
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-05-05 18:33 | Report Abuse

bro asamlaksa - "Sell in May and go away" .
Question:- when to come back?


2014-05-05 18:08 | Report Abuse

LOL bro tewnama. betul. Hong Kong TV akan ada skrip drama cerita yg hebat...


2014-05-05 18:06 | Report Abuse

oops sori bro. judi itu adalah haram di sisi agama islam.

ibox itu adalah salah satu opsyen untuk "pau" nombor ekor supaya masih boleh "kena nombor" walaupun buka tidak dalam turutan.



2014-05-05 18:02 | Report Abuse

wah ini boleh dikirakan sebagai PhD ultimate basher nih... memang power.


2014-05-05 17:54 | Report Abuse

(clap clap clap) yay!


2014-05-05 17:52 | Report Abuse

aiseh, bros and sis, don la so serious. if you watched Star Wars, it was just a moment to signify father-son relationship.

relax and take it easy..... let's give TS a chance and do his magic... it will be a beautiful show coming soon.

chillax ...


2014-05-05 17:38 | Report Abuse

the real great wall also cracked what.... there is a role called Repair & Maintenance. The R&M dept will fix cracks mer...

i wonder besok ada show tak?... anyway, i am enjoying the train ride... sipping my tesco 3in1 TT waiting for the next beautiful scenery :-)


2014-05-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

up_up_up ... itu... satu.... suggestion yang bagus !

ibox kasi pau semua. (murah juga, tiga nombor saje) :p


2014-05-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

(Imperial March theme song from Star Wars)....... "TIan Xiong, I am your father...." :-



2014-05-05 17:12 | Report Abuse

kikikiki bro tewnama, rileks. kita cool je, semut yg lain2 tuh yg tension tiap2 hari tuh mesti goyah kalu nampak bro tewnama (sifu long term) tulis kontra - mesti habis konfuse giler.

bro neohts and up_up_up, TP 1.72 and OCK counter number 0172 - coincident? :-)


2014-05-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

TP cantekk. aiseh, Below jual lagi..... apebenda dgn typo2 nih... nak mengkonfusekan semua pembaca ke? main reverse psikologi ke nih.. kekeke


2014-05-05 16:39 | Report Abuse

C-4 nak meletupkan batu ya? akakakakak


2014-05-05 16:34 | Report Abuse

nanti forumer seperti neoh akan naik berang - no contra players allowed !.... speaking of which, neoh bro masih ada pegang OCK tak?..


2014-05-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, kontra ke kontrak ? - sensitif nih perkataan hilang satu k... kikikik


2014-05-05 16:29 | Report Abuse

eh eh... ya betul.. OCK steadyyy :-) PRESBhd juga :-)


2014-05-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

hormat.. zoom selalu praypray dan minta izin sebelum masuk hutan punya... :-)


2014-05-05 16:20 | Report Abuse

no wonder. it is a great time to pick up bargains. kuci mayo all selling dogged by "poor" market sentiment.


2014-05-05 16:17 | Report Abuse

fuuh. bro tewnama memang kenal banyak Dato2 nih :-)


2014-05-05 15:59 | Report Abuse

Wah Hari ini nampaknya macam almost tomato satu bursa .... Mesti Mau Kuat dan tabah ikut nasihat bro tewnama.
Bros n sis steady semua....

Ok Siva bro -is that a good sign? Transformers active.


2014-05-05 11:47 | Report Abuse

setuju bro tewnama. memang sunyi sepi thread ini sudah ... mungkin sebab bulan Mei...


2014-05-05 10:56 | Report Abuse

best bro tewnama :-)... (clap clap clap)


2014-05-05 10:52 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, memang hangover lah Friday night. weekend tadak masanak login sebab spending time with loved ones :-)I think PRES can tambah when it has correction. - actually anytime also can tambah bro - beautiful scenery coming soon. DS just simmering waiting to blockbuster show.
aiks, wahh main Hovid-WB ka? why not mother Hovid? OCK awaken dy.


2014-05-02 00:00 | Report Abuse

Entahlah, hari itu zoom kira kira kira, dapat DY 6.9% post bonus issue..... Kalau tgk jangka lama memang potensi besar sykt ini. Tren yg steady perjalanan walaupun pasaran jatuh mendadak Hari isnin dan selasa lepas. Ada sedar tak? Jangan lupa juga pemandangan indah sepanjang perjalanan (dividen)...


2014-05-01 23:44 | Report Abuse

Salam bro tewnama. Saya setuju dgn pendapat dan nasihat bro. Memang ada sikit sakit hati melihat angsa2 tersayang cedera dan luka, tapi zoom sabar dan optimis yg keadaan negatif pasaran adalah sementara dan ia diperlukan untuk membuka peluang untuk mencapai tertinggi lagi. Saya percaya dgn pesanan uncleZ. Harap2 zoom dan bros dan sis sekalian akan dapat menikmati durian runtuh akhir tahun nanti. :-) nampaknya memang ada surprise pada hepi bday zoom - pasaran Amerika catat reload tertinggi DJI. Kekeke


2014-04-30 11:52 | Report Abuse

khabar baik bro tewnama. dua hari lepas kena hadir convention. so tak dapat nak check forum dan pasaran. (blessing in disguise - tak ada degup jantung tengok pasaran tomato) kekeke


2014-04-30 11:49 | Report Abuse

patut la semua tomato dua hari ini...

post terbaru uncleZ:



2014-04-28 17:38 | Report Abuse

Cantik bro tewnama. Zoom hepi dgn performance Prestariang. Riang Ria zoom :-)

Bro minat dgn stiker panini ke? Wahh Nama ini sudah lama dalam pasaran :-)


2014-04-28 17:29 | Report Abuse

(Clap clap clap) yahoo... Steady :-).

Aiseh eco wayang sekejap je hari ini :-(


2014-04-28 09:24 | Report Abuse

spot on bro 蓝庆翰.
onglai liow.


2014-04-28 09:05 | Report Abuse

zoomboom Alamak. Today no water. Dammit. Only can bring one water container on my Rolex basikal:-(.

Anyway bros n sis, Huaatt arr !


2014-04-28 07:06 | Report Abuse

Good morning bro tonylim. Was busy all day with family yday - didn't had chance to login....:-)

What's the market outlook for today bro? What's your view on dsonic?


2014-04-26 04:34 | Report Abuse

Matrix, are u the son of the golfer? :-)

Bro tewnama, congratZ on spot on joining the Ho Ho Ho train :-) another best ride awaits :-)
takpe bro. Sabtu Ahad rest bagus. Bagi masa untuk investors reflect n chillax sikit. Sekarang I pon dah mabuk Teh... Tesco TT 3dalam1, Teh Ceylon dan Teh herba Hovid Ho Yan HoR. Pre-celebration ... Best!

Harap2 ombak angsa tersayang DSONIC akan reda sudah dan bergerak kepada target MyVi bro :-)

Have a great weekend ahead bros n sis.
Remember to sayang your loves ones!


2014-04-25 18:46 | Report Abuse

okok kapten asam ! will do. (hopefully will be sober after 3 nights of pre-celebration) - sober fro tea overdose that is... kekekeke

bro asamlaksa memang busy. playing golf? :p


2014-04-25 18:41 | Report Abuse

bro asamlaksa wrong. triple booster. DSONIC. ECOWLD. HOVID.


pre-celebration starts tonight... yahOOoOOOooo !

hhuat arrr!


2014-04-25 16:18 | Report Abuse

redwed: i naik basikal - kontena takde. water container ada lah. (harap2 Monday dan Tues ada water supply) boleh muat 3 (2 tepi 1 depan) atas basikal Rolex saya.

wah klse88 dan bro tewnama, 13. itu nombor ong untuk orang cina O.

18 lagi best.


2014-04-25 13:48 | Report Abuse

bro asamlaksa, (gulp gulp gulp) (eyes in disbelief).... dis weekend we pre-celebrate with Ho Ho Ho.... must cool down body to get ready for the hot hiong run next week.

wah lau eh, optimus standby 7 lori. kasi sai lang semua on monday. takpe lah, zoom naik basikal je. belum ada duit nak test drive proton saga pon... sigh..


2014-04-25 13:06 | Report Abuse

bro Syimgoku, even if price is stagnant, during the Orient Express train journey, don't forget to look at the scenery (dividend)...


2014-04-25 12:54 | Report Abuse

WOW looks like the jentera (machinery) is in full gear :-) :


yahooo. split.


2014-04-25 12:07 | Report Abuse

cayalah up_up_up dan bro tewnama. mai kita pegang kuat2 angsa tersayang ni. sampai hujung tahun nanti, mesti hepi :-) set?


2014-04-25 10:55 | Report Abuse

ni mesti semut2 yg sudah hilang sabar... kasi lepas dan lompat...


2014-04-24 19:00 | Report Abuse

bro redwed, berlari bersama Optimus1 best tak? ada untung berapa lori?


2014-04-24 17:12 | Report Abuse

ha! ha! ha!... ha! ha! ha!... (pppputt lausai) sorry, just couldn't help myself.

bro chinesetea, u banyak jahat ler... really emfongkor ngo. :p
bro asamlaksa... yeah dude. TS SM very diff indeed. dun playpray...


2014-04-24 16:40 | Report Abuse

ape pulak waterfall tiba tiba nih.... ?..... jom kita pergi chilling ... :-)


2014-04-24 16:28 | Report Abuse

thank you uncleZ. sorry, I didn't mean to reveal your typo error. I was really thinking if you were trying to give another isi tersirat :-)


2014-04-24 15:38 | Report Abuse

welcome bek bro ctea. :-) many of us miss u O...


2014-04-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

fuiyoh, take a look at the few announcements before the suspension request. ECO is on a shopping spree acquiring so many companies. very good news coming indeed. Monday will be flying sky high. bros n sis, hold tight and reap the rewards ! yahooooooOOOooo!


2014-04-24 15:29 | Report Abuse

wah lau eh.... really surprise for my hepi bday paaarty :-) thanks bro asamlaksa - looks like you were indeed not joking when u said RM6. :p matrix bro, u pandai lah read bro asam's isi tersirat.

Bro tewnama : habis habis habis.. sailang duit beli ECOWLD kot?
cepat ler beritahu... buat kita semua suspen dgn suspendnya....