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2014-05-16 07:28 | Report Abuse

@100m height, the air breeze up here is cool, and the view is amazing..... manage to catch dawn breaking... The feeling? Ecstatic!

OCK may your share price googolplex to this and greater heights by end of this yr....

Gd luck n may your investments googolplex bros n sis!

Over n out. Roger roger.


2014-05-16 00:13 | Report Abuse

Betul tewnama bro. Mungkin uncleZ tengah bagi isi tersirat sekali lagi.

Waterlilly0, u may be on to something with that guess. But to make things clear, google are more like end user consumer based solutions and products, while OCK is the other end of the spectrum i.e building the infrastructure that enables those solutions n products be delivered to consumers. Think how water (since we were affected by the painful water rationing, n yes I am bitter still) is delivered to our houses. Googol would produce the diamond/bacfree/ion/etc water filters n enhancers while OCK builds the essential hydroelectric dams, pipes, reservoirs needed for smooth flow of water. :-)

Who knows perhaps googol aspire to be a e2e player and take up the remaining 10% private placement of OCK? - hehe just my thoughts ya.

Huat Googolplex brews!


2014-05-15 20:53 | Report Abuse

Asam bro, u also felt the pain leh? No water susah wooo. Worse than no electricity. Talking about that wonder if I can get OCK to install solar panel on my house. Self sustainable. Tanam sawi can eat green vege everyday. Hahaha. Btw I wonder what's uncleZ message on his latest posting. I like the looks of the breakfast spread yum yum! Invest in US market? it's mind blowing just one google counter equal more than half of whole KLSE cap. Wow.

Thank u Chinesetea bro on MITRA FA :-) South Africa. Play golf. Beautiful countryside. Awesome.

Here's wishing all bros n sis good health n may your value investing wealth Maximus Googolplex!!


2014-05-15 15:09 | Report Abuse

chinesetea bro, danke :-)

matrix6050 bro, yes sir!, i will snap a selfie as a memento :p kenot climb any higher lah, usually the tallest fabricated tower for telco is 100m (which is about 300ft mind you) :p maybe i can put in a request to Sam to fabricate one "special" one to commemorate main board listing :-) kikikikikik


2014-05-15 13:11 | Report Abuse

ex-date for scenery (dividen) ? :-) possibly a higher dividend in-store this time :-).... rileks and enjoy the ride bros and sis !


2014-05-15 10:06 | Report Abuse

bro asamlaksa, sensitive la the word, kenot simply use the word "keep the tap running" ok? ppl like me kena water rationing punya hidup susah wooooo.. boo hoo... every drip of water is precious. sensitif2 kekekekeke ( on a serious note, can u imagine if the water rationing is still on when i kena stomach virus? = jia lat)

tomorow morning i will go climb a telco tower just to feel the breeze up high in the air at 100m. will it feel like OCK's share price later this yr? you bet.

HUAT AR bros n sis !


2014-05-14 18:15 | Report Abuse

yaaaaaaHOOoOoooooOo !!!


2014-05-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, terima kasih dgn baik pinya news OCK. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

chinesetea bro, yalor, easy isn't it? my proposal to PRESBHD. spend more = give more dividend = happIER share holders = syariah compliant = win win.

i am drooling oredi with the prospects of our angsa2 tersayang... kekekekeke wow. what a magnificent month of MAY 2014 !


2014-05-14 17:38 | Report Abuse

thanks Waterlily0 for your sharing. Yea, really felt like the "dark ages & plague" period at home. all stayed home. no going to the mall. quarantine ourselves at home. eat miserable food porridge/bread no fried stuff no oily stuff. really so cham lah hahaha. Yep. u can try ask the rest, they will all tell you that they are very young. including myself. :p

thanks bro chinesetea. Coastal looks to become yummy soon. enticing. I remember the last time SPSETIA kena removed from the list wah, its share price lausai until today kenot climb back up (of coz got other reasons too). looks like its set to be included back in the list, tapi whether got oomph bo since TS left.

interestingly, PRESBHD in in the possible exclusion risk. bro ctea, what does it mean by "trips over the cash hurdle". is this the reason that cause it to be under the risk of exclusion? too much cash? maybe suggest them to give it out more as dividend to shareholders instead? win-win mar - syariah compliant + happy shareholders. kikiki


2014-05-14 16:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks Waterlily0, indeed feeling better today oredi. I keep washing my hands so frequently that the jari-jari berkedut2 oredi (think after swimming too long in the pool). this stomach virus very easy contagious, so have to be extra clean hahaha. btw i am sure all of us here are YOUNG - indiscriminate whether young at heart or young at mind :p just enjoy yourself in this relaxing lounge as described by the "forefathers" here kikikiki

1n1792, wah timecom also zoom zoom wor. I guess DSONIC jatuh sebab ex-date today. yay ! dividen on the way yahoo! its also good to see angsa tersayang PRESB sembuh kembali. hahaha both angsa also gone through cedera period. whats next? - usually after fall, will climb back HIGHER isn't it? :-) Gd Luck bros n sis.... HUAT AR !


2014-05-14 10:52 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, Siva bro, today at last can eat sawi siu pak choy dy :-) kekeke

aiseh, bros and sis, haven't been posting past days, been having a lausai week+end - badan sudah koyak oredi - exhausted and dehydrated. kena itu virus perut. wah memang hidup susah satu minggu. tapi tengok angsa2 tersayang hari ini, memang best, semua hijau belaka.

wow, ECOWLD RM8 from CIMB, i noticed, that hasn't included the latest Sydney deal in calculation wor. correct me if i am wrong.

TQ uncleZ for the latest post. relieved all the jittery nerves :-)


2014-05-12 11:59 | Report Abuse

Huat ARRR! Ong lai liow! Yippieeee!!


2014-05-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

hhhhhHHHuaTT ARR! triple booster. Yahoo!


2014-05-09 17:04 | Report Abuse

Thanks chinesetea bro. Aiseh I missed NAiM boat :-( couldn't decide whether to commit or not haha.
Perhaps the percetakan nasional is also on the card for DGoose. But TS SM also in the running tho. Hehe.


2014-05-09 16:06 | Report Abuse

its probably those holders who average around this price all seeing it as a door to "get out" and make sikit profit.


2014-05-09 12:49 | Report Abuse

Pavilion sudah jadi sifu nampaknya :-) bless you for your honest and unwavering sharing bro. :-)


2014-05-09 12:45 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa bro, possibly the petrol card thingy?.... looks like after noon must be some announcement coming out, surely end of today got co. announcement (they kinda set a precedent to announce good news every Friday after closing)kekeke..

aiseh, i baru changed my IC. paid RM10 the other day... looks like gotta go visit JPN again soon hahaha if goose back in action like the same ol days, i go change IC multiple times also no hal :-) kikikiki

Gd luck and HUAT ar bros n sis ! selesa hati tengok angsa tersayang terbang sekali lagi.. :-)

zoom zoom zoOOoOom up up and away !


2014-05-09 12:35 | Report Abuse

fly angsa tersayang... :-) mmuacksss !


2014-05-09 12:26 | Report Abuse

yahOOoOoOo..... wah lau, looks like my half baked TA analysis boleh pakai wor.... DSONIC nampak macam back in action ! yippiee !


2014-05-09 08:49 | Report Abuse

Asamlaksa bro, oic, thanks for the tips. I wonder if they transform (alamak sensitif word) and combine together, it = operator/shark ?

Ok bro Siva. Steady. Ada chance makan sawi/siu pak choi soon. Tapi I tot tomato more expensive than sawi? Kikikiki


2014-05-08 19:55 | Report Abuse

Asamlaksa bro, Kekekeke Nazri kaki goreng.... Wahh means he must be managing a HUGE portfolio to be able to goreng counters as he wish hehe.

Tewnama bro, betul lah, hati rasa selesa lepas baca post bro.

Siva bro, if 1n1792 says u spot on, it means spot on :-)

Bros n sis, based on my half baked TA (still learning n a long long way to go), looks like our DSONIC tersayang today formed a doji. Looks like what bro chinesetea predict may be coming very soon. Hope it flies the right direction. Kikikiki.


2014-05-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

bros n sis, look at it on the bright side, every 2sen dividen = 4sen post split :-)

cheer up and stay calm bros and sis. It is indeed the lacklustre month of May to " sell and go away.... ." those yg tak boleh tahan dan ada komitmen, pls go ahead and do the right thing. there is no wrong or right decision. its your conscience that needs to be clear.


2014-05-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa bro, kikiki u jahat lar, u dun likey but u postey... :p later u confuse our readers - like how tewnama bro got konpiused :p

asamlaksa bro, wah MAGNI and PRLEXUS really is World Cup stock woooOo... :-) ok bro do buzz us when its time to jiao nasi sejuk ya. danke.

invest1818 bro huatx3 bigbig oredi with latitude. congratz bro ! huat dalam bulan Mei. power. btw wonder if there is another stock called longitude? then we can mark X where they cross - marking the sweet spot :-) kekekeke


2014-05-07 18:42 | Report Abuse

Bro ctea in addition they will stay up late so TNB bill also will soar (a/c, lights, microwave, fridge (open close too often). ASTRO subscription possibly spike.

I bet Dr. Nazri is using either a Maxis or Celcom mobile phone line. Kikikiki


2014-05-07 18:30 | Report Abuse

Thx chinesetea bro. Good charts to keep in mind. Am keeping vigilant. Keeping fingers crossed our geese will fly the right direction. :-)


2014-05-07 17:57 | Report Abuse

ctea, Siva bro, one thing for sure, seems like month of May also equals quiet forum - possibly because many ppl cash out (sell in may) and preparing for skool holidays and world cup.

bro ctea, Latitude related to world cup bcuz bookies need new furniture to set up their operations? kekekeke

If TM, Digi is on the list, timecom too... why is Maxis, Celcom, Umob not on the list huh? kikikiki


2014-05-07 15:58 | Report Abuse

funitec brew, what was the dividend history that u made 5%?


2014-05-07 13:30 | Report Abuse

Hochimama bro, u hold Gadang? ada potential ka itu kaunter?


2014-05-07 12:49 | Report Abuse

betul lah tewnama bro. saya pon pernah mengalami perasaan yg sama. kaunter ini memang magik sikit. karakternye special.

upx3 bro, i think the selling pressure is a result of the "small cap crash" "shockwave" that is lingering around which i believe should be a temporary blip. a lot of semut thinking "sell now, buy back later when lower price"


2014-05-07 10:12 | Report Abuse

Macam roger federa punya style nangis cukup lah... Beli balik cepat2


2014-05-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

Steady bros n sis. Keep calm....


2014-05-07 10:00 | Report Abuse

Ok thanks 1n1792. Yep keeping a close watch on buying opp.
Bro invest1818, spot on for your latitude. :-)


2014-05-07 07:08 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, concur with your strategy change. Let's see what today brings. DJI drop. Markets yo yo ing. Opportunities arising.


2014-05-06 17:35 | Report Abuse

Siva bro apa khabar? busy meeting week sudah over ka?
OCK steady and stable. DSONIC looks like will surprise loyal holders with something this wk. PRESHBHD cantik, maintain its course steadily. Ho Ho Ho missed the boat to top up - eyeing sharp2 if correction happens again. ECOWLD must be brewing something, TS very pandai to give surprise.

Hopefully the "small cap crash" is over and at least stay stable...


2014-05-06 17:23 | Report Abuse

yea Hochimama bro. :-) just do nothing for the moment..... rileks ..


2014-05-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

ya angsa tersayang ini berbeza dgn angsa supersonic - dua2 memang ada karakternya tersendiri...
angsa PRESBHD ada ciri-ciri "matang" dan steady.... manakala angsa DSONIC mempunyai ciri2 GenY yg suka "cabaran" dan agak volatile...


2014-05-06 15:11 | Report Abuse

hokay pavillion bro. noted.

operator macam ada dekat IRIS je... hehehe


2014-05-06 13:29 | Report Abuse

steady bros and sis.....


2014-05-06 13:14 | Report Abuse

operator tengah berehat..... tgk volume, rendah...


2014-05-06 11:42 | Report Abuse

healthy forumers discussing good topics :-)
btw bros, who is cold eye aka Foh Siling?


2014-05-06 10:21 | Report Abuse

Pavilion bro apa khabar? all set for World Cup dy? so news this week will be Friday i am guessing :-)..


2014-05-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

and it doesn't help that its month of May ++ news adding salt to the wound:


steady bros n sis. :-) jgn jual masa tomato - rugi besaq sepertimana kata bro tewnama.


2014-05-06 09:46 | Report Abuse

Steady now value investors.... Jgn goyang. I pun sudah dapat shares bonus issue dalam akaun. Best.

Rasa rasanya psikologi manusia yg tgh bermain. Semut nampak masuk terus buang. Sayang.


2014-05-06 09:20 | Report Abuse

Ok roger that bro asamlaksa. Targets set. :-) doing nothing is the hardest thing to do Kekekekeke


2014-05-05 23:58 | Report Abuse

Yg online nominee trading acct biasanya lambat sikit... Tak perlu bimbang, pasti akan masuk punye. Yg perlu ialah sabar dan tabah menghadapi perjalanan tak kira apa jua halangan yg mungkin di temui- ianya boleh ditempuhi. Bulan mei pun bulan mei lah.... Mei dlm bahasa cine rhyme dgn maksud beautiful, cantik - pemandangan cantik menanti :-)


2014-05-05 19:00 | Report Abuse

Bro azizul, besok sepatutnya akan nampak.


2014-05-05 18:35 | Report Abuse

"Sell in May and go away?"


2014-05-05 18:34 | Report Abuse

bro zlyc, betui betui. 4D jackpot baru ada daging.