
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-12-04 12:43 | Report Abuse

@Nancy Tang, you ain't seen nothing yet. Go to SKPetro forum and you will find one fortunebullz. He is a schizo, masquarading others with many identities. He called people to buy SKP because he said it will gap up to 3.20, that crude prices will rise to USD200/barrel and called people to buy when SKP was 3.09 the trading day before it plunged to 2.50 and below. He is good competition for calvin for king clown of the i3 forums! He is now trying to pose as me with a nick 'upsidedown19' (mine is 119) and quoting my previous posts out of context!


2014-12-04 12:36 | Report Abuse

Yeah sherene08, keep up the good positives!


2014-12-04 12:28 | Report Abuse

raregas, upsidedown19 is fortunebullz. He is mad. He uses a nick similar to mine and quote my previous post out of context because I was one of those who expose him when he tell people to buy SKP because he said it will gap up to 3.20 and crude price will be at USD200/barrel. He also call people to buy SKP at 3.09. Now he is crazily raging! Hell has no fury like a fortunebullz scorned! HaHaHa! Please note that my nick is upsidedown119 and NOT 19!


2014-12-04 11:57 | Report Abuse

I would wait for the foreign funds to exit and selling stopped.


2014-12-04 11:56 | Report Abuse

My nick is upsidedown119, not 19. fortunebullz is going schizo again with a nick similar to mine!


2014-12-04 11:53 | Report Abuse

The sale of treasury shares means KSL will fork out more in divvy since if shares remain in Treasury, they are not entitled to divvy. So the sale of treasury shares at this stage (nearly ex-date bonus & divvy) is likely to benefit 'sweet-hearts'. But so long as they sell via the market and not outside the stock market, the market is unlikely to be offended!


2014-12-04 02:43 | Report Abuse

But my criticism that you fell short of your professed beliefs is based on clear evidence from your own postings in this forum. You do very well to read carefully my criticisms and change accordingly. You should seek help if you cannot stop yourself from impulsively condemning others without basis or provocation! Find out the cause of your innate hostility and resolve it before you really go bonkers!


2014-12-04 02:12 | Report Abuse

weicheong, believe what you like! I will not throw pearls before swines! Buddha never taught people to falsely and without being provoked, to condemn others like the devils. But Buddha taught others to 'do unto others what you want others to do unto you' - the golden rule! So by your false and baseless condemnation of others, you like others to do the same to you?! You call people 'jokers'. You want them to call you that? Even if so, I will not do that to you! You say you are a good Buddhist. Self praise is no praise and did Buddha taught you to be arrogant and praise yourself?! You boast that you are a 'good' Buddhist, so did you learn to falsely condemn others from Buddha? Is this one of the 'good' values you learnt form him? If you did not learn to falsely condemn others from Buddha, then by condemning others falsely and without provocation you proved yourself a disgrace to Buddha!


2014-12-04 01:27 | Report Abuse

Even if weicheong and shareprofit are not fortunebullz, they share the same language and same negative comdemning attitude. So likely infected by the same demons!


2014-12-04 01:20 | Report Abuse

And both you weicheong and shareprofit call others 'jokers' like fortunebullz! You have many identities, but one body and share the same demons!


2014-12-04 01:12 | Report Abuse

And you are cross-eyed like fortunebullz! My nick is upsidedown119, not 199! See?! And how do you know my conclusion that fortunebullz is schizophrenic is false? Unless you are him and is defending yourself using multiple nicks and not only confusing yourself but giving yourself away! A frog will always croak, never sing like what you tried to do in a new nick as weicheong!


2014-12-04 01:07 | Report Abuse

No, but what about your false condemnations? If you condemn people if they express opinions you don't like, are you not like the devil? No one should be condemned off-hand without any basis for expressing his opinion in good faith! I am quite sure the Devil taught you this - condemn others falsly and without grounds like fortunebullz! You, like the Devil, is fond of condemning others! If you are not fortunebullz, prove it! Why do you call people 'jokers' like him?!


2014-12-04 00:56 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz is suffering from schizophrenia - multiple identity crisis. He has transmogrified into weicheong and profitshare! HahaHa! But whatever identity he assume, they share same traits: calling people he disagree with 'jokers' and condemn others like an amok!


2014-12-04 00:49 | Report Abuse

Alpha Trader, good point!


2014-12-04 00:48 | Report Abuse

Likely your 'shareprofit' also fortunebullz. This fortune teller is known to use multiple identities, including identities to support his fortune-telling. He cannot accept that he is wrong and condemn others who prove him wrong or share views he does not like. weicheong, you sounds like you need a rest in Tanjong Rambutan like fortunebullz!


2014-12-04 00:37 | Report Abuse

Likely weicheong = fortunebullz. fortunebullz once called the forummers here 'jokers'. What a giveaway! Come on bull-fighters, bring out your swords for weicheong AKA fortunebullz! HaHaHa!


2014-12-04 00:08 | Report Abuse

RM dropping may be good for the Malaysian economy - it makes our exports more competitive! E.g. the Singaporeans is expected to buy more houses in Iskandar region of Johore! It will also be good for palm oil which is priced in the world market in USD! Etc. It is good for any Malaysian export priced in USD AND make our stock market very attractive once the new bottom for RM is reached!


2014-12-04 00:02 | Report Abuse

watchme, I believed it should be higher if the present sell-down reverses! But I am not a fortune-teller lah!


2014-12-03 23:59 | Report Abuse

Shale oil, being sweet and light (low sulfur) is a superior crude to ordinary crude like Saudi's. In fact it can even make sandstone crude from many sedimentary reservoirs uneconomical. This is because not only does it command a premuim over ordinary crude, its cost of production is still going down. And if it touches USD30/barrel and below, oil fields like those off the southern Vietnamese coast may well be discarded at fire-sale prices!


2014-12-03 23:48 | Report Abuse

Factor in the ever improving technology that reduces unit cost of production. The present hydraulic fracking technology AND effciency of drilling and extraction from shale is still being improved upon. They are not the final word in O&G technology! The US is truly a very, very innovative nation! The bottom in shale oil cost/barrel is anybody's guess now! And where does SKP stand in this world-shaking break-through?! It is still stuck with obsolete drilling technology suitable for sand-stone sedimentary rock formations in shallow to deep sea only! Still sticking to Petronas for survival. It aspires to be a world leader. But with it's present technology, it cannot even see the back of out-fits like Schlumberger! It has been off-side the world trends in O&G for a long time. Their management's vision did not foresee the shale revolution which has been THE elephant in the room for at least 5 years if not 10 years!


2014-12-03 23:28 | Report Abuse

Their guesstimate over the next two years for crude prices is a good as any fortune-teller!


2014-12-03 23:26 | Report Abuse

BTW, the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota US, have more than twice the oil in Saudi - up to 500B barrels v Saudi's 220B barrels! And there are several more Bakken-sized reservoirs in the US and many more known around the world including Australia and New Zealand! Also many more suspected but not yet discovered around the world! So what do you think of the future of crude oil price?! Also remember, the US shale oil is sweet light crude like our Tapis crude that command a premium over ordinary crude!


2014-12-03 23:19 | Report Abuse

At USD72/barrel, US shale, especially in the Bakken shale region of North Dakota will be making a margin of about 42% of the sale price. Take a read of this:


2014-12-03 22:57 | Report Abuse

ks55, I agree to condemn is easy! weicheong, I don't have to bring God here. If He is God, He is already here whether anyone brings Him or not!


2014-12-03 22:48 | Report Abuse

I have checked the KSL announcement. After bonus issue ex-date, the dividend will be adjusted to 2.5 sens per KSL shares! Read the 3rd para under remarks.


2014-12-03 22:38 | Report Abuse

Ivan Lim. That's right. Warrant only get the bonus 1:1, no divvy!


2014-12-03 22:29 | Report Abuse

Oops, it's stkoay. Typo error!


2014-12-03 21:33 | Report Abuse

SS661M, PTL! sykoay, I should have my roast turkey after all..and the roasting oven! HaHaHa!


2014-12-03 17:16 | Report Abuse

ks55, if really want to go to Heaven eventually, just confess your sins and ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour. It's that simple. I did it many years ago!


2014-12-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

stkoay, yeah. Puncak's management is not outstanding, just dependent on Petronas now!


2014-12-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

SS661M, now your chance! KSL-WA at 2.50!


2014-12-03 16:39 | Report Abuse

ks55, I agree with you that integrity of management is paramount. To keep from experiencing SKP's hell, trade the stock for it's beta. Use your charts. Buy at support for the day, sell at resistance. Cut loss fast and ruthlessly. Do not buy many lots if you are trading. Volume will accumulate with especially small trading transactions. SKP's fundamentals are now as fluid as the oil price.


2014-12-03 16:26 | Report Abuse

stkoay, sure will do if stressed!


2014-12-03 16:06 | Report Abuse

stkoay, HaHaHa! CalvinTaneng the farting colon from Singapore is at it again! He showed all the symptoms of being machochistic and is in forum for the beating. It helps him keep his life interesting and prevent him going suicidal!


2014-12-03 15:42 | Report Abuse

The syndicates are collecting mainly for the divvy and upsurge in price before and/or after the divvy and bonus. The son is partially ignored because of no divvy.


2014-12-03 15:37 | Report Abuse

The collection syndicate is basically selling from left hand to right hand. Sometimes they used salami-slicing techniques to deceive with the impression that the retailers are selling. Their target is the retailers from whom they make the main collection. Your remisiers and share-brokers may even be sharing info with them as to who are holding KSL shares, how much and average price! This way they tailor their tactics to specific targets! BTW, I do not trust my own remisier after observing mounting evidence that he/she is misleading/wrong-footing his/her own clients for his/her own benefit!


2014-12-03 15:29 | Report Abuse

KSL's price is being manipulated by some collection syndicate by the look of it!


2014-12-03 15:27 | Report Abuse

stkoay, I left Puncak because I became suspicious of the management. Integrity of management is my final red line for stocks. However I may consider going back to Puncak or KPS if valuations are much better! Tornado, thanks!


2014-12-02 17:08 | Report Abuse

May Captain stkoay don't keep the girls waiting and ends his bachelor days soon!


2014-12-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

KSL ended bullishly! Let me dedicate a suitable song for our very attrative bachelor Captain stkoay. Note: Julie Rogers the singer reminds me of some of the most beautiful Mat Salleh girls I've met when studying overseas:


2014-12-02 16:59 | Report Abuse

Keep eyes on crude prices not order-books. If crude slides, orders can be deferred, renegotiated and in worst case, cancelled! Shale oil is the name of the game now and in the future. More and more are being discovered and recovered. Economies of scale, advanced technology has reduced cost of shale from USD60 to USD40 per barrel and counting. Unit cost of shale oil (very good light sweet oil) is going down and yet to find bottom. SKP should bite the bullet: Sell off its obsolete drilling out-fit and marginal fields (yes even Petronas marginal fields) and acquire shale oil fields, hydraulic fracking and octopus drilling technology and put money into R&D. It should have read the writing on the wall 3 years ago which was there for all to see! But still not too late to start. Just my 2 sense worth.


2014-12-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

wiseeye, no one said money is not important. It's just not as important as health or family. So don't sacrifice health and family for money. Learn to know one's own bottom line. But your cut loss advice is important. Just that the newbies need to develop the discipline! Preserve one-self financially to fight another day!


2014-12-01 17:41 | Report Abuse

Thanks apini.


2014-12-01 17:21 | Report Abuse

stkoay, of course you are! High time you find someone to enhance you lah!


2014-12-01 17:06 | Report Abuse

Correction as per my post on Petronas: ..likely RM90-120B of demand being gutted out of the economy as from next year..


2014-12-01 17:03 | Report Abuse

newdesk, you are so understanding. You should find yourself a good man, get married and pass on your affable genes to your children! Society needs more of such people.


2014-12-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

And I have just made myself a cup of green tea (special from China). It's calming my nerves and keeping my mind, well optimistic!


2014-12-01 16:45 | Report Abuse

newdesk, your posts are always breath of very fresh air, loaded with ozone to clam the nerves. May God bless you!


2014-12-01 16:44 | Report Abuse

The KLSE fell because of Petronas annoncement that it will reduce CAPEX by 15-20% of its RM300B. With a conservative multiplier effect of 2, this translate to RM90-100B being gutted out of the market as from next year. The announcement by Petronas was a brutal surprise and the KLSE is just reacting. Now we shall see the Govt and Bank Negara's reaction if any!


2014-12-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

Let it go everyone, the lousy stock market is lousing up the mood. Stay calm and serene! God is still in control. Hahaha!