolves skillfully and aggressively. If not the costs to KSL and investors will increase exponentially with each successful raid by the KLSE wolves! KSL's insiders will also be under credible suspicion of direct involvement!


2015-05-30 19:04 | Report Abuse

Vaylens. I want to sell to you. What price would you pay me?


2015-05-30 15:50 | Report Abuse

hng33. Your points noted. But I have done my calculations. It doesn't take much to deter the wolves. Just an about RM8 million revolving fund to buy and sell or retain in Treasury and/or use to distribute in lieu of cash dividend. Dividend payout at 40% of say RM250m to RM320M is RM100M to RM128M. So RM8m for share support and share dividend is a miniscule 6.25% to maximum 8% of cash dividend payout. Company loses nothing in terms of additional cash-out flow. It is just using committed cash-outflow to support the share price. With investors' confidence returning, less share support will be required and the share price will rise to its fair value. Then more will opt for shares instead of cash dividends and share price for dividends can then be higher, leaving more cash available for business investment, pare down borrowings and therefore less interest expense. E.g. if the share price is RM2.8, the share price for dividend in lieu can be set at RM2.50. So if 50% opt for shares instead of cash, KSL will only have to issue 40 million to 51.2 million new shares instead of 63.7 million to 81.5 million new shares if the price is set at RM1.57 as previously. Share dilution will also be less and share price will go higher. So it is in the interest of all (but the wolves hoping to collect on the cheap) if the price commensurate with its fair value. But the share price support must be robust and timing skillful to maximise the punishment for the wolves in order to deter them. Not passive like what is now observed; which allows the wolves to time and execute their raids with precision (like in February 2015)!


2015-05-30 00:14 | Report Abuse

If KSL's management want the price to rise to its true value, it will have to aggressively counter the wolves now that it is arming itself with a share buy-back policy. Much like what Hapseng is doing.


2015-05-29 12:36 | Report Abuse

Yeah, like subcontinental logic!


2015-05-27 23:54 | Report Abuse

Warrant over-valued only if mother share is over-valued!


2015-05-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

KC is a FA investor. Koon invest like Warren Buffet. Choose your picks!


2015-05-27 15:00 | Report Abuse

Not due to 1MDB 100% due to the debts being guaranteed by the Federal Government; and Malaysia's Forex reserves are more than enough to pay off 1MDB's USD debts. The foreign funds are transferring part of their portfolio to China since China is expected to be included in the global index of emerging markets. So the funds must weigh up their China portfolios, especially via the HKSE. They are also selling other markets in order to enter China e.g. India.


2015-05-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

Hevea's price is now pressed down by the wolves. This likely to be followed by a massive sell-down so that they can get the new shares from the share split on the cheap. The fact that Hevea's management do not have a share buy-back policy to support the price will leave the field open for these wolves to execute a raid on the share price. So if the sell-down eventuates, you can either sell if you still have profit and buy back later (OTB should be able to advice you on the retracement) or hold! Do NOT sell and fall into the jaws of the wolves!


2015-05-27 10:23 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds are exiting for the Chinese bourse at the moment. China's economic re-balancing is expected to be successful and if so, should boom at more than 8% per year up to 2020. If so, the spill-over effect should benefit Malaysia. So lets hope and pray that there will be no war in the South China Sea.


2015-05-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

KSL's management should start buying aggressively at the moment because it's shares are so undervalued. It doesn't take much to deter the wolves.


2015-05-27 09:00 | Report Abuse

hng33. Spot on! Exactly my conclusion. But investors' confidence were dashed by the raids on the share price by the wolves multiple times with hardly a response from KSL's management. In fact KSL's management involvement is suspected. Only until recently did KSL implement a share buy-back policy to support the price and even then, price support was not vigorously pursued. But the damage has been done and it will take time for investors' confidence to be restored. Besides, the property market is experiencing a down-turn at the moment. But KSL is still a hold. So whatever the wolves do, do NOT sell!


2015-05-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

Teoseng is a good share. Keep.


2015-05-20 21:59 | Report Abuse

I am holding on for longer term.


2015-05-19 10:38 | Report Abuse

Accumulate for longer term. Once the effect of GST is over, the consumer market is likely to rebound


2015-05-18 20:57 | Report Abuse

Yeah, also beware the overall effect of GST if applicable.


2015-05-12 12:33 | Report Abuse

Wait for the price to bottom and then buy.


2015-05-12 12:31 | Report Abuse

Cool. Don't be emotional. This is a good fundamental stock. Even if the housing market collapse, KSL still have the Malls and hotels for recurring income!


2015-05-12 12:30 | Report Abuse

But wait for the price to bottom before buying.


2015-05-12 12:28 | Report Abuse

But the Singapore dollar is up against the RM since the beginning of 2015. And Singapore is Teoseng's main market!