every year there will be a handful of stocks that will do well and a lot don't. If you spread your money into 50 stocks, at best a mediocre result, and unlucky can lose 10% or more. Because Bursa alone is so difficult , people like Philips and Icon have to go global to find out- performance.
New IPO: Pantech Global Berhad, a manufacturer of butt weld pipe fittings and welded pipes, aims to list on the Main Market!
MQ Trader 136 views | 15 h ago
New IPO: ES Sunlogy Berhad, a provider of mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineering services and renewable energy solutions, aims to list on the ACE Market!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,876 posts
Posted by UnicornP > 2019-08-22 15:58 | Report Abuse
So far 5G hot stocks : OSAT(Inari), ATE(Penta, Vitrox), Semicon back-end(Frontkn, UWC), HDD(Dufu, Notion). Bonus: Salute