
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-04-04 11:24 | Report Abuse

good timetime.
just recite the mantra "ignorance is blissx3" :-)

enjoy your coffee ! (would you like to have some 3in1 Tesco Teh Tarik? -man, I wish i can get some commission from Tesco for this free word of mouth advertising :p)


2014-04-04 11:10 | Report Abuse

bro timetime, bro invest1818, cool cool... don't get mad bcuz of insignificant party poopers...
remember what uncleZ said, the party just began...
Zen mode.


2014-04-04 10:52 | Report Abuse

steady brew's, jangan goyah...


2014-04-04 10:51 | Report Abuse

*Ignorance is Bliss x3*
SiWanDai period...


2014-04-03 17:21 | Report Abuse

Pinpin what does go 'Penang' means?


2014-04-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

volume has picked up, but price seems under pressure....


2014-04-03 16:37 | Report Abuse

yes sir Firebird2 ! definitely making full use of my time - quality time with family at every opportune.

hahaha, u mean forget to open my trusty National/Panasonic fridge where i placed my golden goose (oh no this doesnt sound right - well keeping her cool and comfy ma..so that she can lay golden eggs many many times..) u mean? :p


2014-04-03 16:26 | Report Abuse

Yes Firebird2 bro. I have gone through a couple of them, and it breaks my heart just thinking. that is why i treasure every second and every breath i take everyday. no amount of money or materials can buy them back. Life is short. very short.


2014-04-03 16:18 | Report Abuse

Brunei Lim, belum sampai 24hours oredi promise broken. very sad. sigh...


2014-04-03 14:09 | Report Abuse

bracoli bro, more like Transformasi:-

"Investobots, Transform and rollout !" (chuchuchuchuchuet) :-)

Every morning when I drive to work, whenever i spot the Ecoworld Starex MPV (2255) ferrying their workers to office... I smile... This MPV used to be SP SETIA's ... hehehe


2014-04-03 14:03 | Report Abuse

bro FIrebird2, logically ppl may choose (B), but more often than not they end up working their a** off to 'earn' more $$$ to pay loans and debt :-) thus they are lost yet again in the realm of "i've got time left, must maximize it to earn $$" ... then only realize it too late yet again... .kekekekeek it is a Vicious cycle....

I agree with your wisdom and definitely keep it on my mind everytime "money vs time" question arises. quality time is veryveryvery important.... as the saying goes - duit boleh di cari bile2, tapi masa, jika terlepas akan hilang sampai bile2... :-)

"live to forget, don't live to regret..."

sosfinance: good stuff. thanks !

HHUATTx3 arr brew's !


2014-04-03 13:47 | Report Abuse

Hidinfo Hidinfopw why never tell earlier??! before 12.30 maa... aiseh... :-)


2014-04-03 12:38 | Report Abuse

Ong Lai lai lai... HHUUUATx3 ARR ! ZZZZooOOM FLY FLY FLY our portfolios !

invest1818 bro, i baru small2 huat at 19%, confirmed greenhorn :-)


2014-04-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

1n1792, can i call you timetime instead? kekekeke. you seem to always enter just in the nick - at the right time. u masuk je the share shoots up :-) HHUATT ARR !


2014-04-03 10:12 | Report Abuse

1n1792, better don't reveal too much details, later bro chinesetea might risk kena slap slap 衰公!!!! :p kekekeke


2014-04-03 07:31 | Report Abuse

Bro chinesetea: mantap !


2014-04-03 07:30 | Report Abuse

The countdown begins.....


2014-04-03 07:04 | Report Abuse

Gd morning brews.
Bro chinesetea : ahaahahhaahaahhaha ROTFLOL !!!

Btw the Nigerian fund scheme sounds very Ponzi-like :p


2014-04-02 23:42 | Report Abuse

Hui sey.... So happening oredi lah this thread.... Best....

All the antiques sudah keluar... Chaitt...Kakakakaka.... Anyway welcome to the lounge Christine. (not that I am one of the otais here, more like a nonsense writer n daydreamer je)

Ok. Better sleep. Later kena slapx2 :p oh very TQ bro chinesetea :p

Tomorrow HHUAATTx3 arr some more...
"Mari nenas, Mari Mari Mari pineapple"

Gnite brew's....


2014-04-02 18:20 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho... brother chinesetea. TQ !


2014-04-02 18:16 | Report Abuse

bro tewnama, itulah sebabnye kalau u observe masa perayaan cina, kebiasaannye mesti ada guna pineapple untuk sembahyang.. ada maksudnye di sebalik tabir.. :-) kekeke

"ong lai ong lai... HHuaTx3 arr brew's !"


2014-04-02 17:59 | Report Abuse

matrix6050: no worries. but i remember there was a time (actually just a only a month or so ago)where bro Pavillion used to say :- no need to think, just buy the next available sell queue - bcuz today's high is tomo low. anyway, timing the "lowest" point proved to be futile, so i went ahead and followed bro Pavilion advice. so far so good. of coz, at this point in time, our beloved DSONIC goose is going through a "rough" patch, so 'fear' is in the air.

the Warren Buffet "adage" "Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful" seems to hold true for this counter..

just my teenie weenie 2sen.

Gd Luck and HHHHUATTT arr !


2014-04-02 17:50 | Report Abuse

wow bro chinesetea. very insightful long winded post. kekeke :-) definitely good read for n00b like me.

1n1792, yeshh... but... i'm afraid PRES hard will be hard to decide when to SELL :-)

bro chinesetea, nope I didn't queue to get the bargain. i think my holdings are enuff dy(liar liar pants on fire - so long as never lose pants ok ma). perhaps I queued too low a price kot hahaha.


2014-04-02 15:59 | Report Abuse

bro 1n1792, i m sure u meant profit taking by "short term" players right?..


2014-04-02 15:55 | Report Abuse

bro htp123synergy, i noticed you sudah "mellowed" down (from CAPITAL to huruf kecik) kekeke


2014-04-02 15:54 | Report Abuse

it is at times like this one should ask "boleh beli ka?" the definite answer is YES !


2014-04-02 15:52 | Report Abuse

bro SIva68: u r absolutely right ! :-)

i rasa pekerja scable masa buat kabel untuk towel eh eh.. tower (aha! OCK!) yg kena panjat tinggi2 tuh ada bawa bekalan nenas sarawak untuk makan dan recharge. yum yum best sedap !


2014-04-02 15:06 | Report Abuse

ada juga makna sebalik tabir....

"nenas sarawak" kan sedap... manis dan best !


2014-04-02 15:05 | Report Abuse

hahahah. betul betul, sudah check. memang betul syarikat bikin kabel.

itu nenas ialah kata similar dalam bahasa cina untuk "ong mari" - ong lai juga adalah nenas dlm bahasa hokkien. kekeke.


2014-04-02 14:48 | Report Abuse

lai lai lai, ong lai ong lai...

"come come come, pineapple pineapple"

Happy HUATing brew's !


2014-04-02 14:46 | Report Abuse

Ok Lim. its a promise then. put this goose aside and let it roam freely till end of this year. come back to check on it 30/12/2014. set?


2014-04-02 14:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks Firebird2 :-) well, the kids were not feeling well, so there was a reason for their crankiness :-) thx for the tips ya ! appreciate it.

bro tonylim, Chrollo put the title "Hi all, this group is created in order to discuss value stocks. Talk anything here! muahahha"
kekeke... chillax, I belanja you my Tesco 3in1 Teh Tarik. ok?

matrix6050: takpe, try again.... just to share, yday i itchy and oredi cheong at 1.33... kekeke. i think i have enuff (lying la nih) holdings dy. now just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Star Cruise ship is about to upgrade from superstar Gemini to superstar Virgo very soon :-)


2014-04-02 14:16 | Report Abuse

jia you.. jia you ? :-)


2014-04-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

Danke bro tonylim. :-)


2014-04-02 14:12 | Report Abuse

Brunei Lim (hope u don't mind me calling u that, if yes pls let me know), if you stick to your plan, and hold it for 1 year, u sure tua huat. relax and stay put.


2014-04-02 14:09 | Report Abuse

Thx bro Firebird2, bro tonylim.

Yep. those phrases are very true.
I have realized it and been spending more quality time with family :-)
life is just too short.


2014-04-02 13:47 | Report Abuse

(Siren) pee poo x3
(Pengawas bursa) : bang, janganlah terbang laju sangat. Kita pun nak huat juga...

Pt 2:-
(Ben10 n gang) : "v r not aware of any corporate development or explanation that could give rise to the unusual trading activities"
" tapi baiklah, kita slow down sikit flight speed. Spock slow down to warp 2. thereafter maximum warp speed."
(Spock) : "aye aye sir... (clunk) sorry sir we hit a speed bump at sector 0935. engine not at optimum speed now. maintaining warp 5. will resume maximum warp once rectified"

to be honest, I was quite reluctant to post after reading the trail of postings since the warning came out from Bursa yday. the atmosphere is so tense. Chillax (Chill and Relax) la brews. This is a forum, need not be too serious... no one is pointing a gun to your heads and force u to put in $$$ to invest, its ultimately your choice, and yours only. like bro RaviKumar posted, "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you made the wrong decision" ...

just my 2sen.

Chillax brew's and happy HUATing in your chosen stocks!


2014-04-02 13:46 | Report Abuse

ok bro tonylim :-)
no problem. me relaxed and chilling :-)


2014-04-02 13:34 | Report Abuse

TQ bro Firebird2. well said. I shall heed the advice close to my heart always. :-)


2014-04-02 13:15 | Report Abuse

kt99: if you refer to uncleZ's posting back in Jan :-
"3.99 a piece is plain cheap if you can see what this man can deliver" .... you decide how much the price will up....

USApg :prime land without world class mgmt + execution team = prime land. Can't unlock optimum value.

just my 2sen. don't mean to offend anyone ya.

wish everyone HUATx3 in whichever stocks you are chasing ! :-)
Happy HuATing !


2014-04-02 13:09 | Report Abuse

betul betul bro tewnama. saya newbie simpan dari 1.10 pun tak cemas... saya caya sama uncleZ, sama LTAT dan bro. TQ banyak2...


2014-04-02 13:06 | Report Abuse

cherry tomato : what's BEP ? Black Eyed Peas ? (sorry i am very inclined to songs)
"and I just can't get enough.... "


2014-04-02 13:03 | Report Abuse

matrix6050 : uncleT very "naughty" ... sent us the isi tersirat yesterday... kekeke btw did u manage to collect more OCK?

looks like the bursa warning on DSONIC didn't really impacted goose' price significantly. any brews here managed to top up? :-)

bro asamlaksa and chineseTea, I didn't slept well last night. lucky i haven't read chinesetea's useful speculative post before i slept :p nope I didn't kill my goose either. --> kids crying all night - cranky... kekekeke


2014-04-02 12:58 | Report Abuse

Firebird2: best kan?.. seeing our lovely goose slowlyy and steadily inching towards station no.4 syiok !


2014-04-02 12:56 | Report Abuse

wah lan deh, tsunami coming?...


2014-04-02 11:18 | Report Abuse

Steady brew's.... Stay focused. Stay calm. Sure huat punya....


2014-04-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

Yahooo! Ong Sudah Mali! Yippie yay!

HHUaTx3 arr brew's!


2014-04-02 00:08 | Report Abuse

Huah 2862862 u read my mind and beat me to it!