[MUHIBAH] QoQ Quarter Result on 30-Sep-2010 [#3]

Announcement Date
Admission Sponsor
Financial Year
30-Sep-2010 [#3]
Profit Trend
QoQ- -19.94%
YoY- 195.97%
Quarter Result
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
Revenue 513,102 394,336 605,893 289,134 463,280 410,577 679,306 -17.10%
PBT 23,288 25,083 3,698 21,309 19,435 8,835 15,171 33.17%
Tax -5,890 -5,620 9,195 -8,712 -5,378 -2,098 -13,947 -43.79%
NP 17,398 19,463 12,893 12,597 14,057 6,737 1,224 489.64%
NP to SH 13,817 18,200 8,226 8,635 10,785 5,298 -7,621 -
Tax Rate 25.29% 22.41% -248.65% 40.88% 27.67% 23.75% 91.93% -
Total Cost 495,704 374,873 593,000 276,537 449,223 403,840 678,082 -18.89%
Net Worth 483,195 472,882 396,593 336,685 339,747 325,728 546,762 -7.93%
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
Div - - 13,880 - - - 9,833 -
Div Payout % - - 168.74% - - - 0.00% -
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
Net Worth 483,195 472,882 396,593 336,685 339,747 325,728 546,762 -7.93%
NOSH 399,335 397,379 396,593 396,100 395,054 392,444 393,354 1.01%
Ratio Analysis
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
NP Margin 3.39% 4.94% 2.13% 4.36% 3.03% 1.64% 0.18% -
ROE 2.86% 3.85% 2.07% 2.56% 3.17% 1.63% -1.39% -
Per Share
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
RPS 128.49 99.23 152.77 73.00 117.27 104.62 172.70 -17.93%
EPS 3.46 4.58 2.08 2.18 2.73 1.35 -1.94 -
DPS 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 -
NAPS 1.21 1.19 1.00 0.85 0.86 0.83 1.39 -8.85%
Adjusted Per Share Value based on latest NOSH - 396,100
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
RPS 70.19 53.95 82.89 39.55 63.38 56.17 92.93 -17.10%
EPS 1.89 2.49 1.13 1.18 1.48 0.72 -1.04 -
DPS 0.00 0.00 1.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.35 -
NAPS 0.661 0.6469 0.5425 0.4606 0.4648 0.4456 0.748 -7.93%
Price Multiplier on Financial Quarter End Date
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
Date 30/06/11 31/03/11 30/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 -
Price 1.42 1.62 1.50 0.89 0.93 1.01 1.00 -
P/RPS 1.11 1.63 0.98 1.22 0.79 0.97 0.58 54.32%
P/EPS 41.04 35.37 72.32 40.83 34.07 74.81 -51.61 -
EY 2.44 2.83 1.38 2.45 2.94 1.34 -1.94 -
DY 0.00 0.00 2.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 -
P/NAPS 1.17 1.36 1.50 1.05 1.08 1.22 0.72 38.34%
Price Multiplier on Announcement Date
30/06/11 31/03/11 31/12/10 30/09/10 30/06/10 31/03/10 31/12/09 CAGR
Date 26/08/11 26/05/11 25/02/11 26/11/10 30/08/10 31/05/10 16/03/10 -
Price 1.11 1.73 1.47 1.24 0.86 0.88 0.92 -
P/RPS 0.86 1.74 0.96 1.70 0.73 0.84 0.53 38.20%
P/EPS 32.08 37.77 70.87 56.88 31.50 65.19 -47.49 -
EY 3.12 2.65 1.41 1.76 3.17 1.53 -2.11 -
DY 0.00 0.00 2.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.72 -
P/NAPS 0.92 1.45 1.47 1.46 1.00 1.06 0.66 24.86%

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.

NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.

Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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