
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-12-01 16:33 | Report Abuse

And for me, physical health is the best wealth of this world!


2014-12-01 16:31 | Report Abuse

ks55, very wise of you to provide for your self so well. As for me, I just do my humanly best (which many times are not enough) and trust in Jesus Christ for the rest.


2014-12-01 16:08 | Report Abuse

ks55, however I still think it is good to buy a piece of agricultural land and keep one fit for farm work as a back-stop against pauperisation ala 1997/1998!


2014-12-01 16:02 | Report Abuse

ks55, noted. Very good spread of investment, especially in RMB. I also hold RMB and USD. But I only use my high risk capital for stocks in which I am still learning how to trade (like Soros). Less than a tenth of my assets is in the stock market.


2014-12-01 15:53 | Report Abuse

But there still remains the problem of the Govt's budget deficit. The gap will partially be filled by the profits it will make on petrol at pump price. Govt will also squeeze more from Petronas, even from it's cash reserves. The safest recourse is a temporary hike in taxes on corporate profits AND printing money. IN which case, RM6:1USD is not inconceivable. But China may ride to the rescue with increase in investment in infrastructure on build and manage concession basis. Afterall, RM100B is small change to them!


2014-12-01 15:38 | Report Abuse

ks55, better still, don't keep all your money in RM jurisdiction. Spread it around. Buy a piece of agricultural land just in case you have to go subsistant! Keep yourself physically fit for farm work. HaHaHa!


2014-12-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

Petronas is reported to consider cutting capex by 15-20% next year from its RM300B budget. This means RM45-60B. Given a (conservative) multiplier of 2, this means that RM90-120B of demand will be gutted from the Malaysian economy next year. Govt will have to do something otherwise economic growth will collapse into negative territory next year. Since Govt can no longer borrow, having reached it's constitutional limits of 55% of GDP, it will likely resort to pump priming the economy. Therefore, Bank Negara is likely to buy RM denominated bonds from the banks. If so, it will be good for the KLSE. The million dollar question remains: Will investors buy SKP?


2014-12-01 12:59 | Report Abuse

Congratulations Raptor!


2014-12-01 12:46 | Report Abuse

Alpha Trader, at least you admit you were wrong, although should not be too quick to admit until the facts are out and prove you so. But calvintaneng thinks that he is always right! He is another farting colon!


2014-12-01 11:15 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng has been chased out of many forums for his imbecilic and sometimes defamatory comments. He is a troll. He now roam the i3 forums with his negative comments, especially when the stock price is down. He implies that only the stocks he recommends have potential. He is another self-professed know-all!


2014-11-30 22:25 | Report Abuse

Alert: One fortunebullz is using upsidedown19 as his nick. My nick is upsidedown119 (note the 119). Fortunebullz has gone bonkers after being proven wrong in the SKPetro forum. He told people that SKP will gap up to 3.20 and that crude oil will rise to 200USD/barrel. He made a call at 3.09 just before price collapse to 2.80. Those who listened to him have been flown to holland. They really roasted him at the SKP forum. I was one of those who exposed him earlier. He has stooped to using a nick similar to mine hoping that forummers will mistaken it for mine and posting idiotic comments hoping to stigmatise me!


2014-11-30 15:35 | Report Abuse

Don't have blind faith. Keep eyes on the ball: SKP fundamentals and crude price direction.


2014-11-29 20:17 | Report Abuse

Tornado, one fortunebullz from SKP forum is using a nick similar to mine. fortunebullz = upsidedown19. But mine is upsidedown119 (note the 119). His is upsidedown19. He is trying to stigmatise me using this underhanded way. He has gone bonkers after being proved wrong in his predictions for SKP. He predicted SKP will gap up to 3.20 and made a call to buy at 3.09. He also strongly predicted that crude will rise to USD200/barrel. For this he was roasted at the SKP forum and those who bought at his suggestion are now in Holland! He cannot accept that he is wrong. I suppose he picked on me because I am too polite and did not abuse him with foul words.


2014-11-29 20:01 | Report Abuse

To all SKP forummers: Just an alert: Upsidedown19 = fortunebullz. He has gone bonkers. My nick is upsidedown119 (note the 119).


2014-11-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, if you are as good as your boasting, congratulations! I wish I am as good as you winning ALL the time. I only win some and lose some. In SEAL, I must say I was caught by the pump and dump syndicates. But hopefully I've learnt! Yeah I would like to learn from you. So please calm down!


2014-11-29 12:39 | Report Abuse

Notice to all sane forummers: My nick is upsidedown119 (note the 119). Fortunebullz = upsidedown19 (note the 19). Running amok like he is doing now is a sign of insanity. He cannot accpet the fact that he was wrong!


2014-11-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

Listen forummers, fortunebullz has gone bonkers. He is proclaiming that he is a know-all - always right, never wrong. Others always wrong, even blindly quoting himself and others out of context (a very malicious form of lying if not for his lunacy) to prove that others are wrong and he is always right. He think he is God Almighty, that he is always right, never wrong. If anyone can prove him wrong, he runs amok in the forum and becomes a disgusting, farting troll! Let's just wait for Tanjong Rambutan to collect him. There are many like him in Hospital Bahagia there who thinks others are always wrong and they themselves are always right, even by hook or by crook!


2014-11-29 12:00 | Report Abuse

ortunebullz, I was explaining to investors in KSL. I am a trader myself. Sometimes, like in KSL, I hold due to bonus issue. A trader can also be considered a temporary investor. You cannot accuse a person of lying based on a technicality! A liar is like what you did: purposely and maliciously using a nick similar to someone else's and posting his past comments out of context or put in your own crazy comments in order to stigmatise your intended victim! This deception is one of the worst forms of lying - masquerading as someone else in order to stigmatise your victim. You have gone bonkers. Your children will be ashamed of you! Even your grand children if you have any. You are unable to admit you are wrong because of your geriatric pride! Please give the forummers here a break and take a rest in Tanjong Rambutan (Hospital Bahagia in case you don't know)!


2014-11-29 00:30 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, I should have written: ..others who may have followed your advice...


2014-11-29 00:28 | Report Abuse

apini, very good advice, even for Christians. Therefore trade only with risk capital set aside for the purpose and do not go beyond one's limits.


2014-11-29 00:18 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, but others who followed your advice/bullishness lost heavily! Especially your gap-up-to-3.20 and USD200/barrel calls! Don't you have any shame or conscience?!


2014-11-29 00:12 | Report Abuse

bobbywee, it's the timing of sales recognition for the period, possibly based on project completion. The change in net profit margin is minor as compared with Q2 - Q2 35.9%; Q3 34%. It's better than Q1 29.3%. So the profit margin is intact. My expectation (barring any nasty surprises) for Q4 based on RM1B sales for FY2014 is Revenue: RM336M; net profit based on average of Q1,2&3 margin of 33% is RM121M. Total profit for FY2014 should be RM330. Any number topping RM300M should be bullish for KSL's share price. Just my 2 sense worth. But watch out for the price manipulators though and Global market conditions next year, especially the possible raising of US interest rates next year. But foreign funds already withdrawing gradually from Malaysian stock market. Possibly recession in 2015 if Govt go austerity to balance budget short-fall due to falling crude oil prices!


2014-11-28 23:29 | Report Abuse

jayrc23, have a look at this article which I just came across; also in the Edge:

It high-lighted all the points I raised in my earlier post.


2014-11-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

1007lsl, God also loves those who are in need and helpless and cannot help themselves. Humble yourself and turn to Him in Jesus Christ's name. His answer to your prayer may not always be exactly what you ask for, but will be better than what you ask for. If you are in Christ i.e. belongs to Him, He promise to hear and always to answer your prayers!


2014-11-28 22:39 | Report Abuse

cebicef, very good prayer. Pray as though everything depends on God. But trade/invest as though it depends on you. Trust and praise Him whatever the outcome (Romans 8:28). But ask God to help you evaluate to learn especially from your mistakes. God did not promise every Christian that He will prosper him/her. But God promise to provide all those who belongs to Him their everyday needs!(Psalm 37:25 and Proverbs 30:7-9). May God Almighty Jesus Christ bless you!


2014-11-28 22:30 | Report Abuse

apini, you are right. However, winning or losing is a serious matter as it involves money which put food on the table. Therefore be careful with our comments as there are newbies out there. As far as possible make sure of facts by research. Trade the trends/beta with charts and hold only good fundamental stocks for growth. But sell fast if fundamental changed to protect profit/capital or cut loss! Be ruthless in this. Beware of stock price manipulation by the proprietory traders. Love the stock BUT don't ever feel married to it!


2014-11-28 21:41 | Report Abuse

newdesk, please come back on Monday latest. We all missed you!


2014-11-28 18:12 | Report Abuse

jayrc23. And if the govt decide to go for austerity and cut budget, then be prepared for a recession!


2014-11-28 18:08 | Report Abuse

jayrc23, short term, crude likely to go down especially in the face of no action by OPEC. Longer term, you guess is as good as mine. But the experts as well as the signs are that 2015 crude price should be about USD60 on average or below USD70. The signs include RON95 pump price being managed on a float. If the govt expect the price to go up, it will not abolish subsidy for fear of electoral back-lash from the poor. But if it expect the price to go down and stay down, how it is going to balance the 2015 budget? It has already reached it's constitutionally imposed borrowing limits of 55% of GDP. Options include off-balance sheet guarantees for loans, higher taxes and more contributions from Petronas including contributions out of Petronas's reserves if any. Then Petronas may have to finance more of its RM300B capex by borrowings that are secured on its crude reserves OR cut its capex for 2015! The last option will likely be a dampener for SKP and other O&G companies dependent on Petronas!


2014-11-28 16:12 | Report Abuse

The rain is unlikely to stop until crude finds a new bottom. And don't depend on Petronas to bail out SKP. Look at the crude price and impact on SKP fundamentals!


2014-11-28 15:55 | Report Abuse

nordimohd, the marginal shale producers, like any marginal producers with high cost/unit due to lack of scale and advance technology will suffer. The main shale producers in Texas, in the so-called Petroplex there, have the economies of scale and the cost efficient technologies (octopus drilling etc) to withstand even USD40/barrel. Besides crude is traded in USD. Now a currency is actually an IOU, a lien by fiat on the economy under its jurisdiction. Not only Oil and Gas but also 70-80% of world trade is in USD. Therefore the USD is a lien over 70-80% of the world's economy. The US can therefore easily cushion the impact of lower prices on the shale producers (tax breaks, hidden subsidies etc) as it did to partially protect its steel industry. Given a price war between Saudi and US shale producers, to me the odds are in favour of US shale!


2014-11-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

Likely fortunebullz lost heavily in SKP. Last time when SKP was at 3.25, he said he needed 30 sen more to break even. So let's sympathize with him and all the others and hopefully SKP can rise from the ashes. For those who can, trade the stock. The main impact is the crude oil price which makes it harder for SKP to pay off debts. IF it is just syariah compliance, the bargain hunters will pick them all up!


2014-11-28 11:40 | Report Abuse

fortuneballzgilafan = fortunebullz! He has gone bonkers! Cannot accept that he is wrong. Just let him pass. Hopefully he will come to his senses!


2014-11-28 00:15 | Report Abuse

What a dive to the bottom this crude price! The silver lining is that cheap petrol will be easier on the pocket as well as help revive some economies, especially the developed ones like the US.


2014-11-28 00:11 | Report Abuse

They will grit their teeth and bear it. They should come to their senses if crude hits them below their belt i.e. >USD40 or thereabouts - my 2 sense worth.


2014-11-27 23:52 | Report Abuse

Brent crude prices going down very rapidly!


2014-11-27 20:13 | Report Abuse

The nick used in upsidedown19. Mine is upsidedown119.


2014-11-27 20:06 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i think I know what happened. Old fortunebullz just use a nick same as mine and copy and paste my previous posts. What an annoying trick! Hey fortunebullz, snap out of it. We win or lose some but not all the time lah! Move on with your life!


2014-11-27 20:02 | Report Abuse

Hey how come my posts months ago is now here? Sorry KSL forummers, Idon't know how they got here, especially the second one which I posted in the SEAL forum long ago.


2014-11-27 18:31 | Report Abuse

watchme, if it close at 4.72, then according to my charts, it should most likely shoot past RM5 in the next few trading days!


2014-11-27 17:38 | Report Abuse

KSL forummers, if you want a good laugh (before dinner) go to SKPetro forum now. The bull-fighters are putting fortunebullz to the swords!


2014-11-27 16:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah, a crazed bull!


2014-11-27 15:50 | Report Abuse

He thought KSL forum is a china shop, so he becomes bull-in-a-china shop. Back in SKPetro, bull-fighters are waiting for him with swords!


2014-11-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

F22Raptor, good idea. fortunebullz have already been poked from the SKPetro forum. So 'USD200 per barrel' fortunebullz has to come here for shelter and more bull!


2014-11-27 15:22 | Report Abuse

BTW shale oil from US seems to be high quality oil - light sweet crude like our Tapis crude.


2014-11-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, please go back to SKPetro forum. They are waiting with brick bats for you there for fortune-telling that oil price will rise to USD200/barrel and asking where are you. I don't want to tell them where are you are, otherwise they may come rushing here with their brick bats for you.


2014-11-27 14:47 | Report Abuse

bobbywee, shouldn't be. There was unbilled sales of RM1B. RM450 million already billed for 1st and 2nd quarters. Therefore RM550 million to go for 3rd and 4th quarters. 3Q should be at least as good as 2Q. KSL's management, as far as I know, do not manipulate the quarter results.


2014-11-27 14:43 | Report Abuse

KSL forummers, if you want to find out fortunebullz reputation, please go to SKpetro forum now.


2014-11-27 14:40 | Report Abuse

Shah Faisal, I wish I knew. But I suspect its price manipulation taking advantage of the illiquid KLSE and regulation slack. But KSL fundamentals are good and going forward, very visible and attractive.


2014-11-27 14:37 | Report Abuse

cch, I agree with you.