nice approach Calvin, and i like your caveat at the bottom "buy or sell at your own risk" .... you are turning out to be a professional financial advisor, reporting on facts and never to mislead. If talk about long term.... 10 years and above investing, banks are the safest bet, yes it can go up and down, but dividend is pretty assured - it will range 3-4% yield initially but after a few years with appreciation the yield will get better. Palm oil play for now is purely due to the market imbalance.... which carries its own risk, as we can see CPO is hovering at about 5,500 from about 6.500 just about 10 days ago.
calvin likes to spin a lot of stories which are speculative at best.
For example, Netx was going to be the company that will benefit tremendously from the NFC project. He went overboard there spinning lots and lots of lies. So much for his integrity and his religious beliefs.
He will be more credible if he just stays with the fundamentals of the companies he wish to share and share his intrinsic value for these and the reasons for his enthusiasms on them. Other than these, he is just very noisy most of the time.
@Thomas Chan Yeu Wai: Nice article on the concept of dividends leading to cheaper holding costs. Had never look at it this way before.
BLee: Hi @Thomas Chan Yeu Wai, agreed on the concept, but only half the truth.. Question: Where did the dividend money come from? Usually profit making companies can afford to give dividends, that's one plus point in investing in such companies. The dividend is usually from this profit and the share price will be adjusted accordingly… Growth companies usually don't give good dividends, reserved money for growth purposes…
@calvintaneng: Actually Calvin is a life long student learning from everybody
And it is my duty to tell facts and truth. Though not all turn out as i hoped but still i happy to see more that is right side than wrong side
BLee: Hi Uncle @calvintaneng, I am also learning from you and everybody else. Since you mentioned hope "to see more that is right side than wrong side"; very much like to highlight that biodiesel is now commercially available from recycled cooking oil of all types.
And only Palm oil from seedlings to fruit bearing required a long gestation period, others plants and flowers oil a very much shorter planting period. That is another half truth..
In my limited experience, the sectors for dividends will always be finance, consumer and property (including REITs). These 3 are the building blocks of any country. Interest rate may change, consumer prices and subsequent stinginess or demand to buy may change and owning properties (for own use and recurrent income) are bedrocks
@calvintaneng: Palm oil takes longer to grow from planting to first drop of cooking oil is 4 to 5 years and after that it will still produce fruit
BLee: Hi Uncle @calvintaneng, I am using the word "gestation" meaning "return of investment" (ROI) only after "birth" and "delicate care" after years only can see the "fruits" of labour. How much money needs to be spent? Fast rotation means fast ROI. Which is better? I prefer the "cash crop"...
Another advantages of palm oil are it needs less than half the land required by other crops (such as sunflower, soybean or rapeseed) to produce the same amount of oil. This makes palm oil the least expensive vegetable oil in the world.
you will need to take into consideration of increase cost for fertilizer and labour cost. currently, there are more countries planting palm tree as well. not only Indonesia but India and South Amerika.
Another advantages of palm oil are it needs less than half the land required by other crops (such as sunflower, soybean or rapeseed) to produce the same amount of oil. This makes palm oil the least expensive vegetable oil in the world.
@BLee: agreed is half the truth based on adjusted share price once it goes EX. Just finding some comfort based on the recent sharp drop in KLCI. Using leverage at the moment and at times, dividends received used to cover a portion of amount owed to investment bank. I just have to cover the monthly interest payments until amount owed is fully repaid by dividends + certain amount of cash top ups.
@StartOfTheBull: Another advantages of palm oil are it needs less than half the land required by other crops (such as sunflower, soybean or rapeseed) to produce the same amount of oil. This makes palm oil the least expensive vegetable oil in the world.
BLee: Hi @StartOfTheBull, as mentioned earlier, I am happy Palm Oil price is very profitable now. Countries which have plenty of cheap and idling land are suitable for agriculture planting, land in Indonesia and Malaysia should be a non-issue. (Observed South Korea and Japan making full use of idling land by the road side and under elevated highway for planting!!, hope to see that in Malaysia due to the food crisis..) Did the calculation of Palm Oil, the least expensive vegetable oil in the world, factor in the upkeep planting from seedlings to produce the first drop of oil? I doubt it…
Palm oil and palm oil related products exports increased by 54% YoY in May 2022. Another prosperous month for oil palm plantations companies . Congratulations!
Interesting discussion. Another super Saturday. Thank you. Some how, I bought puer tea just for own consumption, never think of keeping it for years because afraid of it being eaten by cockroaches or deteriorate in quality for keeping it too long.
The appreciation of puer tea may be true but how easy can you find buyers for your skyrocketed price tea 10 or 20 years from now that will remain a question.
As i warned two weeks ago, based on my chart analysis, big boys already leaving the party. Retailers very obedient. Still holding strong. They continue to hold the bag. Don't kill the messenger. I only report what I see on the chart. FUNdamental can be FUN
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
56,865 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2022-06-16 23:25 |
Post removed.Why?