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2 comment(s). Last comment by teoct 2020-11-02 13:23


480 posts

Posted by teoct > 2020-11-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

Very sad that Ms Tey had the view that Malaysia do not have state healthcare. She is very misinform. I think she lives in an echo-chamber. There certainly are a lot of Malaysian who thinks that the country (Malaysia) is going bankrupt and that palm oil is bad for one's health, etc etc...

While family being bankrupted from high medical bills, well this is prevailing even in UK, US, the Western countries as well as in Malaysia, in fact all over the world.

As a responsible citizen of the world, please research (and she is a researcher for god sake) your "facts" before making claims or statement.

Gosh, now I am beginning to wonder the quality of her research.

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