Just google it 'bizapp' , then you will see the 'new' Inix in the making. Inix will have the largest Mall in Malaysia even without a physical mall. With BizApp and Virtual Mall, anyone can sell his products or merchandise with very low rental in the Inix Mall. It is something like Uber or Grab , largest taxi company without a single taxi. Alibaba, Airbnb, Amazon, eBay are the many examples of the powerful mobile app tool in the world of business. Inix will fly up and soon the profit will grow very fast.
let make it humble, can't say largest mall. lot more powerful mall lazada, alibaba,etc..but yes it can be great in the near future...but if near future it diversify to cryptocurrency wallet, yes it will be largest in Malaysia..if.just my dream
biasanya share price lebih laju dari berita..sebelum ape2 berita keluar share price akan mula bergerak sama ada naik atau turun..jadi dalam kes inix korang pandai2 lar menilai..ambil contoh dari kes2 sebelum ni..dgsb, trive, mqtech, palatte, wintoni dan lain2 lagi..harga saham mula bergerak sebelum berita keluar..
All i can see it is convenient for a small sellers, retailers,stokists, dropshippers to sell their items. Have sms blast features etc. (Check out yourself, i never use it,can't comment much, just some raw observation). I just hope it have English enable option, to expand further.... If like lazada, only for big players can sell. For buyers buyers protection quite good. Lelong, i dont know what to say,its been so long never use already (seems obsolete for me now)
Look at Netx who have overseas exposure while Inix have only Malaysia and look at Mara Digital Mall in Low Yat performance to compare and get real insight...
PUC dari 5.5s naik ke 28s. Marilah kita sabar tunggu untuk Inix menuju ke tahap yang jauh lebih tinggi. Inix mempunyai dua pembelian yang hebat iaitu HyperQB Sdn Bhd ..25% dan Galactic Maritime ...49% . Tambahan lagi BizApp dan Virtual Mall UiTM yang akan memberi keuntungan. Beli, simpan dan sabarlah, Inix akan menuju ke mercu kejayaan yang sangat mengkagumkan.
let be patience in a right place...i bought dgb since 5.5 cents, till now 14 cents, still holding using some profit...so here even low in shares would be more better if surge...patience amigos, its worth it...
Puc, myeg, mpay dan inix , semuanya ada keunikan bisnes masing masing. Semogamoganya ,Inix Virtual Mall akan berkembang dengan pesat nya dan akan muncul sebagai keunikan dan kekuatan Inix .
Setiap stock mesti ada wajahnya. Begitu lah dengan Inix. Identiti Inix ialah Virtual Mall nya. Mudah mudahan, identiti ini lah yang akan membawa Inix ke peringkat yang tinggi sambil menakjukkan.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
729 posts
Posted by Edwardong53 > 2017-12-15 09:31 | Report Abuse
Difficult to break 0.115. If the TP of 0.15-0.20 is meant for 2018; then should start buying only early next year.