"Just like Japan was first founded as a Japanese realm, Korea as a Korean realm, China as a Chinese realm & so on."
Don't compare the slothy laidbacks to diligent, intelligent and hardworking Chinese, Japanese or Korean or any other race in the world. It is wishful thinking of a dreamer riding inside a pot.
The Portugese, Dutch and Brits have historic evidence of that shameful feature of the entitled parasites of the nation.
Only in this place can an offspring of an immigrant call the indigenous guys all kinds of demeaning degrading names, badmouth, slander & defame them non-stop etc. etc. etc. & still get away with it scot free
They try doing the same thing in some other place like Thailand or Indonesia, they'd be toast in two minutes. An immigrant's son calling an indigenous man a name like 'parasite' would certainly be dead meat in pretty short order.
I guess being a so called 'laid back' people does carry some virtuous positive upsides huh
BTW, in Singapore the term 'immigrant' is no big deal at all. Indeed they themselves constantly quite honestly refer to themselves as a 'nation of immigrants'.
Only in this place some guys seem to hv somehow for some reason best known only to themselves become so supersensitive about it.
Personally i happen to agree with Morgan Freeman. The day we stop thinking of myself as a Chinese man or a Malay man or Indian man and start thinking of myself as Malaysian is the day Malaysia moves forward.
We can celebrate ethnicity without pushing racism as a means of controlling population and gaining favors.
Even today we teach our kids about racism, about how some children with 7A can get full scholarship to study medicine while others with 15As can't get scholarship for medicine because of the color of their skin. Or how some individuals get huge benefits like asb and 5% housing discount over others and how some land can only be bought by bumi. Funnily enough, the very fact that this racism happen has caused the land value of bumi lot to drop as it is not accessable to everyone.
Let's stop talking about it, let's stop teaching our children about racism. Let's just concentrate on looking at people as Mr yusoff and Mr Chin instead of this white guy and that Chinese guy. Once we stop segregating individuals and choosing our friends based on skin color we will have a better future.
I guarantee it.
So let us forget about Malays and colonialism and Malaysian Chinese and making that divide larger. Let us teach our kids to respect Malays as Malaysians and I believe they will do the same. This deep seated racism is being fanned out in public to no good end.
Sslee, please stick to stock investment. This is a stock investment website. Stop fanning racism and political comments here and STICK TO STOCK INVESTING. Probably your investing will get better then.
Good morning Philip, Quote, “Sslee, please stick to stock investment. This is a stock investment website. Stop fanning racism and political comments here and STICK TO STOCK INVESTING. Probably your investing will get better then” unquote
I’m quity as charged in talking politics, out of my love for this nation because I believe we all are entirely dependent on the correct and proper Policies meted out by the ruling Government of the day always.
But I protest strongly to your unfound accusation of fanning racism. I believe in the beauty and strength of diversity because throughout my working life, I had work in multinational company where we are a multinational, multi-ethnicity, multi-culture, multi-religion and multi-mother-tongue team where we together had achieved so much for the company. Imagine if the same principles will to apply to the nation for surely we can achieve even more for the nation. But alas this was not the case due to politic of “Hatred, Corruption, Bribery, Racism, Religiosity, Indoctrination, Cash is king and Abuse of Power had undermined our unity and our nation building.
{In posting a message supporting Floyd, Nazir said he was late in doing so because he had been reflecting on how prevalent this problem is in our own society. "How minorities here face the same challenges every day. How institutionalised measures to redress inequality between races have been abused or become out of date, and need to be overhauled. "How we don’t even define racism or legislate against it. Our nationhood – what it means to be Malaysian and how our government, economy and society work – needs recalibration," he said. He added that there was need for a platform to deliberate a new model for Malaysia.}
Is “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” and hope evil will disappear someday the best policy?
By the way many of my former Malay subordinates call me “Sir” when they happen to meet me. And in 2 occasions when I meet Mat Sabu in airport I bought him coffee/cake and we talk for hour.
The pessimists complain about the vanishing values of their country currency (compared to USD), increasingly inhumane level of poverty (especially among the college students) and siding towards sat*nic life values of treachery, robbery and jealousy.
The optimists expect education to improve everything- every blocks in that vicious cycle of misery.
Real leaders uplift the nation as a whole- intact; without using ignoble 'divide and rule'
In his speech, Dr Mahathir also said that Malaysians were formerly known to have good command of the English language. Dr Mahathir encouraged Malaysians to master English which he described as a “universal language” and crucial for acquiring new knowledge to help the country progress, saying that learning the language would not diminish their Malay or Malaysian identity.
Speaking at an international conference on emerging issues in public policy at Universiti Malaya’s Institute of Public Policy and Management, Tun Daim said to participate in IR 4.0, Malaysia must go through a knowledge-based economy. But he scoffed at how the country is still arguing over something like whether Maths and Science should be taught in English when the rest of the world has focused efforts on introducing “advanced curriculum” that focuses on IR 4.0. This, he said, makes their youth more competitive and relevant in a world that is going to be dominated by artificial intelligence and robotics in the near future “While we are still mired in the political rhetoric of languages, others around us have moved beyond English or Mandarin or Bahasa Malaysia into the language of programming and coding. “When will we realise just how far behind we are and lacking?”
PS: It is time now for parents to teach their children early on that there are beauty and strength in diversity and God created us all different for a reason, that we may know each other and come to see, appreciate and embrace the beauty and strength in God created diversity. Let’s us truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance.
Sslee and me were so optimistic that Past Hope gomen could have improved our country narrative to foster inclusiveness,unity and harmony (beyond tolerance); as well as reform our education to world class like Singapore - not unrealistic as we have been spending huge budget on this
He is old but has neither gain the insight that it's only right and good and stop perpetuating the myth that certain ethnicity of Malaysians were rich, and nor that such unfair stereotyping is unforgivably harmful to racial harmony.
In Tun’s Book Malays Dilemma new preface Previously Tun blame hereditary factors of in-breed, poor education and poor health contributed to the poor performance of the Malays.
But today’s Malays are better educated and more healthy. They should really be doing better. Indeed they are doing much better. We see more Malays with PhDs and as professionals. Some of the most highly regarded physicians and surgeons are Malays as are architects, engineers and scientists. Education and health are no longer negatively affecting the Malays.
As I said earlier, hereditary factors no longer hamper the development of the Malays. But what has become more evident and more influential is the role of culture and value system.
I cannot deal with this subject in this second introduction. It is too big a subject and requires very careful analysis of cause and effect if it is not going to be rejected and condemned. But there can be no doubt that the biggest single factor which has prevented the achievement of the New Economic Policy’s objectives to reduce the disparities between the Malays and the other races is the system of values of the Malays and their actual practices.
I hope to be able to revise The Malay Dilemma at some stage in the future. My analysis and views were based on observations in the 60s. Since then the country has made great strides. Although the Malays have not been able to keep up, there can be no doubt that they have made noticeable progress. I need to identify the reasons why they have not benefited as much as they should from the New Economic Policy and the measures taken by the governments of Malaysia. And perhaps I may be able to suggest remedies.
What Tun did not mention is the role of religion has now playing even a bigger influential in shaping the mind of Malays.
None of the words and political-economy concepts are mlay. They are designed to keep the country coffer as atm for their elites, jeopardizing the nation so indebted to developed countries.
Independence itself does not promise prosperity. Only high tide lifts all boats. Economy must be strengthened by one who is trully capable only, not any prawn-brained backdoor ppl. But rampant corruption (among civilians and politicians), illegally business and half baked leaders who bet on doing the same discriminatory policies but expect a different result.
Fake education could never cut off their sweet tooth addiction of Karl's opium .....to allow them to rebuild themselves up from basic sapiens value of a global citizen.
Hundreds of years ago, malays were hindus! Then few opportunists saw a chance to be kings of one eye in kongdom of blindds! Hence we saw dozen or so became sultans! To oontrol the malays, religion was the best tool! Hence today, you can't find malays who are hindus, or christians or buddhists for that matter! In malay society, it's extremely taboo not to be identify as muslims! It's hammered in the constitution! But to make matter worst, the need to control over malays remains! Hence why we see malay politicians playing that role! Pas with their fake holymen! Umno with the fake malay supremacists! Bersatu with their ever fake dignity! Then again, Bersatu is the the fakest of them all! Or actually Pas holymen are the worst culprits! In local chinese society, it's totally different ball game altogether! Education is upmost importance! And 2nd, money! Those who are highly educated and wealthy are look upon which those have nots are sweep under the carpet! Hence that's why the poor 40% local chinese are treated as non existent! Sad but truth! Local chinese has zero loyalty to any party! But the herd mentality decide which party should represent them! It's like 100% Mca of the past but 100% Dap now! But then again, at this point, with the Lims so addicted to corridor of power and their association with Mahathir, i really don't know! Maybe already split, maybe not! I am not sure! I am not sure what point i am trying to make here! But it's obvious, local chinese are very adaptive to acquiring knowledge! Chinese understood that acquiring knowledge can be done via many language! And to tell you the truth, it's very difficult for chinese to learn English compare to malays! Why, because chinese learn mandarin first! And to learn English, you have to relearn new alphabet altogether! That's why you see chinese until their adult life still depend on Mandarin English dictionary! What i am trying to say it, learning English for malays are much easily compare to chinese! There's no reason why learning science and maths should be abolished in national schools! But i guess malay politicians simply refuse to let malays become smarter!
Efforts by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in emphasising the importance of English in all fields of study have enabled it to produce marketable graduates, said its pro-chancellor, Arshad Ayub. He said this had made employers more keen to employ UiTM graduates than those from other universities. “In the early years of its establishment, 90% of the lecturers at the university (then known as the Mara Institute of Technology – ITM) taught in English and it also emphasised professional courses,” he said when appearing as a guest on Bernama News Channel’s “Nine 11” programme today. Besides being able to master the English language, he said UiTM graduates were also in demand because of the professionalism and integrity ingrained by the university.
Posted by richestman > Jun 30, 2020 5:05 PM | Report Abuse
I was once asked to check for my friends daughter assignment who was in 2nd yr of U. I dont know how to correct for her, instead I have to rewrite everything, bec I couldnt find any proper sentences with correct grammar, the most her English was only Form 3 standard.
What do you expect with all the makan gaji buta and chedet-testified lazy educators from the 'majority'
The Paradox Of The 'Majority' (by cetek akal centenarian)
Glorify middle eastern narrative, bury very own native, begetting a generation to be accurately described as naive
Too obsess to copy, lose out in originality, begetting a false sense of security or insecurity
High in religiosity, but low in human qualities, begetting kleptocracy, trickery and treachery
High education budget, but low quality graduates, resulting in high unemployment and poverty rate
Years increase politicians' age but not making them compassionate, resorting to sinful 'divide and rule' usage
Promise noble vision, but lame in action, indulging only in condemnable corruption, despicable deception and unscrupulous manipulation
Lots of politicking, but poor in delivering, regressing while watching neighbour countries progressing
Indulge in luxury, neglect those in poverty, denying meritocracy, settling with mediocrity
Depend on leaked questions and bigotry judges to pass examinations and win in competition respectively, whence the concept, practice and existence of fairness, justice and equality
Posted by richestman > Jun 30, 2020 5:10 PM | Report Abuse
I called govern office one day and spoken to a Malay guy in simple English, he dont understand and he told me off that this was Malaysia not orang putih punya country, and I should speak to him in Malay.
That's their manners. In my chat groups, they disregard people of different backgrounds...........
.............for example, whenever they announce someone of their faith pass away, the other 'majority' will post all kinds of arabic terms in the chat group
The Paradox Of A Nation (by cetek akal centenarian)
Paradise for third-world foreigners and homeless refugees, yet many local people couldn't wait to emigrate because of suffocating religiosity, dirty money or discriminatory policies; High in religiosity, yet low in human qualities, begetting kleptocracy, trickery and treachery;
Lots of politicking, but poor in delivering, regressing while watching neighbour countries progressing; High education budget, but low quality graduates, resulting in high unemployment and poverty rates;
Years increase politicians' age but not making them compassionate, resorting to sinful 'divide and rule' usage; Promise noble vision, but lame in action, indulging only in condemnable corruption, despicable deception and unscrupulous manipulation;
Indulge in luxury, neglect those in poverty, denying meritocracy, settling with mediocrity; Shamelessly depend on leaked questions and bigotry judges to pass examinations and win in competition respectively, whence the concept, practice and existence of fairness, justice and integrity;
Thoughtlessly ruthless use of exclusive terminology and sentences in common chat groups, whence the manner of being considerate of others
The Paradox Of The 'Majority' (by cetek akal centenarian)
Glorify middle eastern narrative, bury very own native, begetting a generation to be accurately described as naive
Too obsess to copy, lose out in originality, begetting a false sense of security or insecurity
High in religiosity, but low in human qualities, begetting kleptocracy, trickery and treachery
High education budget, but low quality graduates, resulting in high unemployment and poverty rate
Years increase politicians' age but not making them compassionate, resorting to sinful 'divide and rule' usage
Promise noble vision, but lame in action, indulging only in condemnable corruption, despicable deception and unscrupulous manipulation
Lots of politicking, but poor in delivering, regressing while watching neighbour countries progressing
Indulge in luxury, neglect those in poverty, denying meritocracy, settling with mediocrity
Depend on leaked questions and bigotry judges to pass examinations and win in competition respectively, whence the concept, practice and existence of fairness, justice and equality
Thoughtlessly ruthless use of exclusive terminology and sentences in common chat groups, whence the manner of being considerate of others;
Have they not realized that they are
- losing their unique identity, culture and language subtly?
- evolving from a unique original to become a failed copy?
- indulging in religiosity, and compromising work quality?
" If I were the chairman of preliminary investigation committee of MMC; how would I get unanimous consensus of 'insufficient ground to charge the Doctor', who had seriously violated the rules of MMC and the Law as well; from 4 secretariat, 4 retired Doctors and 1 lawyer, in just 4 short meetings, 1 adjourned, and the meeting was spread between an interval of 6 months?"
"Chinese understood that acquiring knowledge can be done via many language! And to tell you the truth, it's very difficult for chinese to learn English compare to malays! Why, because chinese learn mandarin first! And to learn English, you have to relearn new alphabet altogether! That's why you see chinese until their adult life still depend on Mandarin English dictionary!"
Every students learn their mother tongue, national and English languages from primary. I doubt the Chinese has difficulty in mastering English.
I would say it is their lack of interest in English and it is simply not a priority. Other contributing factors are removal of compulsory pass in English in 1980s, unqualified teachers, degraded standard and laughable teaching material and examination questions.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,964 posts
Posted by DickyMe > 2020-06-29 17:43 | Report Abuse
"Just like Japan was first founded as a Japanese realm, Korea as a Korean realm, China as a Chinese realm & so on."
Don't compare the slothy laidbacks to diligent, intelligent and hardworking Chinese, Japanese or Korean or any other race in the world. It is wishful thinking of a dreamer riding inside a pot.
The Portugese, Dutch and Brits have historic evidence of that shameful feature of the entitled parasites of the nation.