
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-06-09 07:19 | Report Abuse

Fuah ctea bro. Jason Donovan!!! Kikikiki :-) tqtq


2014-06-06 17:15 | Report Abuse

Itu apek apa macam sekarang? Ada Pakai gold chain jual durian tak? Kkkiki


2014-06-06 16:50 | Report Abuse

kalu Obama ada makan masa dia visit msia hari itu, sure sudah "upgrade" sebagai high klass dah :-)


2014-06-06 15:32 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro, dun play2 Shacks bro makan at high end mamak bro. Not warung type. Hehehehe or maybe he dines at JW Marriott. Hehehe


2014-06-06 14:47 | Report Abuse

rilekz.. chillax..... remember, based on past track record this counter will senyap2 move up punye.... just need to keep in the fridge and let it "marinate" and end of this year open up to cook... :-)


2014-06-06 14:39 | Report Abuse

Nescafe... du du du du... dududududooooooo..... Shacks itu satu cadangan baik. boleh dipertimbangkan. hahahaha


2014-06-06 13:22 | Report Abuse

Aiseh mane Teh tarik ni? Tesco 3in1 pon jadi lah... Kiki
Wah murtabak kambing sedAp tuh...


2014-06-06 12:49 | Report Abuse

okok nanti upgrade kasi roti telur bawang dgn kuah kari kambing.... demm... hungry already hehehe


2014-06-06 12:21 | Report Abuse

wahh... hari ini roti canai ada dahl sudah... hehehe


2014-06-05 14:16 | Report Abuse

1n1792: zoom zoom zooooom ! :-) sawisawisawi!


2014-06-05 13:10 | Report Abuse

sambal pon sambal laaa.... gasak... yumyum.. hehehe


2014-06-05 12:15 | Report Abuse

"dahl sudah habis..." " kari ayam ada?"...


2014-06-05 12:08 | Report Abuse

morning matrix bro. u also went holiday i presume :-)... good to hear some noise back.. hehehe


2014-06-05 07:50 | Report Abuse

"All aboarddddd......!" ...... "Stesen berikutnya..... KLCC....Next station.....KLCC"....


2014-06-04 16:13 | Report Abuse

a gut feel tells me that when property is in the doldrums, ECOWLD will probably be the only company still manage to sell.... maybe in Holland too if they expand to that country... :-)


2014-06-04 15:28 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, good to hear that you had a good break :-) as usual, it's never long enough hahaha OCK seems to be very stable already post pp placement set at 1.30 news. it is a good sign, as it did not drop much further. hopefully it will break new record soon. keeping fingers crossed sawisawi. ape maksud jual bulk bro?

1n1792, yahoo. hepi to see beloved PRESBHD goose back in action :-) zoom zoom zoom upup huatt ah ! :-) yeah thanks to teachers for their guidance :-) tapik them ! me still greenhorn newbie, still lots to learn :p
Wahh u added OCK just in time. as usual, u very zhun in grabbing at the perfect time before it shoots up ! I've been topping up Hovid though :-)


2014-06-04 15:14 | Report Abuse

yahooo...back in action :-) best best best...


2014-06-04 13:15 | Report Abuse

@1.84, it is actually 3.68 before the bonus issue. still an attractive price considering record was hitting 4.12 before bonus :-)


2014-06-03 17:03 | Report Abuse

upx3 bro, i think u may be right. usually will have announcements kalau ada last minute viagra macam nih..... don worry about the tower contract award bro..... the cake is big enuff for all the players to makan...


2014-06-03 17:01 | Report Abuse

Looks like many of us here are on the same jetliner(DSONIC), train(PRESBHD) and boat(OCK), kikikiki.... very good day, sawi most of them.

Siva bro, jetliner will be reaching supersonic speed very soon I hope. betul, old man sudah bangun hehehe... hopefully market sentiments will stay good this week and old man laced up a pair of Nike running shoes, start light jogging...


2014-06-03 16:50 | Report Abuse

Shacks mesti hepi nih :-) hehehe i m sure all of us are... congratz bros and sis :-)


2014-06-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

tingg. 1.48... sweet!


2014-06-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

looks like the OCK stall is very shortlived :-) moving up dy..
huat ah!


2014-06-03 13:54 | Report Abuse

hehe 1n1792, looks like i was pretty zhun eh?.. price stagnant.... but i definitely agree with you with an upside bias for OCK.

aiseh, sudah senyap this thread, i guess most of members are out to holidays - skool holiday season kicking in hehe.


2014-06-03 13:50 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, welcome back? sudah balik from cuti ke? hope u had a good break bro.

Ok, after reading in detail of the proposal, it looks like PRESBHD goose is getting ready for something like a private placement exercise. this is to enable them to raise cash swiftly without the need to convene a EGM. from the mathematics, it looks like they are looking to be getting a orang kuat to come in with up to a RM10million injection (based on the not exceeding 10% cap on new 100million share capital ) evident from the clause :

"The General Mandate will enable the Directors to take swift action for allotment of shares for any possible fund
raising activities, including but not limited to further placing of shares, for the purpose of funding future investment
project(s), working capital and/or acquisition(s) and to avoid delay and cost in convening general meetings to
approve such issue of shares."

Perhaps this also helps to reduce the cash in hand and ensure that it stays on the shariah-compliant list too. I believe on impact wise, it should not have any effect on existing shareholders (the price), as the outstanding shares are the numbers to look at. i.e. it does not dilute our holdings in anyway. I may be wrong... and feel free to correct my 2 sen understanding bros and sis.



2014-06-03 13:16 | Report Abuse

sklyte : I thought we ARE already pumping at RM2.10???... what price are u pumping at currently?? u foreigner ka?


2014-06-03 13:03 | Report Abuse

Hochimama bro, sawisawisawi :-) hehehe.

lezleslie : for adrenalin flows, u can try DSONIC goose. that one sure will give u much pleasure. jantung degup very fast punya - i guaranteee. btw i am still riding that supersonic jet. :-)

For PRESBHD goose, this one is unique. its an orient express train. slow and steady growing your wealth. the "richly valued" u say is a good yardstick for the good stuff coming in H2. If one is in it for the long term, the current volatility will be a thing of the past, once it picks up steam. sometimes PE ratio is not the be all end all yardstick to decide whether a stock is worth buying.

Gd Luck to all bros and sis and googolplex HUATx3 to your portfolios !


2014-06-02 18:00 | Report Abuse

yep Hochimama bro. rileks and ride through the volatility. like bro tewnama said before, when you least expect it, it will rise slowly... :-) before you know it, it has returned to "normal" then onward chugging to Q3 and Q4. :-) enjoy the scenery soon hehe...


2014-06-02 16:27 | Report Abuse

hehehe, steady Hochimama bro. market overall sentiment tomato... so goose holding well is a good sign. keep fingers crossed :-)


2014-05-31 15:38 | Report Abuse

Zylkron: "this girl is on fire...... This boy is on fireeeeeeee..." "Wooooooo woooo oh oh oh.... WoooooooOooooOoooo" - Alicia keys.

What a visionary management team. It's as if they already foresee the challenges coming ahead when they changed the financial year end dates earlier. Now we have the Q5 report that cannot be compared against to. The next Q1 report will be awesome. Monday price movement will be interesting to watch.


2014-05-31 15:13 | Report Abuse

Set shacks, neohts, hochimama, upx3, tewnama, bros n sis. Let's look forward to the harvest :-)


2014-05-30 22:29 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, dari pengalaman bro dgn presBHD, adakah gerakan atau pattern yg sama telah wujud dgn Teh HoR HoR HoR? , menurut tulisan uncleZ, ia akan menjadi seperti presbhd suatu hari nanti... Boleh share experience bro skit? Thx.


2014-05-30 22:19 | Report Abuse

Shacks, keep the ship steady and ignore the volatility. Reap the rewards by end of this yr...


2014-05-30 22:12 | Report Abuse

Yea hochimama bro, if out from the list we would have seen even further bleeding....but long term (at least till end of this year) should not be affected by the volatility. Just need to chill n relax.... We can see that Q2 onwards holders will be positively rewarded...


2014-05-30 19:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks upx3 bro. Sweet. Mon gasak s'more. :-)


2014-05-30 18:33 | Report Abuse

baik juga yg PRESBHD tak di keluarkan dari list shariah compliant. Tengok YTL, AAX, Padini, semua jatuh harga saham lepas di keluarkan dari list... ...


2014-05-30 18:27 | Report Abuse

yahoo ! :-) thx for the link tewnama bro.
itu 0.50 dividen = 5 sen ke 50 sen? kikikiki


2014-05-30 09:55 | Report Abuse

Kena ada kesabaran yg kuat... Itu salah satu trait yg di perlukan untuk berjaya sebagai value investor... Saya yakin dgn Teh HoR HoR dgn pelannya. Harapan semua bros n sis sini akan huatx3 googolplex dalam sedikit masa lagi. :-) Rileks dan enjoy skool break dan World Cup ya!


2014-05-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

Agree 1n1792. But it might take a bit of digesting before it fly... Skool holiday n World Cup season effect in place.

Btw PRESBHD still made it into the latest reviewed shariah compliant list. :-)


2014-05-30 09:41 | Report Abuse

Thanks Johnny cash for the infos.

Another positive news is PRESBHD is still on the shariah list. not removed. :-)


2014-05-29 22:52 | Report Abuse

Hokey bro siva... Enjoy ur trip and chillax :-). Hahaha don worry about megatron... He will be alright :p

Mitra results out. Tomorrow rasanya will gap up.

OCK pp set at 1.30. May see some pull back - chance to accumulate but may be negated by the strong 1Q results. No wonder it didn't seem to fly after the AGM/EGM Approval of BI and mainboard resolutions.....

PRESBHD hold tight2.... H2 will fly...


2014-05-29 22:43 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, lepas tengok video annual dinner mereka, nampaknya gayanya gergasi akan bangun tak lama lagi - patut lah menarik minat pelabur... hehehe


2014-05-29 22:41 | Report Abuse

Thank you klchin2 for the video :-) very positive news indeed... All the graphs seems to project upwards! I am sure all shareholders here are salivating on the prospects already kikikiki.. Aiseh no part 2 on the dance ah? Takde hot chix ke? Kikikiki


2014-05-29 22:26 | Report Abuse

Rav bro, itu banner kat atas tu, just before start of thread.... Rasanya dia auto tukar iskiskisk Cuba refresh sikit kikikiki....

Aiyoyo nampaknya ada orang marah marah... Syabas atas $$$$ yg telah di realisasi..... Jual kat top price tuh..... tak payah ler marah... Rileks la.... Tak kisah lah sama ada orang lain wanker ke tidak, janji semua hepi dgn keputusan masing2. Chillax laa bros....


2014-05-29 19:10 | Report Abuse

Fuuh dyana sofya.....tiba2 muncul kata screen...


2014-05-29 19:08 | Report Abuse

Wahh marah nampaknya. Aiseh Rileks la brader. Jangan senang Kecia hati... Tak baik untuk jantung....


2014-05-29 18:53 | Report Abuse

Hehehe. Well said tewnama bro. :-) takpelah, I chill saje.... Macam angsa DSONIC. Waterfall dua kali pon I masih pegagannya sama. Long term. :-) harap2 boleh Berjaya seperti bro tewnama tahun depan...


2014-05-29 15:56 | Report Abuse

bye bye OracleKL alphajack. good luck with uzma. hope everyone huatx3 :-)


2014-05-29 15:13 | Report Abuse

OracleKL : agreed time is money. but where would u move it to?... "lompat-lompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga" --> isn't it better to invest long term ?... quote uncleZ "Invest for long term is much more comforting and relax"

bros and sis, if you read between the lines, of the press release, you should be comforted to know that it is still >30% PAT despite the soft performance of 1Q and maintaining a healthy cash position of RM72million.

I am waiting to enjoy the scenery , 26 June 2014. how about you bros and sis?...


2014-05-29 10:24 | Report Abuse

rileks......rileks.... pergi minum kopi/teh kejap..