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2018-11-04 17:59 | Report Abuse

Dear Sslee & probability -

No need for two of you to feel pity and sorry to Tun M!

Two of his son is a billionaire because of his lopsided economy policies back then to his tenure as 4th Prime minister. And both of you still struggling making tiny profit in Bursa.

Never follow politician blindly! Be rational!

News & Blogs

2018-10-14 16:48 | Report Abuse

Better let Jon Choivo be the Finance minister or his adviser. Very good theoretically, question is why other nations (e.g Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan etc ) not confident to implement CGT ?

News & Blogs

2018-10-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, the PH government are just too stubborn and inexperience. Their policies mostly made without consultation and feedback from the public and local businessmen. Suddenly came out with the 3rd national car project, termination of mega project without negotiation etc.

Let them introduce the CGT and Bursa be the first local market to crash before other foreign stock market. See how could they rescue the market later!!

Stubbornness + Inexperience = Severe Disaster !

News & Blogs

2018-10-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

Still in opposition party mindset.. Better think of how to improve the country economy than keep attacking past leader.

News & Blogs

2018-10-12 17:10 | Report Abuse

Later sure there will be many DAP hardcore supporter come out to defend DAP empty promise with different kind of excuses.. Logic thinking should know that there is always no free lunch in the world. FREE stuff is the most expensive indeed!!


2018-10-11 22:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by Victor Yong > Oct 11, 2018 10:30 PM | Report Abuse

tax the rich is the key unlike gst where pengemis / si miskin juga perlu bayar

Not all trade /invest in Bursa a rich , just wanna make some pocket money only.

Si miskin / pengemis using public services, fair enough for everyone include pengemis to pay tax via GST.

This is not a communist country where government take away the wealth from the rich and distribute equally to all miskin.

Without the rich, who will create job opportunities? All rakyat become government servant? Feed by the government??

News & Blogs

2018-10-11 22:35 | Report Abuse

No point voice up at their Facebook, they all had already change their brain immediately after appointed as Minister.

All already become " Yes Sir" minister.


2018-10-11 22:23 | Report Abuse

Tony Pua might be a good man, but definitely a lousy inexperience & short-sighted leader.

Let see how the PH government able to save the market after CGT is implemented.

Now all trader/investors in Bursa are rich people. Most trade in Bursa just to make little pocket money only.

News & Blogs

2018-10-11 22:18 | Report Abuse

DAP supporter will just blindly support whatever policy by DAP leaders.
Bursa will definitely crash first & severely immediately after CGT is implemented.

Taiwan stock market was a real example when CGT was introduced in 1990s. Taiwan cancelled the CGT in 2013, but market remain stagnant till now.


2018-10-10 16:51 | Report Abuse

PH goverment should not punish Rakyat because of Najib & Rosmah..short-sighted

News & Blogs

2018-10-10 14:36 | Report Abuse

Rakyak being punished by PH government because of previous governmen's mistake!


2018-10-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

Income tax + Capital gain tax on tiny profit from share trading

News & Blogs

2018-10-10 14:23 | Report Abuse

Gamuda-MMC contract termination is just the beginning, Capital gain tax to squeeze all stock traders & investors will kill all of you! Hidup PH! haha..

News & Blogs

2018-10-10 14:07 | Report Abuse

Sigh.. short sighted PH government. Keep blaming the previous government and ruining the country economy,so that they can be the"Hero" in saving Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2018-10-10 13:57 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, the current new government is very short-sighted! The implementation of Capital gain tax on shares would definitely crash the market. Stock markets in our neighbors country provide a better choice for local & foreign fund.


2018-10-09 13:48 | Report Abuse

Malaysia stock market is going to crash, thanks to capital gain tax on share!!


2018-10-09 13:46 | Report Abuse
Malaysia market going to crash very soon after implementation of capital gain tax on shares!!


2018-10-09 13:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-09 13:43 | Report Abuse

Malaysia stock market sure stagnant for long long time if not crash after implementation of capital gain Tax!!


2018-10-06 12:33 | Report Abuse

@Nicholasming91; sorry boy,I had already sold out all last week. Didn't you catch it??


2018-10-06 12:30 | Report Abuse

Malaysian stock market going to crash after capital gain tax on shares implemented, Taiwan stock market in 1990 was a real example!!


2018-10-06 12:28 | Report Abuse

That's why Warren Buffet never sell his stock holding, cause once he sell it the US government will tax him like crazy


2018-10-06 12:10 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-06 12:09 | Report Abuse

Malaysian stock market going to crash after capital gain tax on shares implemented, Taiwan stock market in 1990 was a real example!!

News & Blogs

2018-10-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

Malaysia market going to crash after capital gain tax on share implemented, Taiwan stock market in 1990 was a good example!!


2018-10-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

Malaysia stock market sure crash once capital gains Tax for share implemented


2018-08-09 11:52 | Report Abuse

Decent coming QR due to Hari Raya festive mid of June !!!

News & Blogs

2018-08-03 15:12 | Report Abuse

@lotsofmoney; Obviously you don't know what is ROI, the fund size grow from RM335 billion in 2004 to RM1156 billion in 2017.

This is much much better than negative grow of Khazanah fund during Tun M 1st tenure as PM.
Renong lost RM35 billion, Silterra lost RM50 billion, MAS lost RM 12 billion, Perwaja lost RM11 billion and the list go on during TDM dictator period.

News & Blogs

2018-08-01 16:13 | Report Abuse

This is the so-called rule by law.

LGE boleh!! 1st finance minister as bookkeeper.

News & Blogs

2018-08-01 16:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.. Keep telling old story. Just report to MACC la since you got the evidence. Why make noise here???

By the way, LGE is busy with his own bungalow case where got interest to care this dinosaur story.


2018-07-18 12:09 | Report Abuse

PH is busy buying banglo at below market price. Everyone is busy looking for money as life is getting tougher, no exceptions for PH leader


2018-07-18 11:22 | Report Abuse

Brahmal Vesudevan one of the major shareholders, all his GABQRS, ucrest all up


2018-07-12 17:55 | Report Abuse

This is a company with good prospects


2018-07-06 16:22 | Report Abuse

CIMB is actually owned by Khazanah, as major shareholders


2018-07-05 16:31 | Report Abuse

Haha..angry ayam


2018-07-05 15:29 | Report Abuse

It's a trap. Those buy at high. Good luck.


2018-07-05 15:21 | Report Abuse

@Kentrade888 - Say is easier than cheap talk. Let see whether the new government can rectify the old issue related to public healthcare sector since Mahathir as 4th PM.


2018-07-05 10:42 | Report Abuse

The so-called Tabung Harapan was established by crooks for idiots to donate.
Keep telling the country having debt of RM 1 trillion ,but never tell the truth the country having RM2. 5 trillion of assets.

Only those silly people donate for PH to corrupt again like BN.


2018-06-28 10:58 | Report Abuse

For Tun M; borrowing money from other country especially China is wrong, the only right thing is to borrow from Japan.

Cynically Japan had never ever given any real technology transfer to Proton over the last 30 years under Tun M.

Between, Japan had debt/GDP of over 250% and is a sunset country yet M'sia still want get loan from Japan.

Malaysia export to China is double compared to Japan, so better be friend with China rather than Japan


2018-06-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

@abcd: please stop giving misleading information.
Comfort is in manufacturing sector not property or investment sector.
Please do your home work.

News & Blogs

2018-06-24 00:27 | Report Abuse

What LGE doing is like a doctor keep telling his patient how severe is her cancer but provides no treatment solution.

After all they are just politicians trying to gain popularity by exaggerating the national debts.


2018-06-18 13:43 | Report Abuse

From my experience working in purchasing department in government hospital, there are 2 purchasing system for medicine;

1. Approved Product Purchase List, APPL (concessionaire to Pharmaniaga)

2. Open tender (Through Bumi Agent as middle person) (
This system is for the purchase of items not being supplied by Pharmaniaga, usually for those patented expensive & imported medicine, yet rarely be used for treatment. In fact, this practice of supplied via bumi agent begun since 1990's.
So basically this issue has nothing to do with Pharmaniaga, The market was just exaggerated & over reacted.

As for APPL, honestly, Pharmaniaga does providing a fantastic job from sourcing, stocking & delivering medicine to 149 public hospital and over 2880 clinics around Malaysia (though its not 100% perfect).

This is not an easy task as most of the clinic are actually located in suburban and rural area (especially those in sabah & sarawak), where delivery of the ordered medicine to those clinic is never been an easy task without a proper delivery channel, transportation network and inventory management system PHIS (Pharmacy Information System developed by Pharmaniaga, for use in public hospital & clinic)

Bear in mind the transportation and inventory control of medicine is not the same and definitely not as easy as ordinary stuff as most of the medicine are heat sensitive which require special packaging & cold chain protection.

This logistic segment require a lot of huge capex and its profit is not as lucrative as people might think of. That is probably the reason why other pharmaceutical distributor like DKSH & Zuellig Pharma (two of the major pharmaceutical product player in local market) had actually disposed off their logistic business segment few years back and outsource the delivery segment to other transportation company. However, the quality control on delivery of special item especially the medicine would probably be compromised as it is out of reach of their control.
Whilst, Pharmaniaga stock up & deliver everything through their own logistic chain for a better control of the quality.

Should the current government is to decide to terminate the concessionaire with Pharmaniaga (last till end of 2019), its definitely not easy for other pharmaceutical company to get the bid via tender as not many company are capable or willing to provide the same supply chain from sourcing, stocking & delivering to all public hospital & clinic, as it require very huge capital to develop the supply chain.

That the reason why the APPL usually last for 10 years as to be fair to the company to get back the capital invested. Though general public might think of monopoly and corruption etc etc, especially Pharmaniaga is a GLC linked to Boustead Holding Berhad. (Just like the case of Astro monoply for pay-TV).

In fact the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society did appreciate Pharmaniaga for their effort and contribution over the 10 years.
( Having said that, we should also recognise the contribution of Pharmaniaga as they not only supply medicine, but also provide pharmacy information system for MOH and ensure pharmaceuticals are available across the country, Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society’s president said.)

Also, Pharmaniaga only supply pharmaceutical product mainly medicines to public healthcare setting, worth around RM1.36 billion yearly in total. (Make sense in comparing to Pharmaniaga quarterly & yearly revenue).

Pharmaniaga does not supply other non-pharmaceutical product like surgical and disposal items (mask, glove, needles etc etc). Over all which roughly make up to total of RM 4billion.
Hope this explain the reason behind the issue by YB Tony Pua found that the Gov is paying RM4.1 bil.

Btw, at current price of RM3.37, Pharmaniaga give a decent dividend yield of 5.6%, attractive among other local pharmaceutical player.


2018-06-02 22:25 | Report Abuse

老马过去执政22年从来都没发展公共交通,一味要国人购买Proton 或昂贵的进口车。新加坡,香港,台湾等早在35年前就有MRT。



News & Blogs

2018-06-01 09:50 | Report Abuse

mujibur the Tun M ass licking agent. Cancelled HSR, but built a useless island. Damn stupid than Najib


2018-06-01 09:44 | Report Abuse

@Sami_Value- Stop talking non-sense or better be a brainless "sami".


2018-05-26 10:54 | Report Abuse

@steve_usa In my personal opinion, PH government will invite Jack Ma, the specialist online payment system to replace MYEG system. I never doubt the rumors of raiding of MYEG office due to its closely associated with the previous BN government! Don't forget the speculation of zahid and rosmah were closely associated with MYEG Wong. It's a huge risk to buy it's shares now! What make matter worst was Wong told in the interview that TUN was invited for perbuka puasa, but Tun did not attend!

This Sohai steve_usa pls stop making baseless comments, don't talk nonsense without substances. Everything you talked were just base on speculation with your own imagination. Really Sohai.

Fortunately there are still many wise investors with logical analysis & comments with substances in this forum.


2018-05-23 10:55 | Report Abuse

@risktransformer; Enjoy your comment & analysis with substances. Those ordinary investors always react more to negative news. That's why newspaper always like to put up bad new to sell more copy to those fellow.

As an real investor, this is the golden opportunity to invest at such a low price for solid company with great businesses.

News & Blogs

2015-08-10 11:09 | Report Abuse

An emmpty can make the most noise

News & Blogs

2015-08-10 10:42 | Report Abuse

Paperplane2 u sound like certain politicians, always ask pple to leave this country..shit

News & Blogs

2015-03-31 14:43 | Report Abuse

A loser only know how to insult others in order to win the argument..but lose the respect at the end.
They keep thinking only those from rich family can succeed in their life & career. That's why they keep blaming others
because they jealous at others ppl success.

If you are good enough & hardworking enough, you can survive & prosper in anywhere without tongkat.