
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-04-08 16:29 | Report Abuse

"gotta get get... gotta getget... gotta get get get get.... Boomx3, Boomx3....."


2014-04-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

oredi no bullet ler bro asam. all in oredi :p


2014-04-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

bro asam, looks like SM again hack this thread lah. kenot open back show more comments. remember I posted kenot open this thread... sigh... again trying to limit our jeritan? kekeke

bro trader, anda ok? harap sudah makan tgh hari tadi. :-) ini adalah signal bagus. ingat, pegang long term.


2014-04-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

huhuhu bro asam, bro tewnama, saya pun ada jerit ma :p - dragon puff and awaken oredi!

YahoOOoOOoOooo..... ONG LAI liow !


2014-04-08 13:50 | Report Abuse

helo bro trader, ya baru habis makan tadi. bagaimana dgn anda? memang betul, dalam gelanggang saham, biasanye psikologi is at play. janji kita bukan sebahagian drp "kawanan" (herd) mentality, kita boleh meningkatkan peratusan sukses untuk berjaya...

modal banyak atau sikit sebenarnye adalah persepsi setiap individu. yg penting ialah mendapatkan ilmu untuk membesarkan modal dalam jangkamasa panjang.

wisdom from the words:
"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

jangan sesekali beli saham menggunakan pinjaman, walau bagaimana tepat "tips" yg di beri. "tips" pula janganlah ikut buta tuli. kena buat kerja rumah dan sah kan dengan sendiri...

semoga anda berjaya dalam pelaburan anda bro. :-)


2014-04-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

yummy coffee taste.... brewing.... must make sure the aroma is perfect....


2014-04-08 12:05 | Report Abuse

bro tradermentah, sepertimana kamu kata, jangan putus asa. biar modal membesar dengan masa. as bro tewnama always say, jangan katak lompat. pegang long term. kita jumpe di stesen 5, 6, 7 dan seterusnya...


2014-04-08 11:56 | Report Abuse

Wow. Just following this thread these 2 weeks can see a full circle of diff types of forumers. from euphoric to doom, and back to happy days. ada yg sampai call IR officer for info. memang best tengok wayang ni.

steady now my goosie goose angsa tersayang... flight hit some pretty nasty turbulence, but its now back on its flight path.


2014-04-08 11:15 | Report Abuse

Ong Lai liow :-)


2014-04-08 10:28 | Report Abuse

bro invest, apa macam outlook for glove counters?...


2014-04-08 10:06 | Report Abuse

Chrollo, I agree with you on bro chinesetea, he has shown professional behaviour and no nonsense. I remembered you dabble into CA and your friend got burned. u managed to get out right?


2014-04-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

Choreography cantik.... Macam CMSB buat.... cayalah mgmt PRESBHD.


2014-04-08 09:45 | Report Abuse



2014-04-07 23:11 | Report Abuse

Did I hear u say "Premium Platinum Exclusive", bro chinesetea? :-)

The Eco dragon puffs... Awakening.


2014-04-07 23:05 | Report Abuse

Thx cherry tomato. When will election start?


2014-04-07 19:34 | Report Abuse

Brews good news flowing in

Another good news...

Go go DSONIC. steady nowww goosie goose... Sayang...


2014-04-07 17:49 | Report Abuse

Awesome PRESBHD memang steady... Takde kacau. I think if all ants combined also kenot move share price bro. Institutional play. Can see the "roadblock" set up at upper n lower tradin limits hehe. Need to be patient...


2014-04-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

cherry tomato : why is it so?.....


2014-04-07 17:11 | Report Abuse

wah, last min interest surge...


2014-04-07 17:10 | Report Abuse

showing some signs.. :-) ....
ong lai ... ong lai.. kekeke


2014-04-07 17:09 | Report Abuse

yahooo.... ong lai ong lai...


2014-04-07 16:51 | Report Abuse

bro chinesetea, i am fortunate that I have not experienced neither the black money scam nor the change notes end up get less scam. :-) these are pros, conman that performs robbery without u knowing it !

must stay away from Sunway area kekeke.


2014-04-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

just worried if the cold hard cash u may be holding from the bizman suddenly turned black color :-) kekeke

Chillax brew's !


2014-04-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

bracoli: got me ROTFLOL... i alwaays thought u wanted to portray broccoli - what a huge difference ! hahaha


2014-04-07 07:44 | Report Abuse

Bro mbge7clt, your analysis makes sense. In addition, by doing it, they now get to collect more mother share below their CA exercise price of 3.72.


2014-04-07 00:31 | Report Abuse

Thx bro asam. Not really la. Sleeping like a pig kekekeke

Just trying to make sense of all the crazy thing happening...

Bro tewnama juga ya...


2014-04-07 00:03 | Report Abuse

Terima kasih bro tewnama atas pendapat dan sharing pengalaman bro. Sudah ada rasa yakin selepas membaca post bro. Thx again.

Bro asamlaksa, in your earlier post, u said it was insider and they have reduced their controlling stake from80% to 45%. Are these major shareholders?


2014-04-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

if you listen intently, I may be wrong, but I think uncleZ is trying to tell everyone to stay calm. I think the song' soothing melody is full of advice already...

Just my 2sen...


2014-04-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

This is starting to sound like pasar aunty and uncle speculation forum dy... Sigh...


2014-04-06 15:12 | Report Abuse

Hokay bro kcsc... Will keep a lookout for your cheer :-). Gd luck 2u too wherever u may be parking ur money next. Huattx3 for u bro.

Bro Pavillion, my head oredi dizzy and started puking, poor Deda Freenet forum become junkyard overnight... Thank god I spent good quality time with family to keep me sane. Awesome bro on your plans to Brazil to catch the World Cup bringing your FAMILY along - kudos! :-)

To all brew's out there, gd luck and wish u the best for whichever decision u may come to on Monday. I believe there is no right or wrong. Too many analyses (whether substantiated or not/pure rubbish/pure speculation/really good TA,FA, etc) over the past couple of days to digest. Go with your gut feel. It's your money. You take charge. I believe in another word of wisdom : " you do not deserve to be rich if you can't manage your own money"

Just my teenie weenie 2sen...


2014-04-06 10:14 | Report Abuse

kcsc: congrats on your windfall. Nobody accompany me to 7.50 oredi :-(.... Anyway yam Seng to you bro !

Bro Pavillion, TQ for bringing back some sanity to this thread.

Brew's please go spend quality time with your loved ones ... It's the weekend u know...


2014-04-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

That was similar to what was going through my head. Thx for sharing bro chinesetea. I know what to do on Monday. :-) kekekek


2014-04-05 12:38 | Report Abuse

Bro Siva68, let's bring those "equipments" and perform the rituals at PNMB office. Hopefully can get a sign. :-)

Chillax brew's. Enjoy your weekend !


2014-04-05 12:26 | Report Abuse

Steelheart: well said. :-
"Imagine if you have end stage cancer? Then you will appreciate life. By that time, earning money not important anymore. All of us are too blinded by money. Life and family is the most important thing in our life. Appreciate that!"

Bros n sis' pls spend quality time with your loved ones. It's the weekend!


2014-04-04 18:04 | Report Abuse

bro asamlaksa, bro chinesetea, this is why you bro's are the real sifus:

Quote uncleZ :
"And, I would like to add this - Stock expert does not come out during bull market. The real stock expert is the one that stay true to his or her investment principle during bad time and good time. How many of us is really one?"

and your honest take on situations and subsequent advice really earns my respect. salute! kapten asamlaksa and Nigerian Fund manager :-)

It is at times like this, I always find wisdom every time i read & re-read uncleZ's posts. While licking my wounds and healing from the waterfall share price today in DSONIC (well I am still in +ve territory, pants still intact), my beliefs are starting to gain clarity and growing confidence in investing. I hope to build the low base like what you guys are sitting on now, so that storms like DSONIC today is still far away from touching the initial capital.


2014-04-04 15:20 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, takde hebat ler... jari telunjuk i gatal... takutt tak sempat beli lagi lepas stesen no.4... sekarang sudah selesai. harap2 akan berjalan lancar ... peti sejuk sudah penuh. :-) hehehe


2014-04-04 15:13 | Report Abuse

Thanks bro chinesetea.
is the price now stable? or is there a chance it will retrace a bit more? - basically asking the broken record question "boleh beli now?" kekeke


2014-04-04 15:01 | Report Abuse

yippie. rezeki dapat. tambah 5 bijik pagi tadi kekeke.


2014-04-04 14:59 | Report Abuse

" I know you" bro chinesetea. :-) I am sure many relieved to see your post.
how many lots u manage to cheong? :-)...


2014-04-04 13:54 | Report Abuse

pinpin, looks like both mother and son went to JB instead...:-(.


2014-04-04 13:37 | Report Abuse

abba12: r u a reincarnation of tanwee?


2014-04-04 12:47 | Report Abuse

welcome and its good to read your post and having your first virgin post here acks2257 :-)

brew's remember to stay focused, stay calm to weather the storm. (remember uncleZ said something about a storm? this might be the mini one..) I believe what is happening is a healthy correction to slow down the price movement and remove the speculative players - also to save them from jumping off buildings and such.

like what uncleZ shared before, UMA is a good thing and I also believe, the same for the recent warning and the "potential" designated counter "threat". this will ensure ppl do not buy on margin and loans from ah long and such, as they will get into really deep2 sh** - MCA Michael Chong also kenot help for sure.

do not panic and stay calm.
and acks2257 : remember to chant the mantra "ignorance is bliss"

as bro chinesetea puts it : "close your PC's and come back after a week"

save yourselves from heartburn :-)

my teenie weenie 2 sen.


2014-04-04 12:17 | Report Abuse

takpe bro tewnama. sabar. saya rase mungkin ini juga isi tersirat uncleZ "The party just began".

ingat lagi post yg lepas yang beliau katakan, banyak UMA akan datang tahun ini.. mungkin ini juga dikaitkan party just began :-)... tapi kita ingat juga yg beliau mengatakan: UMA adalah baik. Saya percaya warning dan designation ini adalah baik untuk DSONIC. - ini akan deter ppl from buying on loan (duit yang sebenaryne bukan milik anda) - "free money" inilah yg akan menjahanamkan kebanyakan retail players.


2014-04-04 12:09 | Report Abuse

FYI bro chinesetea tgh tidur... he is not hiding.


2014-04-04 12:07 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, sebenarnye zoom tanye ex-date dividen... bukan ex-date bonus...


2014-04-04 12:06 | Report Abuse

oraits. terima kasih bro tewnama. bro akan hadir EGM 16 April?... nampaknya hasrat bro untuk beli myVI untuk anak u kena tunggu lama sikit.. takpe, i am sure sure sampai punye... stay cool and steady :-)


2014-04-04 11:57 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, memang best PRESBHD. enjoy the scenery.... i top up lagi tadi. harap2 my analysis and faith is correct.... untuk dividennya, yg seterusnye bile ex-date? adakah hanya tahu lepas EGM 16 April?


2014-04-04 11:55 | Report Abuse

bro tonylim, morning. memang experienced (eat salt more than I eat rice). yday u said did some mild selling (DSONIC). a lot to learn from you bro. what's your take on the sharp fall today?... further bloodshed expected?


2014-04-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

I believe you Pavillion. will top up on opportunity. thanks for the +ve news :-)


2014-04-04 11:26 | Report Abuse

tq bro Pavillion. :-)