CEO Dr Azman sudah lama dengan Inix sejak Okt 2010. Beliau banyak pengalaman dalam industry ICT. Mudah mudahan Inix dapat bangun semula menuju ke puncak kejayaan
Investment perlu mengambil masa seperti Hibiscus tahun 2016. Dah puas saya cari intan, dapat jumpa Inix yang murah. Business model nya cukup baik khasnya dengan pembelian HyperQb yang pakar dalam Mobile Game dan Apps. Bertambah baiknya dengan pembelian GMaritime yang hampir sama business dengan Benalac .
Inix is undergoing a process of change , moving on to the next phase ie dredging and land reclamation business. While the core is still ICT and software, more focus is on GMaritime.
G Maritime and HyperQB are both excellent aquisitions and investments for Inix. The contracts for GM in dredging and land reclamation are great amounting to RM 83 m. The IT segment secured contracts worth RM 13.79 m. Good opportunity for long term investors. Furthermore , there is zero bank borrowings and almost zero current liabilities. NTA almost 13s
Inix has good future prospects for growth. While moving into land reclamation, Inix can even venture into property development and shipping repairs industry since GM will be their major income cash cow soon
Betul bang, buyer sudah masuk. Seller pun sudah kurang. Simpan bang Hafizam, macam dulu saya mencari intan Hibiscus pada tahun 2016. Sekarang Hibiscus sudah melambung naik. Tunggu Inix dalam tahun 2018, land reclamation ialah salah satu business yang pesat membangun di Negara kita. Saya jangka akan setanding dengan Benalec
Inix has two main segments of business ie 1. their core bsusiness in ICT plus the recent purchased in HyperQB specializes in Mobile Apps and Gaming and 2. GMaritime specializes in dredging ,land reclamation with potential growth into property development and ship repairs.
CEO Dr Azman memegang jawatan ini sejak 8 Okt 2010. Beliau menjual saham nya hanya sekali sahaja pada tahun ini. Ada kemungkinan , beliau membeli semula saham Inix. Ada kemungkinan juga, director GM membeli saham Inix. Ada kemungkinan akan berlakunya RTO. Yang pentingnya, Inix hidup sebab tiga faktor. 1. Tiada hutang bank atau bond hingggakan nisbah hutang dengan equity hampir sifar. 2. Cash flow nya dari operating aktiviti sentiasa positif pada setiap sukuan 2017. 3. Perniagaan dan contract RM 83 juta dari GM dan RM 13 juta dari ICT sangat mengkagumkan . Semoga moganya , Inix akan terus maju kepuncak kejayaan.
There are jewels in the rubble. Inix is one of them. After studying this counter for more than 6 months, this is the company that has good potential for growth.
Hi Newmaster, sorry . I think we discuss in i3 forum and share our findings for all our Inix fans. Today, Inix is good. Lots of buyers and few sellers. Just be patient, lets wait it out.
So far G Maritime has 6 vessels to do dredging and land reclamation works. Inix just bought a new vessel worth RM 5.5 m. In Bursa, to my knowledge , Benalec and Hock Seng Lee are both in this area of work.
Yes sir, GMaritime accounts are audited for FYE 2016 as at 31 July 2016. For this year 2017, still waiting. Please go to AR 2016 Inix under the title Errata 2016
The ED still has a small balance remaining ie 200,000 shares left. However, the ED does not have any shares initially. It is ESIS shares. Maybe just a token or bonus from Inix management. Please check it out in the share analysis of QR 2016. You will notice there is another major shareholder in the picture, a new guy not seen b4 in the previous QR . I think Inix is in a transformation period. That is why the accounts are "clean up " , like IRIS. This is only my 2 cents idea.
The cash flow from operating activities is excellent, ie Inix has the cash to do daily business without any pp or sourcing from banks. The most recent RI ( in 2015 ) is for the purchased of 49% shares of GMaritime, a new vessel costing RM 5.5 m, and 25% shares of HyperQB company, specializing in Mobile App and Games. Just be patient to see the value of Inix appreciate. NTA is 12.8s now. Give it 1 years, like Hibiscus.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by B4b4 > 2017-10-05 08:12 | Report Abuse
CEO Dr Azman sudah lama dengan Inix sejak Okt 2010. Beliau banyak pengalaman dalam industry ICT. Mudah mudahan Inix dapat bangun semula menuju ke puncak kejayaan