Pi Di Tan On Friday, if the Sitiawan Fuchiew shall jump to its death, Gpacket 0.44 to 0.38.....this should convincingly open our eyes how share-prices conveniently manipulated for the majority shareholders...... 27/02/2014 05:32
ahhhhhhhhh.................SitiawanFuckchiewManipulation ..........so predictable............ and OBVIOUS ......... even to unpaid/unsalaried men on the street................... but NOT to those RM5-10k monthlysalaried(plus pencen n sick/hospitalisation benefits) gajibuta SC boys/girls we people (via our 3rd-rate World-Class Gomen) tax-monies employed....shame on you and your ancestors!!!
ok-ok-ok-ok-ok...... I understand you r/needtobe too busy n preoccupied with insider-infos to enrich yourselves using nominees accounts.... " how do/can we enrich youselves if we to raise the strong arm of the laws so as to protect minority and retail investors .....hah?hah?hah?"
To provide some facts/evidence to those("poor" buta-buta contra-players/retails) who 's still unaware and doesnt know what i am talking abt..... check this: starting from 11.12.48(0.44)X10transactions , 11.26.16(0.435)X11transactions, 12.14.20(0.43)X14trs, 03.55.54(0.43)X9trs, 04.26.43(0.425)X13trs, 04.26.45(0.42)X29!!!!!trs, 04.26.45 X15(after Mid@0.42) causing another MIDs @0.415X6trs, another Mid@0.410X7trs........... 04.26.47@day'slow@0.405X8trs
Our kerja-buta but hidup-mewah n gaji-buta SC "SURVEILLANCE!!!!?????Unit" boys/girls : we supplied n armed and EMPOWERED YOU with all those tools/equipments/weapons/ammunitions such as instant-n-direct links to EACH N EVERY broker-houses for you to elict (obtain, draw out, extract, bring out, evoke, call forth, bring forth, induce, prompt, generate, engender, trigger, provoke,adduce.....more https://www.google.com/search?q=elicit&oq=elicit&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i65l3j69i59j69i60.25010j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8) BROKERS' CODES, clients accounts details, beneficiaries details, previous transaction patterns/records, criminal-profits n payment-sharebroker/bank accounts records, brokerhouses/bank margin-and share-nominees accounts records company share registers ad infinitum...........
That's why your ancestors will also symphatise with those poor souls who were frightened/scared by these types of unexplained/mysterious price-slumps through illegal manipulations (which made our Exchange world-famous 3rd-World Bourse n Financial Center) into parting their puny lots to these sharks.......and it happens day-in and day-out ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!
Amin. (also pronounced Ahmen, Aymen, Ameen or Amen)
This stock up because the deal, not due to company margin, as we all know, yhis company is loss making. About quarterly result, everybody should expected it. So, just wait for the deal.
kalo gua kasik lu tau, puan talipon bagi tau gua TM DEAL IS CONCLUDED or sapa sapa kat sini kasik lu tau. siap kasik lu harge. biler masuk biler keluar. lu caya ke? jagan bodoh caya kat lu sendili saje. banyak cilake yg suker tipu biginer kat sini
everybody knows the deal is ON thus it stays at 40-48 level, if OFF i guess go down to 18-20 :) Question : Deal is ON, who willing to buy the counter at 50, 55 or 60? or somebody may say 90....who who who ? everybody waiting to sell only......hahahahahahaha
Guy, Intel and GP court case how now? any impact? "AtahearingofIntel’sapplicationforsummaryjudgment,theCourthadreserveditsdecisionto1April2014astheParties are still negotiating a settlement structure for the put option."
some people just like to say bad things to mislead other gullible ppl to buy or sell. some ppl also likes to tease other ppl becoz he may have lost some money and just wants revenge.
if you do not have the stomach to lose some money then pls do not invest or trade. profit or loss is part n parcel of investing in stocks.
think of it like the mutual fund managers. one big portfolio.
but this seems kind of forum seems to be in gambling and not investing mindset. pity
This is my understanding, may not be correct: Intel invest RM50M to GP, which shall(MUST?) return RM60M. But GP can't make it to pay on time, thus now GP try to propose settlement with Intel. And the court had reserved its decision to 1/4/2014.
The way I look at it, Property, plant and equipment 2013 End is 604,130k, 2012 End is 705,323k. Reduce of 100 Million. Depreciation etc=31,397k....., where is another about 69,000k? And the 2013 infra built =?, is it not reflected or what(not finish build not count?)? Do I miss out any thing or figure?
blackdove The way I look at it, Property, plant and equipment 2013 End is 604,130k, 2012 End is 705,323k. Reduce of 100 Million. Depreciation etc=31,397k....., where is another about 69,000k? And the 2013 infra built =?, is it not reflected or what(not finish build not count?)? Do I miss out any thing or figure? blackdove The way I look at it, Property, plant and equipment 2013 End is 604,130k, 2012 End is 705,323k. Reduce of 100 Million. Depreciation etc=31,397k....., where is another about 69,000k? And the 2013 infra built =?, is it not reflected or what(not finish build not count?)? Do I miss out any thing or figure?
Selling of the HQ building worth about 40M - 50M may contribute to that decrease.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
13 posts
Posted by Torrent65 > 2014-02-28 16:48 | Report Abuse
AsiaWarrenBuffett, you are right, WHy???